AbstractObjective: The aim of this study was to optimize the formulation of alginate-gelatin (AL-GL) beads containing gliclazide (GLZ) employing design of experiments (DOE).Significance: DOE enabled identification of the interaction between the studied factors, deep understanding of GLZ release pattern and acceleration of the optimization process.Methods: A three-factor, three-level face centered design was employed. The effects of GLZ content (GLZ%, X1), polymer ratio (AL:GL ratio, X2), crosslinker concentration (glutaraldehyde, GA%, X3), and their interaction on incorporation efficiency (IE) and release rate were studied. The optimized formulation was prepared using numerical optimization and evaluated by DSC, FT-IR, SEM and release rate studies.Results: Increasing GA% (X3) decreased IE (Y1) with the highest magnitude of effect among the studied factors. On the other hand, increasing alginate content in AL:GL ratio (X2) increased IE (Y1). The amount of GLZ released Q0.5h, Q2h(pH 1.2) and Q4h(pH 7.4) decreased by increasing GLZ% (X1) and AL:GL ratio (X2). Both drug content and AL:GL ratio appeared to affect water penetration into the gel matrix and drug release. Generally, there was a direct relationship between GA% (X3) and GLZ release in pH 1.2 (Q0.5h and Q2h). However, in pH 7.4 (Q4h), increasing GA% decreased GLZ release. In addition, increasing GA% caused deviation from zero-order release model. The actual responses of the optimized formulation were in close agreement with the predicted ones.Conclusion: The selected factors and their levels studied in the optimization design were useful for tailoring the anticipated formulation characteristics and GLZ release pattern. 相似文献
Siloxane-containing vaterite (SiV) microparticles were prepared with controlling the degree of aminopropyl-functionalization in the siloxane; they are aiming for applications as bone regenerative devices. The aim of this work was to evaluate the structure at siloxane/vaterite interphase and to control the solubility of particles by the structural tuning of siloxane. The particles were spherical with average diameters of 1.1–1.4 μm. Differential infrared spectrometry revealed the transformation of aminopropyl terminals in the siloxane into carbamate (NH-COO?) groups. Moreover, the vaterite crystallites in the particles were slightly oriented towards the (0 0 1) plane. These results describe the interphase structure, with the carbamate groups coordinating on the Ca2+ ion face in the (0 0 1) plane of neighbouring vaterite. Upon soaking in buffer solution, the particles exhibited a rapid initial release of Ca2+ ions within 30 min and of soluble silica within 2 h. The vaterite in this particle survived for more than 6 h. The chemical stability of the siloxane was enhanced by incorporating tetraethoxysilane-derived siloxane with fractions of 24 mol% or 50 mol%. This enhancement controlled the initial release of not only soluble silica but also Ca2+ ions. 相似文献
This paper presents a design methodology for a laminated composite stiffened panel, subjected to multiple in-plane loads and bending moments. Design variables include the skin and stiffener ply orientation angles and stiffener geometry variables. Optimum designs are sought which minimize structural weight and satisfy mechanical performance requirements. Two types of mechanical performance requirements are placed on the panel, maximum strain and minimum strength. Minimum weight designs are presented which document that the choice of mechanical performance requirements cause changes in the optimum design. The effects of lay-up constraints which limit the ply angles to user specified values, such as symmetric or quasi-isotropic laminates, are also investigated. 相似文献
An innovative non-mechanical and low power consumption tunable external cavity laser (ECL) using liquid crystal tuning elements is proposed. This contains a gain chip, a collimating lens, tuning elements and a partial-reflection mirror. The proposed tunable ECL can achieve both coarse tuning and fine tuning, and it is designed to lase at wavelength matching the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) channels, which is one of the important requirements in optical communication. The tuning elements include an ITU etalon, a liquid crystal Fabry–Pérot interferometer (LC-FPI) and a fine tuner. Only two parameters are required to tune the wavelength over the whole C-band, namely the voltage over the LC-FPI and the fine tuner. This high reliability cost-effective design proposes a theoretical tuning range of about 80?nm. The LC tuning elements including LC-FPI and fine tuner has been fabricated and tested. 相似文献
A logic scheme using Josephson tunnel junctions in a current-steering mode is described. Switching from voltageV = 0toV neq 0is accomplished by adding a fraction of the control-line currents to the bias current. In one form the addition is accomplished by shunting the junction to be switched with a loop containing a second junction serving a diode-like function and causing one or more control lines to possess inductive coupling to the loop. A five-element circuit demonstrating AND, OR and INVERSION operations carried out by this approach has been fabricated and works as expected. 相似文献
Despite the wide literature on the mechanical behaviour of carbon/epoxy composites, it is rare to find practical methodological approaches in finite element design of structural components made by laminate layup. Through the case study of a special bicycle fork needed in a Student Team prototype, this paper proposes a simplified methodology as starting point for educational and manufacturing purposes. In order to compare two manufacturing solutions in terms of stiffness, strength and failure mode, a numerical model was implemented. Since the project requirements imposed to avoid standard destructive testing, the model validation was based on a posteriori linear stiffness comparison with the manufactured component. The slight discrepancies between experimental and numerical results were discussed in order to check their origin and to assess the reliability of the model. The overall methodology, even if complain with only a part of the safety standard requirements, shows to be reliable enough and can be the basis for further extension and refinement. 相似文献
The dynamic fracture processes of hot-extruded SiCw-6061 Al composite were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effect of the off-axis angle on the strength and the fracture mechanism of the composite was studied in detail. On the basis of the SEM observations, two tensile fracture models, namely the brittle fracture model and the shear fracture model, are discussed. 相似文献
