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Parallel programs present some features such as concurrency, communication and synchronization that make the test a challenging activity. Because of these characteristics, the direct application of traditional testing is not always possible and adequate testing criteria and tools are necessary. In this paper we investigate the challenges of validating message‐passing parallel programs and present a set of specific testing criteria. We introduce a family of structural testing criteria based on a test model. The model captures control and data flow of the message‐passing programs, by considering their sequential and parallel aspects. The criteria provide a coverage measure that can be used for evaluating the progress of the testing activity and also provide guidelines for the generation of test data. We also describe a tool, called ValiPar, which supports the application of the proposed testing criteria. Currently, ValiPar is configured for parallel virtual machine (PVM) and message‐passing interface (MPI). Results of the application of the proposed criteria to MPI programs are also presented and analyzed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Unified Modeling Language (UML) activity diagrams are widely used to model concurrent interaction among multiple objects. In this paper, we propose a transformation‐based approach to generating scenario‐oriented test cases for applications modeled by UML activity diagrams. Using a set of transformation rules, the proposed approach first transforms a UML activity diagram specification into an intermediate representation, from which it then constructs test scenarios with respect to the given concurrency coverage criteria. The approach then finally derives a set of test cases for the constructed test scenarios. The approach resolves the difficulties associated with fork and join concurrency in the UML activity diagram and enables control over the number of the resulting test cases. We further implemented a tool to automate the proposed approach and studied its feasibility and effectiveness using a case study. Experimental results show that the approach can generate test cases on demand to satisfy a given concurrency coverage criterion and can detect up to 76.5% of seeded faults when a weak coverage criterion is used. With the approach, testers can not only schedule the software test process earlier, but can also better allocate the testing resources for testing concurrent applications. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses several approaches to designing and implementing shared‐memory communication protocol modules for the message‐passing interface (MPI) libraries, colloquially called ‘shared‐memory devices’. The authors present a new taxonomy for classifying designs for shared‐memory MPI communication devices and formulate design evaluation criteria. Using these criteria, the authors compare three existing shared‐memory devices for MPICH and choose the best one. The authors also present experimental results that support their choice. The contributions of this paper are three‐fold. First, the authors present the taxonomy for shared‐memory communication devices. Second, they show advantages and potential problems of the devices that belong to different classes of their taxonomy using the formulated design criteria. Third, they analyze communication performance of existing MPICH shared‐memory devices, discuss optimizations of their performance, and show the performance gains that these optimizations yield. MPICH is used for comparison, since it is a widely used MPI implementation. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concurrent programs are replacing the sequential programs as they utilize the true capabilities of multicore architecture. The extensive use of multicore systems and multithreaded paradigms warrants more attention to the testing of the concurrent programs. The testing concurrent program is not a new field as it has been more than 40 years because the first problem related to the testing concurrent program was addressed by the researchers. The field covers various domains, which include concurrency problems, testing approaches, techniques, graphical representations, tools, and subject systems. This paper aims at providing an overview of research in the domain of testing concurrent programs by classifying it into eight categories: (a) reachability testing, (b) structural testing, (c) model‐based testing, (d) mutation‐based testing, (e) slicing‐based testing, (f) formal methods, (g) random testing, and (h) search‐based testing. The survey is focused on the techniques applied, methodologies followed, and tools used in these aforementioned approaches. Furthermore, the gaps are also identified in different approaches. The paper concludes with the consolidation of various testing parameters along with the future directions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reachability testing is an approach to verifying concurrent programs. During reachability testing, every partially ordered synchronization sequence of a program with a given input is exercised exactly once. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a distributed reachability testing algorithm for a cluster of workstations. This algorithm allows different test sequences to be exercised concurrently by different workstations without any synchronization, and without any duplication of sequences among workstations. Dynamic load balancing is performed using a work‐stealing scheme. A novel aspect of this scheme is that work‐stealing requests progress in rounds. This round‐based structure identifies overloaded workstations to target for work stealing. Empirical studies show good speedup for four benchmark Java programs and one Lotos specification. