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A method linking qualitative and semi‐quantitative change in riverine benthic macroinvertebrate communities to prevailing flow regimes is proposed. The Lotic‐invertebrate Index for Flow Evaluation (LIFE) technique is based on data derived from established survey methods, that incorporate sampling strategies considered highly appropriate for assessing the impact of variable flows on benthic populations. Hydroecological links have been investigated in a number of English rivers, after correlating LIFE scores obtained over a number of years with several hundred different flow variables. This process identifies the most significant relationships between flow and LIFE which, in turn, enables those features of flow that are of critical importance in influencing community structure in different rivers to be defined. Summer flow variables are thus highlighted as being most influential in predicting community structure in most chalk and limestone streams, whereas invertebrate communities colonizing rivers draining impermeable catchments are much more influenced by short‐term hydrological events. Biota present in rivers with regulated or augmented flows tend to be most strongly affected by non‐seasonal, interannual flow variation. These responses provide opportunities for analysing and elucidating hydroecological relationships in some detail, and it should ultimately be possible to use these data to set highly relevant, cost‐effective hydroecological objectives. An example is presented to show how this might be accomplished. Key areas of further work include the need to provide robust procedures for setting hydroecological objectives, investigation of habitat quality and LIFE score relationships in natural and degraded river reaches and evaluation of potential links with other biological modelling methods such as RIVPACS. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporal variability in river flow is a fundamental control on instream habitat structure and riverine ecosystem biodiversity and integrity. However, long‐term riverine ecological time‐series to test hypotheses about hydrology–ecology interactions in a broader temporal context are rare, and studies spanning multiple rivers are often limited in their temporal coverage to less than five years. To address this research gap, a unique spatio‐temporal hydroecological analysis was conducted of long‐term instream ecological responses (1990–2000) to river flow regime variability at 83 sites across England and Wales. The results demonstrate clear hydroecological associations at the national scale (all data). In addition, significant differences in ecological response are recorded between three ‘regions’ identified (RM1–3*) associated with characteristics of the flow regime. The effect of two major supra‐seasonal droughts (1990–1992 and 1996–1997) on inter‐annual (IA) variability of the LIFE scores is evident with both events showing a gradual decline before and recovery of LIFE scores after the low flow period. The instream community response to high magnitude flow regimes (1994 and 1995) is also apparent, although these associations are less striking. The results demonstrate classification of rivers into flow regime regions offers a way to help unravel complex hydroecological associations. The approach adopted herein could easily be adapted for other geographical locations, where datasets are available. Such work is imperative to understand flow regime–ecology interactions in a longer term, wider spatial context and so assess future hydroecological responses to climate change and anthropogenic modification of riverine ecosystems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flow is widely considered one of the primary drivers of instream ecological response. Increasingly, hydroecological models form the basis of integrated and sustainable approaches to river management, linking flow to ecological response. In doing so, the most ecologically relevant hydrological variables should be selected. Some studies have observed a delayed macro‐invertebrate (ecological) response to these variables (i.e. a cumulative inter‐annual effect, referred to as multi‐annual) in groundwater‐fed rivers. To date, only limited research has been performed investigating this phenomenon. This paper examines the ecological response to multi‐annual flow indicators for a groundwater‐fed river. Relationships between instream ecology and flow were investigated by means of a novel methodological framework developed by integrating statistical data analysis and modelling techniques, such as principal component analysis and multistep regression approaches. Results demonstrated a strong multi‐annual multi‐seasonal effect. Inclusion of additional antecedent flows indicators appears to enhance overall model performance (in some cases, goodness of fit statistics such as the adjusted R‐squared value exceeded 0.6). These results strongly suggest that, in order to understand potential changes to instream ecology arising from changing flow regimes, multi‐annual and multi‐seasonal relationships should be considered in hydroecological modelling. © 2017 The Authors River Research and Applications Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) fish in sand‐bed rivers of grassland ecoregions frequently encounter dynamic habitat conditions produced by highly