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We investigated an appropriate preparation condition for anode‐supported SOFCs: (La,Sr)MnO3/cathode functional layer/YSZ/Ni‐YSZ were fabricated with and without a Ni‐YSZ anode functional layer (AFL) via the tape‐casting method, where the AFL thicknesses were controlled from approximately 20 to 80 μm. The warpage depended on the co‐sintering temperature of the electrolyte/AFL/anode‐support half‐cells, indicating that similar shrinkage of the electrolyte/AFL/anode support is significant for lower warpages. The electrical properties of SOFCs with AFLs were compared to those of SOFCs without AFLs. In this regard, the use of an AFL decreased the ohmic and activation polarization resistances due to both the decrease in contact resistance between the electrolyte and the AFL and the increase in three‐phase boundaries. However, the polarization diffusion increased when an AFL was employed, because AFL layers are denser than the anode support. The maximum power densities of samples with AFL were higher than those of SOFCs without AFLs, indicating that the decrease in both ohmic and activation‐polarization resistances is more significant for improving the power densities, as compared to the concentration polarization resistance. 相似文献
Nickel oxide and yttria doped zirconia composite strength is crucial for anode‐supported solid oxide fuel cells, especially during transient operation, but also for the initial stacking process, where cell curvature after sintering can cause problems. This work first compares tensile and ball‐on‐ring strength measurements of as‐sintered anodes support. Secondly, the strength of anode support sintered alone is compared to the strength of a co‐sintered anode support with anode and electrolyte layers. Finally, the orientation of the specimens to the bending axis of a co‐sintered half‐cell is investigated. Even though the electrolyte is to the tensile side, it is found that the anode support fails due to the thermo‐mechanical residual stresses. 相似文献
Anode current collection points (ACCPs) were fabricated on the outside surface of a tubular anode‐supported solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The ACCPs were distributed axially along the SOFC tube with the distance between every adjacent two ACCPs the same. The effect of collecting current with different number of ACCPs on the performance of the SOFC was studied. It was found that with the same effective area, using more ACCPs to collect the current leads to better performance, while with a SOFC with a determined total surface area, there is an optimum number of ACCPs to be made and used considering the area occupied by the ACCPs themselves. 相似文献
Recently, the promising prospect of ammonia as a hydrogen carrier for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) has attracted significant interests. In this work, the effects of temperature, fuel content, and total flow rate of anode gas on the performance of Ni/yttria‐stabilized zirconia (Ni/YSZ) anode for ammonia‐fueled SOFCs were investigated. Based on obtained results, the utilization route of ammonia on Ni/YSZ anode was discussed; the results of electrochemical experiments were related with the catalytic decomposition bahavior of ammonia over Ni/YSZ. Moreover, the catalytic activity for ammonia decomposition and anode performance of Ni/samarium‐doped ceria (Ni/SDC) and Ni/yttrium‐doped barium cerate (Ni/BCY) were also investigated. Among these anode materials, Ni/BCY exhibited the highest ammonia decomposition activity and anode performance for ammonia‐fueled SOFCs at intermediate temperatures. 相似文献
H.‐T. Lim S. C. Hwang M. G. Jung H. W. Park M. Y. Park S.‐S. Lee Y.‐G. Jung 《Fuel Cells》2013,13(5):712-719
The degradation mechanism of anode‐supported planar solid oxide fuel cells is investigated in the present work. We fabricate a large‐area (10 cm × 10 cm) cell and carry out a long‐term test with the assembly components. A constant current of ∼0.4 A cm–2 is applied to the cell for ∼3,100 h, and the furnace temperature is controlled in the sequence 750–800–750 °C to investigate the effect of operating temperature and thermal cycling on the degradation rate. Impedance spectra and current–voltage characteristics are measured during the operation in order to trace any increase in Ohmic and non‐Ohmic resistance as a function of time. The degradation rate is rapid during the operation at the higher temperature of ∼800 °C compared to that during the operation at ∼750 °C. Even after cooling down to ∼750 °C, that rate is still accelerated. The main contribution to the cell degradation is from an increase in the Ohmic resistance. Postmaterial analyses indicate that the cathode is delaminated at the electrolyte/cathode interface, which is attributed to the difference in thermal expansion coefficient (TEC). Thus, the present results emphasize the importance of matching the TEC between cell layers, especially under severe operating conditions such as long duration and complex thermal cycling. 相似文献