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As an objected‐oriented programming language and a platform‐independent environment, Java has been attracting much attention. However, the trade‐off between portability and performance has not spared Java. The initial performance of Java programs has been poor, due to the interpretive nature of the environment. In this paper we present the communication performance results of three different types of message‐passing programs: native, Java and native communications, and pure Java. Despite concerns about performance and numerical issues, we believe the obtained results confirm that high‐performance parallel computing in Java is possible, as the technology matures and the approach is pragmatic.Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One approach to testing concurrent programs is called reachability testing, which derives test sequences automatically and on‐the‐fly, without constructing a static model. Existing reachability testing algorithms are exhaustive in that they are intended to exercise all possible synchronization sequences of a concurrent program with a given input. In this paper, we present a new testing strategy, called t‐way reachability testing, that adopts the dynamic framework of reachability testing but selectively exercises a subset of synchronization sequences. The selection of the synchronization sequences is based on a combinatorial testing strategy called t‐way testing. We present an algorithm that implements t‐way reachability testing, and report the results of several case studies that were conducted to evaluate its effectiveness. The results indicate that t‐way reachability testing can substantially reduce the number of synchronization sequences exercised during reachability testing while still effectively detecting faults. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Parallelism has become a way of life for many scientific programmers. A significant challenge in bringing the power of parallel machines to these programmers is providing them with a suite of software tools similar to the tools that sequential programmers currently utilize. Unfortunately, writing correct parallel programs remains a challenging task.In particular, automatic or semi‐automatic testing tools for parallel programs are lacking. This paper takes a first step in developing an approach to providing all‐uses coverage for parallel programs. A testing framework and theoretical foundations for structural testing are presented, including test data adequacy criteria and hierarchy, formulation and illustration of all‐uses testing problems, classification of all‐uses test cases for parallel programs, and both theoretical and empirical results with regard to what can be achieved with all‐uses coverage for parallel programs. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Message logging is an attractive solution to provide fault tolerance for message‐passing applications because it is more scalable than coordinated checkpointing. Sender‐based message logging is a well‐known optimization that allows the saving of message payload in the sender memory. Thus, only message reception events have to be logged reliably by using an event logger. This paper proposes solutions to further improve message logging protocol scalability. In existing works on message logging, the event logger has always been considered as a centralized process. We propose a distributed event logger that takes advantage of multi‐core processors that are to be executed in parallel with application processes, leveraging the volatile memory of the nodes to save events reliably. We also propose the combination of our distributed event logger and O2P, an active optimistic message logging protocol using a gossip‐based protocol to disseminate information on new stable events. Our distributed event logger and O2P are implemented in the Open MPI library. Our results show the following: (i) distributed event logging improves message logging protocol scalability and (ii) using O2P with a distributed event logger provides an efficient and scalable fault‐tolerant solution for message‐passing applications. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a semantic framework to debug synchronous message passing-based con- current programs, which are increasingly useful as parallel computing and distributed systems become more and more pervasive. We first design a concurrent programming language model to uniformly represent exist- ing concurrent programming languages. Compared to sequential programming languages, this model contains communication statements, i.e., sending and receiving statements, and a concurrent structure to represent com- munication and concurrency. We then propose a debugging process consisting of a tracing and a locating procedure. The tracing procedure re-executes a program with a failed test case and uses specially designed data structures to collect useful execution information for locating bugs. We provide for the tracing procedure a struc- tural operational semantics to represent synchronous communication and concurrency. The locating procedure backward locates the ill-designed statement by using information obtained in the tracing procedure, generates a fix equation, and tries to fix the bug by solving the fix equation. We also propose a structural operational semantics for the locating procedure. We supply two examples to test our proposed operational semantics.  相似文献   

