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卫生纸的生产意味着将尽可能多的空气附加到尽可能少的纤维原料中。松厚度和厚度是卫生纸两个最基本的品质特征,因为它们直接影响到卫生纸巾的吸水性能,低定量卫生纸的结构和表面柔软性。根据全球不同的市场需求,可以按上述两项品质将卫生纸分为三类:普通、高级和(最)优级。  相似文献   

<正>兰精~(TM)Eco Vero~(TM)纤维(图1)是兰精集团推出的独特的环保及可追溯型黏胶纤维,树立了可持续发展黏胶纤维的业界新标杆。  相似文献   

这款飞机是在八十年代为美国空军秘密开发的·它成为第一架采用特殊空气动力学特性和材料制造,可以在攻击敌人目标时不被雷达发觉的飞机,这种秘密行动战斗  相似文献   

<正>众所周知,PVC(聚氯乙烯)作为世界上产量最大的塑料产品之一,可提高产品耐热性、韧性和延展性,应用广泛,国内目前使用的广告类贴膜主要以PVC为原材料。但随着工业PVC垃圾的日益增多,PVC在环保方面的缺陷也日益引起政府和公众的关注。一方面,PVC材料燃烧后会产生大量有毒物,因此无法进行焚烧处理;另一方面,PVC材料往往需要数百年的降解周期,并且在降解过程中持续影响水体,  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯在2013年世界瓶装水大奖评选中,西得乐的StarLiteTM瓶底设计方案一举斩获最佳环境可持续创新奖。StarLite是西得乐为非碳酸饮料量身打造的PET瓶底专利设计方案,可降低包装总重量,0.5升和1.5升PET瓶可分别减重1克和2克,在减少用料的同时,显著降低了生产能耗。西得乐专家团队深入分析各种瓶底设计方案,进行大量的计算机模拟试验,并以实际物理测试进行验证。StarLite采用新型瓶底形状,可显著提升瓶底的抗力和稳定性,同时增加包装  相似文献   

美国杜邦公司的Sorona~聚合物是化纤原料中第一个创新使用了植物性可再生资源的新型纺织原料。它的主要生产原料为1,3-丙二醇(或称为PDO,约占原料总重量的  相似文献   

正德国的工业4.0概念、美国的工业互联网、中国的中国制造2025……将全球视野更多地推向了智能化。可以看见的是,全球的智能化浪潮已然来到,只是在不同国家、不同领域所呈现出的浪花的差异。本刊联合中国印刷及设备器材工业协会国际交流工作委员会,特别邀请到日本印刷产业机械工业会秘书长Takeshi Hirotsune,意大利印刷、纸加工及造纸设备制造商协会(ACIMGA)总经理Andrea Briganti,英国PICON协会Simon Eccles,与我们分享他们所见的浪花朵朵。  相似文献   

正德国的工业4.0概念、美国的工业互联网、中国的中国制造2025……将全球视野更多地推向了智能化。可以看见的是,全球的智能化浪潮已然来到,只是在不同国家、不同领域所呈现出的浪花的差异。本刊联合中国印刷及设备器材工业协会国际交流工作委员会,特别邀请到日本印刷产业机械工业会秘书长Takeshi Hirotsune,意大利印刷、纸加工及造纸设备制造商协会(ACIMGA)总经理Andrea Briganti,英国PICON协会Simon Eccles,与我们分享他们所见的浪花朵朵。  相似文献   

胡建华 《中国酒》2012,(10):38-38
我出生于人杰地灵、名人荟萃的宝地——绍兴,故我常可以拉些名、圣、贤人的大旗作一二回虎皮用用,这不,今儿又要借用鲁迅先生的话了:"只有民族的,才是世界的。"通常情况下,每个国家或每个民族都有自己被国际上普遍认同的东西,就说说咱们的酒业:如说到葡萄酒,很多人就会想起法国的波尔多;说到啤酒,自然会想起德国的慕尼黑;说到清酒就会想到日本的奈良;说到威士忌就会想  相似文献   

