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In this work, we introduce microscale isoelectric fractionation (μIF) for isolation and enrichment of molecular species at any desired location in a microfluidic chip. Narrow pH-specific polyacrylamide membranes are photopatterned in situ for customizable device fabrication; multiple membranes of precise pH are easily incorporated throughout existing channel layouts. Samples are electrophoretically driven across the membranes such that charged species, for example, proteins and peptides, are rapidly discretized into fractions based on their isoelectric points (pI) without the use of carrier ampholytes. This format makes fractions easy to compartmentalize and access for integrated preparative or analytical operations on-chip. We present and discuss the key design considerations and trade-offs associated with proper system operation and optimal run conditions. Efficient and reproducible fractionation of model fluorescent pI markers and proteins is achieved using single membrane fractionators at pH 6.5 and 5.3 from both buffer and Escherichia coli cell lysate sample conditions. Effective fractionation is also shown using a serial 3-membrane fractionator tailored for isolating analytes-of-interest from high abundance components of serum. We further demonstrate that proteins focused in pH specific bins can be rapidly and efficiently transferred to another location in the same chip without unwanted dilution or dispersive effects. μIF provides a rapid and versatile option for integrated sample prep or multidimensional analysis, and addresses the glaring proteomic need to isolate trace analytes from high-abundance species in minute volumes of complex samples.  相似文献   

As a part of an ongoing investigation of the use of isoelectric focusing (IEF) in microfluidic devices, pH gradients were electrochemically formed and optically quantified in microfluidic channels using acid-base indicators. The microchannels consisted of two parallel 40-mm-long electrodes with an interelectrode gap of 2.54 mm; top and bottom transparent windows were separated by 0.2 mm. Gradients in pH were formed as a result of the electrochemical decomposition of water at an applied potential not higher than 2.5 V to avoid generation of gas bubbles. Solutions contained low concentrations of a single buffer. The stability of the pH gradients and their sensitivity to changes in initial conditions were investigated under static (nonflow) conditions. Isoelectric focusing of sample biological analytes, bovine hemoglobin and bovine serum albumin, was performed to illustrate the potential of "microfluidic transverse IEF" for use in continuous concentration and separation systems.  相似文献   

We have developed an acrylic microfluidic device that sequentially couples liquid-phase isoelectric focusing (IEF) and free solution capillary electrophoresis (CE). Rapid separation (<1 min) and preconcentration (73x) of species were achieved in the initial IEF dimension. Using full-field fluorescence imaging, we observed nondispersive mobilization velocities on the order of 20 microm/s during characterization of the IEF step. This transport behavior allowed controlled electrokinetic mobilization of focused sample bands to a channel junction, where voltage switching was used to repeatedly inject effluent from the IEF dimension into an ampholyte-based CE separation. This second dimension was capable of analyzing all fluid volumes of interest from the IEF dimension, as IEF was 'parked' during each CE analysis and refocused prior to additional CE analyses. Investigation of each dimension of the integrated system showed time-dependent species displacement and band-broadening behavior consistent with IEF and CE, respectively. The peak capacity of the 2D system was approximately 1300. A comprehensive 2D analysis of a fluid volume spanning 15% of the total IEF channel length was completed in less than 5 min.  相似文献   

Dynamic isoelectric focusing is a new technique that is related to capillary isoelectric focusing but uses additional high-voltage power supplies to provide control over the shape of the electric field within the capillary. Manipulation of the electric field changes the pH gradient, enabling both the location and width of the focused protein bands to be controlled. The proteins can be migrated to a designated sampling point while remaining focused, where they can be collected for further analysis. This ability to collect and isolate the protein bands while maintaining a high peak capacity demonstrates that dynamic isoelectric focusing has great potential as a first dimension in a multidimensional separation system. Dynamic isoelectric focusing can achieve a peak capacity of over 1000, as shown by both mass spectrometry analysis and direct imaging.  相似文献   