A long‐term stability study of an anode‐supported NiO/YSZ‐YSZ‐LSM/YSZ microtubular cell was performed, under low fuel utilization conditions, using pure humidified hydrogen as fuel at the anode side and air at the cathode side. A first galvanometric test was performed at 766 °C and 200 mA cm–2, measuring a power output at 0.5 V of ∼250 mW cm–2. During the test, some electrical contact breakdowns at the anode current collector caused sudden current shutdowns and start‐up events. In spite of this, the cell performance remains unchanged. After a period of 325 h, the cell temperature and the current density was raised to 873°C and 500 mA cm–2, and the cell power output at 0.5 V was ∼600 mW cm–2. Several partial reoxidation events due to disturbance in fuel supply occurred, but no apparent degradation was observed. On the contrary, a small increase in the cell output power of about 4%/1,000 h after 654 h under current load was obtained. The excellent cell aging behavior is discussed in connection to cell configuration. Finally, the experiment concluded when the cell suffered irreversible damage due to an accidental interruption of fuel supply, causing a full reoxidation of the anode support and cracking of the thin YSZ electrolyte. 相似文献
A microscale model of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) involving the mass transfer together with the electrochemical reaction, the transportation of electrons and ions through the respective spherical shaped electron conducting and ion conducting particles inside the electrodes was mathematically developed. Couples of useful parameters were introduced in order to represent the characteristics of the cell. The predicted cell performance was showed according to various operating and design conditions. The effects of microscale electrode geometry on the cell performance were also taken into account. Parametric study according to the volumetric fraction of ionic and electronic conducting particles was conducted in order to examine the effects of operating conditions on the cell overpotentials. The study results substantiate the fact that SOFC overpotential could be effectively decreased by increasing the operating temperature as well as operating pressure. This present study reveals the working mechanisms of SOFC at the microscale level, while demonstrating the use of microscale relations to enhance the SOFC performance. The accuracy of the presented model was validated by comparing with already existing experimental results from the available literatures. 相似文献
Achieving high performance from a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) requires optimal design based on parametric analysis. In this paper, design parameters, including anode support porosity, thicknesses of electrolyte, anode support, and cathode functional layers of a single, intermediate temperature, anode‐supported planar SOFC, are analyzed. The response surface methodology (RSM) technique based on an artificial neural network (ANN) model is used. The effects of the cell parameters on its performance are calculated to determine the significant design factors and interaction effects. The obtained optimum parameters are adopted to manufacture the single units of an SOFC through tape casting and screen‐printing processes. The cell is tested and its electrochemical characteristics, which show a satisfactory performance, are discussed. The measured maximum power density (MPD) of the fabricated SOFC displays a promising performance of 1.39 W cm–2. The manufacturing process planned to fabricate the SOFC can be used for industrial production purposes. 相似文献
