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江苏省无锡市滨湖区高度重视拆违工作,去年底,一个月时间共拆除违法建设177户,拆除面积27490平方米。回顾总结违法建设整治工作,主要有以下特点。  相似文献   

《无锡市排水管理条例》将于今年3月1日起正式实施。《条例》对排水规划建设、排水管理以及排水户应承担的法律责任做出了明确规定,对排水户出现违法排水行为,行政主管部门可视其违法情节依法开出相应数额的罚单。  相似文献   

五象新区的启动建设是贯彻执行南宁市委、市政府关于城市发展重点向南的战略意图,为了做好五象新区的建设工作,今年10月3日,市政府下发了《关于暂停五象新区核心区范围内项目建设的通告》要求没有取得合法开工审批手续的,一律不准开工建设;已取得合法开工审批手续。但尚未开工建设或已开工建设但尚未完工的,暂停建设。在利益的驱动下,部分个人和单位为了谋取将来拆迁时获得“补偿”的非法利益,不仅没有按照《通告》的要求停工,反而加快建设速度,纷纷抢建或违法占地违法建设,个别违法户不听执法部门的劝阻甚至阻挠,围堵执法人员正常执法,性质恶劣,事态严重。  相似文献   

浙江消息 4月9日上午,杭州市拱墅区祥符镇会同区建设局、城管执法局、公安局等部门联合执法,对祥符镇新文村、李家桥村、方家埭村参与违法建设的农村工匠进行地毯式检查,13户顶风施工的违建工匠被依法查处,暂扣卷扬机10台,混泥土搅拌电动机6台,翻斗车4辆,铁锹2把,有力地打击了违法建设的势头。这是拱墅区将农村建房建筑工匠纳入管理后的首次行动。  相似文献   

查处违法建设是城市规划管理工作的重要组成部分。本文对北京查处违法建设的历史进行了回顾,对查处违法建设的工作成就进行了总结,对违法建设产生的原因进行了分析,对建立制止新的违法建设工作机制进行了论述。  相似文献   

越权审批与违法建设陈家川近年来,城市建设中的违法建设不断受到严厉查处,拆除、没收、罚款,凡法律、法规规定的处罚形式和手段都用了,收到了明显的效果,但违法建设还没有得到根本的遏制。违法建设依然在不断发生,而且建设规模还有越来越大的趋势,进行违法建设的人...  相似文献   

违法建设为何屡禁不止本刊评论员近几年来,在市委、市政府的领导和广大群众的支持下,各区县政府和城市规划管理部门狠抓了依法严肃查处违法建设的工作,有效地遏制了违法建设的发展,使新违法建设逐年下降。但是,违法建设并没有因此而绝迹。一些单位、部门和个人仍然变...  相似文献   

南宁全市依法清理违法占地、违法建设总指挥部于2006年6月15日在全市范围内,组织了专项整治行动,从而拉开了全市依法清理违法占地、违法建设专项整治工作的序幕。  相似文献   

新疆消息 日前,乌鲁木齐市人民政府为制止违法建设行为,加强拆除违法建筑管理工作,保障城市经济建设和社会事业的健康发展,出台并正式实施了《乌鲁木齐市拆除违法建筑实施办法》(市政府令63号),为制止、查处违法建设行为进一步明确了责任。  相似文献   

去年以来,辽宁省本溪市综合执法局拆除临时、违法建筑183户/7540平方米,为优化城市经济发展环境做出了积极的贡献。  相似文献   

Tony Crook  Sarah Monk 《Housing Studies》2011,26(7-8):997-1018
Planning gain has long been used in Britain for infrastructure funding and has been increasingly used to secure land and funding from private developers for new affordable homes. This paper examines the theoretical and policy underpinnings of planning gain. It describes the growth in the number of new affordable, including intermediate, homes delivered through planning gain, the variations between planning authorities in the incidence of planning gain and the value of the contributions developers make. In the light of the environment after the credit crunch it considers the extent to which planning gain mechanisms can any longer deliver new affordable homes.  相似文献   

英国的规划得益制度及其借鉴   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张俊 《城市规划》2005,29(3):49-54
规划得益(Planning Gain)是英国在发展权国有化基础上,由地方规划部门在授予发展许可时,向开发商收取利益的一种方式。全面介绍分析了英国规划得益的实施背景、原因、变迁、现状、不足及改革等方面;然后提出了针对我国土地使用规划控制的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Section 106 (S106) of the English 1990 Town and Country Planning Act provides local planning authorities with powers to require developers to contribute towards affordable housing provision. Over the last two decades, the success of S106, which seeks to extract some of the development value created by planning consent, has been predicated on rising land values and market demand, thus enabling developers to agree and fulfill their planning obligations. The purpose of this article is to explore how negotiations between local authorities and developers with regard to meeting S106 have altered during the economic downturn in England. Drawing on recent empirical research, and through the use of case studies, the article highlights the ways in which S106 agreements have been renegotiated at the site level, with the discretionary nature of the planning system allowing compromises to be made. Despite S106 being tied to market activity, with developer contributions being reduced in a downturn, it remains an important policy tool in securing affordable housing and achieving inclusionary housing goals within England to date.  相似文献   

In 1963, Baltimore County, Maryland, passed a law requiring developers to set aside a portion of their subdivisions for small local parks. Four years later, eighty-seven such parks were in various stages of acquisition and development. At that time, the program was checked to see how well the space was being used and if the original recommendations for determining size and location were correct. Although funds were not available for a thorough study, the Center for Sociological Study of Goucher College cooperated with the Office of Planning and Zoning in a pilot study of three rowhouse neighborhoods containing different types of such local parks. While the original intuitive estimates of potential use and desirable pattern were found to be surprisingly accurate, some significant modifications to public policy were indicated.  相似文献   

