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Understanding demographic and migrational patterns constitutes a great challenge. Millions of individual decisions, motivated by economic, political, demographic, rational and/or emotional reasons underlie the high complexity of demographic dynamics. Significant advances in quantitatively understanding such complexity have been registered in recent years, as those involving the growth of cities but many fundamental issues still defy comprehension. We present here compelling empirical evidence of a high level of regularity regarding time and spatial correlations in urban sprawl, unravelling patterns about the inertia in the growth of cities and their interaction with each other. By using one of the world''s most exhaustive extant demographic data basis—that of the Spanish Government''s Institute INE, with records covering 111 years and (in 2011) 45 million people, distributed among more than 8000 population nuclei—we show that the inertia of city growth has a characteristic time of 15 years, and its interaction with the growth of other cities has a characteristic distance of 80 km. Distance is shown to be the main factor that entangles two cities (60% of total correlations). The power of our current social theories is thereby enhanced.  相似文献   

The most commonly used dose–response models implicitly assume that accumulation of dose is a time-independent process where each pathogen has a fixed risk of initiating infection. Immune particle neutralization of pathogens, however, may create strong time dependence; i.e. temporally clustered pathogens have a better chance of overwhelming the immune particles than pathogen exposures that occur at lower levels for longer periods of time. In environmental transmission systems, we expect different routes of transmission to elicit different dose–timing patterns and thus potentially different realizations of risk. We present a dose–response model that captures time dependence in a manner that incorporates the dynamics of initial immune response. We then demonstrate the parameter estimation of our model in a dose–response survival analysis using empirical time-series data of inhalational anthrax in monkeys in which we find slight dose–timing effects. Future dose–response experiments should include varying the time pattern of exposure in addition to varying the total doses delivered. Ultimately, the dynamic dose–response paradigm presented here will improve modelling of environmental transmission systems where different systems have different time patterns of exposure.  相似文献   

Communal roosting in Bechstein’s bat colonies is characterized by the formation of several groups that use different day roosts and that regularly dissolve and re-merge (fission–fusion dynamics). Analysing data from two colonies of different sizes over many years, we find that (i) the number of days that bats stay in the same roost before changing follows an exponential distribution that is independent of the colony size and (ii) the number and size of groups that bats formed for roosting depend on the size of the colony, such that above a critical colony size two to six groups of different sizes are formed. To model these two observations, we propose an agent-based model in which agents make their decisions about roosts based on both random and social influences. For the latter, they copy the roost preference of another agent which models the transfer of the respective information. Our model is able to reproduce both the distribution of stay length in the same roost and the emergence of groups of different sizes dependent on the colony size. Moreover, we are able to predict the critical system size at which the formation of different groups emerges without global coordination. We further comment on dynamics that bridge the roosting decisions on short time scales (less than 1 day) with the social structures observed at long time scales (more than 1 year).  相似文献   

The developmental dynamics of multicellular organisms is a process that takes place in a multi-stable system in which each attractor state represents a cell type, and attractor transitions correspond to cell differentiation paths. This new understanding has revived the idea of a quasi-potential landscape, first proposed by Waddington as a metaphor. To describe development, one is interested in the ‘relative stabilities’ of N attractors (N > 2). Existing theories of state transition between local minima on some potential landscape deal with the exit part in the transition between two attractors in pair-attractor systems but do not offer the notion of a global potential function that relates more than two attractors to each other. Several ad hoc methods have been used in systems biology to compute a landscape in non-gradient systems, such as gene regulatory networks. Here we present an overview of currently available methods, discuss their limitations and propose a new decomposition of vector fields that permits the computation of a quasi-potential function that is equivalent to the Freidlin–Wentzell potential but is not limited to two attractors. Several examples of decomposition are given, and the significance of such a quasi-potential function is discussed.  相似文献   

Undulatory locomotion of micro-organisms through geometrically complex, fluidic environments is ubiquitous in nature and requires the organism to negotiate both hydrodynamic effects and geometrical constraints. To understand locomotion through such media, we experimentally investigate swimming of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans through fluid-filled arrays of micro-pillars and conduct numerical simulations based on a mechanical model of the worm that incorporates hydrodynamic and contact interactions with the lattice. We show that the nematode''s path, speed and gait are significantly altered by the presence of the obstacles and depend strongly on lattice spacing. These changes and their dependence on lattice spacing are captured, both qualitatively and quantitatively, by our purely mechanical model. Using the model, we demonstrate that purely mechanical interactions between the swimmer and obstacles can produce complex trajectories, gait changes and velocity fluctuations, yielding some of the life-like dynamics exhibited by the real nematode. Our results show that mechanics, rather than biological sensing and behaviour, can explain some of the observed changes in the worm''s locomotory dynamics.  相似文献   

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