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基于分形理论的水体富营养状况评价及其验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在简要介绍分形维数算法的基础上,以乌梁素海2006年5月实测资料为例,初步分析分形理论在水体营养状况评价中的适用性;将基于分形理论的评价结果与国家环境保护部推荐使用的综合营养状态指数法评价结果进行比较分析。结果表明:在对22个采样点的评价中,二者评价的一致性达到91%。两种方法的评价结果仅有两个采样点不同。从全湖的评价结果看,乌梁素海已经达到富营养重富营养水平,与已有的研究成果相一致。评价结果充分说明分形维数法可以应用于乌梁素海的富营养化评价研究,但其在其他水体的普适性尚待进一步验证。另外,分析了分形理论在水体营养状况评价研究中存在的问题和不足,并对未来的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

淀山湖富营养化现状及生态修复措施分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2008—2010年淀山湖水质监测数据,评价该湖富营养化趋势。结果显示,2008年后,淀山湖的富营养化程度呈改善趋势,但水体富营养化存在区域差异。主要表现在:①2008—2010年的整个湖区水体中主要的富营养化指标TN、TP、SS、Ch-la质量浓度均呈下降趋势;②淀山湖上游来水区水体中TN、TP质量浓度比下游出水区高,综合营养状态指数同样也高;③淀山湖每年夏季暴发蓝藻水华的水域面积在不断减小。结果表明,淀山湖东南区域富营养化程度最轻,水生植物对水体净化、生态系统恢复具有重要价值;淀山湖的生态系统在逐步恢复。为使生态系统能巩固并形成良性循环,一些影响因素亟待解决。  相似文献   

湖、库富营养化机理研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了湖、库富营养化机理研究现状,内容包括水体富营养化过程各主要因素间的相互关系及其表现:藻类增长限制因子,叶绿素a与总氮、总磷浓度的关系,"水华"发生的水文气象条件;富营养化过程的藻类表现:典型污染指示种、群落多样性及藻类生长潜力;湖泊生态系统健康概念与湖泊生态系统的物质循环理论。指出富营养化实质是生态失衡。  相似文献   

Bütgenbach Reservoir is situated in the High Ardennes plateau in eastern Belgium (50°25′N; 6°13′E). It is used principally for flood control and for production of hydroelectric energy. It has been subjected to a previous series of studies because of its eutrophication problems and their impacts on the local economy. Bütgenbach Reservoir was emptied during spring 2004 for dam restoration, being refilled in mid‐September of the same year. Selected physicochemical and biological parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, inorganic and organic nutrients, chlorophyll‐a) were measured fortnightly during the lake's productive season (mid‐April to mid‐October 2005) at three sampling sites throughout the water column. The water quality conditions after refilling of the lake were compared to previous studies accomplished at the same sampling sites (prior to emptying the lake). The actual trophic status was mesotrophic to eutrophic, based on the combination of total phosphorous and chlorophyll‐a concentrations, as well as water transparency. Bütgenbach Reservoir generally exhibits good water quality, based on the French water quality system SEQ‐eau. A longitudinal decrease in water quality was observed from upstream to downstream, because mainly of the differences in lake bottom morphology and water residence time, and their impacts on nutrient distribution in the lake.  相似文献   

Eutrophication, or the enrichment of lakes and reservoirs with plant nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, is an ongoing concern facing human societies around the world. Once thought to have been resolved using engineering approaches such as municipal wastewater treatment and storm water management, the problem of nutrient enrichment not only persists, but even continues to increase, being manifested in harmful algal blooms, limitations on access to safe drinking water supplies, and related concerns associated with fresh water in lakes and reservoirs. The continuing concern surrounding eutrophication fulfils the many attributes of a ‘wicked’ or complex problem facing society. This report reviews seriatim the ten attributes of a wicked problem, and the implications of these attributes for lake and reservoir management are discussed. Recognition of eutrophication as a wicked problem requires site‐specific approaches, based on specific knowledge of individual water bodies, as well as an ongoing commitment to lake and reservoir management to respond to new manifestations of the problems of nutrient enrichment as they continue to be revealed over time.  相似文献   

