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In the solar tower power plant, the receiver is one of the main components of efficient concentrating solar collector systems. In the design of the receiver, the heat flux distribution in the cavity should be considered first. In this study, a numerical simulation using the Monte Carlo Method has been conducted on the heat flux distribution in the cavity receiver, which consists of six lateral faces and floor and roof planes, with an aperture of 2.0 m×2.0 m on the front face. The mathematics and physical models of a single solar ray’s launching, reflection, and absorption were proposed. By tracing every solar ray, the distribution of heat flux density in the cavity receiver was obtained. The numerical results show that the solar flux distribution on the absorbing panels is similar to that of CESA-I’s. When the reradiation from walls was considered, the detailed heat flux distributions were issued, in which 49.10% of the total incident energy was absorbed by the central panels, 47.02% by the side panels, and 3.88% was overflowed from the aperture. Regarding the peak heat flux, the value of up to 1196.406 kW/m2 was obtained in the center of absorbing panels. These results provide necessary data for the structure design of cavity receiver and the local thermal stress analysis for boiling and superheated panels.  相似文献   

Integration of solar concentrators with photovoltaic (PV) systems reduces the required number of PV panels, which often account for the major costs of PV systems. The linear Fresnel reflector mirror is considered more effective because of its simplicity and effortless fabrication. An experimental test rig of a concentrated PV/thermal system that employs a linear configuration and horizontal absorber was built for evaluating its electrical and thermal performances. The considered concentrator consists of various widths of flat glass mirrors, which positioned with different angles, and with sun light focusing on the PV cells that fixed over an active cooling system. The experimental investigation of the proposed concentrated PV/thermal system shows that higher electrical and thermal efficiencies can be achieved at comparatively high temperature levels than that typically utilized in a nonconcentrated PV/thermal system. The characteristics of PV cells also indicate that the electrical efficiency values in case of no concentration and with concentration ratio of 6.0 are 9.6%, and 11%, respectively. The measured values for the inlet and outlet cooling water temperatures of the receiver showed that the maximum outlet temperature reached was 75°C with a flow rate of 0.025 L/min, and the product thermal efficiency was 62.3%. These obtained results illustrate an adequate and good thermal and electrical performance under the meteorological weather conditions of the province of Al‐Karak in Jordan.  相似文献   

The allowable flux density on a solar central receiver is a significant receiver parameter and is related to the receiver life span and economics. The allowable flux density has gradually increased as receiver technologies have developed and is related to various factors, such as the material characteristics, tube sizes, and internal tube flow conditions. A mathematical model was developed to calculate the allowable flux density for the Solar Two receiver which agrees well with published data. The model was then used to show that a higher allowable flux density can be obtained by increasing the allowable strain of the tube material and the fluid velocity and decreasing the tube thermal resistance, the convective thermal resistance, and the tube diameter and wall thickness. A sensitive analysis shows that the most important influence is the wall thickness, followed by the tube diameter and fluid velocity. Finally, a molten salt receiver gives a much higher allowable flux density than water/steam receivers and is even better than a supercritical steam receiver.  相似文献   

Two different approaches for designing a linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrator (LFRSC) with a flat horizontal absorber are described. The performance characteristics of both the designs are studied in detail. The distribution of local concentration ratio on the surface of the absorber, for each design, is investigated using the ray trace technique. Results of some typical numerical calculations are presented graphically and discussed.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is the investigation of the effect of the optical path of incident beam solar radiation on the performance of a linear Fresnel concentrating solar collector. The requirements regarding the kinematics of the reflectors are examined, allowing the effective focus of the reflected radiation on the receiver cover. A methodology for the calculation of the reflection angles of the sun rays incident on the mirrors, as well as of the incidence angles of the reflected rays on the cover, as a function of the sun position and the geometry of the collector is proposed. Specific scenarios, describing the effect of the solar radiation optical path on the collected heat, are formulated, each of them leading to a different form for the instantaneous efficiency equation. The evaluation and analysis of these scenarios, on the basis of actual operation conditions, has shown that the effect of the reflection and incidence angles throughout the modeling of the collector and the calculation of the useful thermal power cannot be neglected.  相似文献   