Microfluidic high-resolution free-flow isoelectric focusing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A microfluidic free-flow isoelectric focusing glass chip for separation of proteins is described. Free-flow isoelectric focusing is demonstrated with a set of fluorescent standards covering a wide range of isoelectric points from pH 3 to 10 as well as the protein HSA. With respect to an earlier developed device, an improved microfluidic FFE chip was developed. The improvements included the usage of multiple sheath flows and the introduction of preseparated ampholytes. Preseparated ampholytes are commonly used in large-scale conventional free-flow isoelectric focusing instruments but have not been used in micromachined devices yet. Furthermore, the channel depth was further decreased. These adaptations led to a higher separation resolution and peak capacity, which were not achieved with previously published free-flow isoelectric focusing chips. An almost linear pH gradient ranging from pH 2.5 to 11.5 between 1.2 and 2 mm wide was generated. Seven isoelectric focusing markers were successfully and clearly separated within a residence time of 2.5 s and an electrical field of 20 V mm-1. Experiments with pI markers proved that the device is fully capable of separating analytes with a minimum difference in isoelectric point of Delta(pI) = 0.4. Furthermore, the results indicate that even a better resolution can be achieved. The theoretical minimum difference in isoelectric point is Delta(pI) = 0.23 resulting in a peak capacity of 29 peaks within 1.8 mm. This is an 8-fold increase in peak capacity to previously published results. The focusing of pI markers led to an increase in concentration by factor 20 and higher. Further improvement in terms of resolution seems possible, for which we envisage that the influence of electroosmotic flow has to be further reduced. The performance of the microfluidic free-flow isoelectric focusing device will enable new applications, as this device might be used in clinical analysis where often low sample volumes are available and fast separation times are essential.  相似文献   

Capillary isoelectric focusing of yeast cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the present work, capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) methods were developed for the separation and identification of yeast cells. Yeast cells (approximately 4-microm diameter) cultured to various phases of growth were shown to be reproducibly resolved by CIEF using 100-microm-i.d. fused-silica capillaries coated with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Separation efficiencies corresponding to peak capacities of >4000 were obtained. The suitable cell concentration range for obtaining repeatable elution in CIEF separations was found to be quite low (<3 cells/microL). CIEF experiments showed that yeast cell populations at early log, mid log, and stationary growth phases differ in isoelectric point, with values ranging from 5.2 to 6.4. The broader application of CIEF are projected for microorganism identification and separation based upon growth conditions.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are highly heterogeneous organelles that likely have unique isoelectric points (pI), which are related to their surface compositions and could be exploited in their purification and isolation. Previous methods to determine pI of mitochondria report an average pI. This article is the first report of the determination of the isoelectric points of individual mitochondria by capillary isoelectric focusing (cIEF). In this method, mitochondria labeled with the mitochondrial-specific probe 10-N-nonyl acridine orange (NAO) are injected into a fused-silica capillary in a solution of carrier ampholytes at physiological pH and osmolarity, where they are focused then chemically mobilized and detected by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). Fluorescein-derived pI markers are used as internal standards to assign a pI value to each individually detected mitochondrial event, and a mitochondrial pI distribution is determined. This method provides reproducible distributions of individual mitochondrial pI, accurate determination of the pI of individual mitochondria by the use of internal standards, and resolution of 0.03 pH units between individual mitochondria. This method could also be applied to investigate or design separations of organelle subtypes (e.g., subsarcolemmal and interfibrillar skeletal muscle mitochondria) and to determine the pIs of other biological or nonbiological particles.  相似文献   

