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The design of a forty-meter long model used to estimate the seismic response of the immersed tunnel of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau (HZM) bridge engineering is presented. The model was composed of twelve model boxes, four “active” as they were placed on top of four shaking tables, each with a dimension of 4 × 6 m with capacity of 1.5 g. The remaining eight model boxes were “inactive”, as their response was the result of the motions imposed by the active model boxes through the connection between boxes. The design of the connections was deemed critical to accomplish a consistent excitation through the system. Analytical and numerical simulations of the test system were carried out where the model boxes were represented as beams and their connections as rotational springs. In the model, wave passage along the axis of the tunnel was input to the “active” model boxes using a delay equal to the time it would take the seismic wave to travel from one active box to the next along the axis of the tunnel. A series of tests conducted with the boxes verified the design. The in-situ soil, found at the location of the tunnel, was modeled using a synthetic soil formed by an intimate mixture of sawdust and sand with mass proportions 1:2.5, that yielded dynamic properties that, after the similitude ratios used for the design of the system, were analogous to those of the natural soil. The effects of the rigid boundaries imposed by the lateral walls of the model box were investigated by carrying out tests on a single model box, filled with the synthetic soil that reproduced the natural slope of the ground at the location of the tunnel. Readings from accelerometers placed inside the soil during the shaking table tests showed that the effects of the boundaries were negligible. These results were confirmed by two-dimensional plane-strain simulations using a finite element method that replicated the experiments. In summary, analytical, numerical and experiment results consistently showed that the design of the model boxes and the synthetic soil were adequate. The design and tests of the long tunnel model will be presented elsewhere.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on a hybrid high‐rise structure that has two structural systems: the main one is a mega‐frame consisted of mega‐columns, strengthened floors and the outrigger truss on the top; the secondary one consists of typical floors between the strengthened floors. Because of the complexity and innovation of the structural system, a detailed study, including shaking table test and numerical analysis, is needed to research the seismic property of the hybrid structure. First, a 1/50 shaking table model was tested by the State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering of Tongji University to obtain the frequencies of the free‐vibration modes and dynamic property of the model. Second, this paper used 3D finite element analysis software, named MIDAS, to build the numerical models. Two kinds of models were made to simulate the shaking table model and the prototype structure, respectively, and then a comparison between the analytical and experimental results was presented in this paper to verify the numerical models. In addition, the seismic behaviour of the prototype was analysed by the MIDAS. Finally, the structural system of the new hybrid structure was verified to be valid and applicable. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为考察基于子结构隔震的巨型框架结构的实际振动控制效果,对一巨型框架结构和采用子结构隔震的巨型框架结构进行数值分析和振动台试验。介绍了巨型框架结构原型,采用有限元方法对巨型框架结构和采用子结构隔震的巨型框架结构进行分析,研究子结构隔震技术对外部主框架和内部子框架的地震反应控制效果。介绍了缩尺模型结构及其试验方案,对其进行了模拟地震的振动台试验,测量和分析了主框架和子框架的地震反应。有限元分析和振动台试验结果表明:子框架隔震后,巨型框架结构的基本周期得到延长,但隔震结构前6阶振型的振动都是以子框架振动为主,而非隔震结构前6阶振型的振动都是以主框架的振动为主。子框架隔震后,主框架和子框架的地震反应都显著减小,位置较低的子框架2的地震反应及其隔震效果一般要比上部子框架3的大。隔震子框架的变形主要集中在隔震层上,但隔震层变形小于主、子框架间的隔震缝宽度。  相似文献   

The paper describes two constitutive models for the simulation of expanded polystyrene (EPS) seismic buffer shaking table tests previously reported by the writers. The first model is linear elastic–plastic with Mohr–Coulomb criterion and Rayleigh damping. The second is called the equivalent-linear method (ELM) which incorporates hysteretic load–unload cycles using Masing-type functions and strain-dependent shear modulus and damping ratio functions. The constitutive models were applied to both the geofoam buffer and sand backfill in both approaches. Both models are shown to capture qualitative features of measured peak load-time response of the physical tests. The advanced ELM model gave predictions that were closer to the measured results for the seismic buffer test with the most compressible EPS when model accelerations and total wall forces were greatest. However, the simpler model is judged to be sufficiently accurate for practical purposes when the dynamic force increment is considered only.  相似文献   

应用一维化算法和人工边界节点的集中质量运动方程,将地震波动问题转化为波源问题。采用MATLAB语言,编制了将斜入射地震动场转化为施加于人工边界节点上的等效荷载,实现了波动的有效输入。利用编制的程序分析地震波斜入射时软土对地面运动峰值的影响,利用有限元程序ANSYS和根据波动输入程序,分析了地震波斜入射时河谷地形对地面运动峰值的影响。结果表明:软土层的存在会增强对地面运动峰值的放大作用。河谷地形对地震动具有放大效应,随着入射角度的增大,对应河谷地形的放大系数有所变化。  相似文献   

