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Nuclear and hydrogen are considered to be the most promising alternatives energy sources in terms of meeting future demand and providing a CO?‐free environment, and interest in the development of more cost‐effective hydrogen production plants is increasing—and nuclear‐powered hydrogen generation plants may be a viable alternative. This paper is a report on investigating the application of new generation nuclear power plants to hydrogen production and development of an associated techno‐economic model. In this paper, theoretical and computational assessments of generations II, III+, and IV nuclear power plants for hydrogen generation scenarios have been reported. Technical analyses were conducted on each reactor type—in terms of the design standard, fuel specification, overnight capital cost, and hydrogen generation. In addition, a theoretical model was developed for calculating various hydrogen generation parameters, and it was then extended to include an economic assessment of nuclear power plant‐based hydrogen generation. The Hydrogen Economic Evaluation Program originally developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency was used for calculating various parameters, including hydrogen production and storage costs, as well as equity, operation and maintenance (O&M), and capital costs. The results from each nuclear reactor type were compared against reactor parameters, and the ideal candidate reactor was identified. The simulation results also verified theoretically proven results. The main objective of the research was to conduct a prequalification assessment for a cogeneration plant, by developing a model that could be used for technical and economic analysis of nuclear hydrogen plant options. It was assessed that high‐temperature gas‐cooled reactors (HTGR‐PM and PBR200) represented the most economical and viable plant options for hydrogen production. This research has helped identify the way forward for the development of a commercially viable, nuclear power‐driven, hydrogen generation plant.  相似文献   

核电站安全壳是核反应堆的最后一道屏障,其结构的安全性直接关系到核电站周围人员和环境的安全问题。介绍了核电站安全壳的功能及其分类,基于核电站安全壳特殊的防护功能要求,对安全壳结构在地震、飞机撞击和爆炸等外来事件作用下的安全防护性能进行了探讨,并对安全壳结构防护措施的改善给予了相应建议。  相似文献   

Simulation is becoming increasingly important in the safety analysis of nuclear reactors nowadays. The physical phenomena in a nuclear power plant happen on three classified scales: system scale (phenomenon over the whole plant is concerned), component scale (phenomenon in specific component is concerned), and mesoscale (phenomenon in a small part of a component is concerned). Owing to the particular emphases, various codes are developed to simulate particular problems. System codes intend to predict the behavior of the whole power plant during normal or accidental phases (system scale). Subchannel codes are for core behavior predictions (component scale). CFD codes can simulate the thermal-hydraulic in a fixed part of the plant (mesoscale). Those codes are coupled together to better predict the conditions in a nuclear reactor in last the two decades, which is the multiscale thermal-hydraulic simulation approach for nuclear power systems. Diverse coupling approaches are developed and various coupling codes are implemented. This paper first proposes a classification of those approaches. It tells that a multiscale coupling is composed of five items: coupling architecture, operation mode, domain coupling, field mapping, and temporal coupling. Numbers of options are available for each item. For coupling architecture, it can be internal coupling, via-IO coupling, server-client, or serverless coupling. For operation mode, it can be either parallel or serial. For domain coupling, it can be either domain-decomposition or domain-overlapping coupling. For field mapping, it can be manual-definition, processed by user-developing toolkit, or handled by third-party libraries. For temporal coupling, it can be explicit coupling, semi-implicit coupling, or implicit coupling. An evaluation of the approaches is performed based on new-proposed criterion. A general review of the multiscale thermal-hydraulic coupled codes is made based on the classification. Especially, a review of the domain-overlapping approach is present considering it is the most promising but challenging method for multiscale thermal-hydraulic simulation.  相似文献   

核能以其清洁、安全、持续、高效为人类提供了17%的能源供给。我国正处于工业化进程的关键时期,发展核能既是经济高速发展和能源安全的需要,也是保护生态环境、履行国际义务的需要。为了最大限度地保证核能安全、高效运行,各国都从技术研发投入,核能监管法制化、运作市场化,社会责任评估和风险预警机制以及公众宣传等方面进行模式创新。我国核能发展正面临着公共安全和低碳经济的双重约束,必须坚持"在确保安全的基础上高效发展核电"的方针,变"适当发展"为"积极发展"。需要改革核能管理体制;加大人才培养和联合研发力度;采取积极的产业政策,按市场规律盘活现有资金;建立社会影响评价和风险准备金机制;采取更为严格的标准重新评估所有核电站厂址安全,借鉴国际先进管理经验制定核电站的安全管理政策;评价和进一步加强在役及在建核电站的安全预警系统;做好公众核知识科普宣传工作,提高公众参与核能发展决策的意识以及对核事故的应急响应能力。  相似文献   

核电厂保护系统对维护核电厂正常运行有着重要作用。本研究提出了基于SIMATIC S7-300 PLC(可编程自动控制器)的核电厂保护系统方案,详细介绍了保护系统的工作原理、结构、设计及该系统的应急设计和运行期间的故障检测。对于该系统的关键技术进行具体分析,其中针对核反应堆的检测温度存在非线性,采用模糊PID控制算法处理系统内的温度信号,实现了稳态调节,最后运用仿真软件对系统进行模拟测试。仿真结果表明:该核电厂保护系统在处理信号时具有循环周期短、处理速度高和指令集功能强大的特点,可以为核电厂24 h稳定安全运行提供保障。  相似文献   

