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Numerous studies have shown that wind turbine wakes within a large wind farm bring about changes to both the dynamics and thermodynamics of the atmospheric boundary layers (ABL). Previously, we investigated the relative humidity budget within a wind farm via field measurements in the near‐wake region and large eddy simulations (LES). The effect of the compounding wakes within a large wind farm on the relative humidity was also investigated by LES. In this study, we investigate how the areas of relative humidity variation, that was observed in the near‐wake, develop downstream in the shadow region of a large wind farm. To this end, LES of a wind farm consisting of 8x6 wind turbines with periodic boundary condition in the lateral direction (inferring an infinitely wide farm) interacting with a stable ABL is carried out. Two wind farm layouts, aligned and staggered, are considered in the analysis and the results from both configurations are compared to each other. It is observed that a decrease of relative humidity underneath the hub height and an increase above the hub height build up within the wind farm, and are maintained in the downstream of the farm for long distances. The staggered farm layout is more effective in keeping a more elongated region of low relative humidity underneath the hub, when compared to the aligned layout.  相似文献   

目前模型未充分考虑大气稳定度的影响,针对该问题,在不同大气稳定度下,通过建立风电场边界层的动量平衡关系和揭示风电场的流动不均匀性,提出一种适用于不同大气稳定度的风电场等效粗糙度模型。采用大涡模拟方法对所提模型进行验证,结果显示该方法能有效评估大气稳定度对风电场流动不均匀性以及等效粗糙度的影响,所得等效粗糙度平均误差约10%。  相似文献   

The effects of spatial and temporal resolution of wind inflows generated using large eddy simulations (LES) on the scales of turbulence present in the wind inflow, and the resulting changes in wind turbine performance were investigated for neutral atmospheric boundary layer conditions. Wind inflows with four different spatial resolutions and five different temporal resolutions were used to produce different turbine responses. An aero‐elastic code assessed the dynamic response of two wind turbines to the different inflows. Auto‐spectral density functions (ASDF) of turbine responses, such as blade deflection and bending moment, that are representative of the turbine response were used to assess the effect of the inflow. The results indicated that, as additional turbulence scales were resolved, the wind turbines showed a similar increased response that was evident in both the ASDF and variance of the different wind turbine performance parameters. As a result, the amount to which turbulence is resolved in the inflow, particularly using tools such as LES, will be important to consider when using these inflows for wind turbine design and performance prediction. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wind farms are known to modulate large scale structures in and around the wake regions of the turbines. The potential benefits of placing small hub height, small rotor turbines in between the large turbines in a wind farm to take advantage of such modulated large‐scale eddies are explored using large eddy simulation (LES). The study has been carried out in an infinite wind farm framework invoking an asymptotic limit, and the wind turbines are modeled using an actuator line model. The vertically staggered wind turbine arrangements that are studied in the present work consist of rows of large wind turbines, with rows of smaller wind turbines (ie, smaller rotor size and shorter hub height) placed in between the rows of large turbines. The influence of the hub height of the small turbines, in particular, how it affects the interactions between the large and small turbines and consequently their power, along with the multiscale dynamics involved, has been assessed in the current study. It was found that, in the multiscale layouts, the small turbines at lower hub heights operate more efficiently than their homogeneous single‐scale counterparts. In contrast, the small turbines with higher hub heights incur a loss of power compared with the corresponding single‐scale arrangements.  相似文献   

