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An important aspect of river science and management is the identification of key boundaries, transition zones and hinge points. Such critical areas are likely to be important foci or indicators of the effects of environmental change on river systems. While geological controls on such features are widely recognized in upland streams, inherited or antecedent forms may also be important controls of key transitional points or reaches in alluvial coastal plain rivers. The critical zone of the lower Trinity River, Texas marks an important transition in river channel and valley forms, dominant processes and resulting geomorphological, hydrological and ecological characteristics. Its location is not a transient result of upstream or downstream propagation of effects. Rather, the location marks the contemporary upstream extent of the effects of Holocene sea‐level rise, which in turn coincides with the point at which the Pleistocene upper Deweyville alluvial terrace surface is encountered. A more rapid rate of change and relatively sudden upstream displacement of this zone is likely when the upper Deweyville surface is flooded. Antecedent fluvial and alluvial topography inherited from previous aggradation, degradation and lateral migration episodes is likely to be an important control over modern fluvial forms and processes in other alluvial coastal plain rivers as well. Identification and mapping of such features may be extremely useful in pinpointing critical transition zones for water resource managers. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

水沙过程与河流健康   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
何用  李义天  吴道喜  邓家泉 《水利学报》2006,37(11):1354-1359
水沙是河流系统最基本的物理要素,也是河流系统的动力因子。本文首先分析河流水沙过程的二重性,在此基础上分析指出河流健康的主要威胁及其实质,并深入探讨了水沙过程变化与河流健康的关系,揭示了河流健康的本质;指出健康河流是在维持河流生态环境功能的前提下,能满足人类服务功能持续需要的河流,从根本上讲,是对水沙过程的调节在其适应性范围内的河流。  相似文献   

黄河口清水沟流路演变分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自1947年黄河归故,黄河河口流路先后经历了1953年小口子裁弯、1964年罗家屋子人工破提和1976年人工截流改道水沟流路3次较大的改道。本文根据实测资料,分析了清水沟流路的演变特点及与其它流路的不同点,分析认为:清水沟流路时期的年平均来水沙量较神仙沟,钓口河时期明显减少,且更加集中于汛期,就来水来沙总量看,上述三条流路已经相当,但清水沟流路行水历时最长。清水沟流路经历了发道初期的游荡摆动后 ,  相似文献   

为研究拆坝对生态环境影响的利弊,介绍了拆坝对水文情势、泥沙输运、河道地貌、河道水质、栖息地质量及生物多样性等生态的影响,综述了拆坝后河道物理化学及重要生态特性之间响应关系的研究进展。拆坝对生态环境的影响具有时空复杂性,且各生态因子相互影响;水文情势的变化是所有生态响应的触发条件,泥沙输运是生态响应的关键性因子。为了河道长期连续性的开发与利用,研究泥沙输运及泥沙污染物的释放规律,预测拆坝后河道水质时空变化过程,分析流域尺度上生态系统之间的响应关系等对拆坝的评估决策十分重要。  相似文献   

To determine whether large wood (LW, ≥1‐m length, ≥10‐cm diameter) plays a role in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) redd (i.e. egg nest) placements in a regulated, Mediterranean‐climate, medium‐sized river (where channel width is less than the upper quartile of length of potential instream wood pieces), characteristics of 527 large wood pieces, locations of 650 redds, and mesohabitat delineations (riffle, run, glide, pool) were collected during a spawning season along a 7.7 km reach directly below Camanche Dam on the Mokelumne River, CA. LW was regularly distributed across the study reach an average 70 LW pieces km‐1. Some LW clustering was evident at islands and meander bends. Spawners built 85% of redds within one average channel width (31 m) of LW. Spawners utilized LW within a 10 m radius 36% of the time in the upper 3 km rehabilitated reach, and 44% of the time in the lower 4.7 km marginal habitat reach. A greater percentage of LW was utilized in riffles in the upper 3 km reach where 90% of redds were built, while a larger percentage of spawners used LW in riffles in the lower 4.7 km reach. LW‐redd interactions occurred at greater rates than by random chance alone in the lower 4.7 km reach, which implies that LW aids spawning in marginal habitats. River managers and salmonid spawning habitat rehabilitation (SHR) projects should take LW additions into consideration as an important component of river rehabilitation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