High-efficiency capillary isoelectric focusing of peptides   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Several approaches are presently being developed for global proteome characterization that are based upon the analysis of polypeptide mixtures resulting from digestion of (often complex) mixtures of proteins. Improved methods for peptide analysis are needed that provide for sample concentration, higher resolution separations, and direct compatibility with mass spectrometry. In this work, methods for the high-efficiency capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) separation of peptides have been developed that provide for simultaneous sample concentration and separation according to peptide isoelectric point. Under typical nondenaturing CIEF conditions, peptides are concentrated approximately 500-fold, and peptides present at < 1 ng/ microL were detectable using conventional UV detection. CIEF separations of peptides provided much faster measurements of isoelectric points compared with conventional isoelectric focusing in gels. Very small differences in peptide isoelectric points (deltapI approximately 0.01) could be resolved, High-efficiency CIEF separations for complex peptide mixtures from tryptic digestion of yeast cytosol fractions were obtained and showed significant improvement over those obtained using capillary zone electrophoresis and packed capillary reversed-phase liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

This work presents the first implementation of cascaded stages for a microfabricated free-flow isoelectric focusing (FF-IEF) device. Both analytical and computational models for IEF suggest device performance will be improved by utilizing multiple stages to reduce device residence time. These models are shown to be applicable by using focusing of small IEF markers as a demonstration. We also show focusing of fluorescently tagged proteins under different channel geometries, with the most efficient focusing occurring in the cascaded design, as predicted by theory. An additional aim of this work is to demonstrate the compatibility of cascaded FF-IEF with common bioanalytical tools. As an example, outlet fractions from cascaded FF-IEF were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Processing of whole cell lysate followed by immunoblotting for cell signaling markers demonstrates the reduction of albumin from samples, as well as the enrichment of apoptotic markers.  相似文献   

Capillary isoelectric focusing without carrier ampholytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Cross-linked polyacrylamide coating for capillary isoelectric focusing   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Gao L  Liu S 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(24):7179-7186
Polyacrylamide has been used for capillary wall coating for decades. The coating chemistry includes two main steps: (i) attachment of a bifunctional reagent containing a vinyl group to the silica surface and (ii) extension of the anchored vinyl groups through acrylamide polymerization. Since the introduction of this method, many modifications and improvements have been made. However, few of them are successful for routine capillary isoelectric focusing. One of the major problems is the presence of some microspots in which the silica surfaces are poorly coated. Cross-linking the polyacrylamide molecules anchored around these poorly coated spots seems to be a straightforward solution to this problem. Attempts have been made toward this direction, but cross-linked polyacrylamide coatings have not been demonstrated to be much superior over linear polyacrylamide ones. In this report, we have reexamined this approach and demonstrated that cross-linked polyacrylamide could be excellent for capillary isoelectric focusing. A simple device and a new coating protocol have been developed to produce this coating reliably and reproducibly. Compared to the commercial linear polyacrylamide and hydroxypropyl cellulose coatings for CIEF, the cross-linked polyacrylamide coating is much more stable and robust although their initial performances are comparable.  相似文献   

Nineteen fluorescent pH standards or pI markers ranging pH 3.64-10.12 were developed for use in capillary isoelectric focusing using laser-induced fluorescence detection. Tetra- to tridecapeptides containing one cysteine residue were designed to focus sharply at their respective isoelectric points by including amino acids that contain charged side chains, the pKa values of which are close to the corresponding pI values. An iodoacetylated derivative of tetramethylrhodamine was coupled to the thiol group of cysteine to yield fluorescent pI markers. The pI values of the labeled peptides were precisely determined after isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gel slabs by direct measurement of the pH of the focused bands. The markers were subjected to capillary isoelectric focusing for 10-15 min in coated capillaries under conditions of low electroosmosis and were detected by means of a scanning laser-induced fluorescence detector down to a level of subpicomolar range. The markers permitted the calibration of a wide-range pH gradient formed in a capillary by fluorescence detection for the first time and should facilitate the development of highly sensitive analytical methods based on a combination of capillary isoelectric focusing and laser-induced fluorescence detection.  相似文献   