The effect of endothermic internal steam reformation of methane and exothermic fuel cell reaction on the temperature of a planar‐type anode‐supported solid oxide fuel cell was experimentally investigated as a function of current density and fuel utilization. We fabricated a large‐area (22 × 33 cm2) cell and compared temperature profiles along the cell using 30 thermocouples inserted through the cathode end plate at 750 °C under various conditions (Uf ∼50% at 0.4 A cm−2; Uf ∼70% at 0.4 A cm−2; Uf ∼50% at 0.2 A cm−2) with hydrogen fuel and methane‐steam internal reforming. The endothermic effect due to internal reforming mainly occurs at the gas inlet region, so this process is not very effective to cool down the hot spot created by the exothermic fuel cell reaction. This eventually results in a larger temperature difference on the cell. The most moderate condition with regards to thermal gradient on the cell corresponds to high fuel utilization (Uf ∼70%) and low current density (∼0.2 A cm−2). The electrochemical performance was also measured, and it was found that the current–voltage characteristics are comparable for the cell operated under hydrogen fuel and internal steam reforming of methane because of lower polarization resistance with high partial pressure of water vapor. 相似文献
Redox tolerance of 50 and 500 μm thick Ni/YSZ (yttria‐stabilized zirconia) anodes supported on YSZ electrolytes were studied under single‐chamber solid oxide fuel cell conditions. Open circuit voltage, electrochemical impedance spectra, and discharge curves of the cells were measured under different methane/oxygen ratios at 700 °C. For the cell with the thin anode, a significant degradation accompanying oscillatory behaviors was observed, whereas the cell based on the thick anode was much more stable under the same conditions. In situ local anode resistance (Rs) results indicated that the Ni/NiO redox cycling was responsible for the oscillatory behaviors, and the cell degradation was primarily caused by the Ni reoxidation. Reoxidation of the thick anode took place at a low methane/oxygen ratio, but the anode can be recovered to its original state by switching to a methane‐rich environment. On the contrary, the thin anode was unable to be regenerated after the oxidation. Microstructure damage of the anode was attributed to its irreversible degradation. 相似文献
S.‐H. Pi S.‐B. Lee R.‐H. Song J.‐W. Lee T.‐H. Lim S.‐J. Park D.‐R. Shin C.‐O. Park 《Fuel Cells》2013,13(3):392-397
We developed novel Ag–glass composite interconnect materials for anode‐supported flat‐tubular solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operated at 700 °C by optimization of the glass content. For this purpose, the variations of phase stability, area specific resistance (ASR), microstructure, gas leak rate, cell performance, and open circuit voltage (OCV) were determined for the Ag–glass composite materials with respect to the glass content. The Ag–glass composite materials maintain phase stability without chemical reactions. The ASR increased as the glass content increases due to glass existing as an insulator between the Ag phases. All the composite materials showed dense coating layers on the anode support and had a low gas leak. The cell performance and OCV were measured to identify the optimum composition of the Ag–glass composites. Our results confirm that Ag–glass composites are suitable for high performance interconnects in anode‐supported flat‐tubular fuel cells operated below 700 °C. 相似文献
Novel high permeable porous Ni‐Mo substrates with different area densities of straight gas flow channels are successfully developed to improve the hydrogen fuel gas and the water byproduct diffusion in the anode and supporting substrate. Metal‐supported cell A, cell B and cell C with 5 × 5 cm2 supporting substrates are fabricated by atmospheric plasma spraying processes, these cells have the material structure of Ni‐Mo/LSCM (La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.5‐Mn0.5O3–δ)/NiO‐LDC(Ce0.55La0.45O2–δ)/SDC(Sm0.15Ce0.85O3–δ)/LSGM (La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3–δ)/SSC(Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3–δ). Cell A is supported by a conventional porous Ni‐Mo substrate without straight gas flow channels, cell B and cell C are supported respectively by the novel high permeable porous Ni‐Mo substrates with 1.5 and 2.73 channels per square centimeter. The power densities at 0.8 V and 750 °C are 550, 998 and 1,161 mW cm−2 for cell A, cell B and cell C respectively. The 100 h durability test at the constant current density of 400 mA cm−2 and 650 °C shows cell B and cell C have smaller degradation rates than cell A. The results obtained from AC impedance and circuit model analyses indicate that the electrolyte ohm and the cathode polarization resistances are significantly reduced by introducing straight gas flow channels into the supporting substrate. 相似文献
