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Thin potato crisps (2mm) were fried at 170℃, 180℃ and 190℃ for various times from 10s to 180s inclusive. It was found that definite oil uptake, moisture loss trends exist during the frying process. No significant difference in the oil uptake or moisture loss rates between flat-cut and ridge-cut crisps exists. Also found in this study was that an increased oil temperature promoted higher moisture loss rates. In turn, the higher moisture loss rates contributed to a higher oil uptake rate. It was found, based on the volumetric plots of oil content vs. water content, that the oil uptake rate was proportional to the moisture loss rate. As a result, it has been shown that there is a possibility of having a characteristic curve of oil uptake against moisture content.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to correlate water content and oil uptake with the structural changes of potato particulates during deep-fat frying. Raw potato particulates were sliced to form cylinders of 0.006 m diameter × 0.006 m length and subjected to deep-fat frying at isothermal oil temperatures of 160, 190 and 220 °C. The microstructure properties were assessed using a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). Previous results showed that a simultaneous two first-order kinetic model adequately predicted water loss of potato particulates during isothermal frying. In this study, a simple rational model with two parameters in which regression squared (Rsqr) reaches 0.983 shows that oil uptake can be expressed by water content. The cross-sectional structure of potato particulates observed using FESEM is different from the surface structure. Regardless of the frying temperature, pores not only become larger but also increase in number after the transition time. The observations of structural changes at the surface and inner section of potato particulates through the pictures of FESEM are critical. This physical evidence supports our previous assumption that the mechanisms of water loss (two-stage rate processes) before and after transition time are different.  相似文献   

Formation of toxic alkylbenzenes, total polar compounds (%TPC) and degradation of tocochromanol are monitored. Analyses of the oil extracted from fried potatoes confirm the trend observed in the frying oil. The fresh oil has a TPC content of 3%, which increases with the frying time, exceeding the acceptable value (25%) after about 25 h for deep‐frying and 1.5 h for pan‐frying. During deep‐frying, total tocochromanol decreases to about half (25 mg per 100 g) of the initial value, pan‐frying shows faster, degradation (complete after 1.5 h). Toluene concentration increases with the frying time reaching a maximum, and afterwards gradually decreases. Except for butylbenzene during pan‐frying, pentylbenzene and butylbenzene concentration, increase with the frying time, but remain much lower than toluene. Practical Applications: This is the first systematic work comparing alkylbenzenes evolution under different frying conditions. Different from previous works, frying experiments are carried out following the indication of many European countries that recommend using temperature lower than 180 °C. The amount of alkylbenzenes assumed through a standard portion of fried potatoes (200 g) is assessed, which is relevant for evaluating dietary exposure to these contaminants.  相似文献   

研究了不同预处理条件哒展油炸温度、真空度、时间对胡萝卜脆片品质的影响。通过响应面分析可知:油炸温度、真空度以及时间显著影响胡萝卜片中水分与脂肪含量以及脆度(P≤0.05);其最佳油炸工艺为温度100℃-110℃、真空度0.08—0.09MPa、时间15min。  相似文献   

介绍基于微波相移法的高含水原油含水率传感器的工作原理及其特点。通过试验分析了温度对油水混合物介电常数的影响规律。结果表明:随着温度的升高,呈乳化状态的油水混合物介电常数减小,导致出现含水率测量值低于实际值的现象,严重影响传感器的检测精度。  相似文献   

由于水、油介电特性差异较大,电磁波在不同含水率的油水混合介质中传播的速度有很大不同。采用时域传输技术(TDT),利用电磁波在不同介电常数介质中的传播速度不同,通过比较电磁波在原油中传播的相位差,测量原油中含水率与时域传输原油含水率监测仪输出电压值之间的关系,获得测定原油中含水率的标定公式。实验结果表明,时域传输原油含水率监测仪输出电压与含水率呈线性关系。在原油含水率50%-100%的范围内,测量精度达到1%;在原油含水率0-50%的范围内,测量精度达到2%。  相似文献   

结合脱碳系统工艺流程及实际运行情况,分析NHD溶液水含量高的原因,并介绍其应对措施。  相似文献   

The role of oxygen-limitation on lipid oxidation and moisture content were tested in corn oil heated to 60, 100, and 140 °C. The degree of oxidation was determined by analyzing headspace oxygen content, conjugated dienoic acids (CDA), and p-anisidine value (p-AV). The moisture content in bulk oil was analyzed by the Karl Fischer method. Oxygen-limited samples heated to 100 and 140 °C had significantly more lipid oxidation than oxygen-unlimited samples at early timepoints (p < 0.05). After this period, the oxygen-unlimited samples had more lipid oxidation based on CDA and p-AV assays. During those initial periods, oxygen-limited samples had significantly higher moisture content than oxygen-unlimited samples (p < 0.05), which implies that moisture content in oils plays an important role in the rate of lipid oxidation. The increased moisture content in bulk oil under oxygen-limited conditions is due to headspace moisture rather than moisture inside the oil. However, the effects of oxygen-limitation on lipid oxidation were less clear at 60 °C than at 100 or 140 °C.  相似文献   

以中煤九鑫焦化有限公司煤焦油为样品,探讨了不同温度下煤焦油水分与其密度之间的关联关系。结果表明,在不同温度下,含水质量分数4%焦油的密度随温度升高而不断降低;同一温度下,焦油密度随含水量升高而降低。实际生产中,可利用密度推算出一定温度下的焦油含水量,从而及时调整小氨水澄清槽焦油水分离以及焦油产品储槽自动控制水分脱除程度(≤4%),以减少脱水消耗蒸汽量。  相似文献   

An experimental device was constructed to study the drying kinetics of wood fibers under controlled conditions. The device consisted of a drying chamber in which a net basket filled with the fiber material was connected to a load cell. The drying medium was then forced through the basket at controlled levels of humidity and temperature.

