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The lens of the eye is an avascular tissue surrounded by fluids such as the aqueous humor and vitreous body, with one side facing toward the outside of the body. We investigated peroxidative reactions occurring in cataractous lenses, examining changes within the lens tissues as well as in the surrounding environment. 1. Peroxidative reactions in lenses. 1) Aging and peroxidative reactions. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) began to decrease in the lenses of rats at six months of age. Moreover, the level of lipid peroxide increased significantly in the lenses of rats at 24 months of age. Lipoproteins became increasingly oxidized with age. The levels of Na+, K+, and Ca++, ions that are important to the maintenance of membrane function, also varied significantly with age. In the lenses of six-month-old Senescence Accelerated Mice (SAM), there was a marked decrease in the ability of scavenge active oxygen and a marked increase in the amount of lipid peroxide. In human lenses, the level of autofluorescence increased as the lens fiber structure changed with age. 2) Generation of free radicals inside the lens. We verified that HO. and ascorbic acid radicals were being generated inside cataractous lenses using electron spin resonance (ESR). 3) Changes in oxidation-related substances in cataractous lenses. Senile cataractous lenses and diabetic cataractous lenses were classified as four types, cortical, nuclear, posterior subcapsular, and mature. In cataractous lenses from all types of diabetic patients, the levels of glucose, glycated protein, and lipid peroxide were higher than in senile cataractous lenses. Among the four types of cataracts, the accumulation of peroxides was the greatest in the nuclear type both diabetic and senile cataractous lenses. 4) Transitional metals. Iron ions and copper ions existed in lens tissue. In particular, the subepithelial region of the lens stained strongly for copper ions. The increased level of copper ions in cataractous lenses is likely to be related to the increased peroxidation in this tissue. 5) Changes in membrane. Lowered levels of phospholipids and a higher degree of saturation of fatty acids were observed in senile cataractous lenses as compared with normal lenses. The increased saturation of fatty acids indicated that there was a damage to the membrane structure due to peroxidative reactions. The receptors for low density lipoprotein (LDL) were shown to exist on the epithelium of normal lenses. Acetyl-LDL, a denatured lipoprotein was incorporated into senile cataractous lenses but not into normal lenses, suggesting that the barrier function of the membrane deteriorates in cataractous lenses. Moreover, in diabetic cataractous lenses, the levels of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and LDL significantly increased. 2. Change in the environment surrounding the lens and peroxidative reactions. 1) Changes in the levels of oxidation-related substances in blood, aqueous humor, and vitreous body from diabetic patients: all had decreased levels of reduced glutathione and superoxide scavenging activity, and increased levels of lipid peroxide and glycated protein. This may have been due to a reduction in the anti-oxidative potential in the environment surrounding the lens due to the enhanced glycation. Changes in the level of oxidation related substances in the vitreous body in particular, will likely have a significant impact on the lens. 2) Changes in lenses as the surrounding environment deteriorates. Human lenses were cultured for three weeks under conditions similar to those found in vivo utilizing the culture system that we had originally designed and constructed. When protective activity against peroxidation was reduced, the amount of lipid peroxide increased significantly. In the presence of high levels of glucose, the levels of lipid peroxide increased and the amount and activity of SOD decreased. 3. Effects of changes in the external environment on peroxidative reactions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To establish a new fluorophotometric method to quantitate oxidative stress in the retina in vivo with a hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-sensitive fluorescent dye. METHODS: For in vitro fluorophotometric study, nonfluorescent 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein (DCFH) was incubated with H2O2 (10 pM to 100 nM), and the production of fluorescent 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein (DCF) was measured with fluorophotometric analysis. The inhibitory effect of catalase was also examined. For in vivo fluorophotometric study, rabbit eyes received vitrectomy and were perfused with 5 microM 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCF-DA) or 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA). For oxidative stress, 300 microM H2O2 was infused after perfusion of DCFH-DA. Fluorophotometric measurements of the chorioretinal peak were performed. The eyes were enucleated for fluorescent microscopic examination to determine the localization of DCF fluorescence. RESULTS: H2O2 converted DCFH to DCF in a dose-dependent manner, which was inhibited by catalase dose dependently. In vivo fluorophotometric study showed DCF-DA and DCFH-DA caused production of 2006 +/- 274 picomole/ml (mean +/- SD, n = 5) and 8.35 +/- 1.11 picomole/ml (n = 5), respectively, in the chorioretinal peak. DCFH-DA with stimulation by H2O2 induced 30.7 +/- 13.1 (n = 4) picomole/ml DCF. Fluorescent microscopy showed DCF production in the retina was significant in the eye treated with DCF-DA and minimal in the eye treated with DCFH-DA. Moderate DCF production in the nerve fiber layer was observed in the eye treated with DCFH-DA and H2O2. CONCLUSIONS: This new fluorophotometric method with DCFH-DA may be useful in quantitatively evaluating oxidative stress in the retina in vivo.  相似文献   