介绍了基于层次决策分析的河流生态功能综合评价方法,提出了在河流水文评估、物理化学评估、生物栖息地质量评估和生物评估4个单项评估的基础上,构建以河流生态功能综合指数为目标、4个单项因子为准则、5个等级标度为决策标准的层次递阶模型,应用模型进行了河流综合评价的两种情景分析。  相似文献   

河流再造床过程中河型变化的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
陈立  张俊勇  谢葆玲 《水利学报》2003,34(7):42-45,51
河流上修建枢纽工程将改变下游河道来水来沙条件,并导致河流再造床过程。本文通过室内概化水槽实验研究了清水下泄时河道比降、入流角、流量及河床组成等因素影响河流再造床过程中河型变化的规律。研究发现,对于一定的河床组成,如果控制河槽的冲刷下切,当入流角为0时,随着比降、流量的增加,初始顺直的河槽将会展宽增大湿周从而降低消耗,河槽宽深比随比降、流量的增加而增大,随组成河床颗粒粒径的减小而增加;当入流角大于0时,随着比降的增加,初始顺直的河槽一方面增大宽深比,同时呈现弯曲特征,在一定的比降、流量及河床组成条件下,将形成具有明显弯曲特征的主槽。  相似文献   

一种高效实用的河网水动力数学模型研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
本文建立了河网的水动力数值模型,该模型可以解决树状的(如集水系统)、环状的、有分支的(如灌溉系统)以及任意组合的河网或渠道系统的水动力问题。利用Fortran语言自定义数据类型变量(或C语言的结构体类型变量)在构建数据结构方面的灵活性,把复杂的河网分成河道和节点两大类进行数据结构的构建以及数据的存储和使用。在节点的连接处理上,虽然本文的方法是基于三级联解的一种改进方法,但我们在已有的工作的基础上,避免了直接联立求解大型线性方程组。这样就没有系数矩阵的带宽问题,加上在构建数据结构的灵活性,使得河网中河道和又点可以任意编号,甚至可以不连续编号。利用几个典型算例,我们对模型进行了可靠性和精度分析,计算结果与前人的计算结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the causes and effects of the hydrogeomorphological alteration of the central reach of the Ebro River (NE Spain). The Ebro River is one of the largest Mediterranean rivers. In this reach, it develops a meandering planform in a wide floodplain. Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses of historic aerial photographs, analysis of hydrologic data and measurement of various indicators linked to the fluvial morphology and the structure and distribution of the riparian vegetation led to the establishment of the prevailing processes in the dynamics of this river. Statistical analyses conducted on some of the main components of the flow regime, including floods, droughts and flow duration curves, showed a role for these components in river dynamics. Similarly, a thorough analysis of the evolution of the aforementioned indicators was performed to identify and measure the effects of the hydrological regulation of the river. These indicators were measured in 1927, 1956 and 2003 for a 106 km reach. The geomorphic dynamics of the Ebro River in its central reach reflect a remarkable tendency for stabilization and rigidification of the channel. The active river corridor has largely been modified, primarily in the second half of the twentieth century. The corridor lost a huge portion of its width and extension, the channel suffered an intense narrowing and the natural mobility of the meander train decayed proportionally. The structure and distribution of the riparian vegetation were completely transformed. The riparian forest lost its original function, behaving as a linear corridor and was notably continuous and very close to the channel thalweg. The vegetation colonized most of the previously active channel, contributing to the loss of the natural dynamics of the river. The hydrological analyses suggest that the large morphological modification of the river planform and the parallel alteration of the riparian forests are not to be seen as a consequence of a loss of the attributes of natural floods. On the contrary, these extreme hydrological events only generate slight alterations due to river regulation and are not capable of enhancing the aforementioned evolution. Nevertheless, a profound change in the attributes of the low (summer) flows was found. The modification of the low flows was studied through its relationship with the global evolution of the geomorphic indicators and the riparian forest indicators. The results show the relative role played by high and low flows in the evolution of the river dynamics. These results are used to propose a future scenario of ecohydrological management in the central reach of the Ebro River. This scenario is intended to improve its ecological status and recover, at least partially, its natural dynamics. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据黄河等河流的实测资料,分析来水来沙大小及其过程对河床演变的影响,提出断面形态与来流大小、过程的定量关系。以黄河为例,探讨了水沙搭配对河道冲刷与淤积的作用。  相似文献   

