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BACKGROUND: Intrahepatic duct strictures are usually caused by intrahepatic duct stones and cholangitis. However, focal strictures of the intrahepatic duct unrelated to intrahepatic stones often pose diagnostic problems. This study was undertaken to prospectively evaluate the usefulness of percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopy in patients with focal intrahepatic duct stricture and no evidence of a stone. METHODS: Seventeen patients with focal strictures of the intrahepatic duct without any evidence of a stone were included. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopic examination including procurement of biopsy specimens was performed after percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage. RESULTS: A histopathologic diagnosis was obtained in all patients (9 adenocarcinomas, 1 squamous cell carcinoma, 2 hepatocellular carcinomas, 2 adenomas, and 3 benign strictures). Of the 9 patients with bile duct adenocarcinoma, 8 underwent surgery and a curative resection was possible in 7 patients (88%). Five patients (63%) had early-stage bile duct cancer in which cancer invasion was limited to the mucosa or fibromuscular layer and there was no evidence of lymph node metastasis. CONCLUSIONS: Percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopy in patients with focal stricture of the intrahepatic duct unrelated to choledocholithiasis is useful for diagnosis including the detection of early bile duct cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bile duct stone is a common biliary tract disease in Taiwan. Surgery and choledochoscopy are the current methods of treatment. This is a retrospective review of 65 cases who were admitted with postoperative biliary residual stones, or cholangitis secondary to the biliary stones. Percutaneous biliary stone removals under fluoroscopy were attempted. METHODS: Either a T-tube tract or percutaneous transhepatic cholangial drainage tract or both were used for stone removal. Angiographic superselective catheterization technique was applied for superselective cholangiography to identify the location of stones and to deliver basket and electrohydraulic lithotripsy probe to the site of the stones. Balloon dilation was applied for biliary stricture. RESULTS: Most of the cases needed multiple sessions (four, on an average) to remove all stones. There were 52% of the cases who needed balloon dilation for associated biliary strictures, and 7.7% of the cases had residual stones at the end of the procedure, because of technical difficulties. Chills and fever, pancreatitis, hepatic arterial injury and perforation of the common bile duct were procedure-related complications. In follow-up studies, 15% of the cases had recurrent biliary stones and 4.6% of the patients expired from malignant biliary tumors. CONCLUSIONS: Percutaneous biliary stone removal under fluoroscopy is beneficial for direct visualization of the location and number of the stones, and the architectural changes of the bile ducts. Superselective catheterization and balloon dilation were responsible for the high success rate (92.5%) here.  相似文献   

Interposition of a defunctionalized limb of jejunum between the confluence of the hepatic ducts and the duodenum seems to have some advantages. Biliary-jejunal anastomosis can be performed in a wider diameter, if necessary; duodenal function is kept almost normal, and the isolated segment of jejunum prevents the duodenojejunal reflux from getting to the biliary tract. The records of 19 patients upon whom hepatico-jejuno-duodenostomy was performed were reviewed. Seventeen patients had iatrogenic lesions and benign strictures of the common bile duct. Two patients had malignant tumors of the common bile duct. The postoperative follow-up period ranged from six months to five years. The average postoperative time was ten days. Two transient bile leaks were observed. Two patients had postoperative episodes of cholangitis. In both, the hepatico-jejunostomy was narrow, and stones were found in the intrahepatic position. A new and wider cholangiojejunostomy was performed. All of the patients were investigated roentgenographically after contrast material was given orally. Only two of the patients were found to have an enteric-biliary reflux which partially filled the intrahepatic biliary branches, but this was only observed at the time the abdomen was compressed.  相似文献   

Operative endoscopy of the biliary system has been employed with ever increasing frequency at the UCLA Hospital during the last three years. In addition to its established value with respect to disclosing unsuspected stones in the bile ducts, choledochoscopy has been of great value in terms of more accurate diagnosis and staging of periampullary and bile duct neoplasms. It has been observed that many biliary tract carcinomas are multicentric in origin and that cholangiography is not adequate to identify small intrahepatic ductal lesions. More than one cell type of bile duct carcinoma may be present in the same patient. Choledochoscopy should be used in addition to the conventional criteria for resectability in all patients with ductal or periampullary carcinoma. Use of this technic will spare some patients needless radical procedures and should improve long-term cure rates by identifying those patients with truly localized disease for curative resections.  相似文献   