Shengbai Xie  Cristina Archer 《风能》2015,18(10):1815-1838
Mean and turbulent properties of the wake generated by a single wind turbine are studied in this paper with a new large eddy simulation (LES) code, the wind turbine and turbulence simulator (WiTTS hereafter). WiTTS uses a scale‐dependent Lagrangian dynamical model of the sub‐grid shear stress and actuator lines to simulate the effects of the rotating blades. WiTTS is first tested by simulating neutral boundary layers without and with a wind turbine and then used to study the common assumptions of self‐similarity and axisymmetry of the wake under neutral conditions for a variety of wind speeds and turbine properties. We find that the wind velocity deficit generally remains self similarity to a Gaussian distribution in the horizontal. In the vertical, the Gaussian self‐similarity is still valid in the upper part of the wake, but it breaks down in the region of the wake close to the ground. The horizontal expansion of the wake is always faster and greater than the vertical expansion under neutral stability due to wind shear and impact with the ground. Two modifications to existing equations for the mean velocity deficit and the maximum added turbulence intensity are proposed and successfully tested. The anisotropic wake expansion is taken into account in the modified model of the mean velocity deficit. Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budgets show that production and advection exceed dissipation and turbulent transport. The nacelle causes significant increase of every term in the TKE budget in the near wake. In conclusion, WiTTS performs satisfactorily in the rotor region of wind turbine wakes under neutral stability. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nan‐You Lu  Sukanta Basu  Lance Manuel 《风能》2019,22(10):1288-1309
The late afternoon hours in the diurnal cycle precede the development of the nocturnal stable boundary layer. This “evening transition” (ET) period is often when energy demand peaks. This period also corresponds to the time of day that is a precursor to late‐afternoon downbursts, a subject of separate interest. To capture physical characteristics of wind fields in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) during this ET period, particularly the interplay of shear and turbulence, stochastic simulation approaches, although more tractable, are not suitable. Large‐eddy simulation (LES), on the other hand, may be used to generate high‐resolution ABL turbulent flow fields. We present a suite of idealized LES four‐dimensional flow fields that define a database representing different combinations of large‐scale atmospheric conditions (characterized by associated geostrophic winds) and surface boundary conditions (characterized by surface heat fluxes). Our objective is to evaluate the performance of wind turbines during the ET period. Accordingly, we conduct a statistical analysis of turbine‐scale wind field variables. We then employ the database of these LES‐based inflow wind fields in aeroelastic simulations of a 5‐MW wind turbine. We discuss how turbine loads change as the ET period evolves. We also discuss maximum and fatigue loads on the rotor and tower resulting from different ABL conditions. Results of this study suggest that, during the ET period, the prevailing geostrophic wind speed affects the mean and variance of longitudinal winds greatly and thus has significant influence on all loads except the yaw moment which is less sensitive to uniform and symmetric incoming flow. On the other hand, surface heat flux levels affect vertical turbulence and wind shear more and, as a result, only affect maximum blade flapwise bending and tower fore‐aft bending loads.  相似文献   

