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Automat layout detection of color yarns is necessary for weaving and producing processes of yarn‐dyed fabrics. This study presents a novel approach to inspect the layout of color yarns of double‐system‐mélange color fabrics automatically, which is Part III of the series of studies to develop a computer vision‐based system for automatic inspection of color yarn layout for yarn‐dyed fabrics. The inspection of single‐system‐mélange color fabrics has been realized in Part I of the series of studies. Integrating the projection‐based region segmentation method proposed in Part I and the FCM‐based stepwise classification method proposed in Part II, the proposed approach is composed of three steps: (1) fabric region segmentation, (2) fabric region selection, and (3) layout of color yarns recognition. In the first step, the fabric regions are segmented by the projection‐based region segmentation method. In the second step, the reasonable fabric regions are selected by analyzing their color histograms and comparing their weft color's frequency. In the third step, the layout of color yarn is recognized by the FCM‐based stepwise classification method, and the precise layouts of color warps and wefts are produced. The experimental analysis proved that the proposed method can recognize the layout of color yarns of double‐system‐mélange color fabrics correctly by testing four different color fabrics and three pieces of same yarn‐dyed fabrics. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 42, 250–260, 2017 相似文献
To recognize the layout of color yarns of single‐system‐mélange color fabric automatically, a novel FCM‐based stepwise classification method is proposed in this article. This method consists of three main steps: (1) warp yarn segmentation, (2) weft color recognition, and (3) the layout of color warps recognition. In the first step, the yarn segmentation method based on mathematical statistics of subimages is adopted to localize warp yarns preliminarily; and then the segmentation results of warp yarn are corrected by misrecognized‐boundary remove and missing‐boundary interpolation. In the second step, the weft color is extracted based on RGB color histograms of whole fabric image. In the third step, the pixels in each warp yarn are classified into two clusters by fuzzy C‐means clustering (FCM) algorithm in CIELAB color model separately, and the preliminary recognized layout of color warps is obtained. All warp colors are clustered by FCM algorithm in CIELAB color model again and the precise layout of color warps is output. The experimental and theoretical analysis proved that the proposed method can recognize the layout of color yarns of single‐system‐ mélange color fabrics with satisfactory accuracy and good robustness. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 626–636, 2015 相似文献
The yarn tenacity of a spun‐dyed yarn is predicted from the spinning conditions and other properties of the yarn are analyzed through the defined parameters using the Taguchi method. To develop a spun‐dyed yarn using the Taguchi method, four factors that can largely influence the yarn properties are selected. From the experimental design based on four factors, the processes are executed to produce the specific yarns whose properties are measured to analyze the relationship between the process conditions and their results. The target properties of a spun‐dyed yarn may be obtained through adjusting the spinning parameters that are related to the yarn properties by the Taguchi tool. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 102:1419–1427, 2006 相似文献
Dejun Zheng 《Color research and application》2021,46(1):207-221
Pattern‐driven design method is an important data‐driven design method for printed fabric motif design in textiles and clothing industry. We introduce a novel framework for automatic design of color patterns in real‐world fabric motif images. The novelty of our work is to formulate the recognition of an underlying color pattern element as a spatial, multi‐target tracking, classification, segmentation and similarity association process using a new and efficient color feature encoding method. The proposed design method is based on pattern‐driven color pattern recognition and indexing from the element image database. A series of color pattern recognition algorithms are used for color and pattern feature extraction. The local statistical corner features and Markov random field model are used for motif unit tiling detection and conversion. The color feature encoding problem is modeled in a gray‐scale color difference optimization problem, which can be solved quickly by existing algorithms. Color pattern feature matching, segmentation and indexing techniques are then used to locate and replace the elements in the motif unit image with similar elements in the database. Experiments show that the approach proposed in this study is effective for color pattern recognition and printed fabric motif design. 相似文献
探讨了涤纶纤维染色机理和色差评价方法,初步分析了涤纶纱线、织物在聚酯合成、纺丝以及纺织染整过程中存在的色差影响因素,并提出了控制色差的有效措施。 相似文献
Ruihua Yang Yaya Xu Qianqian Deng Chunping Xie Weidong Gao 《Color research and application》2019,44(2):243-248
Two‐component and three‐component color blended yarns were spun by red, yellow, and blue wool slivers using a three‐channel rotor spun machine, and the corresponding plain fabrics were knitted. The color‐matching models of K‐M theory were built with the relative method and the least squares method, respectively. Colors and blending ratios of the fabrics were predicted by the model. The results showed that the average color differences of the samples predicted by the two methods are both about 1.0 and the mean value of the proportional error is below 3%. The least squares method has a better color‐matching effect for the three‐component sample, and the relative value method has better color‐matching results for the two‐component sample. When the tolerance range is 2.0, the pass rates of the samples predicted by either the relative value method or the least squares method reach 100%. 相似文献