AbstractRecent theory demonstrates that the Kocks–Mecking formulation of plasticity has a foundation in multiscale irreversible thermodynamics. The key terms in the formulation can be obtained form experiments and from fundamental calculations. This offers two advantages to materials scientists and alloy designers: the Kocks–Mecking approach goes beyond being a phenomenological approach, gaining a solid physical foundation in multiscale computational physics; the new formulation can be employed to conceive new alloys displaying complex synergistic interactions at several scales and among several phases. This approach is ideal for designing and modelling nanostructured steels. This work incorporates four concomitant strengthening effects: solid solution, Hall–Petch, dislocation forest and precipitation. The new formulation is applied to nanostructured martensitic, dual phase and twinning induced plasticity steels, describing with excellent accuracy of their stress–strain behaviour. 相似文献
In the era of miniaturization, the one-dimensional nanostructures presented numerous possibilities to realize operational nanosensors and devices by tuning their electrical transport properties. Upon size reduction, the physical properties of materials become extremely challenging to characterize and understand due to the complex interplay among structures, surface properties, strain effects, distribution of grains, and their internal coupling mechanism. In this report, we demonstrate the fabrication of a single metal-carbon composite nanowire inside a diamond-anvil-cell and examine the in situ pressure-driven electrical transport properties. The nanowire manifests a rapid and reversible pressure dependence of the strong nonlinear electrical conductivity with significant zero-bias differential conduction revealing a quantum tunneling dominant carrier transport mechanism. We fully rationalize our observations on the basis of a metal-carbon framework in a highly compressed nanowire corroborating a quantum-tunneling boundary, in addition to a classical percolation boundary that exists beyond the percolation threshold. The structural phase progressions were monitored to evidence the pressure-induced shape reconstruction of the metallic grains and modification of their intergrain interactions for successful explanation of the electrical transport behavior. The pronounced sensitivity of electrical conductivity to an external pressure stimulus provides a rationale to design low-dimensional advanced pressure sensing devices.
Composite cylindrical TE(0n1) mode dielectric resonator has been used for the complex permittivity measurements of ferroelectrics at frequency about 8.8 GHz. Rigorous equations have been derived that allowed us to find a relationship between measured resonance frequency and Q-factor and the complex permittivity. It has been shown that the choice of appropriate diameter of a sample together with rigorous complex angular frequency analysis allows precise measurements of various ferroelectric. Proposed technique can be used for materials having both real and imaginary part of permittivity as large as a few thousand. Variable temperature measurements were performed on a PbMg(1/3)Nb(2/3)O3 (PMN) ceramic sample, and the measured complex permittivity have shown good agreement with the results of measurements obtained on the same sample at lower frequencies (0.1-1.8 GHz). 相似文献
We have obtained green-beam quality of M2 = 6.2 at an average output power of 120 W by intracavity frequency doubling of a diode-side-pumped, Q-switched Nd:YAG rod laser with a repetition rate of 10 kHz and an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 15.2%. To achieve high-beam quality at high average power, the laser employs a thermally near-unstable resonator design with two-rod birefringence compensation in an L-shaped flat-flat cavity. The output power fluctuation of the green laser remains less than 0.9% in 4 h. 相似文献
A method for rapidly tuning lasers is presented. The system utilizes a rotating eight-sided mirror and a fixed grating. It is demonstrated that the entire CO2 lasing spectrum can be tuned at effective rates of up to 400 Hz. It is shown that, although the pulse energy is diminished as the tuning rate is increased, the loss comes from the tail of the pulse, and the peak power is almost unchanged. In addition, the tuning method preserves the spatial beam profile while contributing a minimum of beam steering. 相似文献
A planar composite microwave resonator based on a bilayer structure comprising a single-crystal yttrium iron garnet (YIG)
ferrite film on a lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT) piezoelectric plate has been studied. The possibility of electric
and magnetic tuning of the resonance frequency in this structure is demonstrated. The magnetic tuning in the frequency range
of 2–18 GHz is effected by varying the magnetic bias field and the electric tuning within a 20 MHz bandwidth is achieved by
applying a dc bias voltage to the piezoelectric layer. An increase in the central frequency of a YIG/PMN-PT composite resonator
is accompanied by a growth in the resonator Q from 110 to 990, while the electric tuning bandwidth remains unchanged 相似文献
Restoration forces, associated with embedded activated pre-strained SMA wires, have successfully been employed to enhance the post-buckling behaviour of laminated plate structures while under the influence of a uniaxial load. The results of which will be presented. The manufacturing methodology of the hybrid SMA-carbon-epoxy plates is outlined. Optical micrographs illustrate the effect of embedding diametrical inclusions within a host composite. Thermal and structural finite-element analysis have been employed to predict the non-uniform temperature profile within the laminates and to provide insight to the SMA-hybrid structure adaptive response. It is shown that by utilizing the considerable control authority generated, even for a small actuator volume fraction, the out-of-plane displacement of the post-buckled laminates can be significantly reduced. Such displacement alleviation allows for the load redistribution away from the plate's unloaded edges i.e. there is a tendency for the plate to conform to the optimal flat configuration beyond its critical buckling load. However, the stability of the adaptive response is very much dependent upon the laminate stacking sequence. It is envisaged that the range of operational performance for such an adaptive hybrid structure may be extended over conventional materials and structures. 相似文献
An internally consistent theory of micro- and macromechanics has been formulated to link materials, geometric and environmental parameters that affect the stiffness and strength ofstructural elements made of multidirectional composite laminates. Design simplifications are presented and other unique features ofthis integrated framework are discussed. The framework has been implemented on a personal computer in a spreadsheetformat and validated using organic fibre-matrix composite materials data. 相似文献