A. A. Reddy D. U. Tulyaganov M. J. Pascual V. V. Kharton E. V. Tsipis V. A. Kolotygin J. M. F. Ferreira 《Fuel Cells》2013,13(5):689-694
A series of glasses and glass–ceramics (GCs) aiming at applications as sealants for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) were synthesized by partial substitution of Ca for Sr in the diopside‐Ba disilicate composition. X‐ray diffraction in conjunction with the Rietveld‐RIR technique were employed to quantify the crystalline (diopside and Sr‐diopside) and amorphous phases in the glasses sintered/heat treated at 850 °C in humidified 10%H2–90%N2 gas mixture for 250 h. Weibull modulus varied in the range 11.6–34.4 implying toward good mechanical reliability of synthesized GCs. Thermal shock resistance of model electrochemical cells made of yttria‐stabilized zirconia, gadolinia‐doped ceria, and lanthanum gallate based solid electrolytes, hermetically sealed by one diopside‐based composition, was evaluated employing quenching from 800 °C in air and water. Suitable thermal expansion coefficient, mechanical reliability, and strong adhesion to stabilized zirconia and metallic interconnects, are all suggesting a good suitability of the sealants for SOFC applications. 相似文献
A new phenomenological one‐dimensional model is formulated to simulate the typical degradation patterns observed in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) anodes due to coal syngas contaminants such as arsenic (As) and phosphorous (P). The model includes gas phase diffusion and surface diffusion within the anode and the adsorption reactions on the surface of the Ni‐YSZ‐based anode. Model parameters such as reaction rate constants for the adsorption reactions are obtained through indirect calibration to match the degradation rates reported in the literature for arsine (AsH3), phosphine (PH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and hydrogen selenide (H2Se) under accelerated testing conditions. Results from the model demonstrate that the deposition of the impurity on the Ni catalyst starts near the fuel channel/anode interface and slowly moves toward the active anode/electrolyte interface as observed in the experiments. Parametric studies performed at different impurity concentrations and operating temperatures show that the coverage rate increases with increasing temperature and impurity concentration, as expected. The calibrated model was then used for prediction of the performance curves at different impurity concentrations and operating temperatures. Good agreement is obtained between the predicted results and the experimental data reported in the literature. 相似文献
The paper reports a new concept of planar‐tubular solid oxide fuel cell (PT‐SOFC). Emphasis is on the fabrication of the required complex configuration of Ni‐yttria‐stabilised zirconia (YSZ) porous anode support by tert‐butyl alcohol (TBA) based gelcasting, particularly the effects of solid loading, amounts of monomers and dispersant on the rheological behaviour of suspension, the shrinkage of a wet gelcast green body upon drying, and the properties of final sample after sintering at 1350 °C and reduction from NiO‐YSZ to Ni‐YSZ. The results show that the gelcasting is a powerful method for preparation of the required complex configuration anode support. The anode support resulted from an optimised suspension with the solid loading of 25 vol% has uniform microstructure with 37% porosity, bending strength of 44 MPa and conductivity of 300 S cm—1 at 700 °C, meeting the requirements for an anode support of SOFC. Based on the as‐prepared anode support, PT‐SOFC single cell of Ni‐YSZ/YSZ/LSCF has been fabricated by slurry coating and co‐sintering technique. The cell peak power density reaches 63, 106 and 141 mW cm—2 at 700, 750 and 800 °C, respectively, using hydrogen as fuel and ambient air as oxidant. 相似文献