variable flow and resulting changes in geomorphic complexity of the river. How these vulnerable life history stages cope with changes in habitat condition and location is largely unknown. Therefore, we examined biodiversity and abundance of YOY fish (larvae and juveniles) at two spatiotemporal scales in response to dynamic flow conditions in the Kansas River. During the summer of 2004, we collected and identified 13 745 YOY fish from various moderate to zero‐flow habitats. Patterns of community structure through time were compared with the river's hydrogeomorphic characteristics, as determined by aerial photographs and measurements of instream flow rate and other water quality characteristics. Our initial hypothesis was that species richness and total YOY abundance would be maximized in larger and longer‐lived slackwater habitats. In contrast, our data suggest that dominant fishes in these highly dynamic ecosystems have adapted to hydrological variations with a more generalist lifestyle by either: (i) temporarily using higher flow habitats (except possibly the thalweg) to cope with intermittent loss of prime habitat; or (ii) extending spawning through favourable and demanding conditions. In contrast to current theories, our results suggest that conditions for YOY success are optimized in dynamic prairie rivers during the intermediate flows that maximize habitat heterogeneity and availability. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

各类计算生态需水量的方法多需要长序列实测的水文或生境资料,无法直接适用于资料短缺的河流。在实测资料短缺的平原河流通顺河武汉段上布置10个典型断面,利用人为设定的多级试算流量来替代长序列实测流量,利用MIKE11软件模拟推求河道典型断面水力参数(河宽、水深、流速和湿周等)随流量的变化关系;在此基础上,依据平原河流滩槽明显的特点,选用水力学法中基于水力参数与流量间相关关系的湿周法和生态水力学法分别计算研究河段的生态需水量。计算结果表明,通顺河武汉段的河道基本形态得以维持和生物基本栖息地得以保障时的生态需水量应为26 m3/s。所提出的计算方案能较好地推求资料短缺地区平原河流的生态需水量,也可为类似河流的生态需水计算提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

The effects of river regulation on the hydrological cycle of a river and on the respective fish assemblage may differ according to dam operation purpose and type of river analysed. To assess the spatial and temporal variation of fish assemblages and their response to the hydrological changes caused by two different types of flow regulation, we selected three sampling sites in four rivers with different levels of regulation, two in a permanent river system and another two on a temporary one, which we sampled in four different annual seasons. In the permanent system, hydroelectrical regulation decreased hydrological variability, which affected fluvial specialist species, benefitting the generalist ones, and created a more homogeneous community that presented less intra‐annual variation. In the temporary system, agricultural regulation caused an inversion of the hydrological cycle, maintaining a moderate flow volume throughout the drought period that benefited the introduced, generalist and more tolerant species. Monthly volume was recognized, in a temporal scale, as the most important hydrological feature for assemblages’ structure, predicting the intra‐annual variation of several ecological guilds. This study provides important considerations for dam management and riverine ecosystems conservation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large river paradigms suggest that natural flow regimes are critical for maintaining instream habitats and promoting production and growth of native aquatic organisms. Modifications to the Missouri River, Nebraska, within the past 100 years have drastically reduced shallow water habitat, homogenized the flow regime, and contributed to declines in several native species. Despite drastic flow modifications, several metrics of the Missouri River's flow regime still vary across years. We related age‐0 channel catfish growth to environmental conditions in the channelized Missouri River, Nebraska, between 1996 and 2013 using an information theoretic approach. Growth rate was most influenced by growing season duration and duration of discharges below the 25th percentile of 30‐year daily Missouri River discharges. Periods of low water may be important for juvenile growth because of channel modifications that limit critical shallow water habitat during higher within‐bank flows. Exclusion of peak discharge and peak discharge timing in the best model to predict growth is counter to conventional thoughts on river fish responses to hydrological conditions but may be reflective of the general lack of high‐magnitude flooding during the majority of our study. Future efforts to relate juvenile fish growth to environmental conditions can provide guidance for water management in the Missouri River and other regulated North American rivers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