Model wind turbine arrays were developed for the purpose of investigating the wake interaction and turbine canopy layer in a standard cartesian and row‐offset turbine array configurations. Stereographic particle image velocimetry was used to collect flow data upstream and downstream of entrance and exit row turbines in each configuration. Wakes for all cases were analyzed for energy content and recovery behavior including entrainment of high‐momentum flow from above the turbine canopy layer. The row‐offset arrangement of turbines within an array grants an increase in streamwise spacing of devices and allows for greater wake remediation between successive rows. These effects are seen in exit row turbine wakes as changes to statistical quantities including the in‐plane Reynolds stress, , and the production of turbulence. The recovery of wakes also strongly mitigates the perceived underperformance of wind turbines within an array. The flux of kinetic energy is demonstrated to be more localized in the entrance rows and in the offset arrangement. Extreme values for the flux of kinetic energy are about 7.5% less in the exit row of the cartesian arrangement than in the offset arrangement. Measurements of mechanical torque at entrance and exit row turbines lead to curves of power coefficient and demonstrate an increase in efficiency in row‐offset configurations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the impact of atmospheric stability on a wind turbine wake is studied experimentally and numerically. The experimental approach is based on full‐scale (nacelle based) pulsed lidar measurements of the wake flow field of a stall‐regulated 500 kW turbine at the DTU Wind Energy, Risø campus test site. Wake measurements are averaged within a mean wind speed bin of 1 m s?1 and classified according to atmospheric stability using three different metrics: the Obukhov length, the Bulk–Richardson number and the Froude number. Three test cases are subsequently defined covering various atmospheric conditions. Simulations are carried out using large eddy simulation and actuator disk rotor modeling. The turbulence properties of the incoming wind are adapted to the thermal stratification using a newly developed spectral tensor model that includes buoyancy effects. Discrepancies are discussed, as basis for future model development and improvement. Finally, the impact of atmospheric stability on large‐scale and small‐scale wake flow characteristics is presently investigated. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we conduct a series of large‐eddy simulations (LESs) to study the impact of different incoming turbulent boundary layer flows over large wind farms, with a particular focus on the overall efficiency of electricity production and the evolution of the turbine wake structure. Five representative turbine placements in the large wind farm are considered, including an aligned layout and four staggered layouts with lateral or vertical offset arrangements. Four incoming flow conditions are used and arranged from the LESs of the ABL flow over homogeneous flat surfaces with four different aerodynamic roughness lengths (i.e., z0 = 0.5, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.0001 m), where the hub‐height turbulence intensity levels are about 11.1%, 8.9%, 6.8%, and 4.9%, respectively. The simulation results indicate that an enhancement in the inflow turbulence level can effectively increase the power generation efficiency in the large wind farms, with about 23.3% increment on the overall farm power production and up to about 32.0% increment on the downstream turbine power production. Under the same inflow condition, the change of the turbine‐array layouts can increase power outputs within the first 10 turbine rows, which has a maximum increment of about 26.5% under the inflow condition with low turbulence. By comparison, the increase of the inflow turbulence intensity facilitates faster wake recovery that raises the power generation efficiency of large wind farms than the adjustment of the turbine placing layouts.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview and analysis of different wake‐modelling methods which may be used as prediction and design tools for both wind turbines and wind farms. We also survey the available data concerning the measurement of wind magnitudes in both single wakes and wind farms, and of loading effects on wind turbines under single‐ and multiple‐wake conditions. The relative merits of existing wake and wind farm models and their ability to reproduce experimental results are discussed. Conclusions are provided concerning the usefulness of the different modelling approaches examined, and difficult issues which have not yet been satisfactorily treated and which require further research are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The potential benefits associated with harnessing available momentum and reducing turbulence levels in a wind farm composed of wind turbines of alternating size are investigated through wind tunnel experiments. A variable size turbine array composed of 3 by 8 model wind turbines is placed in a boundary layer flow developed over both a smooth and rough surfaces under neutrally stratified thermal conditions. Cross‐wire anemometry is used to capture high resolution and simultaneous measurements of the streamwise and vertical velocity components at various locations along the central plane of the wind farm. A laser tachometer is employed to obtain the instantaneous angular velocity of various turbines. The results suggest that wind turbine size heterogeneity in a wind farm introduces distinctive flow interactions not possible in its homogeneous counterpart. In particular, reduced levels of turbulence around the wind turbine rotors may have positive effects on turbulent loading. The turbines also appear to perform quite uniformly along the entire wind farm, whereas surface roughness impacts the velocity recovery and the spectral content of the turbulent flow within the wind farm. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A wind tunnel experiment has been performed to quantify the Reynolds number dependence of turbulence statistics in the wake of a model wind turbine. A wind turbine was placed in a boundary layer flow developed over a smooth surface under thermally neutral conditions. Experiments considered Reynolds numbers on the basis of the turbine rotor diameter and the velocity at hub height, ranging from Re = 1.66 × 104 to 1.73 × 105. Results suggest that main flow statistics (mean velocity, turbulence intensity, kinematic shear stress and velocity skewness) become independent of Reynolds number starting from Re ≈ 9.3 × 104. In general, stronger Reynolds number dependence was observed in the near wake region where the flow is strongly affected by the aerodynamics of the wind turbine blades. In contrast, in the far wake region, where the boundary layer flow starts to modulate the dynamics of the wake, main statistics showed weak Reynolds dependence. These results will allow us to extrapolate wind tunnel and computational fluid dynamic simulations, which often are conducted at lower Reynolds numbers, to full‐scale conditions. In particular, these findings motivates us to improve existing parameterizations for wind turbine wakes (e.g. velocity deficit, wake expansion, turbulence intensity) under neutral conditions and the predictive capabilities of atmospheric large eddy simulation models. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alfredo Peña  Ole Rathmann 《风能》2014,17(8):1269-1285
We extend the infinite wind‐farm boundary‐layer (IWFBL) model of Frandsen to take into account atmospheric static stability effects. This extended model is compared with the IWFBL model of Emeis and to the Park wake model used in Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP), which is computed for an infinite wind farm. The models show similar behavior for the wind‐speed reduction when accounting for a number of surface roughness lengths, turbine to turbine separations and wind speeds under neutral conditions. For a wide range of atmospheric stability and surface roughness length values, the extended IWFBL model of Frandsen shows a much higher wind‐speed reduction dependency on atmospheric stability than on roughness length (roughness has been generally thought to have a major effect on the wind‐speed reduction). We further adjust the wake‐decay coefficient of the Park wake model for an infinite wind farm to match the wind‐speed reduction estimated by the extended IWFBL model of Frandsen for different roughness lengths, turbine to turbine separations and atmospheric stability conditions. It is found that the WAsP‐recommended values for the wake‐decay coefficient of the Park wake model are (i) larger than the adjusted values for a wide range of neutral to stable atmospheric stability conditions, a number of roughness lengths and turbine separations lower than ~ 10 rotor diameters and (ii) too large compared with those obtained by a semiempirical formulation (relating the ratio of the friction to the hub‐height free velocity) for all types of roughness and atmospheric stability conditions. © 2013 The Authors. Wind Energy published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wei Tian  Ahmet Ozbay  Hui Hu 《风能》2018,21(2):100-114
An experimental investigation was conducted for a better understanding of the wake interferences among wind turbines sited in wind farms with different turbine layout designs. Two different types of inflows were generated in an atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel to simulate the different incoming surface winds over typical onshore and offshore wind farms. In addition to quantifying the power outputs and dynamic wind loads acting on the model turbines, the characteristics of the wake flows inside the wind farms were also examined quantitatively. After adding turbines staggered between the first 2 rows of an aligned wind farm to increase the turbine number density in the wind farm, the added staggered turbines did not show a significant effect on the aeromechanical performance of the downstream turbines for the offshore case. However, for the onshore case, while the upstream staggered turbines have a beneficial effect on the power outputs of the downstream turbines, the fatigue loads acting on the downstream turbines were also found to increase considerably due to the wake effects induced by the upstream turbines. With the same turbine number density and same inflow characteristics, the wind turbines were found to be able to generate much more power when they are arranged in a staggered layout than those in an aligned layout. In addition, the characteristics of the dynamic wind loads acting on the wind turbines sited in the aligned layout, including the fluctuation amplitudes and power spectrum, were found to be significantly different from those with staggered layout.  相似文献   

