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The state of chromatic adaptation was investigated by using the two‐room technique. This technique involves a subject in a room who looks a white board in a separate test room through a window and judges the color of the window using the elementary color naming method. When the subject room is illuminated with a colored light and the test room with a white light, the window appears to be a very vivid color, for which the apparent hue depends on the color of the subject room. The color is referred to as the adapted color. The subject also evaluated the appearance of the illumination color of the subject room, which is called the adapting color. Two types of illuminating light in the subject room, fluorescent lamps with 7 colors and LED lamps with 19 colors, were employed. The adapting and the adapted colors were plotted on a polar diagram that was used in the opponent color theory, from which the hue angles were obtained. The hue angle difference between the two colors did not appear to be 180° except for one pair of adapting and the adapted colors, which implies that chromatic adaptation does not follow the opponent color concept. An improvement was achieved to explain the results by introducing complementary colors relation between the adapting and adapted color.  相似文献   

The color appearance of negative afterimages was measured by the elementary color naming method, and the results were compared with those obtained by the two‐room technique. Twenty adapting stimuli were presented on a display sequentially. Subjects first assessed the color appearance of the stimuli. After looking at the adapting stimulus for 10 seconds, the subjects assessed color of the afterimage. Apparent hue of the afterimage was in general not opponent color to the adapting color. The relation between the adapting stimuli and the afterimages was analyzed by the angle difference Δθ, when apparent hues are expressed by the angles of the points on the polar diagram of the opponent color theory. The relation relationship of Δθ to the angle of the adapting color θing was quite similar to the results obtained by the two‐room technique, implying that the chromatic adaptation shown by the afterimage also occurs in the brain rather than in the retina.  相似文献   

Colour remains one of the key factors in presenting an object and, consequently, has been widely applied in retrieval of images based on their visual contents. However, a colour appearance changes with the change of viewing surroundings, the phenomenon that has not been paid attention yet while performing colour‐based image retrieval. To comprehend this effect, in this article, a chromatic contrast model, CAMcc, is developed for the application of retrieval of colour intensive images, cementing the gap that most of existing colour models lack to fill by taking simultaneous colour contrast into account. Subsequently, the model is applied to the retrieval task on a collection of museum wallpapers of colour‐rich images. In comparison with current popular colour models including CIECAM02, HSI and RGB, with respect to both foreground and background colours, CAMcc appears to outperform the others with retrieved results being closer to query images. In addition, CAMcc focuses more on foreground colours, especially by maintaining the balance between both foreground and background colours, while the rest of existing models take on dominant colours that are perceived the most, usually background tones. Significantly, the contribution of the investigation lies in not only the improvement of the accuracy of colour‐based image retrieval but also the development of colour contrast model that warrants an important place in colour and computer vision theory, leading to deciphering the insight of this age‐old topic of chromatic contrast in colour science. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 361–373, 2015  相似文献   

CMCCAT97 is a chromatic adaptation transform included in CIECAM97s, the CIE 1997 colour appearance model, for describing colour appearance under different viewing conditions and is recommended by the Colour Measurement Committee of the Society of Dyers and Colourists for predicting the degree of colour inconstancy of surface colours. Among the many transforms tested, this transform gave the most accurate predictions to a number of experimental data sets. However, the structure of CMCCAT97 is considered complicated and causes problems when applications require the use of its reverse mode. This article describes a simplified version of CMCCAT97— CMCCAT2000—which not only is significantly simpler and eliminates the problems of reversibility, but also gives a more accurate prediction to almost all experimental data sets than does the original transform. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 27, 49–58, 2002  相似文献   

Color‐appearance models, CIECAM02 and CAM16, usually include two one‐step chromatic adaptation transforms: a forward (one‐step) transform to convert data from a first illuminant to CIE illuminant E, plus a reverse (one‐step) transform to convert the results from CIE illuminant E to a second illuminant. In practice, however, one‐step chromatic adaptation models, that avoid the use of the intermediate CIE illuminant E, are also employed. Tests using the one‐step CAT16 model indicate failures of both the symmetry and transitivity properties, except in the case where the degree of adaptation D is equal to unity. The magnitude of these failures depends on the specific illuminants selected, and increases as the degree of adaptation decreases. From four possible two‐step CAT16 models, we have identified two that obey the symmetry and transitivity properties, one with slightly better predictions of the experimental corresponding‐color datasets available in the literature, and more consistent with the one‐step CAT16 model. The findings of this article confirm that, for incomplete adaptation, the use of the one‐step CAT is incorrect, and we propose that the use of a two‐step CAT16 model be mandatory for future applications.  相似文献   