Magnesium deficiency has been shown to produce vascular lesions in experimental animals, but the underlying mechanisms of vascular injury are not clear. It has been reported that in rodents, magnesium deficiency enhances circulating levels of factors that promote free radical generation and are mitogenic. In pursuance of these observations, the present study tested the hypothesis that magnesium deficiency may enhance oxidative stress and trigger an accelerated growth response in vivo in the aorta of rats. Oxidative stress was evaluated in terms of levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances in the serum and aorta and activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the aorta; fractional rates of collagen synthesis were assessed using [3H]-proline. Serum and tissue levels of magnesium and calcium were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The present study demonstrated for the first time that magnesium deficiency significantly (P < 0.001) increases levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances in the aorta of rats. Other changes in the aorta of animals on the Mg-deficient diet included a significant reduction (54%, P < 0.001) in the activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase (37%, P < 0.01) and a 19% increase in net fractional rates of collagen synthesis (P < 0.05). While serum magnesium was significantly reduced in these animals (P < 0.001), aortic tissue levels of magnesium in these animals remained unaltered throughout the duration of the study, suggesting the existence of other control mechanisms, apart from reduced tissue levels of magnesium, mediating the observed effects. These findings suggest that magnesium deficiency may trigger a wound healing response, involving oxidative injury and growth stimulation, in the vascular system.  相似文献   

Swellings of the retropharyngeal area are quite rare and all cases have common symptoms deriving from the site of origin, size, interaction with the surrounding anatomical structures and the presence, or lack thereof, of any associated inflammation. The main symptoms are dysphagia, the feeling of a foreign body in the pharynx and dyspnea. The present work describes two clinical cases of hyperostosis of the cervical column both of which presented discrete dysphagia, intermittent dyspnea and swelling in the area located between the pharynx and the spinal column thus leading to the feeling of having a foreign body in the area. The first case was a hyperostosis of the prevertebral space located on the right side and running medially toward the homolateral palatine tonsil. The pharyngoepiglottic fold area was medialized while the glottic region appeared normal. The second case had an ovoid median swelling in the hypopharynx stemming from the prevertebral space. During normal respiration the upper part of the laryngeal face of the epiglottis came into contact with this swelling while during phonation the glottic plane was normal. CT, MRI and endoscopy all proved able to provide information regarding the anatomy of the neoformation and the relationship with the neighboring structures. Many surgical techniques have been described to gain access to the spinal column osteophytes. The transcervical techniques give better exposure than transoral approaches although they increase the risk of damaging the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the sympathetic nervous system; moreover they require marked retraction of the carotid artery. In the authors' experience surgery was opted for in only one of the cases as the patient was relatively young and in good general health. The transcervical posterolateral approach was chosen as it provided better exposure of the cervical region between C3 and C6 than did the anterolateral approach.  相似文献   

The brain is susceptible to oxidative stress. This is due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, high rate of oxygen consumption, regional high concentrations of iron, and relatively low antioxidant capacity. These factors may predispose the premature infant to brain damage. Brain damage may be due to: 1. Brief anoxia followed by hyperoxia (mimics parturition oxidative stress); or 2. Prolonged exposure to hyperoxia (mimics oxidative stress from postpartum maintenance in a hyperoxic environment). We have developed two animal models to examine these forms of oxidative stress on the brains of rats. In Model I rats were exposed to brief anoxic anoxia (100% N2) followed by hyperoxia (100% O2). Using T2-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain intensity decreased following the treatment suggesting water loss or free radical production. In vivo 1H-NMR showed brain water content appeared to increase, however variability rendered this result insignificant. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spin trapping, using a-phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone (PBN) produced a free radical signal from the anoxic-anoxia hyperoxia treated animals which suggests the decrease in MRI T2-weighted image signal intensity was due to free radicals. In Model II, we examined the effects of prolonged normobaric hyperoxia (85% O2) on blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity and brain phosphorous metabolism. BBB permeability increased following 1 week of hyperoxia. In addition, measurement of high energy phosphates, using in vivo 31P-NMR, showed the PCr/ATP ratio significantly decreased, the ATP/Pi ratio increased and the (ATP+PCr)/Pi ratio increased. Because the BBB is sensitive to oxidative stress its loss of integrity may be due to free radicals. The level of oxidative stress may result in brain elevation of ATP as an adaptation mechanism. In conclusion, anoxic-anoxia and prolonged hyperoxia exposure produce MRI visible changes in the brain. These two mechanisms may be important in the etiology of brain damage observed in many premature infants.  相似文献   