正本刊讯(郑小琨报道)近日,凯米拉公司在亚太地区推出全新智能化过程管理平台KemConnect~(TM)和用于回收纤维中淀粉的再利用技术KemRevive~(TM),帮助造纸行业用户应对在智能生产、绿色经济环境下所面临的高成本与品质的挑战。KemConnect~(TM)——智能化过程管理平台可以实时监控化学品应用效果、实时监测客户端工艺过程变化和运行情况,并对化学品进行优化。相较于传统数据采集分析耗时费力的特点,该平台可以迅速为客  相似文献   


World population growth rate has slowed since the early 1970s, but growth in world grain production has slowed further. As a result, per capita grain production has declined since 1983. Conventional farming practices that use heavy chemical applications and high‐yielding varieties have resulted in soil erosion, depletion of natural resources, contamination of the environment, and reduced biodiversity; and threaten to diminish the world's ability to sustain life of all kinds. If these trends persist, the earth may not sustain an adequate level of food production. Transition to sustainable agricultural practices could presumably prevent most of this degradation but may not produce adequate supplies of food to meet the growing demand. Although yields from sustainable agricultural farms can be as high as those from conventional farms, food production per acre of rotation generally declines because sustainable farms need to incorporate green manure crops and forage legumes into their rotations. Therefore, food production must be increased, which can be done in two ways: either bring more land into cultivation or increase yields. Although there are large tracts of land still available, their fragile ecosystems make it costly to bring them into production. Future grain production must come from higher yields. However, several studies indicate that the growth of major crop yields is leveling off, and that it has become increasingly difficult to increase crop yields. Therefore, to meet future world food demand, we need to continue to invest in research to develop new technologies that are directed toward sustainable agriculture. Adoption of new technologies could break through the yield ceiling characterized by previous technologies and enable the yield growth rate to outpace the population growth rate.  相似文献   

This review summarises the information available on the biology, behaviour and economic significance of the common or webbing clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella (Hummel), currently the most important and widespread clothes moth pest throughout the world. These moths can cause the loss of irreplacable material of aesthetic, historic and scientific importance, as well as damaging every-day items such as clothes, furnishings and other materials prepared from animal fur, wool, feathers and hides. Methods for the detection and control of this pest are outlined, with particular emphasis on control strategies that are environmentally sustainable and avoid the use of conventional pesticides and fumigants. Improvements in storage coupled with targeted use of appropriate control measures will help to reduce pest populations. However, the continuing problems with this pest highlight the need for improved methods of detection, prevention and management.  相似文献   

回顾2007年,对中国肉类行业来说,是备受关注、很不平凡的一年.在这一年中,成长与震荡、发展与困难并存.党的十七大提出坚持科学发展观、构建和谐社会的伟大战略,为中国肉类行业的发展指明了方向,提出了更高的要求.如何顺应时代的变化与经济的转折,探寻一条行业稳定持续的发展道路,强化企业抵御风险能力和市场竞争能力,已经严峻地摆在业界面前.  相似文献   

Healthy societies are formed by learning and maintaining sustainable healthy eating behaviors from childhood. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of short-term sustainable nutrition education on growth and development parameters of preschool children. This study is an experimental design with pretest–posttest control group. This study was carried out in two kindergartens between February 2022 and June 2023 in Turkey. The education group received 4 months of dietary behavior training. The dietary scale and anthropometric measurements were administered at the first and last meetings. Data were analyzed with 95% confidence interval. The study was completed with 174 children. A statistically significant difference was found, especially in body weight (p < 0.05) and body weight percentile values (p < 0.05) in the posttest of the education group. A statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) was found between the groups in the eating behavior scale posttest score. Nutrition education in schools is important in promoting healthy eating habits. Nutrition education improves eating behavior positively. To maintain healthy eating behaviors, however, the continuity of education is necessary. In addition, as growth and development are physical processes, it is recognized that growth and development cannot be assessed by nutrition alone.  相似文献   

Rudolph M. Bell (1985). Holy Anorexia. Epilogue by William N. Davis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Joan Jacobs Brumberg (1988). Fasting Girls: The Emergence of Anorexia Nervosa as a Modern Disease. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Caroline Walker Bynum (1987). Holy Feast and Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women. Berkeley: University of California Press.  相似文献   

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