‘Downstream’ hydraulic geometry relationships describe the variation of water depth, velocity, and water surface width between rivers of different size at a characteristic discharge, whereas ‘at-a-station’ geometry describes the variation of hydraulic geometry with discharge within a reach. The instream flow incremental methodology (IFIM) also predicts the variation in water depth and velocity with discharge at a reach scale, so that hydraulic geometry relationships can potentially be used as a preliminary method of habitat assessment. Hydraulic geometry relationships were calculated from instream habitat surveys of 73 New Zealand river reaches with mean flows varying from 0.6 to 204 m3 s−1 and an average gradient of 0.0047. The exponents of both at-a-station and downstream hydraulic geometry relationships were within the range of values reported in other international studies, although the exponents indicated that New Zealand rivers tended to experience greater changes in velocity and less in depth than the international average, probably because of high average gradient. The frequency distributions of water depth and velocity were positively skewed in most rivers, and on average the modal velocity was 90% of the mean velocity and the modal depth was 80% of mean depth. The use of at-a-station hydraulic geometry relationships for instream habitat assessment was compared to depth and velocity predictions using habitat simulation techniques (IFIM) in two streams. Measurements of stream width and depth at five cross-sections at two calibration discharges were used to establish at-a-station hydraulic geometry relationships. These predicted mean depth and velocity within 8% of the reach average values of the IFIM surveys within the range of calibration discharges and within 10–15% of the IFIM reach average when extrapolated beyond the calibration discharges. Hydraulic geometry can be used to indicate whether hydraulic conditions approach a ‘threshold’ such as a minimum acceptable depth or velocity, thus predicating the need for more extensive habitat survey and analysis. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of the most severe anthropogenic impacts on river systems worldwide has been alterations to the natural flow regime. Understanding biological responses to altered flow regimes is critical to effectively rehabilitate aquatic ecosystems. This study investigated changes in the larval fish assemblages during varying hydrological conditions over 5 years in the lower River Murray, in south‐eastern Australia. Larval fish were sampled during spring/summer during three distinct hydrological periods: under a within‐channel flow pulse and a water level raising (2005); during a drought with very low flows and stable water levels (2006, 2007 and 2008); and during an overbank flow (2010). Data were analysed for annual, spatial and seasonal variations, and correlations were examined between changes in larval assemblages and environmental variables. Hydrology was a key driver in inter‐annual variation in larval fish assemblages. High abundances of small‐bodied to medium‐bodied native species were recorded under low flows, while for other species, abundance was more strongly correlated to temperature, representing seasonal variation. Two large‐bodied species were only recorded during the within‐channel flow pulse and overbank flow conditions, and significant increases in larval abundances were recorded during overbank flow conditions. We suggest groupings based on species response to hydrology (low‐flow to medium‐flow spawners, high‐flow spawners or seasonal spawners). This study suggests that a range of conditions (low flows and overbank flows) are required to maintain a diverse and abundant native fish fauna in the lower River Murray. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Widespread alteration of flow regimes requires guidelines for the protection of river ecosystems based on sound science. Preservation of the biodiversity within river ecosystems and sustaining natural ecological functions are key aspects of their management. However, the relationship between the biota and flow‐related phenomena is poorly understood and, as a consequence, over‐simplistic hydrology‐based guidelines for river management have been adopted without establishing clear indicators of success. In the present paper, we aim to support the improvement of guidelines for flow (current velocity) management by developing a flow sensitivity index based on macroinvertebrates for Canadian rivers. Using benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) samples collected by the Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN), current velocity preferences for the 55 most common invertebrate taxa across a range of reference and potential reference sites were derived. A Canadian Ecological Flow Index (CEFI) was developed based on these preferences. By testing the index against independent data, CEFI was found to respond mainly to changes in hydraulic conditions, and was minimally influenced by confounding factors (e.g. stream type, organic enrichment). The index was further validated using two independent data sets from the west and east of Canada, suggesting countrywide applicability of the method. In conclusion, we have developed a practical approach to evaluate relationships between hydrological regime and an important component of the river biota, permitting the development of an index which has good potential as an indicator for the effects of flow alteration. Moreover, we outline how the CEFI could be used as a tool for the development of holistic guidelines for the estimation of riverine flow needs. Copyright © 2010 Crown in the right of Canada and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prediction of changes to in‐stream ecology are highly desirable if decisions on river management, such as those relating to water abstractions, effluent discharges or modifications to the river channel, are to be justified to stakeholders. The physical habitat simulation (PHABSIM) system is a well‐established hydro‐ecological model that