CAT02, the most widely used chromatic adaptation transform to characterize the chromatic adaptation mechanism in the human visual system, includes a factor D to characterize the degree of chromatic adaptation. This factor, however, is only determined by the luminance level of the adapting field and surround. This study was designed to investigate how the change of adapting chromaticities and the simultaneous changes of adapting chromaticities and luminance affect the degree of chromatic adaptation and color appearance on computer displays. The human observers adjusted the color appearance of various familiar objects and cubes on different display backgrounds. A higher degree of chromatic adaptation was found when using familiar objects, which was likely due to the cognitive mechanism. Both the adapting chromaticities and luminance significantly affected the degree of chromatic adaptation, with a lower degree under an adapting condition with a lower adapting correlated color temperature and a lower adapting luminance. In addition, the effect of adapting luminance on colorfulness (known as the Hunt Effect) was likely to be overpredicted in CAM02-UCS, which merits further investigations.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of simultaneous contrast on colour appearance by varying the lightness, colourfulness, and hue of an induction field surrounding a test colour. A total of 814 test/surround combinations were displayed on high-resolution colour displays. Each was assessed by a panel of five to six observers using a magnitude estimation technique. the results indicate that colours presented on a computer display are affected by simultaneous contrast in a similar way to surface colours. All three colour appearance parameters studied (i.e., lightness, colourfulness, and hue) are affected and these effects are summarized. In general, the results support and add to the findings of the other studies. the Hunt colour appearance model was tested and gave a somewhat poor prediction to this data set. Further modifications are required to improve its performance. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A theory of chromatic adaptation is derived from Parts I and II, and presented in terms of relative wavelength, purity, and radiant power, leading directly to a predictive model of corresponding hue, chroma, and lightness. Considering that even simple animals have effective color vision and color constancy, the aim was to develop a simple model of complete adaptation. The model is tested against well‐known data sets for corresponding colors in illuminants D65, D50, and A, and for small and large visual fields, and performs comparably to CIECAM02. Constant hue is predicted from Part I's mechanism of color constancy from invariant wavelength ratios, where constant hues shift wavelength linearly with reciprocal illuminant color temperature. Constant chroma is predicted from constant colorimetric purity. Constant lightness is predicted from chromatic adaptation of spectral sensitivity represented by power ratios of complementary colors (rather than cone responses which lack spectral sharpening). This model is the first of its type and is not formatted for ease of computation. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2010  相似文献   

The simultaneous contrast effect is investigated in this article. A total of 174 and 154 test/induction combinations were studied for CRT and surface colours respectively. Each combination was assessed by nine observers using a matching technique. The test and induction colours used for CRT colours were similar to surface colours using fabric samples. The results indicated a strong lightness contrast effect for both CRT and surface media; that is, the lightness of a test colour surrounded by a lighter induction colour was reduced for both CRT and surface colours. However, the effect in CRT medium was more pronounced than in the surface medium. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 30, 13–20, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20074  相似文献   

A color stimulus may be characterized by three psychophysical dimensions (luminance, dominant wavelength, and purity), whose corresponding color attributes are lightness, hue, and chroma/colorfulness. The 3 × 3 matrix gives nine basic effects of the psychophysical dimensions on the color attributes (e.g. the effect of luminance on hue), but there are 49 possible combinations as more complex effects (e.g. the effect of luminance on hue and chroma, i.e. on chromaticity). Researching and quantifying such effects enables modelling of the underlying neural mechanisms and of color appearance. Using a simple nomenclature to identify the effects (e.g. Ph denotes the effect of Purity on hue), this paper briefly reviews and interrelates 15 of the commonest effects, giving new data or new graphical perspectives to clarify or fill gaps in the literature. Contrast and no‐contrast effects (stimuli viewed simultaneously or singly, respectively) are differentiated. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 32, 208–222, 2007  相似文献   

We have examined the influence of the mean luminance level on the detection thresholds for luminance and red–green chromatic gratings for three different spatial frequencies. The changes in detection thresholds according to the mean luminance level reflect the two different regions, the DeVries–Rose and Weber ranges, found in previous studies. The results for luminance gratings suggest that the transition luminance is proportional to the spatial frequency of the grating. Predictions based on the constant‐flux hypothesis indicate, however, that the transition luminance is proportional to the square of the spatial frequency of the grating and so do not describe the distributions of luminance contrast thresholds adequately. For chromatic gratings, we obtained the same transition luminance for the two lowest spatial frequencies, showing that luminance and chromatic mechanisms behave differently as far as the dependence of the transition luminance on spatial frequency is concerned. Our results suggest that the transition luminance is related to the peak spatial frequency of visual mechanisms that respond to luminance and chromatic gratings. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 29, 177–182, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20003  相似文献   