A large eddy simulation was performed on an National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) phase VI wind turbine (10 m diameter), using the exact blade geometry, to determine the influence of different inflow conditions on the aerodynamic loadings and the near wake characteristics. The effects of the three inflow conditions, uniform inflow, linear wind shear and linear wind shear with turbulence, are investigated. Wind shear causes periodic variations in power and aerodynamic loading with an additional force component exerted along the lateral direction. Significant separation occurs in the high wind region on the suction side of the blades, resulting in unstable loading in off‐design inflow conditions. Because of the shear effect between the near‐blade tip vortex and ambient flow, the strong vortex core in the helical structure dissipates and transforms into a continuous vorticity sheet when x/D > 1.5. The combination of inflow turbulence and wind shear enhances the turbulence generation mechanism in the near wake, where energy is withdrawn from large wake structures and converted into energy of small‐scale structures. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wake meandering: a pragmatic approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

为评估中国典型复杂山地风资源,实现风资源的高效利用,结合雷诺时均的k-ε两方程模型、大气粗糙度壁面函数和热浮力作用,提出能模拟不稳定、中性和稳定状态复杂地形风场特性的大气CFD模式,并针对湍流参数、大气粗糙度对风速廓线的影响进行参数化研究。采用两种方式驱动CFD模式:一种是通过来流上游的实测风速廓线驱动CFD模式,一种是通过WRF模式输出风速廓线和温度廓线驱动CFD模式。利用山西神池南桦山丘陵山地测风数据进行大气CFD模式验证,通过WRF-CFD耦合仿真研究山地公里级范围热浮力作用对风场的影响,详细对比不同热浮力作用下的大气CFD模式仿真精度。结果表明大气CFD模式能准确地模拟不同稳定度状态下的山区大气风环境,但对于不稳定状态下山后风场的模拟能力稍差。  相似文献   

Large‐eddy simulation (LES) has been used previously to study the effect of either configuration or atmospheric stability on the power generated by large wind farms. This is the first study to consider both stability and wind farm configuration simultaneously and methodically with LES. Two prevailing wind directions, two layouts (turbines aligned versus staggered with respect to the wind) and three stabilities (neutral and moderately unstable and stable) were evaluated. Compared with neutral conditions, unstable conditions led to reduced wake losses in one configuration, to enhanced wake losses in two and to unchanged wake losses in one configuration. Conversely, stable conditions led to increased wake losses in one, decreased wake losses in two and unchanged wake losses in one configuration. Three competing effects, namely, rates of wake recovery due to vertical mixing, horizontal spread of wakes and localized regions of acceleration caused by multiple upstream wakes, were identified as being responsible for the observed trends in wake losses. The detailed flow features responsible for these non‐linear interactions could only be resolved by the LES. Existing analytical models ignore stability and non‐linear configuration effects, which therefore need to be incorporated. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the detailed dynamics of wind turbine wakes is critical to predicting the performance and maximizing the efficiency of wind farms. This knowledge requires atmospheric data at a high spatial and temporal resolution, which are not easily obtained from direct measurements. Therefore, research is often based on numerical models, which vary in fidelity and computational cost. The simplest models produce axisymmetric wakes and are only valid beyond the near wake. Higher‐fidelity results can be obtained by solving the filtered Navier–Stokes equations at a resolution that is sufficient to resolve the relevant turbulence scales. This work addresses the gap between these two extremes by proposing a stochastic model that produces an unsteady asymmetric wake. The model is developed based on a large‐eddy simulation (LES) of an offshore wind farm. Because there are several ways of characterizing wakes, the first part of this work explores different approaches to defining global wake characteristics. From these, a model is developed that captures essential features of a LES‐generated wake at a small fraction of the cost. The synthetic wake successfully reproduces the mean characteristics of the original LES wake, including its area and stretching patterns, and statistics of the mean azimuthal radius. The mean and standard deviation of the wake width and height are also reproduced. This preliminary study focuses on reproducing the wake shape, while future work will incorporate velocity deficit and meandering, as well as different stability scenarios. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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