混凝土面板堆石坝的加速度地震反应是其设计和运行中参考的主要依据之一。由于数值方法难以准确模拟土石填筑材料的复杂特性,振动台模型试验被应用于高面板坝坝体的加速度地震反应研究。本文通过对紫坪铺面板堆石坝的大型振动台三维模型试验,得到不同地震动工况下加速度在坝体中的分布以及加速度放大倍数沿坝高的分布。研究发现,在输入加速度幅值较低时坝体的加速度放大倍数最大值出现在0.8倍坝高左右,放大倍数随着输入地震动幅值的增大而减小,并且放大倍数极值出现位置逐渐上移到坝顶。相同高程测点的加速度反应,下游坡面最大,坝体内部加速度小于坝体表面加速度。  相似文献   

建筑物的地基可能会遇到各种各样的土层,当在软土地基上进行建筑时,为了满足建筑物的承载要求,必须对软土地基进行适当的加固处理,而高压旋喷桩就是地基加固处理的一种方法.通过三维有限元的数值分析方法,采用Buyukozturk Concrete模型模拟水泥和水泥土的非线性,用基于塑性的Drucker-Prager模型模拟土的非线性,建立了高压旋喷桩的桩-土-结构相互作用体系的三维有限元模型,研究了桩-土耦合作用的相互非线性效应,通过接触分析计算了高压旋喷桩基础在地震载荷作用下的上部钢结构响应以及桩腿的内力分布,为复杂结构物的计算提供了一种新的计算方法.  相似文献   

为深入研究非液化场地中桩-结构体系地震响应和土-结构动力相互作用问题,进行了含有一定深度的松砂层非液化场地土-结构体系动力相互作用大型振动台试验,分析非液化场地和群桩基础的加速度地震响应特征,并对土体侧向变形规律以及桩基弯矩分布进行了分析。结果表明:当输入0.05g拍波时,土体与桩基对加速度反应表现出放大作用,且距离结构较远处土体对加速度放大作用更加明显;当输入0.3g汶川地震卧龙台地震记录时,加速度只在远离桩基的土体中加速度反应有一定放大;桩身最大弯矩均超过60N·m,并且桩基弯矩幅值呈现出桩顶弯矩小(靠近桩顶处)、下部弯矩大(靠近桩端处)的规律,且在土层交界面附近弯矩存在突变;上部结构加速度反应自上而下有一定程度的减小,地震动Arias强度值减小明显,刚性场地上的结构地震动Arias强度是位于土体上结构的3~4倍,说明土体的耗能作用明显。  相似文献   

锚索抗滑桩地震响应的离心振动台模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 锚索抗滑桩的抗震性能是建立和改进其抗震设计方法的基础。为深入理解其抗震性能,以汉源背后山堆积型滑坡锚索抗滑桩加固工程为参考原型,采用能实现原型仿真的50 g离心振动台模型试验,输入不同峰值的汶川地震清溪台基岩波作为基底激励,利用布设的不同类型传感器,记录锚索抗滑桩加固堆积型滑坡体的加速度、桩身弯矩、桩土间的动土压力和锚索轴力全过程的时程数据,揭示不同峰值的地震动作用时加固滑坡体加速度、抗滑桩弯矩、桩土间的动土压力和锚索轴力的定量化响应规律,为验证和发展锚索抗滑桩的抗震设计理论、数值模拟方法、厘清抗震加固机制及破坏模式提供翔实的资料。  相似文献   

盾构隧道衬砌结构在地震载荷作用下的安全越来越受到重视,本文运用有限元软件数值模拟地震作用过程,分析地震作用下不同管片接头模型中管片性能的变化规律,结果表明:盾构隧道在地震横向作用下产生较大的横向位移,不同管片接头模型中管片的位移时程曲线趋势基本一致,且随着管片刚度减小而增大,但均比地表土体横向位移小很多|地震作用下不同管片接头模型中管片和连接螺栓的内力分布情况相类似,随着管片刚度减小,管片横向方向和剪切方向的应力均减小,连接螺栓的轴力、剪力和弯矩均增大,其中剪力增加的幅度最大,弯矩最大值位于隧道两拱腰处。  相似文献   

在参考已有的试验和大量相关文献的基础上,对利用地震振动台研究边坡动力稳定性的试验作了归纳研究,对地震振动台相似关系设计、模型边界的处理、相似材料的配比、试验模型的制作、试验动荷载的加载方式等进行了系统的阐述,指出了目前地震振动台所存在的问题及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

张同亿  付仰强  赵宏训 《建筑结构》2021,51(17):106-114
介绍了国内外大型地震模拟振动台及其基础设计的发展现状,对大型振动台基础设计的计算分析方法、控制标准进行了对比研究,给出了大型振动台基础工程的选型及设计建议,提出了控制振动台基础重量与最大出力比的新概念,并对大型地震模拟振动台基础工程设计的研究方向作出展望.  相似文献   