塔式太阳能热发电站的聚光镜场大多是由按一定规律排列的矩形定日镜组成,在相邻定日镜间无机械碰撞的情况下,聚光镜场的最大土地利用率仅为58%。文章提出了选用规则交错排列的聚光镜场布置方案,建立不同形状定日镜的土地利用模型,并计算出不同情况下的最大土地利用率。通过仿真得出,矩形定日镜和六边形定日镜在一定长宽比时可获得最大土地利用率,其中六边形定日镜的土地利用率最高,约为100%。  相似文献   

The present paper gives a numerical investigation of the effect of mirror curvature on optical performance of a Linear Fresnel Reflector solar field installed recently in Morocco. The objective is to highlight and discuss the effect of mirror curvature on the flux density distribution over the receiver and the system optical efficiency. For this purpose, a Monte Carlo-ray tracing simulation tool is developed and used to optimize the optical design taking into account the curvature degree of the heliostat field. In order to assess the accuracy of the numerical code developed and the validity of simulation results, a set of verification tests were developed and detailed within this article. Then, the optical performance of the system is evaluated as a function of mirror curvature and receiver height. The major challenge of this study is to find a trade-off between heliostat curvature and receiver height since lower and smaller receivers may reduce the system cost. It has been found that the flux distribution over the receiver and the optical efficiency of the system are relatively sensitive to the mirror curvature. We have demonstrated quantitatively how the use of curved mirrors can enhance the optical performance and reduce the required receiver size.  相似文献   

Thermal performance of the four identical trapezoidal cavity absorbers for linear Fresnel reflecting solar device were studied and compared. The absorbers were designed for operating in conjunction with a prototype Fresnel solar reflector. Rectangular and round pipe sections were used as absorber by placing in the trapezoidal cavity. The absorber pipes were coated with ordinary dull black board paint and black nickel selective surface. The bottom of the cavity was provided with plane glass to allow the solar radiation to be reflected from the Fresnel reflector. The other three sides of the cavity absorber were insulated to reduce heat loss. Thermal performance of the Fresnel reflecting concentrator with each trapezoidal cavity absorber was studied experimentally at different concentration ratio of the reflector. The study revealed that the thermal efficiency was influenced by the concentration ratio and selective surface coating on the absorber. The thermal efficiency decreased with the increase in the concentration ratio of the Fresnel reflecting collector. The selective surface coated absorber had a significant advantage in terms of superior thermal performance as compared to ordinary black painted absorber. The round pipe (multi-tube) receiver had higher surface area to absorb solar energy as compared to rectangular pipe receiver. Thermal efficiency of the solar device with round pipe absorber was found higher (up to 8%) as compared to rectangular pipe absorber.  相似文献   

The main objective of this research is to find the optimal design point of the proposed solar receiver concept to heat up compressed air. Within a tubular receiver made of stainless steel, a porous medium is filled to enhance the heat transfer via the large contact area and thereby to increase the system efficiency. Due to the low melting point associated with the selected material, a numerical simulation is conducted to pre-evaluate the effects of various controlling parameters on the maximum temperature and pressure loss of the system. The design factors expected to influence the system performance were the length, porosity, and thermal conductivity of the porous medium as well as the number of inlet pipes. The effect of each variable on the maximum temperature and pressure drop of the system is numerically investigated and the optimal design point is selected. The results of this study offer a valuable design guideline for future manufacturing processes.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are to introduce a new heat engine and evaluate its performance. The new heat engine uses a gas, such as air, nitrogen, or argon, as the working fluid and extracts thermal energy from a heat source as the energy input. The new heat engine may find extensive applications in renewable energy industries, such as concentrating solar power (CSP). Additionally, the heat engine may be employed to recover energy from exhaust streams of internal combustion engines, gas turbine engines, and various industrial processes. It may also work as a thermal‐to‐mechanical conversion system in a nuclear power plant and function as an external combustion engine in which the heat source is the combustion gas from an external combustion chamber. The heat engine is to mimic the performance of an air‐standard Otto cycle. This is achieved by drastically increasing the time duration of heat acquisition from the heat source in conjunction with the timing of the heat acquisition and a large heat transfer surface area. Performance simulations show that the new heat engine can potentially attain a thermal efficiency above 50% and a power output above 100 kW under open‐cycle operation. Additionally, the heat engine could significantly reduce CSP costs and operate in open cycles, effectively removing the difficulties of dry cooling requirement for CSP applications. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To reduce the levelized cost of energy for concentrating solar power (CSP), the outlet temperature of the solar receiver needs to be higher than 700 °C in the next-generation CSP. Because of extensive engineering application experience, the liquid-based receiver is an attractive receiver technology for the next-generation CSP. This review is focused on four of the most promising liquid-based receivers, including chloride salts, sodium, lead-bismuth, and tin receivers. The challenges of these receivers and corresponding solutions are comprehensively reviewed and classified. It is concluded that combining salt purification and anti-corrosion receiver materials is promising to tackle the corrosion problems of chloride salts at high temperatures. In addition, reducing energy losses of the receiver from sources and during propagation is the most effective way to improve the receiver efficiency. Moreover, resolving the sodium fire risk and material compatibility issues could promote the potential application of liquid-metal receivers. Furthermore, using multiple heat transfer fluids in one system is also a promising way for the next-generation CSP. For example, the liquid sodium is used as the heat transfer fluid while the molten chloride salt is used as the storage medium. In the end, suggestions for future studies are proposed to bridge the research gaps for > 700 °C liquid-based receivers.  相似文献   