This paper reports a protocol that improves the resolving power of isoelectric focusing (IEF) in a polymeric microfluidic chip. This method couples several stages of IEF in series by first focusing proteins in a straight channel using broad-range ampholytes and then refocusing segments of the first channel into secondary channels that branch from the first one at T-junctions. Experiments demonstrate that several fluorescent proteins that had focused within a segment of the straight channel in the first stage were refocused at significantly higher resolution due to the shallower pH gradient and higher electrical field gradient. Two variants of green fluorescent protein from the second-stage IEF fractionation were further separated in a third stage. Three stages of IEF were completed in less than 25 min at electric field strengths ranging from 50 to 214 V/cm.  相似文献   

Isoelectric focusing has been used to achieve the analytical- and preparative-scale separation of the enantiomers of amphoteric analytes. By considering the simultaneous multiple equilibria involved in the chiral recognition process, a model has been developed to describe the magnitude of the ΔpI value that develops between the enantiomers in the presence of a noncharged chiral resolving agent, such as a noncharged cyclodextrin. Theoretical analysis of the model indicates that three kinds of IEF enantiomer separations are possible: aniono-selective and cationo-selective, when only the identically charged forms of the enantiomers bind selectively to the resolving agent, and duo-selective, when the differently charged forms of the enantiomers bind selectively to the resolving agent. The model predicts that the ΔpI vs cyclodextrin concentration curves approach limiting ΔpI values which can be as large as 0.1, even when the binding constants of the enantiomers differ only by 10%. The parameters of the model can be readily determined by free solution capillary electrophoretic or pressure-mediated capillary electrophoretic experiments. The validity of the proposed model has been tested with hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin as resolving agent and dansyl phenylalanine as probe. Capillary IEF enantiomer separations have been achieved using both ampholytes and binary propionic acid-serine buffers (Bier's buffers). Preparative-scale IEF enantiomer separations with production rates as high as 1.3 mg/h have been achieved in an Octopus continuous free-flow electrophoretic system.  相似文献   

We introduce an online multiple-junction capillary isoelectric focusing fractionator (OMJ-CIEF) for separation of biological molecules in solution by pI. In OMJ-CIEF, the separation capillary is divided into seven equal sections joined with each other via tubular Nafion membrane insertions. Each junction is communicated with its own external electrolytic buffer which is used both to supply electrical contact and for solvent exchange. The performance of the fractionator was explored using protein and peptide samples covering broad pI range. Separation was achieved in ionic and ampholytic buffers, including ammonium formate, ammonium hydroxide, histidine, and arginine. By maintaining electric potential across upstream segments of the capillary after the focusing stage, selective release of downstream analyte fractions could be achieved. The selective release mode circumvents the problem of peak broadening during mobilization and enables convenient comprehensive sampling for orthogonal separation methods. Using single-component ampholyte buffers with well-defined pI cutoff values, controlled separation of protein mixture into basic and acidic fractions was demonstrated. The device is cheap and easy to fabricate in-house, simple in operation, and straightforward in interfacing to hyphened analytical platforms. OMJ-CIEF has a potential of becoming a practical add-on unit in a wide range of bioanalytical setups, in particular as a first-dimension separation in mass spectrometry based proteomics or as a preparative tool for analyte purification, fractionation, and preconcentration.  相似文献   

The glass surface of a glass-polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic channel was modified to develop a solid-phase assay for quantitative determination of nucleic acids. Electroosmotic flow (EOF) within channels was used to deliver and immobilize semiconductor quantum dots (QDs), and electrophoresis was used to decorate the QDs with oligonucleotide probe sequences. These processes took only minutes to complete. The QDs served as energy donors in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) for transduction of nucleic acid hybridization. Electrokinetic injection of fluorescent dye (Cy3) labeled oligonucleotide target into a microfluidic channel and subsequent hybridization (within minutes) provided the proximity for FRET, with emission from Cy3 being the analytical signal. The quantification of target concentration was achieved by measurement of the spatial length of coverage by target along a channel. Detection of femtomole quantities of target was possible with a dynamic range spanning an order of magnitude. The assay provided excellent resistance to nonspecific interactions of DNA. Further selectivity of the assay was achieved using 20% formamide, which allowed discrimination between a fully complementary target and a 3 base pair mismatch target at a contrast ratio of 4:1.  相似文献   