镜泊湖水质及富营养化现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解镜泊湖水质及富营养化情况,于2007年4~7月,每月取水样一次,分别监测透明度、COD、TN、TP等水质指标,依据地表水水域环境功能和保护目标,按功能高低依次划分为5类,进行水质分析。结果表明:湖水的透明度较低,COD偏高,pH值小于7,略显酸性,TN、TP较高,其中TN含量严重超标;镜泊湖水质类别属于Ⅴ类,水质较差,属严重富营养化。  相似文献   

密云水库富营养化分析与预测   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
陈永灿  张宝旭  李玉梁 《水利学报》1998,29(7):0012-0016
密云水库是北京市重要饮水水源,本文对密云水库目前富营养化状况进行了分析.根据密云水库自身的特点,建立了密云水库总磷完全混合系统水质模型.根据1985年至1995年实测资料确定了总磷的表观沉降速度S.在各种不同污染负荷条件下,由建立的水质模型对密云水库2005年水质富营养状况进行了预测。  相似文献   

根据山美水库2008-2011年的水质监测资料,通过"卡尔森指数法"对水库富营养化现状进行评价。研究山美水库入库、库中及出库表层的水质特征、富营养化程度及富营养化变化趋势,并进行成因分析。结果表明:从入库、库中至出库的表层水体,TP浓度较高,TN超标最为严重,DO值在2011年相对较低,其他指标均满足水库水质Ⅱ类标准。四年中的水库富营养化程度基本为中营养状态,并有向中富营养转变的趋势。进行了成因分析并提出防治富营养化的相关对策与措施,以改善山美水库的水质情况。  相似文献   

The deterioration of water quality in lakes resulting from unsustainable catchment practices requires concerted efforts to address them, in the form of cooperation among government agencies and institutions, private bodies and the community‐at‐large. Research that provides an understanding of a lake's ecosystem is an important aspect of making informed decisions for sustainable management and governance of lakes. The present study describes the findings of literature reviews on Malaysian lakes, and the national efforts made to establish an agenda for lake research and development in Malaysia directed towards integrated lake basin management (ILBM). The main findings and outcomes of the National Lake Research Blueprint workshop in April 2014 on the issues facing lakes and reservoirs are highlighted. Seven research themes were identified, namely (i) ecosystem services and socio‐economic development, (ii) governance, (iii) water quality and pollution, (iv) eco‐hydrology and basin management, (v) biodiversity and natural products, (vi) physical limnology and hydrodynamics and (vii) technology. The goal is to enhance research and development on sustainable lake basin management directed to conservation and development targets. The findings of this study provide an integrated research framework that can support ILBM governance elements (pillars) elsewhere, and to call for researchers to participate in much‐needed research areas.  相似文献   