市场经济下中国城市规划理论发展的逻辑   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
城市规划的三个形式(开发控制、规划方案和规划过程)对应于城市化的三个阶段(初始期、快速发展期和稳定饱和期),开发控制是市场经济下城市规划的重要形式和手段,而城市规划方案理论的发展深化必定由市场实践所推动.市场经济作为一种生活方式已经构成对不具备完善的现代开发控制机制的中国城市规划的最大挑战,规划部门对"规划师规划城市,开发商建设城市"的规划和开发两元分离现象毫无警觉,一些规划方案编制方法仍然如旧,犹如在计划经济时代.认识市场经济下的规划实施过程,及其背后的城市建设制度,如何提高建设美好城市的能力是发展中国城市规划理论的根本方向.  相似文献   


The Design Commission for Wales was established by the Welsh Government in 2002 to champion high standards of design and sustainability in Wales, and to promote social inclusion. It introduced its Design Review Service in 2003 to promote good design in the full range of development proposals, and has a large multi-disciplinary team of professionals who give their services for free, and who provide advice to designers, developers and local authority planners on how to improve the design quality of their planning applications. Monthly reviews are non-confrontational and collaborative, and focused upon providing constructive design advice. The Commission works closely with the Welsh Government’s Planning Directorate to formulate design advice on the full range of planning and design matters. It has developed a network of young designers and programmes of events to facilitate design awareness and capability, and to ensure the future of design review.  相似文献   

The recent flooding in the North–East of Scotland has highlighted issues around climate change due to significant changes in duration, severity and volume of precipitation events. The Planning (PA) and Flood Authorities (FA) often do not have the capacity or resources to review and check the accuracy and robustness of the SUD schemes nor the calculations submitted by developers. This study demonstrates the development and application of an Independent Hydrology Audit (IHA) service aimed at auditing and reviewing ‘in principle’ planning applications from the aspect of flooding risk to the wider community the development is located within. The output of this service is to establish a more accurate representation of surface water impact from developments through the use of adequate green/blue infrastructure, provide a greater assurance to the communities at risk of flooding, and help the PA and FA meet their statutory obligations at the initial stage of planning.  相似文献   

Compact city policies such as Melbourne 2030 have been established in Australia for a range of reasons including climate change. It is now clear that the Melbourne 2030 policy has not been effective—with new development mostly on the urban fringe. This policy failure has often been sheeted home to resident and local government resistance to densification. This article suggests this narrative is insufficient to explain this failure at a metropolitan-wide scale and is clearly mistaken in one suburb, where aspects of the planning system appear to thwart the aims of strategic policy by encouraging speculation and producing vacant sites. Brunswick is an inner-city suburb with good opportunities for intensification adjacent to transit lines and on former industrial sites. In spite of resident resistance, 80 per cent of new dwellings proposed between 2002 and 2007 were approved for construction, and would have increased housing stock by 13 per cent. However, by 2009 just under half of all approved dwellings had been completed or commenced on site, while construction of the taller and higher density projects tended to stall, the sites having been on-sold and permits extended. We suggest developers anticipate that the planning system will ultimately approve significant increases in height and density, using Melbourne 2030 to over-ride local policy via appeals to the Planning Tribunal. Such permits produce significant capital gains that can be cashed without construction. We argue that elements of the Victorian planning system encourage ambit claims, contestation, cynicism and speculation, thwarting negotiations between residents, councils and developers towards a more compact city. The focus on the idea that resident resistance is the problem obscures the role the planning system itself plays in frustrating the goals of compact city policy.  相似文献   

Planning policy in most Australian capital cities aims to divert development from the fringe into established inner urban areas. A fundamental logic underlying this policy of land recycling is that State and Local governments are challenged financially to provide appropriate standards of infrastructure and services in greenfield locations. This paper explores the range of infrastructure provision issues and seeks to identify the actual costs of provision in different locations. Three case studies in metropolitan Adelaide are used to explore the cost factors for developers and government. The study highlights the complexity of analysing the infrastructure cost of different developments which arises from variable record keeping and accounting practices. Nevertheless, the study is able to draw conclusions about the relative costs of infrastructure provision in different locations and reinforces previous studies that have demonstrated the higher costs of infrastructure on the fringe as opposed to infill. The estimated infrastructure costs for the infill development case study at Bowden are shown to be approximately one third that of both greenfield and renewal areas of the Playford Alive project on the urban fringe.  相似文献   

In 2003, Hong Kong was hit by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) from which many people died. The Hong Kong Government subsequently set up a Governmental Team Clean Committee to investigate possible urban design policies. Team Clean charged the task to the Planning Department, HKSAR. In 2003, it initiated a study titled: “Feasibility Study for Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment (AVA) System.” A number of focused studies were conducted. It eventually led to the technical methodology and guidelines of the air ventilation assessment (AVA) system. Unlike many countries with guidelines for dealing with gust wind problems, AVA is a guideline for weak wind conditions specifically designed to deal with congested urban conditions. The AVA system basically establishes a method for project developers to objectively assess their designs. In 2006, the government of Hong Kong officially adopted the system and required all major publicly funded development projects to undertake the assessment. The scientific and implementation processes leading to the AVA system are reported in this paper.  相似文献   

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