Debuggers play an important role in developing parallel applications. They are used to control the state of many processes, to present distributed information in a concise and clear way, to observe the execution behavior, and to detect and locate programming errors. More sophisticated debugging systems also try to improve understanding of global execution behavior and intricate details of a program. In this paper we describe the design and implementation of SPiDER, which is an interactive source‐level debugging system for both regular and irregular High‐Performance Fortran (HPF) programs. SPiDER combines a base debugging system for message‐passing programs with a high‐level debugger that interfaces with an HPF compiler. SPiDER, in addition to conventional debugging functionality, allows a single process of a parallel program to be expected or the entire program to be examined from a global point of view. A sophisticated visualization system has been developed and included in SPiDER to visualize data distributions, data‐to‐processor mapping relationships, and array values. SPiDER enables a programmer to dynamically change data distributions as well as array values. For arrays whose distribution can change during program execution, an animated replay displays the distribution sequence together with the associated source code location. Array values can be stored at individual execution points and compared against each other to examine execution behavior (e.g. convergence behavior of a numerical algorithm). Finally, SPiDER also offers limited support to evaluate the performance of parallel programs through a graphical load diagram. SPiDER has been fully implemented and is currently being used for the development of various real‐world applications. Several experiments are presented that demonstrate the usefulness of SPiDER. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents two strategies for multi‐way testing (i.e. t‐way testing with t>2). The first strategy generalizes an existing strategy, called in‐parameter‐order, from pairwise testing to multi‐way testing. This strategy requires all multi‐way combinations to be explicitly enumerated. When the number of multi‐way combinations is large, however, explicit enumeration can be prohibitive in terms of both the space for storing these combinations and the time needed to enumerate them. To alleviate this problem, the second strategy combines the first strategy with a recursive construction procedure to reduce the number of multi‐way combinations that have to be enumerated. Both strategies are deterministic, i.e. they always produce the same test set for the same system configuration. This paper reports a multi‐way testing tool called FireEye, and provides an analytic and experimental evaluation of the two strategies. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In recent years, a variety of encryption algorithms were proposed to enhance the security of software and systems. Validating whether encryption algorithms are correctly implemented is a challenging issue. Software testing delivers an effective and practical solution, but it also faces the oracle problem (that is, under many practical situations, it is impossible or too computationally expensive to know whether the output for any given input is correct). In this paper, we propose a property-based approach to testing encryption programs in the absence of oracles. Our approach makes use of the so-called metamorphic properties of encryption algorithms to generate test cases and verify test results. Two case studies were conducted to illustrate the proposed approach and validate its effectiveness. Experimental results show that even without oracles, the proposed approach can detect nearly 50% inserted faults with at most three metamorphic relations (MRs) and fifty test cases.  相似文献   

This paper presents a context‐sensitive dynamic slicing technique for the concurrent and aspectized programs. To effectively represent the concurrent aspect‐oriented programs, we propose an intermediate graph called the multithreaded aspect‐oriented dependence graph (MAODG). The MAODG is a dynamic graph generated from the execution trace of a given program with respect to a particular set of values given as an input. Interference dependencies between the statements are shown by a distinguished edge called the interference dependence edge in the MAODG. Based on this intermediate representation, we propose a precise and accurate dynamic slicing algorithm for the concurrent aspect‐oriented programs implemented using AspectJ. The proposed dynamic slicing algorithm is implemented in a slicing tool developed using the ASM framework. Several open source programs are studied and evaluated using the proposed technique along with some existing techniques. The experimentation shows that our proposed slicing algorithm generates slices of the same or smaller size, as compared with the existing algorithms. Furthermore, we found that the slice computation time is significantly less in our proposed algorithm, as compared with the existing algorithms.  相似文献   

Several testing approaches focus on finding faults in software units of implementation. A problem not addressed by unit testing is the interaction among units, with respect to the correctness of their interfaces. In this paper a structural integration testing approach for Object-Oriented (OO) and Aspect-Oriented (AO) Java programs is presented. To make the activity more feasible, we address the testing of pairs of units (i.e., methods and pieces of advice). A model called (PairWise Def-Use) graph to represent the flow of control and data between pairs of units is proposed. Based on the , the following family of testing criteria is defined: all-pairwise-integrated-nodes (control-flow based), all-pairwise-integrated-edges (control-flow based), and all-pairwise-integrated-uses (data-flow based). To evaluate the proposed approach, an implementation of the criteria in a testing tool is presented along with an example of usage and an exploratory study. The study with 7 AO programs that are also OO was conducted to investigate the cost of application and usefulness of the approach. Results provided evidence that the criteria are practical and useful for integration testing of OO and AO programs.  相似文献   

