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In actual solar cells, the main power loss is due to the effect of the internal series resistance and the shunt resistance of the solar cell. Two methods; mathematical and graphical, were used to determine these two resistances for an Iraqi monocrystalline solar cell (type AI-Mansour). The results show that both of the series resistance (0·09 Ω) and the shunt resistance (210 Ω) can usually be neglected in an array performance evaluation for systems which don't use concentration arrangements In addition to the series and shunt resistances computations, the analysis of the mismatching among solar cells as well as the power dissipation by shadowed or faulty cells for different module configurations are discussed in detail in this paper. As a result it was found that the maximum number of cells that can be safely series, parallel connected are 50 and 6 cells respectively. 相似文献
提出了一种适合任意风向的新型聚能-遮蔽型立轴风力机,并应用计算流体力学方法,对这种风力机的气动性能进行了数值模拟.研究表明:这种新型立轴风力机比传统的立轴风力机的风能利用率有显著提高.此外,该文还采用了正交优化设计方法,对这种立轴风力机的结构参数进行了优化设计,得到了一组最优的设计参数,该最优设计参数下风力机的风能利用率达37%. 相似文献
Interest in the exploitation of offshore wind resources using floating wind turbines has increased. Commercial development of floating horizontal axis wind turbines (FHAWTs) is emerging because of their commercial success in onshore and near‐shore areas. Floating vertical axis wind turbines (FVAWTs) are also promising because of their low installation and maintenance costs. Therefore, a comparative study on the dynamic responses of FHAWTs and FVAWTs is of great interest. In the present study, a FHAWT employing the 5MW wind turbine developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and a FVAWT employing a Darrieus rotor, both mounted on the OC3 spar buoy, were considered. An improved control strategy was introduced for FVAWTs to achieve an approximately constant mean generator power for the above rated wind speeds. Fully coupled time domain simulations were carried out using identical, directional aligned and correlated wind and wave conditions. Because of different aerodynamic load characteristics and control strategies, the FVAWT results in larger mean tower base bending moments and mooring line tensions above the rated wind speed. Because significant two‐per‐revolution aerodynamic loads act on the FVAWT, the generator power, tower base bending moments and delta line tensions show prominent two‐per‐revolution variation. Consequently, the FVAWT suffers from severe fatigue damage at the tower bottom. However, the dynamic performance of the FVAWT could be improved by increasing the number of blades, using helical blades or employing a more advanced control strategy, which requires additional research. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine with a directed guide vane row — Effect of guide vane geometry on the performance — 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Manabu Takao Hideki Kuma Takao Maeda Yasunari Kamada Michiaki Oki Atsushi Minoda 《热科学学报(英文版)》2009,18(1):54-57
The objective of this study is to show the effect of guide vane geometry on the performance. In order to overcome the disadvantages of vertical axis wind turbine, a straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine (S-VAWT) with a directed guide vane row has been proposed and tested by the authors. According to previous studies, it was clarified that the performance of the turbine can be improved by means of the directed guide vane row. However, the guide vane geometry of S-VAWT has not been optimized so far. In order to clarify the effect of guide vane geometry, the effects of setting angle and gap between rotor blade and guide vane on power coefficient and starting characteristic were investigated in the experiments. The experimental study of the proposed wind turbine was carried out by a wind tunnel. The wind tunnel with a diameter of 1.8m is open jet type. The wind velocity is 8 m/s in the experiments. The rotor has three straight blades with a profile of NACA0018 and a chord length of 100 mm, a diameter of 0.6 m and a blade height of 0.7 m. The guide vane row consists of 3 arc plates. 相似文献
In this paper, a new predictive model that can forecast the performance of a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) is presented. The new model includes four primary variables (rotor velocity, wind velocity, air density, and turbine power output) as well as five geometrical variables (rotor radius, turbine height, turbine width, stator spacing, and stator angle). These variables are reduced to include the power coefficient (Cp) and tip speed ratio (TSR). A power coefficient correlation for a novel VAWT (called a Zephyr Vertical axis Wind Turbine (ZVWT)) is developed. The turbine is an adaptation of the Savonius design. The new correlation can predict the turbine's performance for altered stator geometry and varying operating conditions. Numerical simulations with a rotating reference frame are used to predict the operating performance for various turbine geometries. The case study includes 16 different geometries for three different wind directions. The resulting 48 data points provide detailed insight into the turbine performance to develop a general correlation. The model was able to predict the power coefficient with changes in TSR, rotor length, stator spacing, and stator angle, to within 4.4% of the numerical prediction. Furthermore, the power coefficient was predicted with changes in rotor length, stator spacing, and stator angle, to within 3.0% of the numerical simulations. This correlation provides a useful new design tool for improving the ZVWT in the specific conditions and operating requirements specific to this type of wind turbine. Also, the new model can be extended to other conditions that include different VAWT designs. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A horizontal axis wind turbine model was tested in a closed‐circuit wind tunnel under various inflow conditions. Separate experiments placed the test turbine (i) in the wake of a three‐dimensional, sinusoidal hill, (ii) in the wake of another turbine and (iii) in the turbulent boundary layer, as a reference case. Simultaneous high‐frequency measurements of the turbine output voltage, rotor angular velocity along with streamwise and wall normal velocity components were collected at various locations through the turbine's miniature direct‐current (DC) generator, a high‐resolution laser tachometer and cross‐wire anemometer, respectively. Validation trials were conducted first in order to characterize the test turbine's output and response to the baseline turbulent boundary layer. Analysis was performed by comparing the cross‐wire anemometry measurements of the incoming flow with the turbine voltage output to investigate the unsteady rotor kinematics under different flow perturbations. Using spectral, auto‐correlation and cross‐correlation methods, it was found that the flow structures developing downwind of the hill leave a stronger signature on the fluctuations and spectrum of the rotor angular velocity, as compared with those flow structures filtered or deflected by placing a turbine upwind. In summary, we show that the effects on downwind turbines of complex terrain and multi‐turbine arrangements are consistent with the induced modifications by the hill or turbine on the large scale structures in the incoming flow. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
简要介绍了小型风力机的应用现状,从政策、技术优势、风资源利用以及投资经济性等多方面分析了小型风力机的发展优势,并对小型风力机的发展趋势进行了展望。 相似文献
In this work a simple method is developed to evaluate the design parameters of a horizontal‐axis wind turbine (HAWT). The method applies the available data of an axial fan to a HAWT for the same arc profile blade in both machines. The method is illustrated by a numerical example with a complete design procedure in which the pitch angle and the chord of the blade are calculated. These calculated results agree with the measured data of a commercial HAWT blade. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Benedetto Rocchio Claudio Chicchiero Maria Vittoria Salvetti Stefania Zanforlin 《风能》2020,23(4):915-938
The present study is focused on modeling of dynamic stall behavior of a pitching airfoil. The deep stall regime is in particular considered. A model is proposed, which has a low implementation and computational complexity but yet is able to deal with different types of dynamic stall conditions, including those characterized by multiple vortex shedding at the airfoil leading edge. The proposed model is appraised against an extensive data set of experimental (α,CL) curves for NACA0012. The results of an existing widely used model, having comparable complexity, are also shown for comparison. The proposed model is able to well reproduce not only the classic curves of deep dynamic stall but also the curves characterized by lift oscillations at high angles of attack due to the shedding of multiple vortices. Furthermore, the model appears to be robust to variations of its parameters from the optimal values and of the airfoil geometry. Finally, the model is successfully implemented in a commercial CFD software and applied to the simulation of a vertical axis wind turbine within the actuator cylinder approach. The accuracy of the prediction of the turbine power coefficient in the whole rotation cycle is very good for the optimal working condition of the turbine, for which the model parameters were calibrated. Fairly good accuracy is also obtained in significantly different working conditions without any further calibration. 相似文献
为提高市轴风力机的效率,对可变叶片安装角的立轴风力机进行了分析,根据机翼升力与阻力的理论,在固定来流风速和旋转速度下计算了叶片在每个方位角上产生力矩最大的最佳安装角的变化规律,为了更好的运行,对最佳安装角的变化规律进行了一定修改.计算比较了固定安装角度的叶片与可变安装角度的叶片旋转一周产生的力矩,结果表明叶片在最佳安装角下运行时,每一转的正力矩都有明显增大,平均力矩町提高14倍.多个叶片在最佳安装角下运行时的力矩变化较平稳.可变叶片安装角立轴风力机是一种有发展前途的动力设备. 相似文献
本文简要介绍了垂直轴风力机的各种类型及其原理特点,然后对垂直轴风力机与水平轴风力机在结构设计、空气动力学性能、环境的影响等多方面进行了比较,体现了垂直轴风力机的独有优势,并得出垂直轴风力机发展前景广阔的结论。 相似文献
An expression for the aerodynamic optimization of aerofoils for 2D lift driven vertical‐axis wind turbines is derived as a function of lift slope and drag. As lift slope is proportional to aerofoil thickness, the aerodynamic optimum is found in thick aerofoils, which are also structurally advantageous. Using a genetic optimization algorithm, the objective function is used to generate aerofoils whose performance in a vertical‐axis wind turbine is calculated using a potential flow solution of the induction field and 2D polars calculated with XFOIL. The results demonstrate power and structural gains. This approach can lead to reductions in rotor mass due to the thicker and thus stiffer aerofoils, without compromising aerodynamic performance. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Because of several design advantages and operational characteristics, particularly in offshore farms, vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are being reconsidered as a complementary technology to horizontal axial turbines. However, considerable gaps remain in our understanding of VAWT performance since cross‐flow rotor configurations have been significantly less studied than axial turbines. This study examines the wakes of VAWTs and how their evolution is influenced by turbine design parameters. An actuator line model is implemented in an atmospheric boundary layer large eddy simulation code, with offline coupling to a high‐resolution blade‐scale unsteady Reynolds‐averaged Navier–Stokes model. The large eddy simulation captures the turbine‐to‐farm scale dynamics, while the unsteady Reynolds‐averaged Navier–Stokes captures the blade‐to‐turbine scale flow. The simulation results are found to be in good agreement with three existing experimental datasets. Subsequently, a parametric study of the flow over an isolated VAWT, carried out by varying solidities, height‐to‐diameter aspect ratios and tip speed ratios, is conducted. The analyses of the wake area and velocity and power deficits yield an improved understanding of the downstream evolution of VAWT wakes, which in turn enables a more informed selection of turbine designs for wind farms. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Most numerical and experimental studies of the performance of vertical‐axis wind turbines have been conducted with the rotors in steady, and thus somewhat artificial, wind conditions—with the result that turbine aerodynamics, under varying wind conditions, are still poorly understood. The vorticity transport model has been used to investigate the aerodynamic performance and wake dynamics, both in steady and unsteady wind conditions, of three different vertical‐axis wind turbines: one with a straight‐bladed configuration, another with a curved‐bladed configuration and another with a helically twisted configuration. The turbines with non‐twisted blades are shown to be somewhat less efficient than the turbine with helically twisted blades when the rotors are operated at constant rotational speed in unsteady wind conditions. In steady wind conditions, the power coefficients that are produced by both the straight‐bladed and curved‐bladed turbines vary considerably within one rotor revolution because of the continuously varying angle of attack on the blades and, thus, the inherent unsteadiness in the blade aerodynamic loading. These variations are much larger, and thus far more significant, than those that are induced by the unsteadiness in the wind conditions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A Tomo‐PIV study of the effects of freestream turbulence on stall delay of the blade of a horizontal‐axis wind turbine

Volumetric velocity fields were measured using tomographic particle image velocimetry on a model of the blade of a 5 kW horizontal‐axis wind turbine to study the effects of freestream turbulence levels (FTLs) at 0.4%, 4% and 13% on stall delay phenomenon at two different global tip speed ratios of 3 and 5 with Reynolds number (Re) ? 5000. Static pressures were measured, and results illustrated that FTL has stronger effect on the surface pressures of the static airfoil. Magnitudes of the absolute velocities within the separated flows above the static airfoil's suction surface increase significantly with higher FTL, while the changes of these velocities above the rotating blade's surface are less obvious. Radial flows from rotating blade's root to tip were also observed with strong spanwise velocity component located in the vicinities of the vortices. At the root and middle sections of the rotating blade, the flows with strong radial velocity component, w, become wider with higher FTL near to the rotating blade's leading edge when the angles of attack (AOAs) are large. At large AOAs, the strength and size of the vortices shed from the rotating blade's leading and trailing edges decrease significantly with higher FTL. However, at small AOAs, the size and coherence of the vortices near the rotating blade's trailing edge increase significantly with higher FTL. Surface streamlines of the rotating blade illustrated that at the rotating blade's root region and at large AOAs, the streamlines tend to lean toward the rotating blade's trailing edge at higher FTL. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
大型水平轴风力机噪声的测量 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
阐述了风力机噪声的传播、衰减和针对噪声的评估准则,以及风力机噪声的测量原理。针对风力机噪声测量测点布置进行了优化,给出了风力机噪声的测量实验方案和装置,并且采用自由声场法对风力机噪声进行了测量,得出了风力机噪声和周围环境噪声之间的合成声压级。 相似文献
Most blades available for commercial-grade wind turbines incorporate a straight, span-wise profile and airfoil-shaped cross-sections. These blades are found to be very efficient at low and medium wind speeds compared with the potential energy that can be extracted. This paper explores the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the blades by modifying the blade design to incorporate a swept edge. The design intends to maintain efficiency at low to medium wind speeds by selecting the appropriate orientation and size of the airfoil cross-sections based on an oncoming wind speed and given constant rotation rate. The torque generated from a blade with straight-edge geometry is compared with that generated from a blade with a swept edge as predicted by CFD simulations. To validate the simulations, the experimental curve of the NTK500/41 turbine using LM19.1 blades is reproduced using the same computational conditions. In addition, structural deformations, stress distributions and structural vibration modes are compared between these two different turbine blade surfaces. 相似文献