provides a suite of tools for the numerical modelling of hydraulic habitat suitability for fish and invertebrate species. In the UK, the most high‐profile PHABSIM studies have focused on rural, groundwater‐dominated rivers and have related to low flow issues. Conversely, there have been few studies of urban rivers. This paper focuses on the application of PHABSIM to urban rivers and demonstrates how sensitivity analyses can be used to assess uncertainty in PHABSIM applications. Results show that physical habitat predictions are sensitive to changes in habitat suitability indices, hydraulic model calibration and the temporal resolution of flow time‐series. Results show that there is greater suitable physical habitat over a wider range of flows in a less engineered river channel when compared to a more engineered channel. The work emphasizes the need for accurate information relating to the response of fish and other organisms to high velocities. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The quantity of water that should be retained in streams and rivers for the benefit of fish during periods of water scarcity is a question of considerable interest to river managers and biologists. Although instream flow methodologies have existed since the 1970s, no single method has been widely accepted for use on large warm‐water rivers because of their high species richness and generalized fish habitat use patterns. In this paper, we present an approach similar to instream flow incremental methodology, but which uses two‐dimensional flow models and biomass estimates derived from multiple sites on two Colorado rivers for predicting the effect of discharge on adult standing stocks of two native fish species. Suitability criteria are developed for bluehead and flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus discobolus and C. latipinnis) by comparing adult biomass in individual meso‐habitat units with modelled depths and velocities. We find that roundtail chub (Gila robusta) biomass is not correlated with depth and velocity, but appears to be positively associated with indices of habitat heterogeneity. Species biomass and total usable habitat area are predicted as a function of discharge for each site and data show good correlation between predicted and measured biomass. Results suggest that the Colorado and Yampa Rivers have similar potential for native fish biomass, but low summer discharges limit native fish biomass on the Yampa River. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The majority of rivers in the Australian tropics possess near‐natural flow regimes and are an ecological asset of global significance. We examined flow variability in large floodplain rivers in the Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia, and the potential ecological impacts of future water resource development (WRD). Flow metrics based on long‐term records were used to classify flow regimes and predict hydrological drivers of ecological function. Flow regimes of selected rivers were then compared with those simulated for pre‐ and post‐WRD flows in the Darling River, a highly modified river in Australia's south‐east. Generally, rivers were classified as typically ‘tropical’ (more permanent, regular flows) or ‘dryland’ (more ephemeral, with greater flow variability). In addition, all rivers displayed wet–dry seasonality associated with changes in flow magnitude or number of zero‐flow days. We propose that these features (flow permanence and regularity; flow variability and absence; wet–dry seasonality) are the key hydrological drivers of biodiversity and ecological function in the floodplain rivers of Australia's north. In terms of WRD, inter‐annual flow variability was predicted to increase or decrease depending on rivers' natural flow regimes, specifically their tendency toward lower or higher flow magnitudes. Either outcome is expected to have adverse effects on the biodiversity and ecological function of these relatively pristine rivers and floodplain habitats. In particular, reduced and homogenized habitat, loss of life‐history cues, inhibited dispersal and shifts in community composition, as a result of WRD, threaten the ecological integrity of rivers adapted to the three hydrological drivers above. These findings serve as a caution for careful consideration of WRD options for rivers in the Australian tropics and for those with similar flow regimes the world over. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines emerging trends in applied instream flow assessment methods within the context of an ecologically based assessment framework, in light of the challenges imposed by the spatial and temporal domains of aquatic ecosystems. I will attempt to highlight what I consider to be the more promising technologies, modeling techniques and analysis approaches that represent workable tools to meet the needs of practical, applied instream flow assessments. To this end, I will touch on measurement techniques and technologies used to characterize the spatial domain of river systems, analysis tools for characterization of the hydrodynamic elements of rivers in both the spatial and temporal domains, and finally tools and approaches which integrate the biological elements at the individual, population and community levels. Much of my view of the future of habitat modeling remains an abstraction, in that integration of