Imaging biliary strictures may suggest malignancy, but cytology can provide final diagnosis. In the present evaluation we studied the importance of immunohistochemical analysis of antigen expression in sensitivity and specificity of cytological evaluation of bile duct epithelium cells. Thirty three patients with biliary strictures were examined prospectively. The bile exfoliative cytology during endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography or surgery was obtained. Bile specimens were routinely stained with hematoxylin-eosin, examined by one experienced cytologist and were reported as positive or negative for malignant cells. In addition, the alterations in immunoperoxidase staining of carcinoembryonic antigen (mab T84,66), mucin (RA 96), cell membrane antigen (17-1A) and c-new were assessed. The results revealed a low sensitivity of both--traditional exfoliative cytology and the immunohistochemical analysis of antigen expression in diagnosis of biliary tract carcinoma (equally 25 and 31%, with the specificity of 92%). Appreciation of the samples with simultaneous involvement of the both studied methods make possible the diagnosis of the bile duct malignant lesions on 7 out of 17 cases (sensitivity 43%) with the specificity of 98%.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare unenhanced helical computed tomography (CT) and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in the detection of common bile duct calculi. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Within 13 months, 51 patients (aged 18-94 years) with clinically suspected choledocholithiasis underwent unenhanced helical CT immediately before undergoing ERCP. CT scans were evaluated for the presence of bile duct stones, ampullary stones, the gallbladder and gallbladder stones, intrahepatic biliary dilatation, and the size of the bile duct at the porta hepatis and in the pancreatic head. ERCP images were evaluated for the presence of bile duct or ampullary stones, as well as for biliary dilatation. RESULTS: Unenhanced helical CT depicted common bile duct stones in 15 of 17 patients found to have stones at ERCP. Three patients had stones impacted at the ampulla, all of which were detected with CT. In addition, there was one false-positive finding at CT. CT had a sensitivity of 88%, a specificity of 97%, and an accuracy of 94% in the diagnosis of common bile duct stones. CONCLUSION: Unenhanced helical CT is useful for evaluating suspected choledocholithiasis.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is a new noninvasive imaging technique for the study of biliopancreatic disorders, providing projectional images of the biliary tree and pancreatic duct without any contrast agent. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We used different sequences, with both breath-hold and nonbreath-hold techniques, to acquire MRCP images, first based on GE and then on FSE sequences. FSE images provide higher SNR and are less susceptible to artifacts (metal objects, motion and blood flow artifacts). At the Department of Radiology of the University of Rome La Sapienza, we acquired MRCP images with non breath-hold, 3D fat-suppressed TSE sequences (TR = 3000-2000, TE 700, turbo factor 128) optimized on a .5T magnet with 15 mT/m gradients. No patient preparation or sedation was required, although antiperistaltic drugs and oral administration of tap water were preferred. Four hundred and thirty patients were examined, all of them with an indication to conventional cholangiography. RESULTS: MRCP depicted the whole common bile duct and the first-order intrahepatic branches in all the normal cases. Its accuracy in identifying biliary obstruction level and site was 100%, versus 94.6% in characterizing its cause. MRCP had 96.3% diagnostic accuracy in choledocholithiasis, with some false positives and false negatives caused by: 1) small stones missed on MIP reconstructions; 2) signal loss due to complete CBD obstruction by stones; 3) pneumobilia; 4) differential diagnosis between small stones and air bubbles. The main role of MRCP in benign strictures is to provide a detailed map of the biliary tract for better treatment planning. In particular, MRCP is extremely useful in hepaticojejunostomy patients, where ERC is not indicated because of postoperative anatomical changes. Both conventional MRI and MRCP are important in malignant strictures to identify the lesion and to characterize and stage it. Finally, MR pancreatography is very useful to follow up chronic pancreatitis patients because it shows Wirsung duct strictures and dilatations, intraductal filling defects and, in some cases, the communication