In this paper, a comprehensive numerical model was developed by coupling Monte Carlo Ray Tracing (MCRT) and Finite Volume Method (FVM) for simulating the energy conversion process in the linear Fresnel reflector (LFR) with a Trapezoidal Cavity Receiver (TCR). Based on the model, firstly, the optical performance of a typical LFR was studied, followed by analyzing its heat transfer characteristics and thermal performance at various conditions. Then, the effects of key parameters were investigated. Finally, a LFR prototype was simulated to illustrate the application of the model. The results indicate that the solar fluxes on the absorber tubes exhibit non-uniform characteristics which would result in the non-uniform temperatures. The annual optical efficiency of 60.1%–44.7% from the equator to N50° and the collector efficiency of 48.3%–72.0% for the superheating section at normal incidence can be achieved, respectively. Moreover, the heat transfer characteristic study reveals that the radiation loss from the tubes is the dominant mode and contributes around 81%–87% at typical conditions. Parameter studies indicate that the energy absorbed by the glass which influences the heat loss obviously should be considered in the heat loss study of TCR. And the heat loss from the tubes increases rapidly with the coating emissivity, so the coating with low emissivity should be recommended for the TCR. In addition, the application in the realistic LFR indicates that the present model is an exercisable and useful tool for the LFR.  相似文献   

The present paper studies the heat loss of a linear absorber with a trapezoidal cavity and a set of pipes used for a linear Fresnel reflecting solar concentrator. The study includes the measurements on a 1.4 m long prototype installed in a laboratory, and its thermal simulation in steady-state using EnergyPlus software. Results of the measured vertical temperature variation inside the cavity, the surface interior and exterior wall and window temperatures, the global heat loss at steady-state and the heat loss coefficients, are presented for six different temperatures of the pipes. Measurements revealed a stable thermal gradient in the upper portion of the cavity and a convective zone below it. Around 91% of the heat transferred to outdoors occurs at the bottom transparent window, for a pipe temperature of 200 °C. The heat loss coefficient per area of absorbing pipes ranged from 3.39 W/m2K to 6.35 W/m2K (for 110 °C < Tpipe < 285 °C), and it increased with the increase of Tpipe. Simpler and less time-consuming available free software originally designed for heat transfer in buildings was tested to be a possible replacement of the highly complex CFD software commonly used to simulate the steady-state heat loss of the absorber. The experimental and predicted data sets were found to be in good agreement.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the experimental investigation and exergy analysis of a modified solar still (MSS) with convex lenses on glass cover to collect the solar radiation at the focus on surface water. A comparative analysis of the performance and yield of the MSS with convex lenses and the conventional single slope SS were carried out for the same climatic condition of Tanta (Egypt). Similarly, the effect of modification in the SS using convex lenses, with or without black stones, on the freshwater yield is experimentally investigated. The results indicated that the lenses focus the solar radiation to the water placed in the basin and increase the water‐glass temperature difference (T w T g). The yield of freshwater from the MSS with the convex lenses is comparatively higher than that of the conventional SS (26.64%). In addition to convex lenses in the inner cover surface, freshwater yield improved by 35.55% by adding blue stones as energy material inside the basin under constant water mass of 30 kg. The maximum exergy efficiency of the SS with lenses and blue stones was 11.7%, while the SS with lenses alone was 4%. The quality of freshwater produced after desalination was well within the World Health Organization standards. The total dissolved solids and pH after desalination were 22 mg/L and 8.08, respectively.  相似文献   