为了分析土与结构相互作用效应(SSI)对结构控制的影响,将地基土、上部结构和调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)组合成4种结构体系,在同一地震激励下,分别对其进行振动台试验。运用土与结构动力相互作用三维有限元分析软件SASSI2000对4种结构体系分别建立模型,并对各种试验工况下的结构地震反应进行了数值模拟计算。计算中,采用三维八结点实体单元模拟结构的基础部分,每个结点有3个自由度;上部结构采用集中质量模型;采用等效线性化模型考虑土的动力非线性影响。对振动台模型试验与数值模拟结果的比较表明,两者得到的SSI效应对TMD减震控制性能的影响表现出相似的规律性,SSI效应对结构的减震控制效果有很大影响。  相似文献   

上海中心大厦塔楼高632m,该结构为巨型框架-核心筒-外伸臂结构体系,钢 混凝土混合结构。应用ABAQUS软件对该结构进行了7度多遇、基本和罕遇地震作用下的弹塑性时程分析,得到各水准地震作用下结构动力特性和位移反应,分析了结构的地震损伤破坏过程及损伤分布情况。同时,为进一步评价其抗震性能,进行了1/50比例的整体模型振动台试验,研究其地震破坏机理及抗震薄弱部位。弹塑性时程分析和振动台试验结果表明:该结构能够满足预先设定的抗震性能目标,且有较高的安全储备。  相似文献   

长度超过百米的地下结构受到地震动空间变异性的影响较大,为深入了解粉质粘土地基条件下地铁车站在非一致地震动激励下的动力反应规律,设计并完成了粉质粘土地基条件下非一致地震动激励下地铁车站模型的振动台试验。采用ABAQUS软件建立了三维有限元模型,模拟考虑非一致波动输入的地铁车站振动台试验模型。对比了有限元试验模型与振动台试验的基频和加速度结果,以及有限元试验模型与实际地铁车站有限元模型的内力和加速度结果。通过三者的相互验证,对非一致波动输入地铁车站振动台试验的方法进行了研究。  相似文献   

A shaking table test of a 12‐story steel/reinforced concrete (S/RC) frame, which is composed of a 4‐story steel frame in the higher part, a 1‐story S/RC frame as a transition story in the middle part, and a 7‐story reinforced concrete (RC) frame in the lower part of the model, has been conducted, and its results are compared with those of a standard 12‐story RC frame to evaluate seismic performance of this S/RC frame. The numerical simulation on such hybrid frame structure has been performed and validated by the above experimental results. It is found that irregular lateral‐stiffness distribution along structural height will not only increase rotation at the joint of boundary between transition story and steel frame or concrete frame but also enlarge rotation at such joint and lead to more obvious rigid deformation in steel frame of S/RC frame, which will undoubtedly intensify bending failure. Meanwhile, acceleration response of the upper steel frame will reach its peak when characteristic site period is near the counterpart of the upper steel frame. Further, the maximum interstory drift under frequent earthquake excitation is at the lower substructure, namely, the RC frame, but this is not the case in rare earthquake situation. When it comes to determining damping ratio for vertical hybrid structure, a general method for engineering, which takes concrete and steel damping ratio for the whole structure analysis and then gets envelopes of these results for design, may yield conservative results. Meanwhile, such method may underestimate responses near the transition story.  相似文献   

考虑结构-地基动力相互作用是各国核电抗震规范的一致要求,其中,非均质地基动力特性的合理模拟是 当前重要的关注之一。提出基于施加高阻尼并逐步移频抽取思想的阻尼溶剂逐步抽取法,最大限度地降低了阻尼 溶剂抽取法数值实现中人工高阻尼与地基区域大小的相互制约性,进而耦合上部核岛厂房子结构,在有限元框架 内建立了复杂非均质场地条件下核岛厂房结构地震响应分析模型,并给出了具体的实现公式,以便在通用有限元 程序中的开发。以三维半无限空间方形地基以及非均匀分层地基的动力分析为例,针对上述计算模型进行具体验 证,并就地基局部非均质对核岛厂房结构响应的影响进行探讨。计算结果表明,实测地基中所含捕虏体对核岛厂 房结构的地震响应影响较小,而该模型表现出良好的精度和计算效率,以及更好地适用于地基非均质性以及表面 几何结构复杂多变的情况。  相似文献   

为了研究常规钻地炸弹在岩石中爆炸时对地下支护结构的影响,应用LS-DYNA有限元程序分析了地下防护工程锚喷支护结构在爆炸荷载作用下的动力响应.模型中考虑了锚杆对岩石的锚固作用,其中混凝土采用H-J-C模型,并考虑了应变率效应.与国内外经验公式的计算结果比较表明,该分析模型与方法是合理的,能据此进行爆炸荷载作用下地下结构的动力可靠性分析.  相似文献   

The paper reports a 1 g shaking table test that was carried out on a reinforced soil wall with an objective to study the acceleration amplification in the backfill, and phase differences between dynamic responses of the reinforced and retained zones. Results of the study show that including the observed larger acceleration amplification in the upper half of the wall, and the phase difference between maximum lateral earth pressure and inertial load in the backfill in the analysis would lead to more accurate predictions of: (1) the wall response relative to predicted reinforcement load, (2) elevations of line of action for both the inertial and lateral earth forces in the backfill, and (3) wall deformations, as compared to pseudo-static methods of analysis.  相似文献   

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