任德曦  胡泊 《中外能源》2013,18(3):21-32
我国核电经过约一年半的安检、评估、规划后,在核安全规划、核电安全规划和核电发展规划发布后,于2012年11月重新启动,建设安全、高效的核电产业是这次核电重启的战略与方针.核安全是核电的生命线,我国核电安全的具体目标是:每堆年发生严重堆芯损坏事件的概率低于十万分之一,每堆年发生大量放射性物质释放事件的概率低于百万分之一.我国建设了安全性更好的二代改进型及三代示范堆核电站,从二代到三代,安全性、技术先进性在不断提高.我国运行核电机组安全业绩良好,安全是有保障的.核电高效发展是核电站效率、规模和建设速度的问题,就是要高效能、高效用、高效益发展核电.1985~2011年,我国用26年时间只建成了15台核电机组,装机容量只占电力总装机容量的1.1%,发展速度并不快.为了满足日益增长的能源需求,今后仍应积极推进核电建设,规模、批量建设核电站.至2015年应建成核电装机容量40000MW,至2020年应建成核电60000~70000MW,在建机组保持在30000MW左右.我国核电站比投资在不断下降,容量因子、设备可用率在不断提高,核燃料燃耗在不断加深.核电高效发展本身也包括经济发展核电,要在“安全第一”的前提下,处理好安全、高效、经济之间的关系,均衡统一发展.  相似文献   

In this study, the influence of the cooling water temperature on the thermal efficiency of a conceptual pressurized‐water reactor nuclear‐power plant is studied through an energy analysis based on the first law of thermodynamics to gain some new insights into the plant performance. The change in the cooling water temperature can be experienced due to the seasonal changes in climatic conditions at plant site. It can also come into the question of design processes for the plant site selection. In the analysis, it is considered that the condenser vacuum varies with the temperature of cooling water extracted from environment into the condenser. The main findings of the paper is that the impact of 1°C increase in temperature of the coolant extracted from environment is predicted to yield a decrease of ~0.45 and ~0.12% in the power output and the thermal efficiency of the pressurized‐water reactor nuclear‐power plant considered, respectively. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国核电发展战略研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国能源资源品种丰富,人均占有量较少;能源资源结构不尽合理;能源资源分布与生产力布局不平衡。核电作为清洁能源,其基本特性决定了在应对能源挑战中有能力发挥无可替代的重要作用,我国在现阶段发展核电是调整能源布局的有效途径。中国核电已形成规模化批量化发展格局。二代改进型压水堆核电站随着技术的发展和运行经验的反馈.逐步引入新的成熟技术,使核电站的安全性得到进一步的提高。更应积极消化吸收第三代核电技术,使其安全目标更高、技术更先进。加快开发快中子增殖堆核电站、构建核燃料循环体系.可以将铀资源的利用率由普通的热堆的不足1%。提高到60%~70%,从而有效防止铀资源枯竭的威胁。  相似文献   

U形管蒸汽发生器模型及动态仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对核电站立式U形管自然循环蒸汽发生器,建立了能够描述其稳态及瞬态热工水力特性的数学物理模型,并编制了计算程序.计算和验证结果表明,该数学物理模型准确,可以与其它核电站模型一起构建核电站系统模型以进行安全分析研究或开发核电站仿真机.  相似文献   

从世界核能发展的趋势和我国核能发展的需求出发,分析了作为一个完整的系统工程,统筹安排和协调发展大型先进压水堆核电站、快堆核电站和相关的燃料循环技术的必要性和可能性,既可使我国核能工业适时赶上世界先进水平,并能保持充足的可持续发展的生命力。  相似文献   

核电清洁安全,建设内陆核电站是缓解内陆省份电力供应不足的重要选择。介绍了世界核电发展状况和我国的核电建设状况。探讨了建设内陆核电站的可行性以及发展动向,呼吁江西及内陆各省加快核电建设,并阐述了彭泽核电厂的优势。大力发展核电这一清洁绿色能源是内陆各省的明智之举,能保证能源快速健康发展。  相似文献   

核电是一种安全、低碳、功率密度高、可大规模利用的能源,具有高效和CO2等化学气体零排放的优点.从中国核电站建设政策推进,核电站安全性,核电技术特别是中国"华龙一号"和小型多功能模块式压水堆ACP100"玲龙一号"核电站技术的建设、运营和效益等各方面在内陆建站的概况,利用核电和H2对有关产业实现CO2超低排放和零排放的影...  相似文献   

The problem of the emergency start-up of a nuclear reactor coolant pump (RCP) by means of remote gas turbine power plant units is analyzed. A simulation model was developed which enabled a detailed simulation of the transient process occurring at the start up. The start-up of the RCP motor set was simulated for the cases of one and two gas units. Field tests were performed and the measured variable values agreed with the simulation results. Two gas units have been determined as a safe start-up scheme for the RCP motor set meeting the stringent protection restrictions imposed on the voltage and currents of the RCP and on 6.3 kV busbars of the safety-related house load. A model for deep rotor bars was experimentally confirmed as an effective means of the RCP motor set start-up transient simulation. Start-up procedures have been designed and adopted to conform to the safety procedures of a nuclear power plant  相似文献   