A new integrated combined cooling, heating and power system which includes a solid oxide fuel cell, Stirling engine, steam turbine, linear Fresnel solar field and double effect absorption chiller is introduced and investigated from energy, exergy and thermodynamic viewpoints. In this process, produced electrical power by the fuel cell and steam turbines is 6971.8 kW. Stirling engine uses fuel cell waste heat and produces 656 kW power. In addition, absorption chiller is driven by waste heat of the Stirling engine and generates 2118.8 kW of cooling load. Linear Fresnel solar field produces 961.7 kW of thermal power as a heat exchanger. The results indicate that, electrical, energy and exergy efficiencies and total exergy destruction of the proposed system are 49.7%, 67.5%, 55.6% and 12560 kW, respectively. Finally, sensitivity analysis to investigate effect of the different parameters such as flow rate of inputs, outlet pressure of the components and temperature changes of the solar system on the hybrid system performance is also done.  相似文献   

We have investigated the suitability of high melting point phase change materials for use in new, large scale solar thermal electricity plants. Candidate materials for latent heat thermal energy storage are identified and their operating parameters modeled and analysed. The mathematical characteristics of charging and discharging these storage materials are discussed. Several high melting point, high conductivity materials are shown to be suitable and advantageous for use with solar thermal electricity plants, such as Sydney University’s novel, low cost CLFR and MTSA collector systems, as well as existing parabolic trough and tower technologies.  相似文献   

建立了球形、圆柱形、圆锥形和平顶圆锥形4种典型腔式吸热器与抛物面聚光器的三维模型,利用蒙特卡洛光线追踪法预测了4种典型腔式吸热器内部辐射能流的分布,其中球形吸热器内部的辐射能流分布均匀性最好,且辐射峰值最小,具有较好的光学性能。通过统计逸出腔口的反射光计算出这4种腔式吸热器的反射光损,其中球形吸热器的反射光损最小。在聚光器反射率为0.9,腔体内壁吸收率为0.9时,球形吸热器反射光损仅为0.66%,聚光器/球形吸热器的光学效率为88.9%。  相似文献   

Temperature characteristics of the open-circuit voltage (Voc) were investigated in the temperature range from 30°C to 240°C for the InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple-junction cells. Also, single-junction cells that had the similar structure to the subcells in the triple-junction cells were studied. In the high-temperature range (from 170°C to 240°C), the temperature coefficients of Voc of the InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cell (dVoc/dT) were different from those in the low-temperature range (from 30°C to 100°C). This is because photo-voltage from the Ge subcell becomes almost 0 V in the high-temperature range. It was found that the open-circuit voltage of a Ge single-junction cell reduced to almost 0 V temperatures over 120°C under 1 sun condition.  相似文献   

Realizing and installing renewable energy plants have an environmental “footprint” that has to be evaluated to quantify the real impact of renewable technologies on the environment. Nowadays, the most important tool to evaluate this impact of a product is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).The aim of this work is to present a Life Cycle Assessment of an innovative solar technology, the molten salt concentrating solar power (CSP) plant combined with a biomass Back-Up Burner, developed by Italian Research Centre ENEA and able to produce clean electricity by using solar energy. The Life Cycle Assessment was carried out by means of the SimaPro7 software, one of the most used LCA software in the world.In the second part of the study the environmental performance of the CSP plant was compared with these of conventional oil and gas power plants.  相似文献   

对一种新型简化CPC(非追踪式复合抛物线聚光板)式全真空玻璃集热管太阳能高温空气集热系统的传热过程进行了理论分析和数值模拟计算,通过实验数据对该传热模型进行了验证分析。该系统由多个集热单元组成,每个集热单元包括一个简化CPC集热板,一根全真空玻璃集热管,在玻璃集热管内安装一个U形铜管。流动空气在各级U形铜管内被逐级加热。计算研究表明:系统空气最大出口温度可达到200℃,系统平均集热效率达到0.3以上,整个系统表现了良好的高温集热特性。同时,计算也表明当系统工质流量增加时,只要系统增加更多的集热管以增加系统总功率即可满足工质温度达到200℃的设计要求。研究提出的新型简化CPC式全真空玻璃集热管太阳能高温空气集热系统是一种有工业实用前途的太阳能集热器;研究提出的传热模型模拟效果也可以满足一般性工程计算需求。  相似文献   

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