LUSTRE is a data‐flow synchronous language, on which is based the SCADE tool‐suite, widely used for specifying and programming critical reactive applications in the areas of avionics, energy or transport. Therefore, testing LUSTRE programs, that is, generating test data and assessing the achieved test coverage, is a major issue. Usual control‐flow‐based test coverage criteria (statement coverage, branch coverage, etc.) are not relevant for LUSTRE programs. In this paper, a new hierarchy of adequacy criteria tailored to the LUSTRE language is presented. These criteria are defined on operator networks, which are usual models for LUSTRE programs. The criteria satisfaction measure is automated in LUSTRUCTU , a non‐intrusive tool (no instrumentation of the code), based on the symbolic computation of path activation conditions. The applicability and the relevance of the criteria are assessed on a case study. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Oracles used for testing graphical user interface (GUI) programmes are required to take into consideration complicating factors such as variations in screen resolution or colour scheme when comparing observed GUI elements with expected GUI elements. Researchers proposed fuzzy comparison rules and computationally expensive image processing techniques to tame the comparison process because otherwise the naïve matching comparison would be too constraining and consequently impractical. Alternatively, this paper proposes GUICop, a novel approach with a supporting toolset that takes (1) a GUI programme and (2) user‐defined GUI specifications characterizing the rendering behaviour of the GUI elements and checks whether the execution traces of the programme satisfy the specifications. GUICop comprises the following: (1) a GUI Specification Language; (2) a Driver; (3) Instrumented GUI Libraries; 4) a Solver; and (5) a Code Weaver. The user defines the specifications of the subject GUI programme using the GUI Specification Language. The Driver traverses the GUI structure of the programme and generates events that drive its execution. The Instrumented GUI Libraries capture the GUI execution trace, ie, information about the positions and visibility of the GUI elements. And the Solver, enabled by code injected by the Code Weaver, checks whether the traces satisfy the specifications. GUICop was successfully evaluated using 4 open source GUI applications that included 8 defects, namely, Jajuk, Gason, JEdit, and TerpPaint.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to generate test cases from UML 2.0 sequence diagrams and subsequently prioritize those test cases using model information encapsulated in the sequence diagrams. The test cases generated according to the proposed approach satisfy the scenario coverage criterion and are suitable for system‐level testing. For prioritizing test cases, three different prioritization metrics are proposed. The values of these prioritization metrics can be analytically computed from the model information only. This paper also presents an approach to generate test data using a concept called rule‐based matrix. The prioritization metrics are used to control the number of test data without compromising the test adequacy. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been verified using two industrial designs. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hai‐Feng Guo  Zongyan Qiu 《Software》2015,45(11):1519-1547
Grammar‐based test generation provides a systematic approach to producing test cases from a given context‐free grammar. Unfortunately, naive grammar‐based test generation is problematic because of the fact that exhaustive random test case production is often explosive, and grammar‐based test generation with explicit annotation controls often causes unbalanced testing coverage. In this paper, we present an automatic grammar‐based test generation approach, which takes a symbolic grammar as input, requires zero control input from users, and produces well‐distributed test cases. Our approach utilizes a novel dynamic stochastic model where each variable is associated with a tuple of probability distributions, which are dynamically adjusted along the derivation. We further present a coverage tree illustrating the distribution of generated test cases and their detailed derivations. More importantly, the coverage tree supports various implicit derivation control mechanisms. We implemented this approach in a Java‐based system, named Gena. Each test case generated by Gena automatically comes with a set of structural features, which can play an important and effective role on automated failure causes localization. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, the well‐balanced distribution of generated test cases over grammatical structures, and a case study on grammar‐based failure causes localization. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ContextThe Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is being integrated into the automation and control of computer systems in safety–critical domains at an increasing rate. Thoroughly testing such software to ensure safety is crucial. Function Block Diagram (FBD) is a popular data-flow programming language for PLC. Current practice often involves translating an FBD program into an equivalent C program for testing. Little research has been conducted on coverage of direct testing a data-flow program, such as an FBD program, at the model level. There are no commonly accepted structural test coverage criteria for data-flow programs. The objective of this study is to develop effective structural test coverage criterion for testing model-level FBD programs. The proposed testing scheme can be used to detect mutation errors at the logical function level.ObjectiveThe purpose of this study is to design a new test coverage criterion that can directly test FBD programs and effectively detect logical function mutation errors.MethodA complete test set for each function and function block in an FBD program are defined. Moreover, this method augments the data-flow path concept with a sensitivity check to avoid fault masking and effectively detect logical function mutation errors.ResultsPreliminary experiments show that this test coverage criterion is comprehensive and effective for error detection.ConclusionThe proposed coverage criterion is general and can be applied to real cases to improve the quality of data-flow program design.  相似文献   

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