between the pseudocyst and the pancreatic duct. CONCLUSIONS: MRCP combined with conventional MRI can completely replace CT and ERCP in bilio-pancreatic disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) in the diagnosis of biliary tree obstruction. METHODS: Fifty-eight consecutive patients underwent MRC (GYROSCAN ACS II 1.5 Tesla, TSE T2 axial/coronal-MIP sequences) for clinical and biochemical signs of main bile duct obstruction. MRC images were interpreted by two radiologists and consensus was established according to presence or absence of main bile duct dilation, choledocholithiasis, and malignant or benign stricture. MRC was compared to a final diagnosis established by ultrasound and CT in 19 cases, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in 25, intraoperative cholangiography and exploration in 14, and clinical, biochemical, and histological presentation when relevant. Included were single or multiple choledocholithiasis (28, including 11 < or = 3 mm), malignant (10) and benign (12) strictures, and intrahepatic cholestasis (9). RESULTS: Overall, MRC was sensitive (94%) and specific (92%) in detecting main bile duct dilation and choledocholithiasis (86 % and 97 %), but was less sensitive (64%) for small stones < or = 3 mm. Sensitivity for stones > 3 mm was 100%. For benign and malignant strictures, MRC was less sensitive (67% and 80%) but remained specific (98% and 96%). In the detection of normal main bile duct, MRC was highly sensitive (100%) and specific (94%). Diagnostic accuracy ranged from 91% to 98%. CONCLUSION: MRC appears to be specific for choledocholithiasis and sensitive except for small stones. Results for biliary stricture are less satisfactory, but remain specific. Our data confirm that MRC can be useful in the diagnostic workup of main bile duct obstruction.  相似文献   

AS Fulcher  MA Turner  GW Capps 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1999,19(1):25-41; discussion 41-4
Magnetic resonance (MR) cholangiography is a fast, accurate, noninvasive alternative to endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC) in the evaluation of biliary tract disease. Technical improvements in imaging sequences (eg, half-Fourier rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement) and use of phased-array coils allow high-quality imaging comparable to that available with ERC. In choledocholithiasis, common bile duct stones as small as 2 mm can be detected with MR cholangiography and appear as low-signal-intensity foci within the high-signal-intensity bile. MR cholangiography may help establish the diagnosis of malignant obstruction and is useful in the evaluation of patients in whom ERC was unsuccessful or incomplete. The role of MR cholangiography in the evaluation of intrahepatic duct disease continues to evolve. MR cholangiography plays a crucial role in evaluating postsurgical biliary tract alterations and can be used to demonstrate a variety of congenital anomalies of the biliary tract (eg, aberrant ducts, choledochal cysts, pancreas divisum). In addition, intentional or incidental imaging of the gallbladder with MR cholangiography can be used to identify calculi or help determine the presence and extent of neoplastic disease.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Bile duct cysts are rare, congenital dilations of the intrahepatic and/or extrahepatic biliary tract. Most of them present during childhood. The classical triad right upper quadrant pain, jaundice and abdominal mass is present only in a few instances. We report here the bile duct cysts which were diagnosed at our institution from 1989 to 1996. METHODS: 3245 consecutive endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatograms (ERCP) were evaluated retrospectively. Diagnosis was made when localized cystic dilations of the intrahepatic and/or extrahepatic biliary tract were present. Diffuse dilations of the intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tract were excluded. RESULTS: Bile duct cysts were found in 20 patients (17 females, 3 males) among 3245 ERCPs. Their mean age was 56 +/- 20 (median 64, range 10 to 83) years. The cyst types (according to the Alonso-Lej classification with the Todani modification) were type I in 11 (55%), type II, III and IV in two instances each (10%), and type V (or Caroli's disease) in 3 patients (15%). Leading symptoms were cholestasis in 14 patients, 10 of whom had abdominal pain, jaundice in 4 patients, and single cases of pancreatitis, cholangitis, and abdominal mass. In 2 patients the diagnosis was made incidentally. 10 patients had bile duct stones. We performed endoscopic sphincterotomy in 15 patients with concretions or persistent symptoms, 3 patients had cyst resection. One of these, with a type I cyst, already had a disseminated cholangiocarcinoma. 10 of 17 patients without cyst resection are currently symptom-free after complete removal of all gallstones. One male patient with cholecystolithiasis, who is not operable due to advanced liver disease, has recurrent cholangitis, 4 patients have died from causes unrelated to the bile duct cysts, and 2 patients are lost to follow up. CONCLUSION: Bile duct cysts in adults are rare. There is a preponderance in the female gender, and the most common type is the extrahepatic (choledochal) cyst. The leading symptoms are cholestasis and right upper quadrant pain. There is an increased risk of cholangiocarcinoma. In young patients the cysts should be entirely removed to prevent malignancy. Older persons are usually symptomless after complete removal of gallstones.  相似文献   