Following the subcutaneous (s.c.) administration of nicotinamide (10 mmol/kg), the brain and CSF levels of nicotinamide were increased to millimolar concentrations, but the concentrations of N-methylnicotinamide (NMN) in the CSF, and of NMN and NAD+ in brain tissue were not significantly altered. Concomitantly, nicotinamide caused increases of the choline levels in the venous brain blood. In hippocampal slices, nicotinamide (1-10 mM) induced choline release in a calcium- and mepacrine-sensitive manner and, in [3H]choline-labelled slices, increased the levels of [3H]lyso-phosphatidylcholine and [3H]glycerophosphocholine. We conclude that nicotinamide enhances brain choline concentrations by mobilising choline from choline-containing phospholipids, presumably via activation of phospholipase A2, while the formation of NMN does not contribute to this effect.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) is a predominantly Th1-mediated intraocular inflammatory disease that serves as a model for studying the immunopathogenic mechanisms of uveitis and organ-specific autoimmune diseases. Despite the well-documented role of IFN-gamma in the activation of inflammatory cells that mediate autoimmune pathology, recent studies in IFN-gamma-deficient mice paradoxically show that IFN-gamma confers protection from EAU. Because of the implications of these findings for therapeutic use of IFN-gamma, we sought to reexamine these results in the rat, another species that shares essential immunopathologic features with human uveitis and is the commonly used animal model of uveitis. We generated transgenic rats (TR) with targeted expression of IFN-gamma in the eye and examined whether constitutive ocular expression of IFN-gamma would influence the course of EAU. We show here that the onset of rat EAU is markedly accelerated and is severely exacerbated by IFN-gamma. In both wild-type and TR rats, we found that the disease onset is preceded by induction of ICAM-1 gene expression and is characterized by selective recruitment of T cells expressing a restricted TCR repertoire in the retina. In addition, these events occur 2 days earlier in TR rats. Thus, in contrast to the protective effects of IFN-gamma in mouse EAU, our data clearly show that intraocular secretion of IFN-gamma does not confer protection against EAU in the rat and suggest that IFN-gamma may activate distinct immunomodulatory pathways in mice and rats during uveitis.  相似文献   

Among the nucleopolyhedroviruses (Baculoviridae), the occlusion-derived virus (ODV), which initiates infection in host insects, may contain only a single nucleocapsid per virion (the SNPVs) or one to many nucleocapsids per virion (the MNPVs), but the significance of this difference is unclear. To gain insight into the biological relevance of these different packaging strategies, we compared pathogenesis induced by ODV fractions enriched for multiple nucleocapsids (ODV-M) or single nucleocapsids (ODV-S) of Autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) containing a beta-galactosidase reporter gene. In time course experiments wherein newly molted fourth-instar Trichoplusia ni were challenged with doses of ODV-S or ODV-M that yielded the same final mortality ( approximately 70%), we characterized viral foci as either being restricted to the midgut or involving tracheal cells (the secondary target tissue, indicative of systemic infection). We found that while the timing of primary infection by ODV-S and ODV-M was similar, ODV-S established significantly more primary midgut cell foci than ODV-M, but ODV-M infected tracheal cells at twice the rate of ODV-S. The more efficient establishment of tracheal infections by ODV-M decreased the probability that infections were lost by midgut cell sloughing, explaining why higher numbers of primary infections established by ODV-S within larvae were needed to achieve the same final mortality. These results showed that the multiple nucleocapsid packaging strategy of AcMNPV accelerates the onset of irreversible systemic infections and may indicate why MNPVs have wider individual host ranges than SNPVs.  相似文献   