Dejun Zheng 《Color research and application》2015,40(3):304-310
Fabric color design is a complex process in textiles and clothing industry. A new method for fabric color selection and transferring is proposed in this study. An automatic way to select the colors from the natural images is developed for fabric color design. Based on these colors, a fabric image is then used for color transferring. The fabric image is processed by a bias field estimation operation, and the membership function of the color deviations of the image has been obtained. According to the selected colors and the color membership function, the fabric image colors can be changed and transferred to a new image that preserves the similar texture appearance but with significantly different color effects. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 304–310, 2015 相似文献
在阳离子染料可染聚酯熔体直纺预取向丝(POY)生产线上,探讨了生产紧厚绒织物专用纤维的生产工艺。结果表明:在阳离子染料可染聚酯熔体直纺POY生产线上进行技术和设备创新,可以生产出染色性能优异,布面绒毛厚密均匀,手感光滑细腻的紧厚绒织物专用纤维。经过系列的工艺摸索与优化,最终选择纺丝速度2700 m/min,风压50~60 Pa,箱体温度288℃,冷却风温度23℃,卷绕张力74~84 cN,生产出的780 dtex/144 f紧厚绒织物专用纤维的各项指标优良。 相似文献
In this research, the three‐dimensional structural and colorimetric modeling of three‐dimensional woven fabrics was conducted for accurate color predictions. One‐hundred forty single‐ and double‐layered woven samples in a wide range of colors were produced. With the consideration of their three‐dimensional structural parameters, three‐dimensional color prediction models, K/S‐, R‐, and L*a*b*‐based models, were developed through the optimization of previous two‐dimensional models which have been reported to be the three most accurate models for single‐layered woven structures. The accuracy of the new three‐dimensional models was evaluated by calculating the color differences ΔL*, ΔC*, Δh°, and ΔECMC(2:1) between the measured and the predicted colors of the samples, and then the error values were compared to those of the two‐dimensional models. As a result, there has been an overall improvement in color predictions of all models with a decrease in ΔECMC(2:1) from 10.30 to 5.25 units on average after the three‐dimensional modeling. 相似文献
介绍了一种使用扫描电子显微镜分析织物色差原因的方法,通过对织物结构、纱线质量进行形貌分析,发现织物密度、纱线质量以及并丝、僵丝、断头、未牵伸丝等纤维疵点是织物产生色差的原因。结果表明,该方法具有快速、便捷、准确的优点,可以完全满足生产、营销的技术需要。 相似文献
T‐S fuzzy neural network algorithm is used to establish the mapping relationship from the RGB space to the L*a*b* space, which avoids the complex process of color space conversion. Meanwhile, the block method is adopted to detect color difference of dyed fabric that is wide format and wide viewing angle. Color differences in different regions can be calculated with Color Measurement Committee color difference formula based on T‐S fuzzy neural network. Experimental results are in accordance with the spectrophotometer measurement, which proves that T‐S fuzzy neural network algorithm used in real‐time color detection process is effective and feasible. Workers can make corresponding adjustment on‐line according to the deviation to ensure the quality of fabric color and reduce the loss. 相似文献
This crosscultural study was aimed at correlating color emotions and preference for persimmon‐dyed cotton fabrics known as Galchon. Cotton fabrics were dyed with persimmon powder, in a range of shades, and in some cases were also iron mordanted. Textile and fashion students from Jeju National University in Korea and North Carolina State University (NCSU) in USA participated in the visual assessment of dyed samples and were asked to scale their visual experience and state their emotion and preference for the terms “Bright,” “Heavy,” “Soft,” “Strong,” “Deep,” and “Like.” Korean observers used “Strong” for iron‐mordanted Galchon, and American observers did not associate “Bright” or “Deep” with weakly dyed fabrics. In addition to the subjective terms described, the color preference for samples was quantified using their CIE colorimetric attributes. For Korean observers, the results indicate a correlation between L* and “Bright,” whereas for Americans a stronger correlation was obtained against “Soft.” American observers' results also show a relationship between C* and the term “Warm,” especially for dyeings of Galchon at high concentrations. It was also found that iron mordanting affected responses from both groups but only influenced the color preference of Korean observers. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 592–604, 2015 相似文献
介绍了在郑州中原干燥设备与 Barmag公司嫁接设备上 ,应用瑞士 K- tron Soder公司生产的色母粒注射机 ,采用纺前注射着色的方法 ,生产 1 0 5 dtex/ 36 f三叶形黑色涤纶 FDY的生产工艺 ,LWF-2型色母粒注射机的工作原理及特点 ,讨论了 PET切片、色母粒的干燥条件及加入量和纺丝卷绕工艺 ,并提出了防止色差的几点建议 相似文献
Zhe Zou Hui‐Liang Shen Xin Du Sijie Shao John H. Xin 《Color research and application》2017,42(1):115-123
This article proposes a new recoloring method for textile fabric images based on improved fuzzy local information c‐means (FLICM) clustering. In the clustering algorithm, the fuzzy factor was modified so that it can produce reliable segmentation in areas with rich details. With the obtained cluster labels and pixel‐wise memberships, the color of each pixel is modeled as the linear combination of the two most dominant colors. The recoloring process was then conducted by replacing the specified dominant color with user‐provided target colors. Experimental results showed that the proposed method can produce natural and faithful color appearance on both printed and yarn‐dyed fabric images, and outperforms the state‐of‐the‐art. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 42, 115–123, 2017 相似文献
关于电子级玻纤生产技术的探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过介绍电子级玻璃纤维(电子纱与电子布)生产工艺全过程及各工序的生产技术关键问题,与业界同仁共同探讨以不断提高我国电子级玻璃纤维生产技术. 相似文献
混纤技术在纤维增强热塑性塑料加工中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用增强用纤维与热塑性树脂的纤维混合的方法加工纤维增强热塑性塑料,讨论热塑性树脂的造反及混纤织物类型对增强塑料性能的影响。 相似文献