AIM: As an alternative method to the operative revision of benign bile duct strictures, we report the use of a large-bore bile duct prosthesis (Yamakawa prosthesis) in one patient. METHODS: Bilateral percutaneous transhepatic implantation of Yamakawa prostheses (14 F right side, 12 F left side) was performed without adjunctive balloon dilatation. The prostheses were exchanged every 8 weeks under continuous antibiotic treatment and were finally removed after 8 months. RESULTS: Control cholangiography showed a normal intrahepatic biliary system on the right side and a 50% stenosis at the orifice of the left hepatic duct. Follow-up over 18 months showed no signs of recurrent disease. CONCLUSIONS: In comparison to balloon dilatation and implantation of metallic stents, prolonged bilateral splinting with large-bore Yamakawa prostheses seems to be an alternative for the treatment of benign bile duct strictures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: The clinical importance of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) as a noninvasive diagnostic modality for investigation of the biliary tree and pancreatic duct system is under debate. Using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) as the gold standard, this study determined in a prospective, blinded fashion the sensitivity and further statistic values of MRCP findings for evaluation of the biliary and pancreatic tract. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seventy-eight patients referred for ERCP were studied prospectively with MRCP and ERCP during a 12-month period. All images were interpreted on a blinded basis by two radiologists. Any dilations, strictures, and intraductal abnormalities were recorded and correlated with the clinical diagnoses. RESULTS: MRCP images of diagnostic quality were obtained in 76 of the 78 patients (97%). Magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) showed sensitivities (and positive predictive values) of 71% (62%) for recognition of normal bile ducts, 83% (91%) for recognition of dilation, 85% (100%) for recognition of strictures, 77% (91%) for correct stricture location, and 80% (100%) for diagnosing bile duct calculi. In addition, the sensitivity of MRC in classifying benign and malignant strictures was 50% and 80%, respectively. The statistical values (sensitivity and positive predictive value) for magnetic resonance pancreatography findings were determined for the recognition of normal pancreatic ducts (33% and 50%), recognition of dilation (62% and 100%), recognition of strictures (76% and 87%) and correct location (66% and 100%), diagnosis of benign strictures (87% and 87%) and malignant strictures (60% and 75%), and for diagnosing pancreatic duct stones (60% and 100%). CONCLUSIONS: MRCP is capable of providing diagnostic information equivalent to ERCP in many patients, and should be applied whenever established techniques provide no results, or inadequate results.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at correlating the yield of a three-dimensional (3D) inversion-recovery (IR) turbo spin-echo MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) sequence with that of ERCP and PTC in the imaging of the normal and abnormal biliopancreatic tract. Thirty patients with suspected biliary and pancreatic diseases were examined with MRCP first and then with ERCP or PTC; they were also submitted to US, CT and conventional MR studies and in 5 of them CT cholangiography was also performed. Five patients were normal and 25 had various obstructive abnormalities: 5 patients had gallbladder stones, 8 common bile duct stones, 5 a cholangiocarcinoma and 7 an adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic head or papilla. MRCP was performed with a superconductive magnet at 0.5 T, with volumetric images on coronal planes acquired using an IR turbo SE sequence (TR 2500, TE 1000, TF 89, 4 NEX) with respiratory triggering and vascular presaturation. Segmental intrahepatic bile ducts were correctly depicted in all the patients with benign or malignant obstruction of the common bile duct, but with some respiratory artifacts. Common bile duct stones were correctly depicted in 7 of 8 patients, but studying also the single coronal slices. With this method, the stones were clearly demonstrated in 22 examined gallbladders. Neoplastic obstruction and the obstruction level were correctly identified in all patients. Pancreatic ducts were shown in normal patients and in 8 of 13 patients with neoplastic or lithiasic obstruction of the common bile duct mainly on the pancreatic head. ERCP was carried out successfully in 5 patients with common bile duct stones and in 7 patients with neoplastic obstruction; in the other cancer patients, PTC was necessary. To conclude, respiratory-triggered 3D IR turbo spin-echo MRCP is a noninvasive technique to study mostly biliary conditions which yields similar information to ERCP and PTC in a large number of patients. Moreover, this sequence can be used with midfield MR units to study the obstruction of the biliary and pancreatic ducts not only when invasive techniques fail, but also routinely.