  [目的]  小型模块化压水堆(小型堆)核电站由于温度参数低,其发电效率不到30%,为了提高小型堆的核能利用效率,可将小型堆与可再生能源组合,并以先进的超临界CO2循环作为热能转换为电能的装置。  [方法]  基于简单回热模式的超临界CO2循环,并在此基础上增加一次间冷和一次再热,将小型堆与太阳能、生物质能热源集成为新型混合发电系统,对其发电效率进行了分析。  [结果]  结果表明:对于高压透平入口温度390 ℃的系统,发电效率34.13%,对于高压透平入口温度550 ℃的系统,发电效率41.22%。此外,对系统的安全性分析表明:CO2本身是具备核安全属性的工质,并且超临界CO2循环还可以作为反应堆的非能动余热排出系统,确保在严重事故工况下,反应堆持续排出衰变热。  [结论]  集成小型堆和可再生能源的超临界CO2循环发电系统具备良好的发电效率和核安全性。  相似文献   

This article reviews the current status and future prospects of commercial nuclear electric power, with emphasis on issues of safety, physical security, proliferation, and economics. Discussions of these issues are presented separately for the current operating fleet, for new reactor designs similar in size to the current fleet, and for prospective new reactors of substantially smaller size. This article also discusses the issue of expansion of commercial nuclear power into new countries. The article concludes with recommendations, related both to technical issues and policy considerations. The major implications for policy are that although the level of safety and security achieved in today's operating reactor fleet worldwide is considered broadly acceptable, some advanced designs now under development potentially offer demonstrably safer performance, and may offer improved financial performance also. Management and safety culture are vital attributes for achieving adequate safety and security, as are a strong political culture that includes an absence of corruption, an independent regulatory authority, and a separation of nuclear operation from day-to-day politics. In some countries that are now considering a nuclear-power program for the first time, careful attention to these attributes will be essential for success.  相似文献   

周涛  陈娟  郭淼淼 《节能》2010,29(10):4-7
阐述中国核电安全与节能减排要求,分析在核电安全前提下的节能和节能条件下的安全,明确了安全与节能的辩证关系,指出发展核电既是节能减排的要求,核电本身更需要节能减排,通过协调地做好安全节能与节能安全途径,提出建设符合我国国情的安全节能绿色核电站基本原则和措施。  相似文献   

李永华  蒲亮 《动力工程》2013,(12):989-994
基于火(用)分析法和矩阵算法,建立了压水堆核电机组热力系统的通用火(用)损分布矩阵方程,并以某900MW压水堆核电机组为例进行了计算分析,得到了额定工况下热力系统及设备的焖损分布规律.结果表明:反应堆的焖损失最大,占核能总火(用)的50.85%,其次为汽轮发电机、蒸汽发生器和凝汽器,分别占核能总火(用)的6.17%、3.2%和2.55%;矩阵方程较常规火(用)分析法具有构造简单、矩阵元素填写法则简便、物理意义明确和规律性强等优点;利用该方程便于开发出相应的计算程序,进而为核电机组节能潜力挖掘和故障诊断提供依据.  相似文献   

从减排、能源结构调整、环境保护角度分析核电在我国能源结构和我国科技体系中的定位及核电发展的必要性,根据我国运行核电厂的实际情况和自主设计的先进核电厂特性说明核电的安全性,同时根据运行核电厂放射性排放数据论述核电厂对环境和公众不造成任何有害的影响,并对核燃料循环、核废物对策和处理措施进行了论述。预测核电中长期发展情景,通过评估核电及配套核燃料产业能力,以及装备及相关行业发展情况,表明我国工业基础能够支撑核电的规模化发展;并反过来,核电将促进相关行业大发展,提高其技术水平,高科技含量,发展成高端产业,有利于我国经济转型。  相似文献   

鉴于分布式能源的出力性质为间歇性和波动性,影响电网安全高效运行,而虚拟电厂可解决此问题。对虚拟电厂进行申报-调度两阶段建模,以包含分布式电源(光电、风电和燃气轮机)和储能系统(储能电池)两大类分布式能源的虚拟电厂为例,基于光照强度及风速等不确定因素,研究峰谷分时电价下日前市场虚拟电厂的出力申报和运行调度策略并利用风险价值模型进行风险管理。结果表明,申报出力时,当电价激励足够高时储能电池方会参与出力,成功起到削峰填谷的作用;运行调度时,平衡出力偏差方面,储能电池发挥主要作用,且虚拟电厂运行调度策略具有一定的经济效益。  相似文献   

核蒸汽轮机系统数模混合实时仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文建立了核动力装置蒸汽轮机系统的数学模型和数模混合实时仿真模型,考虑了汽水分离器MS容积惯和热惯性对系统的影响,  相似文献   

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