This work expands our tissue proteome capabilities from the analysis of soluble proteins in previous studies to the examination of membrane proteins within the pellets of enriched and selectively isolated tumor cells procured from microdissected tissue specimens. The pellets of targeted ovarian tumor cells are treated by two different membrane protein extraction methods, including the use of detergent and organic solvent. The detergent-based membrane protein preparation protocol not only extracts proteins effectively from cell pellets but also is compatible with subsequent proteome analysis using combined capillary isoelctric focusing/nano reversed-phase liquid chromatography separations coupled with nano electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Among proteins identified from an amount of pellet equivalent to 20 000 cells, 773 proteins are predicted to contain one or more transmembrane domains, corresponding to 22% membrane proteome coverage within the SwissProt Human protein sequence entries.  相似文献   

A stepwise mobilization strategy has been developed for the elution of complex protein mixtures, separated by capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) for detection using on-line electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Carrier polyampholytes are used to establish a pH gradient as well as to control the electroosmotic flow arising from the use of uncoated fused-silica capillaries. Elution of focused protein zones is achieved by controlling the mobilization pressure and voltage, leaving the remaining protein zones focused inside the capillary. Protein zones are stepwise eluted from the capillary by changing the mobilization conditions. Stepwise mobilization improves separation resolution and simplifies coupling with multistage MS (i.e., MSn) analysis since it allows more effective temporal control of protein elution from the CIEF capillary. We also describe a modified configuration for coupling CIEF with ESI-MS using a coaxial sheath flow interface that facilitate the automation of on-line CIEF-ESI-MS analyses. The stepwise mobilization strategy is demonstrated for the analysis of standard protein mixtures and soluble E. coli lysate proteins using CIEF-ESI-MS. These results indicate that inlet pressure or voltage programming to control the elution of the protein zones from the capillary (i.e., gradient mobilization) may allow for the optimization of the mobilization conditions and provide higher resolution for CIEF separation of complex mixtures with on-line MS.  相似文献   

Performance of temperature control is crucial to the operation of isoelectric focusing equipment (IEF). In this paper, two-stage thermoelectric cooling module (TEM) is proposed to be adopted in IEF to realize prompt and precise temperature control as well as low focusing temperature (Tf). Three different prototypes including HP + baffle, AL + baffle and HP + fin are developed to obtain optimal design. Experimental setups of these prototypes are built up to test their performance. Temperature distribution on cooling plate, COP and air temperature in bottom chamber with respect to different Tfs are adopted as performance indices to evaluate performance of these prototypes. Experimental results show that aluminum plate with heat pipes, used as cooling plate, can improve its temperature uniformity. Moreover, fin-type heat sink with baffle can effectively dissipate heat on the hot side of TEM with little impact on the other parts of IEF. The Tf of HP + baffle can be kept at 10 °C. And its COP can reach 2.0 under general working condition.  相似文献   

High-resolution capillary isoelectric focusing separations of complex protein mixtures have been obtained for cellular lysates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Eschericia coli, and Deinococcus radiodurans. High quality separations are shown to be achievable for total protein concentrations of < 0.1 mg/mL. The separation reproducibility was examined, and the influence of the capillary inner wall coating on resolution investigated using fusedsilica capillaries coated with various hydrophilic polymers including hydroxypropyl cellulose, poly(vinyl alcohol), and linear polyacrylamide. Proteins having an isoelectric point (pI) difference of 0.004 are shown to be separated using a linear carrier ampholyte (linear pH gradient between two electrodes) of 3-10. Approximately 45 discrete peaks in the pI range of 5-7 were obtained for S. cerevisiae, approximately 80 peaks in the pI range of 4.5-8.5 for E. coli, and approximately 210 peaks in the pI range of 3-8.8 for D. radiodurans.  相似文献   

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