于桥水库富营养化评价及空间分布特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于天津市于桥水库2000-2010年水质数据,结合卡尔森富营养化指数与3种GIS空间插值方法(反距离权重、径向基函数、普通克里金),评价水库富营养化状态并对其空间分布特征及成因进行分析。结果表明:①普通克里金插值方法下的指数半方差模型插值精度较高。②水库富营养化主要表现为氮污染超标,有机污染较轻,磷为限制因子,在降雨集中的汛期(7-9月)水质营养状态空间差异显著。③水库整体水质呈中营养-轻富营养状态,范围为45.87~54.58,水库北岸由于沿岸畜禽养殖污染已处于轻富营养状态,南岸由于农业产生的面源污染呈现向富营养化转变的趋势,反映了水库富营养化空间分布状况,为建立有效的水库环境保护措施提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Many reservoirs provide multiple benefits to people around the world, in addition to primary uses such as irrigation. Thus, reservoir management should address their multiple uses. The water quality of ten irrigation reservoirs in Sri Lanka was examined in the present study with the objective of better understanding the effects of hydrological regimes on reservoir water quality and trophic state. Basic limnological parameters pertinent to the nutrient loads to, and trophic state of, the reservoirs were collected from June 2013 to February 2016. The sampling period was arbitrarily divided into two periods of approximately similar duration (period 1 = June 2013–September 2014; period 2 = October 2014–February 2016) to investigate whether or not there was a seasonal variation in the water quality parameters. Although temporal and spatial variations were observed, most water quality parameters were within the levels acceptable for drinking water standards. The 10 reservoirs were also ordinated by principal component analysis (PCA) on the basis of the water quality parameters of the two sampling periods in a two‐dimensional score plot. Reservoirs in the first principal component (PC1) axis were represented by negative scores attributable to the dissolved oxygen concentration and pH and, to a lesser extent, by electrical conductivity and chlorophyll‐a concentration. Positive scores in PC1 were represented by reservoirs with a score loading attributable to alkalinity, nitrate concentration, Secchi depth, temperature and seston weight and, to a lesser extent, from the total phosphorus concentration. There was a significant negative correlation of PC1 scores with relative reservoir water‐level fluctuation (RRLF; the ratio of mean reservoir water‐level amplitude to mean reservoir depth). Furthermore, Carlson's trophic index also were influenced by RRLF, although not by hydraulic retention time (HRT), indicating allochthonous nutrient inputs into the irrigation reservoirs were mainly governed by RRLF, but not by HRT. Thus, the results of the present study provide useful insights into achieving desirable reservoir water quality through the manipulation of the hydrological regime.  相似文献   

太湖水质及富营养化变化趋势分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
以太湖1997~2006年系列监测资料为依据,对太湖近10年的整体水质状况、富营养化状况以及主要污染指标进行了评价分析。结果表明:太湖水质污染以有机污染为主,水体状况呈逐渐恶化的趋势,富营养化程度逐年加剧,太湖治污工作不容乐观。  相似文献   

中国水质管理的现状、问题及挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述水质管理的基本内涵,分析中国水环境质量现状及流域未来的水污染发展趋势。指出了现行水质管理体制及政策手段存在的问题和不足,并针对这些问题,提出了加强水质管理、完善相关体制政策的若干建议。  相似文献   

太湖富营养化主要指标及营养水平变化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
分析了太湖1980-2011年富营养化水质指标的变化情况,同时利用水质富营养化评价结果,分析了2002-2011年不同湖区营养水平的变化特征。结果表明:太湖富营养化水质指标整体呈上升趋势,虽然TN和TP在1996年后开始降低,但仍处于较高水平;NH+4-N和Chl-a的最高值出现在2006年;TN和NH+4-N具有相似的月间变化特征,但是NH+4-N的极值较TN提前一个月出现;CODMn和Chl-a呈单峰的月间变化特征,而TP的月间变化呈双峰特征。西部沿岸区和五里湖的水质改善明显,梅梁湖、竺山湖和南部沿岸区水质改善不明显,东部沿岸区和东太湖水质呈恶化趋势。太湖不同湖区富营养水质出现频次的月变化特征也非常明显。  相似文献   

国外流域综合管理模式对我国河湖管理模式的借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国现阶段河湖管理采用流域管理和行政管理相结合的模式,管理实践中存在着流域管理机构与主导政府机构权责不清、公众有效参与不足的问题,以美国五大湖流域、英国东南流域、澳大利亚墨累-达令流域、法国卢瓦尔-布列塔尼流域等为例,对美国、英国、澳大利亚、法国、德国5个主要西方发达国家的各自最有特色的河湖管理模式中流域管理机构、主导政府机构、公众参与、流域管理特点进行了分析及归纳总结,以期对我国最近提出的流域综合管理提供参考。  相似文献   

加强太湖流域综合管理维护河湖健康生态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以太湖流域为例,分析了流域水生态环境问题和河湖生态健康的评价指标,阐明了流域综合管理对维护河湖生态健康的重要性,提出了有效的流域管理目标在于建立人类活动与生态环境之间平衡的观点.维护流域生态健康所必需的综合管理措施,首先是要形成流域综合管理机制,建立高效、权威的流域管理机构,通过有效的流域综合管理来协调人类活动与水生态环境的兼容性,对于已经受损的流域河湖生态系统需要采取有效措施加以修复或恢复.另外,提出应把河湖生态健康作为衡量可持续发展和流域管理成效的尺度之一.  相似文献   