all the pieces has yet to be accomplished, field validation remains unproven, availability of an integrated analysis framework (i.e. computer software system) is not yet available, and a clear framework for selection and application of specific tools has not been developed. However, in presenting this particular view of the future, I hope to stimulate a broader collaborative effort between biologists, engineers and resource managers that continues to move the state-of-the-art forward. This effort should not consider the plurality of methods or analytical procedures as competing approaches, but rather as representing a tool-rich environment upon which researchers and practitioners can draw to provide scientifically based quantifications in support of management decisions which must protect and enhance our aquatic ecosystems. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Defining reference conditions is a crucial element in quantifying the extent of anthropogenic modification and for identifying restoration targets in riverine ecosystems. Despite palaeoecological approaches being widely applied in lakes to establish reference conditions, their use in lotic ecosystems remains limited. In this study, we examine contemporary, historical (1930 and 1972), and palaeoecological macroinvertebrate biodiversity and biomonitoring scores in Eastburn Beck, a headwater tributary of the River Hull (UK) to determine if palaeoecological approaches can be used to characterize lotic system reference conditions. Palaeoecological samples comprised a greater gamma diversity (18 taxa) than contemporary samples (8 taxa), samples taken in 1972 (11 taxa) and 1930 (8 taxa). Palaeoecological samples supported taxonomically different Gastropoda, Trichoptera, and Coleoptera (GTC) communities compared with contemporary and historical samples (1930 and 1972). Results from biomonitoring indices using the GTC community indicated that the palaeochannel had (a) similar invertebrate biological quality, (b) a less energetic flow regime, and (c) increased fine sediment deposits compared with the contemporary channel. The results clearly illustrate that palaeoecological data can provide a suitable method to characterize reference conditions for lotic habitats. However, it is important to recognize that faunal data from palaeochannel deposits provide a short‐term “snapshot” of the conditions within the river immediately prior to its hydrological isolation. River restoration activities should therefore draw on multiple lines of evidence, including palaeoecological information where possible, to characterize a range of reference conditions to reflect the highly dynamic nature of lotic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Low‐flow events can reduce food availability and decrease the feeding niche of consumers within rivers. Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope and stomach content analyses were employed to evaluate resource use and overlap between fish species in a natural and regulated river in normal and low‐flow years, with the use of multiple methodological approaches providing the best means of understanding short‐term and long‐term observations on fish feeding and resource overlap under changing flow conditions. Diet analyses generally indicated significant inter‐specific differences in the diets of key fish species within rivers and similarities in resource use between rivers. In comparison with fish from the natural river, fish from the regulated river had lower and less inter‐annually variable δ13C values. In the natural river, there was a significant reduction and increase, respectively, in δ13C and δ15N variation in the low‐flow year. Intra‐annual or inter‐annual differences in trophic niche area were not apparent in the regulated river, whereas within the natural river, intra‐annual and inter‐annual differences in trophic niche were found. Resource overlap between key fish species was also higher in the low‐flow year and lower in the spring and higher in the summer as a result of differences in flow. Resource overlap was also higher between rivers in the low‐flow year. High resource overlap between rivers during decreased summer flow indicates a strong effect of flow on river organisms, where both fish and their invertebrate prey resources are concerned. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most of the world's alluvial plain rivers have undergone hydrological and geomorphical modifications due to water abstraction, dam and levee construction, gravel mining and other human activities. Some of these rivers function as benchmark systems for identifying and quantifying the ecological responses to hydrological and geomorphological changes. Benchmark systems are critical for understanding these responses, for predicting the effects of future changes, and for trialling restoration and mitigation measures. The Selwyn River of New Zealand is a benchmark system for undammed alluvial rivers that are under intense pressure for water abstraction, and are subject to large flow fluctuations. The Selwyn is a remarkably complex river, and increased understanding of this system will provide insight for understanding and managing other rivers in its class. Hydrological properties that characterize the Selwyn include strong surface water–groundwater interactions, contiguous ephemeral, intermittent, perennial‐losing and