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) based on the proton conducting BaZr0.1Ce0.7Y0.2O3–δ (BZCY) electrolyte were prepared and tested in 500–700 °C using humidified H2 as fuel (100 cm3 min–1 with 3% H2O) and dry O2 (50 cm3 min–1) as oxidant. Thin NiO‐BZCY anode functional layers (AFL) with 0, 5, 10 and 15 wt.% carbon pore former were inserted between the NiO‐BZCY anode and BZCY electrolyte to enhance the cell performance. The anode/AFL/BZCY half cells were prepared by tape casting and co‐sintering (1,300 °C/8 h), while the Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3–δ (SSC) cathodes were prepared by thermal spray deposition. Well adhered planar SOFCs were obtained and the test results indicated that the SOFC with an AFL containing 10 wt.% pore former content showed the best performance: area specific resistance as low as 0.39 Ω cm2 and peak power density as high as 0.863 W cm–2 were obtained at 700 °C. High open circuit voltages ranging from 1.00 to 1.12 V in 700–500 °C also indicated negligible leakage of fuel gas through the electrolyte. 相似文献
A co‐extrusion technique was employed to fabricate a novel dual layer NiO/NiO‐YSZ hollow fiber (HF) precursor which was then co‐sintered at 1,400 °C and reduced at 700 °C to form, respectively, a meshed porous inner Ni current collector and outer Ni‐YSZ anode layers for SOFC applications. The inner thin and highly porous “mesh‐like” pure Ni layer of approximately 50 μm in thickness functions as a current collector in micro‐tubular solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), aiming at highly efficient current collection with low fuel diffusion resistance, while the thicker outer Ni‐YSZ layer of 260 μm acts as an anode, providing also major mechanical strength to the dual‐layer HF. Achieved morphology consisted of short finger‐like voids originating from the inner lumen of the HF, and a sponge‐like structure filling most of the Ni‐YSZ anode layer, which is considered to be suitable macrostructure for anode SOFC system. The electrical conductivity of the meshed porous inner Ni layer is measured to be 77.5 × 105 S m–1. This result is significantly higher than previous reported results on single layer Ni‐YSZ HFs, which performs not only as a catalyst for the oxidation reaction, but also as a current collector. These results highlight the advantages of this novel dual‐layer HF design as a new and highly efficient way of collecting current from the lumen of micro‐tubular SOFC. 相似文献
Scanning laser vibrometry was used to investigate the mechanical stability of free‐standing micro‐solid oxide fuel cell (micro‐SOFC) membranes. Arrays of square‐shaped 460 nm thin micro‐SOFC membranes were fabricated on silicon substrates using pulsed laser deposition for the yttria‐stabilized zirconia electrolyte and magnetron sputtering for the platinum electrodes. Resonance frequency, displacement and acceleration measurements were carried out using interferometry analysis of the membrane reflection. The resonance frequencies scale with the reciprocal of the membrane length. At the resonance, the 390 × 390 μm2 micro‐SOFC membranes exhibit an out‐of‐plane displacement of ca. 1.2 μm only. All free‐standing micro‐SOFC membranes survive the resonant vibration without rupturing. These results are promising for the failure‐free implementation of micro‐SOFC in portable electronic devices. 相似文献
A non‐sealed solid oxide fuel cell stack with cells embedded in plane configuration was fabricated and operated successfully in a box‐like stainless‐steel chamber. For a two‐cell stack, it demonstrated an open circuit voltage (OCV) of 2.13 V and a maximum power output of 569 mW at the flow rate of 67 sccm CH4 and 33 sccm O2. A fuel utilization of 4.16% was obtained. The cell performance was dominated by two different mechanisms, the polarization of the cathode at low current and the concentration polarization of the anode at high current. Finally, a scaled‐up stack with six cells in series generated an OCV of 6.4 V and a maximum power output of 8.18 W. 相似文献
A gas‐tight yttria‐stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte film was fabricated on porous NiO–YSZ anode substrates by a binder‐assisted slurry casting technique. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) results showed that the YSZ film was relatively dense with a thickness of 10 μm. La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 (LSM)–YSZ was applied to cathode using a screen‐print technique and the single fuel cells were tested in a temperature range from 600 to 800 °C. An open circuit voltage (OCV) of over 1.0 V was observed. The maximum power densities at 600, 700, and 800 °C were 0.13, 0.44, and 1.1 W cm–2, respectively. 相似文献