The hydrologic regime of the Illinois River has been altered over the past 100 years. Locks and dams regulate water surface elevations and flow, enabling commercial navigation to continue year round. This study relates changes in water surface elevation to fish abundance in the river, and establishes target criteria for operating locks and dams. Using long‐term records of daily river stage, we identified ecologically meaningful hydrological parameters for eight gage locations along the Illinois River. Inter‐annual variability of a long‐term fisheries dataset beginning in 1957 was related to variability in stage, flood and recession duration, frequency, timing, and rate of change of water levels. Reversals in water surface elevation, maximum stage levels, and length of the spring flood were the most important parameters influencing abundance of age‐zero fishes in annual collections. Smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus), black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus), freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunneins), and white bass (Morone chrysops) were most abundant in samples during years that approximated the natural water level regime. Of the 33 hydrologic parameters evaluated for the entire water year from an Illinois River gage site on La Grange Reach, all except average stage in January and Julian date (JD) of maximum stage had moderate or high hydrologic alteration based on the historical range of variation (RVA). The highest degree of hydrologic alteration was for minimum stage levels (1‐day, 3‐day, and 7‐day), rate‐of‐rise, and rate‐of‐fall. Other parameters that have been severely altered were 30‐day minimum stage, 90‐day maximum stage, and the annual number of water level reversals. Operations of the La Grange and Peoria locks and dams could be modified so water level variability would approximate that of the late 1800s, when fish and wildlife resources were abundant. The water regime could be regulated to maintain navigation and improve conditions for native plants and animals without increasing flood damages. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

河网水力数值模拟中Newton—Raphson法收敛性的证明   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Newton-Raphson迭代法以其收敛速度快的优点而常被用于求解非线性代数方程组,但对各种不同的问题其局部收敛性条件的证明往往是十分困难的。本文针对用Newton-Raphson迭代法求解河网数值模拟中所出现的非线性代数方程组的问题,证明了只要当时间步长取得足够小时, 迭代法的局部收敛性条件就一定可以满足,从而给出了Newton-Raphson迭代法在河网非恒定流计算中应用的一个理论基础。  相似文献   

长江中下游河道近50年变迁研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
 近50年来长江中下游河道演变分析表明,河道演变具有如下特点:河道总体河势基本稳定,局部河势变化较大;河道总体冲淤相对平衡,部分河段冲淤幅度较大;荆江和洞庭湖关系调整幅度加大;人为因素未改变河道演变基本规律;坐崩是长江中下游岸线崩退和护岸工程崩毁的主要形式;人为因素对长江口河道演变的影响增加。  相似文献   

一维河网非恒定水沙数学模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在已有研究的基础上,建立了适合复杂区域的河网非恒定流水沙数学模型.建立过程中考虑到计算精度和计算速度的要求,水流求解采用汊点分组方法,同时本模型选用了较符合河网泥沙运动的汊点分沙模式.最后通过长江中下游长河段的水沙运动模拟表明,建立的河网水沙数学模型能够满足实际工程需要.  相似文献   

近千年淮河流域河湖水系连通演变特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了近千年淮河流域河湖水系的自然演变以及人类活动的扰动,深入探讨了其成因。研究表明:目前淮河流域河湖水系连通格局是人类在抵御黄河洪水和泥沙入侵的抗争中,遵循自然规律的同时兼顾漕运、灌溉等社会发展所需而构建的防洪、排涝、冲沙、灌溉、供水等的工程体系。流域主要干支流和湖泊连通基本受人工所控,自然-人工河网交织,河流-湖泊水量交换频繁,入江入海水道基本畅通,并与黄河、长江、海河等各大水系连通,基本解决了河水出海无路,洪涝灾害频发的问题。河湖水系连通在一定时期内对稳定淮河流域社会安定团结、推动经济发展起着积极作用,但也不可避免地对流域生态环境产生了一定的负面影响。水系连通下流域水资源演变规律、环境生态效应以及对社会经济布局的影响等研究是亟待解决的关键科学问题。  相似文献   