perennial‐gaining reaches and an expanding and contracting dry segment that persists for most of the year. The dry segment, in combination with broad spatial variation in aquifer structure and rainfall, cause the upstream (runoff‐fed) and downstream (groundwater‐fed) river sections to function very differently. These sections are also dissimilar in channel morphology; the upstream section has a braided planform, with mobile bars, and abundant islands and remnant channels, and the downstream section has a single, meandering channel, stable bars and no islands. As in many alluvial plain rivers, large floods drive reach‐scale channel evolution. This paper introduces a long‐term research program that is underway at the Selwyn River, and explores the hydrological and morphological dynamics that characterize the river. We focus on groundwater–surface water interactions, flow‐permanence patterns and flood‐dependent geomorphology. Hydrological and meteorological data are summarized in a conceptual model of relationships between prevailing weather systems, runoff, aquifer recharge and river flow. The physical template described in this paper governs ecological processes such as dispersal, succession and nutrient cycling. A conceptual model is proposed to organize predictions about dispersal in response to changes in hydrological connectivity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dams and reservoirs are known to disturb river‐water composition, among other impacts, with potential implications for downstream river ecosystems and water uses. Existing studies have emphasized the variable influence of dams on water composition according to the element, its speciation (dissolved vs. particulate), reservoir properties (residence times), reservoir functions (e.g., hydropower, irrigation), and management (water releases). A now common approach to analyzing hydrological, geochemical, and biological controls on element export from unregulated rivers is to study hydrochemical signatures such as concentration‐flow relationships. We investigated a case study to analyze hydrochemical signatures of a regulated river (Sélune River, western France) upstream and downstream of a chain of two hydropower dams, assuming that the dams disturbed the river's signatures, and that those disturbances would provide information about processes occurring in the reservoirs. Both seasonal and event‐scale signatures were analyzed over two contrasting hydrological years and a range of storm events. The dams induced a chemostatic downstream response to storm events whenever elements were diluted or concentrated upstream. Dams did not disturb the seasonality of major anions but did modify silica and phosphorus concentration‐flow relationships, especially during low flow. Such changes in dynamics of river‐water composition may affect downstream biological communities. This study presents an initial state of the hydrochemical signature of the downstream river, before the removal of the two dams.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies patterns of discharge and temperature variation in the regulated river Lyon and the adjacent, unregulated river Lochay (Scotland) and assesses the importance of these patterns for benthic invertebrate community structure. Invertebrates were sampled at sites in each catchment in autumn, winter and spring during the 2002–2003 hydrological year. Metrics were used to characterize the discharge and temperature regimes in the period immediately preceding invertebrate sample collection. Metric values were then used in a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of the invertebrate sample data, in order to assess the significance of individual metrics and the overall importance of flow and temperature variability for community structure. The variance in the invertebrate data explained by this CCA was compared to that from a CCA using a range of environmental data from the sites (stream‐bed algal cover, channel hydraulic, sedimentary and water quality characteristics). This comparison allowed assessment of the relative importance of environmental variables versus hydrologic and thermal regimes. Invertebrate communities in the Lyon were relatively poor and uneven, with Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Coleoptera poorly represented. Distinct site and seasonal clusters were evident in the CCA ordination biplots, with Lyon and Lochay sites separated in dimensions represented by geometric mean sediment size, water temperature and algal cover. The cumulative variance values from ordinations using the discharge and temperature metrics were consistently highest, suggesting that differences in invertebrate communities showed a stronger relation to patterns of discharge and temperature variability than to the broader suite of environmental conditions. Although there were marked thermal differences between sites, temperature metrics appeared no more important than discharge metrics in explaining differences in invertebrate community structure. A number of the temperature and discharge metrics appeared similarly important, suggesting that no one aspect of the hydrothermal regime was any more important than others in helping to understand differences in invertebrate community between the study sites. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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