MeAN administration (40mg/kg body wt/day (i.e. 1/5 of LD50) resulted in increased levels of lipid peroxidation products, conjugated dienes and lipofuscin-like substances in rat liver. Significant decrease in GSH and a decreased activity of hepatic SOD, CAT and GPx were observed. There was also an increase in glutathione S-transferase and G6PD activities, decreased plasma ceruloplasmin and vitamin C implying oxidative stress caused by MeAN.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are deeply involved in the production of reactive oxygen species through one-electron carriers in the respiratory chain; mitochondrial structures are also very susceptible to oxidative stress as evidenced by massive information on lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations. Oxidative stress can induce apoptotic death, and mitochondria have a central role in this and other types of apoptosis, since cytochrome c release in the cytoplasm and opening of the permeability transition pore are important events in the apoptotic cascade. The discovery that mtDNA mutations are at the basis of a number of human pathologies has profound implications: maternal inheritance of mtDNA is the basis of hereditary mitochondrial cytopathies; accumulation of somatic mutations of mtDNA with age has represented the basis of the mitochondrial theory of ageing, by which a vicious circle is established of mtDNA damage, altered oxidative phosphorylation and overproduction of reactive oxygen species. Experimental evidence of respiratory chain defects and of accumulation of multiple mtDNA deletions with ageing is in accordance with the mitochondrial theory, although some other experimental findings are not directly ascribable to its postulates.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Radiation therapy can cause corneal and conjunctival abnormalities that sometimes require surgical treatment. Corneal stem cell dysfunction is described, which recovered after the cessation of radiation. METHODS: A 44-year-old man developed a corneal epithelial abnormality associated with conjunctival and corneal inflammation following radiation therapy for maxillary cancer. He experienced ocular pain and loss of vision followed by conjunctival epithelialisation of the upper and lower parts of the cornea. RESULTS: Examination of brush cytology samples showed goblet cells in the upper and lower parts of the cornea, which showed increased fluorescein permeability, and intraepithelial lymphocytes. Impression cytology showed goblet cells in the same part of the cornea. Specular microscopy revealed spindle type epithelial cells. Patient follow up included artificial tears and an antibiotic ophthalmic ointment. The corneal abnormalities resolved after 4 months with improved visual acuity without any surgical intervention, but the disappearance of the palisades of Vogt did not recover at 1 year after radiation. CONCLUSION: Radiation therapy in this patient caused temporary stem cell dysfunction which resulted in conjunctivalisation in a part of the cornea. Although limbal stem cell function did not fully recover, this rare case suggested that medical options should be considered before surgery.  相似文献   

Double applications of phorbol esters trigger excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in mouse skin. Previously reported data suggest that the two applications induce distinguishable biochemical events, namely, priming and activation. The former is characterized as a recruitment of inflammatory cells, such as neutrophils, by chemotactic factors to inflammatory regions and edema formation. The latter is responsible for ROS generation. Thus, inhibitory effects of 1'-acetoxychavicol acetate (ACA), previously reported to be a superoxide generation inhibitor in vitro, on 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in mouse skin model were examined using a double application of ACA. We demonstrated that two pretreatments and pretreatment with ACA (810 nmol) in the activation phase suppressed double TPA application-induced H2O2 formation in mouse skin. ACA exhibited no inhibitory effects on edema formation and the enhancement of myeloperoxidase activity during the first TPA treatment, whereas the anti-inflammatory agent genistein administered at the same dose inhibited both biomarkers. No inhibitory potential of ACA for TPA-induced H2O2 formation in the priming phase was confirmed. On the other hand, in the in vitro study, ACA inhibited ROS generation in differentiated HL-60 cells more strongly than did 1'-hydroxychavicol, which showed no inhibition by pretreatment in the activation phase. In addition, allopurinol did not inhibit double TPA application-induced H2O2 formation in mouse skin. These findings suggest that the NADPH oxidase system of neutrophils rather than the epithelial xanthine oxidase system is dominant for the O2--generating potential in double TPA-treated mouse skin. ACA significantly inhibited mouse epidermis thiobarbituric acid-reacting substance formation, known as an overall oxidative damage biomarker. Moreover, histological studies demonstrated that ACA inhibited double TPA treatment-induced morphological changes reflecting inflammatory response, such as edema formation, leukocyte infiltration, hyperplasia, and cell proliferation. Furthermore, pretreatment with ACA but not 1'-hydroxychavicol in the activation phase inhibits double TPA application-induced increases in both number of leukocytes and proliferating cell nuclear antigen index. These results suggested that ROS from leukocytes including O2- plays an important role for continuous and excessive production of chemotactic factors, leading to chronic inflammation and hyperplasia, which are inhibitable by ACA. Thus, we concluded that O2- generation inhibitors are agents that effectively inhibit oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in mouse skin.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Free radical production has been reported to be increased in diabetic patients and to be involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. In this study, a standardized meal was administered to 10 type 2 diabetic patients and 10 healthy matched normal subjects to evaluate its effects on plasma oxidative stress generation. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: In diabetic patients, at baseline and after the meal, plasma malondialdehyde (MDA), vitamin C, protein SH groups, uric acid, vitamin E, and total plasma radical-trapping parameter, which evaluates plasma antioxidant capacity due to known and unknown antioxidants present in the plasma as well as their mutual cooperation, were measured. RESULTS: After the meal, plasma MDA and vitamin C increased, while protein SH groups, uric acid, vitamin E, and total plasma radical-trapping parameter decreased more significantly in the diabetic subjects than in control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: This finding shows that in the absorptive phase, free radicals are produced in diabetic patients. Since plasma glucose, but not insulin, rose significantly more in diabetic subjects than in control subjects, hyperglycemia may play an important role in the generation of postprandial oxidative stress in diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Adriamycin elicited a stimulation of rat central nervous system lipid peroxidation, both in vivo and in vitro, as evidenced by the increase in the content of thiobarbituric acid reactants, which was found to be NADPH-dependent. The antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase were seen to decrease on exposure to adriamycin (1 mg/kg for a period of 7 days), together with a significant decrement in the GSH/GSSG ratio, thus contributing to the oxidative insult to the tissue. The in vitro addition of GSH or vitamin E to brain homogenates offered protection against adriamycin-induced lipid peroxidation, suggesting that supplementation with these antioxidants could improve the therapeutic value of the drug.  相似文献   