The Governments of the Provinces located in Patagonia, Argentina, promote the intensive breeding of salmonids in the Andean Patagonian region. Although annual production is low (450 ton ha–1 year–1), some effects are significant. Waste produced by salmonid breeding (feed losses, faeces and excretion) increases nutrient and organic matter concentrations, which cause modifications of water quality, sediments and biota. A consequent risk is the elevation of eutrophication levels. Possible changes in water composition, sediments, algae and wild fish populations were studied. Sites affected by fish farming showed increased nutrient concentration, and phytoplankton and periphyton biomass. Chlorophyll a was similar at both sites (affected and unaffected by fish farm sites). Sediments clearly reflect fish farm waste inputs: total phosphorus and organic matter increased 12‐fold and fourfold, respectively. The species present in the gill‐net catches were the autochthonous Percichthys trucha, Odontesthes hatcheri, Diplomystes viedmensis, and the introduced salmonids Oncorhynchus mykiss, Salmo trutta, Salmo salar sebago and Salvelinus fontinalis. About 50% of the total catch was salmonids. A major portion of the catch per unit weight was composed of rainbow trout, followed by perch. The catch per unit weight obtained for this reservoir agrees with the range of values previously determined ( Quiros 1990 ) for Patagonian reservoirs. Compared with previous studies by Freyre et al. (1991) , a variation in catch composition exists. This consists mainly of an increase in the numbers and condition of O. mykiss and a decrease in P. trucha. Presence of fish that escaped from hatcheries, recognizable by their eroded fins, was observed; particularly in a sampling station near the fish cage systems. Variations in catches could be caused by cyclical changes in fish populations ( Wooton 1991 ), by direct and indirect effects of intensive fish farming, or by a combination of both events, and can only be understood through long‐term studies of catch variation.  相似文献   

英国法国水资源管理制度的考察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
英国实地的是中央对水资源按流域统一管理和水务私有化相结合的管理体制;法国则采用“议会”式的流域娲地及其执行机构一流域水管局来统一管理流域水资源,城市水务并不像英国那样搞全面私有化,而是将其资产所有权转让给私营企业,实行有计划的委托管理。  相似文献   

Paleolimnological studies are rarely performed on reservoirs because of concern that sediments might not accurately chronicle reservoir history. Eutrophication indicators might behave differently in polymictic reservoirs and stratified natural lakes because of system and/or mixing regime differences. Particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON), and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations, carbon:nitrogen (C:N) and nitrogen:phosphorus (N:P) ratios, and carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes from a sediment core were measured to demonstrate that sufficient information can be derived from sediments to permit a historical reconstruction. The scattered POC data were likely biased by seasonal/annual variability in allochthonous organic matter (OM) loading. The upwardly increasing PON in the sediment core supported historic primary productivity (PP) data, suggesting PON could be a better PP indicator than POC. The upwardly increasing TP documented historic P enrichment. The upwardly decreasing C:N ratio identified an OM source shift from allochthonous to increasingly autochthonous sources with reservoir age. The upwardly increasing N:P ratio implied that N‐fixation rates have increased with reservoir age, to compensate for increasing N limitation as the P loading increased. The δ13C decreased as the PP increased with reservoir age producing an atypical relationship compared to stratified natural lakes. The OM source shifts likely biased the δ13C–PP relationship, and might weaken δ13C‐inferred PP reconstructions in similar reservoirs. The δ15N increased with reservoir age, likely resulting from dissolved inorganic N (DIN) source changes, rather than nitrate utilization. Watershed urban growth and dairy operation intensification potentially contributed greater loads of isotopically heavy DIN. This study demonstrated that paleolimnology has great potential to assist eutrophication assessment and management efforts in reservoirs.  相似文献   

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