Widespread hydrologic alterations have simplified in-stream habitats in rivers globally, driving population declines and extirpations of many native fishes. Here, we examine how rapid geomorphic change in a historically degraded desert river has influenced habitat diversification and ecosystem persistence. In 2010, a large reach of the degraded and simplified lower San Rafael River (SRR), Utah, was impacted by the formation of a valley plug and began to shift from a homogenous, single-thread channel to a complex, multi-threaded riverscape. We combined field measurements and drone-collected imagery to document changes in fish habitat due to the valley plug. Our results demonstrate that in 2021, the affected reach was more diverse than any other stream reach along the SRR, containing 641% more diverse habitat (e.g., pools, riffles, and backwaters) than what was measured in 2015. The plug reach also retained water for periods beyond what was expected during seasonal drying, with the total extent of inundation within the riverscape increasing by over 2800%. Since the formation of the valley plug, riparian habitat has increased by 230% and channel networks have expanded to more than 50 distinct channels throughout the zone of influence. Our results provide evidence of successful self-restoration in a formerly highly degraded reach of desert river, and encourage new methods of desert river restoration. We aim to inform the use of large-scale, disruptive restoration actions like intentional channel occlusions, with the goal of mitigating the impacts of simplification and increasing habitat persistence in the face of exacerbated aridity in the desert Southwest.  相似文献   

一维河网非恒定流及悬沙数学模型的节点控制方法   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
本文的一维河网非恒定流及悬沙数学模型,是根据以一维圣维南方程组,悬沙非平衡输运方程及水位、含沙量节点控制法而建立。首先,利用单一河流有限差分方程组转换形式和节点处质量、能量守恒性,写出所有节点的水位控制方程组。求解此不规则稀疏矩阵方程组得到得有节点的水位,再由单一河流非恒定流的求解方法可获得所有单一河流的断面水位和流量。基于水注的节点水位控制法,本文提出了节点悬沙控制法。假设节点处冲刷或淤积较小,所有节点的含沙量控制方程组可通过输沙量守恒方程用矩阵形式写出。求解此不规则稀疏矩阵方程组,得到所有节点处的含沙量。所有单一河流断面处的含沙量通过单一河流悬沙输运的求解方法获得。本文介绍的模型适用于各种河网类型。作为检验,该模型成功地应用于珠江三角洲流域河网水流及悬沙的数值计算。  相似文献   

Bedrock influence on river channel form is difficult to assess, with many catchments dominated by glacial erosion and with blanketing sediments from both pluvial and fluvial sources. The Scamander catchment in Tasmania lacks glacial history and features two bedrock-confined sub-catchments of similar area and maximum flow length, but one dominated by Mathinna Group sedimentary rocks, and the other with large areas in granite lithology. Lithology types, stream network parameters and near stream slope angles were analysed using geographical information systems, and results of stream cross sections, channel form and planforms were compared for each lithology. Results showed that granite features low gradient, shallow streams with channel slope cross sections of <10°. Granite channels are irregular and dominated by large boulders that create channel roughness and resist incision. Weathering products of coarse quartz sand provide anchorages for in-channel vegetation. By contrast, sedimentary Mathinna Group rocks feature steeply incised trough-like channels, with near-channel hillslope gradients mostly between 30° and 50°. Rectangular blocks disintegrate to gravel cobbles on the channel bed, providing poor anchorage for vegetation. Mathinna lithology influences steep, low roughness channels, and stable, incised recurved meanders formed by river interaction with vertical layers of resistant rock. The resistant bedrock lithology is demonstrated in this study to influence varied river planforms, near-channel slope gradients, channel sediments and cross sections.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲网河近20年河床演变特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
总结了20世纪80年代前珠江三角洲网河河床演变特征,并采用80年代和90年代末的河道地形图,通过对比珠江三角洲各主要河道的深泓线、平均河底高程以及河道容积、河床断面宽深比的变化,分析珠江三角洲80年代后的河床演变特征。对比分析结果表明珠江三角洲在不同时期呈现出不同的河床演变规律——20世纪80年代前以淤积为主,80年代至90年代末转变为以冲刷为主。  相似文献   

在我国西北干旱区以季节性积雪融水为重要补给源的山区流域,温度通过影响土壤冻融循环而间接对径流产生影响。为了更好地模拟以积雪融水为重要补给水源的高寒山区的径流过程,判断不同温度指标以及冻土对径流的影响,本研究以开都河流域为例,通过改进基于系统动力学原理构建的水文模型,分析了用正积温和平均温度估算融雪速率,以及是否考虑冻土影响条件下模型对径流的模拟能力,用相关系数、Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数、均方根误差和观测标准差等评价指标对不同方案下模型的模拟能力进行了评价。结果表明用正积温估算融雪速率同时考虑季节性冻土影响情况下模型的模拟能力最高,从而证实了正积温能够更好地计算积雪融水、模拟融雪径流,且在高寒山区季节性冻土广泛发育的地区,考虑冻土的影响十分必要。  相似文献   

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