We have identified a small molecular weight compound, SCH 14988, which specifically stimulates in vitro granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) production from activated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and monocytes but not other cytokines or CSFs with hematoregulatory activity. In vivo administration of SCH 14988 to mice rendered neutropenic by cyclophosphamide treatment resulted in the accelerated recovery of the peripheral neutrophil compartment. This activity correlated with increased in vivo G-CSF levels and stimulation of marrow granulopoiesis, and was comparable to that of exogenously administered recombinant human G-CSF. No alterations to other leukocyte populations in peripheral blood, spleen, or the peritoneal cavity were observed. These findings suggest that SCH 14988 may be clinically useful to enhance neutrophil granulopoiesis, as well as to study the mechanisms involved in G-CSF gene regulation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We sought to study the markers of lipid peroxidation and defenses against oxidative stress in patients with varying degrees of heart failure. BACKGROUND: Despite advances in other areas of cardiovascular disease, the morbidity and mortality from congestive heart failure (CHF) are increasing. Data mainly from animal models suggest that free radical injury may promote myocardial decompensation. However, there are no studies in humans correlating the severity of heart failure with increased free radical injury and antioxidants. METHODS: Fifty-eight patients with CHF and 19 control subjects were studied. In addition to complete clinical and echocardiographic evaluations, the prognosis of these patients was established by measuring the levels of soluble tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptors 1 and 2 (sTNF-R1 and sTNF-R2). Oxidative stress was evaluated by measuring plasma lipid peroxides (LPO), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) and vitamin E and C levels. RESULTS: The patients' age range, cause of heart failure and drug intake were comparable across the different classes of heart failure. Heart failure resulted in a significant increase in LPO (p < 0.005), MDA (p < 0.005), sTNF-R1 (p < 0.005) and sTNF-R2 (p < 0.005). There was a significant positive correlation between the clinical class of heart failure and LPO, MDA, sTNF-R1 and sTNF-R2 levels. There was an inverse correlation between GSHPx and LPO. With increased lipid peroxidation in patients with CHF, the levels of vitamin C decreased, but vitamin E levels were maintained. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate a progressive increase in free radical injury and encroachment on antioxidant reserves with the evolution of heart failure; they also suggest that oxidative stress may be an important determinant of prognosis. The therapeutic benefit of administering antioxidant supplements to patients with CHF should be evaluated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the different responses to antiretroviral treatment including zidovudine, of patients harbouring HIV with primary resistance to zidovudine, serum viral load, and CD4+ cell counts, for 24 weeks in a group of antiretroviral-naive patients with the codon 215 mutation of the HIV pol gene and in a control group at the start of treatment. DESIGN: A case-control retrospective study (1989-1996). METHOD: Nineteen out of 210 patients previously studied harboured the codon 215 mutation, had a self-reported compliance with treatment, a minimum follow-up of 24 weeks, and were treated with zidovudine alone or in combination with other nucleoside analogues. These patients were matched with 19 patients with wild-type strains at entry by initial CD4+ cell counts, clinical status, and antiretroviral treatment. RESULTS: During the first 12 weeks, CD4+ cell counts increased (76+/-26 and 64+/-26 x 10(6)/l in wild-type and mutant virus-infected groups, respectively), decreasing slightly until week 24, although no significant differences were found between the two groups studied. Serum viral load decreased in both groups (change in serum viral load of 0.80+/-0.11 log10 and 0.87+/-0.26 log10 copies/ml, wild-type and mutant virus-infected, respectively), although no significant differences were found between groups. CONCLUSION: No significant differences were found between patients with the primary mutation to zidovudine and control patients harbouring wild-type virus in terms of short-term response measured by serum viral load and CD4+ cell counts.  相似文献   

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