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the usefulness of CT in demonstrating biliary invasion by hepatocellular carcinoma, 191 surgically proved cases were studied. Among 191 CT scans performed before surgery, six (3%) showed biliary dilatation. Pathological biliary invasion was found in eight cases (4%). Of these eight cases, four cases (50%) showed biliary dilatation on CT. In six cases with biliary dilatation on CT, pathological biliary invasion was revealed in four cases (67%). In two cases, the large (> or = 6cm) encapsulated tumors located in the hepatic hilum dilated the intrahepatic bile duct without intraductal tumor growth. We concluded that biliary dilatation on CT cannot be a sign of biliary invasion by hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clinical evaluation of intraoperative endoscopy with electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) in the management of 13 patients with pancreatobiliary lithiasis was undertaken. METHODS: Ten patients with chronic pancreatitis with intraductal lithiasis in the head and three with biliary lithiasis (one choledochal, one cystic, one right intrahepatic) underwent intraoperative endoscopy with EHL. Shock waves were applied by visual contact with a 3-Fr gauge EHL probe until all stones were fragmented and irrigated free. All pancreatitis patients had failed ERCP attempts to stent their pancreatic ducts secondary to ductal lithiasis. Patients with pancreatic stones underwent lateral pancreatojejunostomy. Biliary stone patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy with common duct exploration (two cases) and open cholecystectomy with choledochoduodenostomy (one case). RESULTS: Intraductal stone eradication was successful in all patients. Transampullary visualization of the duodenum was achieved in eight cases. Average EHL time was 65 min. There was no evidence of postoperative pancreatitis, cholangitis, or retained common duct stones. CONCLUSION: Intraoperative pancreatobiliary endoscopy with EHL is safe and effective in the eradication of pancreatic and bile duct stones. This novel technique represents a valuable adjunct in the management of chronic fibrocalcific pancreatitis with ductal lithiasis in the head region and in the open and laparoscopic management of intra- and extrahepatic bile duct stones.  相似文献   

The high incidence of biliary tract carcinoma in patients with anomalous pancreaticobiliary ductal junction (APBDJ) with or without choledochal cyst (CC) has been well documented. Twenty-two patients with APBDJ were divided into three groups: Group A, four patients not associated with CC and biliary tract carcinoma; Group B, 13 patients with CC but without biliary tract carcinoma; and Group C, five patients with biliary tract carcinoma (four with and one without CC). Profiles of bile acids in the gall-bladder and/or common bile duct were analysed in these patients and compared with those in the control patients with cholecystlithiasis to examine the hypothesis that the levels of deoxycholic acid (DCA) and lithocholic acid (LCA) are elevated in patients with APBDJ because these secondary bile acids are mutagenic. Bile acids were quantified by gas-liquid chromatography. Total bile acid concentration in the gall-bladder bile was significantly lower in any group with APBDJ than that of controls. In the gall-bladder, increased proportion of chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) in Group A and B, decreased proportion of DCA in Group B and increased proportion of cholic acid (CA) in Group C were found in bile. In the bile duct, total bile acid concentration and proportion of DCA were significantly low in bile from Group C and decreased proportion of DCA and increased proportion of CDCA were found in bile from Group B. In both the gall-bladder and hepatic bile, proportion of LCA was not significantly different between any intergroups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Choledochoduodenostomy, choledochojejunostomy, or sphincteroplasty are used in the treatment of selected patients with retained, recurrent, and impacted bile duct stones; strictures of the bile ducts; stenosis of the sphincter of Oddi; pancreatitis associated with biliary disease; choledochal cysts; fistulas of the bile duct; and biliary obstruction, either benign or malignant. From a group of approximately 1600 patients operated on for biliary and