The hue perception and ‘warm‐cool’ feelings were investigated, in response to various lighting settings, following the adaptation to either 3500K or 5000K to compare which one—between conventional iso‐Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) and a new one based on CIE u'v′ color space—is more compatible with the visual perception. Twenty participants evaluated hue and warm‐cool feelings for 48 test lighting settings, by observing an empty gray booth. The results showed that yellow‐blue and ‘warm‐cool’ feelings are closely located around the Planckian locus, while red‐green roughly follows the line orthogonal to the Planckian locus in CIE u'v′ color space, at both 3500 K and 5000 K settings. This suggests that u'v′ color space correlates better with human perception.  相似文献   

In a recent article on color constancy, the chromatic adaptation model was of a novel type comprising three components separately calculated—hue, chromaticness, and lightness. The constant hue component was a simple calculation of predicted wavelength but the other two components were less direct. This article provides an algorithm to simplify the model's calculation. Calculation is far simpler and more intuitive than conventional models using complex 3 × 3 matrix transforms with their various and contentious adaptation primaries and potential disadvantages (e.g., in brightness and color gamut). The model is shown to be at least as accurate as six other (conventional) models and does not require high math skill. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 41, 468–476, 2016  相似文献   

The wavelengths of several constant hues over four illuminants (D95, D65, D50, A) are derived from several sets of published data. In the plane of wavelength and reciprocal illuminant color temperature (MK?1), the wavelengths of constant hues plot straight approximately parallel lines whose mean slope is about 87°. Parallel lines give invariant wavelength ratios, hence constant hues in this plane are near‐invariant wavelength ratios across illuminants. As recently demonstrated, the complementary wavelengths to a constant hue (across illuminants) represent the complementary constant hue; these complementary wavelengths also plot a near‐parallel line to the first constant hue. To confirm and further define the constant slope of these lines, it is shown that complementary wavelength pairs, per CIE data, can only plot parallel straight lines at the angle of 87° ± 1. In summary, near‐parallel sloping lines represent constant hues at near‐invariant wavelength ratios. This mechanism of color constancy is shown to relate to the well‐known theory of relational color constancy from invariant cone‐excitation ratios. In the visual process, the latter ratios are presumably the source of the former (invariant wavelength ratios). © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 33, 238–249, 2008  相似文献   

We performed subjective experiments to evaluate color matching performance of the Spectral Properties Estimation Model (SPEM) and six other models (von Kries, CIELAB, LLAB, RLAB, Nayatani, and CIECAM97s) between two CRT monitors whose whites were quite different. Moreover, we evaluated color matching of these models between a CRT monitor and a printed image set in a dark room. The SPEM we developed is a new chromatic adaptation model based on hypothetical spectral properties estimation. This article describes the subjective experiments and the results obtained. The SPEM produced good color matching performance in the experiments. The detailed algorithm of the SPEM is given in the Appendix. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 28, 445–453, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.10197  相似文献   

A method was proposed in a previous article (CRA, 22, 240–258, 1997) to estimate the state of incomplete adaptation by using the effective chromatic adaptation coefficient αmin. The method could be applied to any experiment on chromatic adaptation using object-color or luminous-color stimuli, but its computational procedure was rather tedious. For this reason, the two simple methods, Methods I and II, are proposed to give the approximate estimates of αmin. Method I uses the corresponding reference color under reference illuminant to a test achromatic color under test illuminant. Method II uses the two kinds of relation equations between test adapting luminance and αmin. The estimates of αmin by each of the two methods agree fairly well with those given in the previous article to the three experiments studied. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 22, 259–268, 1997  相似文献   

It has been reported that CIECAM02, the appearance model standardized by the CIE to be used for imaging applications, contains a number of mathematical inconsistencies. These shortcomings cannot be solved easily without changing the behavior of the model and hence a fundamental redesign seems to be needed. At the moment, the main problems with CIECAM02 are known, but there is no clear strategy yet to fix the model. To have an idea about the impact of the inconsistencies of the currently standardized CIECAM02 model and several proposed corrections, the shortcomings are visualized for a number of color/illuminant combinations. From this visualization, a practical and natural approach is obtained to adjust the model without changing the mathematics drastically. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 38, 188–195, 2013.  相似文献   

Several viewing techniques can be used to compare CRT images to printed images under different illuminants and luminance levels. This research examined five such viewing techniques including memory, successive-binocular, simultaneous-binocular, simultaneous-haploscopic, and successive-Ganzfeld-haploscopic viewing. The results showed that these techniques yielded different results when comparing printed originals to matching CRT reproductions, derived using various color-appearance models. Memory viewing was determined to be the most appropriate viewing technique for further study of cross-media color reproduction. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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