Experiments were performed with spruce fibers and the drying medium at varying temperature (50–170°C) and relative humidity (1–86%). In general, the drying rate increased with increasing temperature and decreasing relative humidity. A constant drying rate period was observed in all cases. The critical moisture content was approximately 1.25. The characteristic drying curve has a slight downward concave shape. The equilibrium moisture contents obtained at ambient temperature agree well with data in the literature.  相似文献   

The main goal of the present study was (i) to determine the formation of degradation products in cottonseed oil (CSO) blends during deep frying process by adsorption and high performance size exclusion chromatography techniques and (ii) to evaluate the impacts of food additives on total polar (TPC) and polymeric compound (PTAG) formation using a chemometric approach. In order to prepare the frying CSO blends; ascorbic palmitate, mixed tocopherols, dimethylpolysiloxane, lecithin and sesame oils were used as additives. To determine the real impacts of additives, a quarter-fraction factorial experimental design with two levels and five factors was used. The changes in TPC and PTAG data were carefully evaluated during 10 h of frying at 170 ± 5 °C with normal distribution (ND) graphs and analyzed using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey’s Post-hoc test (α = 0.05). The results indicated that the increasing values for TPC and PTAG during the frying processes for all blends, TPC and PTAG contents reached maximum levels of 16.37 and 6.01 % respectively, which are below the limit values stated by official authorities for the quality assessment of frying oils. The ANOVA test results were in good agreement with ND graphs and data indicated that the impact of mixed tocopherols was significant for TPC formation, meanwhile the impact of lecithin and ascorbic palmitate × dimethylpolysiloxane were significant for PTAG formation. Thus, the present study should be considered to be a very useful guide for developing new frying oil formulations based on CSO by using food additives.  相似文献   

Microstructure plays a key role in oil absorption during frying. The aim of this work was to improve our understanding of the relationship between microstructure and oil absorption, through the use of glass micromodels to obtain evidence of transport phenomena in three porous networks. Micromodels were saturated with water and partially immersed in oil at 190°C. Moisture and oil profiles were imaged to get water and oil saturation maps. Image and fractal analyses were performed to describe the morphology of the evaporation and oil fronts. Results showed that higher porosity facilitated the moisture removal and promoted greater oil absorption during cooling. The fractal dimension showed that microstructures with a relatively high number of fine capillaries were less stable and propitiated fingering during the advance of the evaporation front. In all matrices, the disruption of the surface oil film due to air penetration was a critical factor to stop oil imbibition. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 629–638, 2016  相似文献   

The distribution of ergosterol in different parts of shiitake mushrooms was studied in order to optimize the conversion of ergosterol to vitamin D2 during drying. The effect of moisture on the conversion of ergosterol to vitamin D2 was also investigated by adjusting the moisture content of fresh mushrooms to different levels in a large vacuum desiccator and subjecting them to UV irradiation at 290-320 nm wavelength, for 2 h. The moisture, ergosterol and vitamin D2 contents were determined using standard procedures. It was found that the ergosterol content on a dry matter basis of fresh shiitake mushroom was highest in the gills (10.6 ± 0.99 mg/g DM), followed by the cap or pileus (5.34 ± 0.64 mg/g DM) and was least in the stalk or stipe (2.97 ± 0.56). The moisture content had a marked influence on the conversion of ergosterol to vitamin D2, the best conversion taking place at a moisture content of about 70% on a wet basis.  相似文献   

高水分玉米真空低温干燥工艺生产性试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东北是我国玉米的主产区,产量占全国的30%~40%。受自然条件的影响,玉米收获水分常达22%~30%;成熟度及含水率都不均匀。根据玉米热敏性物料干燥的热特性及市场要求,考虑到它的热稳定性及破碎敏感性的特点,采用真空低温干燥技术进行了生产性试验,设计了300t/d高水分玉米真空低温连续干燥工业自动化生产线,对生产性试验关键技术进行了分析和研究。依据试验结果,分析玉米含水率、干燥介质温度、真空度、玉米温度、干燥时间、汽化蒸发温度等参数之间的联系与相互作用。生产试验表明:玉米含水率在24%时,维持干燥塔内真空度,采用高温水加热,汽化蒸发温度40~43℃,一次降水幅度达到10%~15%,保证了玉米品质的色、香、味、形及营养成分,具有干燥品质好、降水速度快、产量高、能耗低、操作方便、经济性价比高等优点。  相似文献   

Frying is a popular practice because of its unique sensory characteristics and low cost. The high temperature reached with this cooking method alters molecules present in the oil. The deterioration of the oil depends primarily on its chemical composition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the thermal stability of high oleic sunflower oil (HOSO), sunflower oil (SO) and mixed oil (MIX) during deep frying of French fries. Octanoic acid and unsaturated fatty acid (UFA)/saturated fatty acid (SFA) ratio showed a good correlation with total polar compounds (TPC) for all frying samples analyzed. HOSO and MIX were characterized by reduced levels of thermal degradation, while SO resulted in the highest values of oxidation products (highest TPC values). SO was also the oil more retained by the food matrix, whereas MIX was the least absorbed. HOSO and MIX, having a high oleic acid content (77.58 and 59.92 %, respectively) and a low linoleic acid content (13.42 and 25.70 %, respectively), showed the best characteristics for the frying process.  相似文献   

周彤 《广州化工》2014,(22):170-171,173
分析了玉门炼化总厂重整车间苯分离装置抽余油溶剂含量偏高的原因是水循环系统的异常操作造成,对芳烃抽提装置水洗系统的溶剂含量分布和水汽提塔的操作异常现象进行分析,从而对现有装置生产中如何实现对水循环系统出现异常时的判断及处理提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

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