pancreatic disease during the 17-year period, 1962 to 1979, 153 patients who had choledochoduodenostomy, choledochojejunostomy or sphincteroplasty were identified. Follow-up information was available for 146 patients (95%). Overall, 84% of the patients had good results, 10% had fair results, and 3% had poor results. A 3% postoperative mortality rate was found, all in patients with unresectable malignancies. Treatment of bile duct obstruction, benign or malignant, was equally effective by choledochoduodenostomy or choledochojejunostomy. Jaundice resolved in all patients; three patients with benign strictures required reoperations for recurrent stricture formation, two after choledochoduodenostomy, and one after choledochojejunostomy. Recurrent cholangitis heralded the development of another stricture. Both choledochoduodenostomy and sphincteroplasty were used for patients with retained, recurrent or impacted duct stones. Pancreatitis did not occur in any patient after sphincteroplasty; the sump syndrome was not seen after choledochoduodenostomy. This review supports the view that choledochoduodenostomy is a safe and effective procedure. All three operative procedures were effective for the problems for which they were used; each procedure has a place in the treatment of recurrent or complicated biliary and pancreatic diseases. The procedures are complementary, not competitive. For certain problems, the operation performed depends upon the surgeon's preference and experience. The indications for and results of these operative procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

Focal retention of radioactivity in the liver on whole-body 131I scan was interpreted as a metastatic lesion in a patient with well-differentiated thyroid cancer. Intrahepatic duct dilatation, usually resulting from biliary tract obstruction by bile stone, is a common disorder and may cause bile stasis. A patient with papillary thyroid cancer and a previous history of biliary tract stones had focal retention of radioactivity in the liver on whole-body 131I scan. Abdominal CT, endoscopic retrograde cholagiopancreatography, radionuclide cholangiography and sequential 131I scans demonstrated that this focal retention of radioactivity was caused by intrahepatic duct dilatation. Focal retention of radioactivity is visualized on delayed images but not on early images. The radioactivity initially increases and then decreases on following days.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to estimate the long-term prognosis of patients with bile duct stones who undergo electrohydraulic lithotripsy guided by choledochoscopy. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Since 1987, at our institution, 14 patients with bile duct stones have been treated using percutaneous electrohydraulic lithotripsy guided by choledochoscopy. The procedure was performed 5-7 days after biliary drainage using a 5-mm choledochoscope placed through an 18- to 20-French sheath. All patients underwent follow-up CT, sonography, or both every 6-12 months after treatment. RESULTS: No complications occurred in the 14 patients who underwent treatment. During a mean follow-up period of 4.8 years (range, 2-9 years), two (14%) of the 14 patients developed recurrent common bile duct stones, and another two (14%) developed recurrent small intrahepatic stones; all patients remained asymptomatic. CONCLUSION: Percutaneous electrohydraulic lithotripsy can be safely performed using a 5-mm choledochoscope. Recurrent calculi may be seen in 28% of patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) is widely used for the removal of stones from the bile duct, but stones recur in about one fifth of patients. AIMS: To investigate hepatic clearance by quantitative cholescintigraphy (QC) in patients after EST and to discern the relationship between biliary emptying and stone recurrence. METHODS: One hundred and forty nine patients who had EST and clearance of the bile duct for choledocholithiasis were selected. All patients were confirmed to have complete EST by sphincter of Oddi manometry and underwent QC soon after normalisation of liver function. Regular clinical follow up was performed for each patient. RESULTS: During a mean 36 month follow up, 22 (14.8%) patients developed recurrent stones in the bile duct. Irrespective of the status of the gall bladder, patients with recurrent stones had a slower hepatic clearance of radioisotope during QC compared with patients without stone recurrence, but only the differences in cholecystectomised patients had statistical significance. After carrying out multivariate analysis, one parameter of QC, percentage clearance of maximal count at 45 minutes, was found to be the only significant factor for stone recurrence. All recurrent stones in the common bile duct were successfully removed at endoscopy. CONCLUSION: Slower hepatic clearance as shown by QC is an important factor responsible for stone recurrence after sphincter ablation.  相似文献   

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