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根据地形图的特点及UV油墨快速干燥的特性,提出一种运用3D建模和分层设色的方法,并通过实验,完成了中国台湾省主岛部分3D地形图的打印。选择台湾省主岛部分等高线图,在图形处理软件中,根据其高程,提取多幅等高线矢量图;根据墨层厚度与打印层数的定量关系,得到实际海拔高度与打印层数的对应关系,再根据等高线分层设色原理,设计分层设色对应表,并设定适当的比例尺,确定打印方案;使用喷墨打印机,打印得到具有一定立体感的3D彩色地形图。实验结果表明:根据UV油墨快速干燥的特点,使用UV喷墨打印机,可以打印得到具有立体效果的3D彩色地形图。  相似文献   

基于UV喷墨的彩色3D打印研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
何留喜  陈广学 《包装工程》2015,36(9):134-138
目的研究以UV喷墨为成型材料的彩色3D打印方案。方法以纸张为承印介质,采用UV喷墨打印方式,在5张同种纸张表面打印不同墨层数的黄、品、青、黑和白等5种颜色的色块和IT8.7-3CMYK i1 PM 5.0.5标版,对比分析不同墨层数色块的厚度和颜色再现情况,以及白色油墨对色域的影响。结果对黄、品、青、黑、白等5种油墨来讲,第1层油墨会与纸张表面发生较强的渗透和铺展作用,影响高程精度;随着墨层数增加,黄、品和青等3种色油墨的亮度逐渐下降,色相逐渐偏离;在纸张表面均匀打印1层白色实地油墨,可改善纸张偏色情况,且白色油墨具有较好的色彩再现性。结论能够以多层白色油墨的叠加实现3D模型的高度,以若干层彩色油墨打印实现3D模型的色彩方案,从而实现UV喷墨彩色3D打印。  相似文献   

UV油墨是近年来迅速发展的一种环保型油墨,它以瞬间固化(干燥)、不含挥发性溶剂、应用简单方便等迅速占领市场。UV油墨包括UV磨砂、UV冰花、UV发泡、UV皱纹、UV凸字、UV折光、UV宝石、UV光固色墨、UV上光油等特种包装油墨。在具有金属镜面光泽的承印物表面,采用丝网印刷工艺手段将UV油墨印在其表面上,经紫外线于燥设备光照处理后,产生一种别具一格的视觉效果,显得高雅、庄重、华贵。产品主要应用于高档、精美别致的烟、酒、化妆品,保健品、食品、药品等包装印刷。一、UV油墨1.组成UV油墨就是在UV光照射下,发生交联聚合反应,瞬间固化成膜的油墨。它主要由光聚合性预聚物、感光性单  相似文献   

该研究将陶瓷颜料与紫外光固化聚合物结合,合成陶瓷油墨。分析了陶瓷油墨在不同接触角度下的3D打印性能。对所合成陶瓷油墨的流变性能进行了优化,以满足喷墨打印工艺的要求,并通过对基材的表面处理来控制UV固化陶瓷油墨的接触角。通过分析接触角控制对陶瓷墨滴及其3D打印性能的影响,探讨了陶瓷油墨的3D打印适用性。结果表明:无论分散剂的浓度如何,都可以观察到剪切稀释行为,即黏度随剪切速率的增加而降低;添加2.0mg/m2分散剂的试样黏度最低,分散效果最佳;光引发剂的最佳用量为1.5wt%;接触角随着PFTS浓度的增加而成比例地增加,当PFTS浓度为1.0wt%时,该值在73.21°时达到最高。  相似文献   

刘瑜  姚山  矫轶男  薛铠华 《包装工程》2018,39(5):196-202
目的研究基于UV喷墨方法获得高质量的3D打印彩色外观。方法基于熔融沉积的成型方法,设计并加工不同打印层厚及倾斜角度的直角梯台模型,通过UV喷墨平台对模型表面进行标准色块着色处理,论述阶梯效应对喷墨着色涂层的影响机理,以及喷墨对于3D打印阶梯效应的修复作用,显微观察模型表面图像,并测量色块颜色的色度值。结果比较分析得出,打印层厚和倾斜角度导致的未着色条纹是影响3D打印模型表面喷墨着色效果的主要因素。结论通过UV白墨涂覆的方法可以修复阶梯效应,从而获得高质量的3D打印彩色外观。  相似文献   

贾彦金 《中国包装》2010,30(1):56-58
<正> U V油墨是以适应环境污染法规的要求和应用领域日趋广泛的需要而产生的,是一种无(或少)溶剂型油墨,印刷中有瞬时干燥、低能耗、少污染、印刷质量好、生产效率高等特点。初期,Inmont公司于1946年首先获得关于不饱和聚酯/苯乙烯紫外(U V)固化油墨的第一个专利,  相似文献   

UV油墨是一种迅速发展的绿色环保油墨,具有干燥快、停车时油墨不会凝固、节省作业场地、无挥发性溶剂等优点。由于这些诱人的优点,近年来UV固化油墨逐渐取代常规油墨,在印刷工业中所占的比例越来越大。目前国内UV油墨发展速度非常快,应用领域越来越广泛,无论是在胶印还是柔印都能使用最新的UV油墨,而随着食品包装安全性的要求越来越严格,UV油墨也成为了凹版印刷油墨的一种发展趋势。UV油墨就像是我国油墨界的新秀,正在迅速崛起。 尽管如此,UV油墨要在我国占领较大份额的油墨市场,还存在着较多的障碍,主要来自于技术方面,包括油墨制造商、设备生产商以及诸如表面添加剂等化学材料供应商等厂家们对相关技术的发展。UV油墨的问题主要表现在气味、基材附着力、高速生产以及印刷服务商考虑最多的成本等问题。事实上,这些问题自从上世纪70年代UV油墨开始在印刷领域应用时就一直影响着它的发展,至今,仍旧困扰着整个行业。 对于UV油墨的迅速发展,不少业界的专家都非常看好,但是也有一些持不乐观的态度。本期BBS围绕UV油墨的各种优缺点,在印刷业的最新应用技术,以及其发展的前景种种问题,了解一下业界人士的不同见解。[编按]  相似文献   

UV-3D打印作为增材技术新的发展方向,具有设计自由,节约材料以及快速成型等优点,被广泛研究.本文通过分析立体光刻技术(SLA),数字光处理技术(DLP)和UV直写技术等,并研究了UV技术在3D打印领域的应用与发展.然后分析UV-3D打印常用的一些材料,包括环氧树脂和丙烯酸树脂以及其发展现状.最后通过介绍UV技术在3D...  相似文献   

Printing techniques using nanomaterials have emerged as a versatile tool for fast prototyping and potentially large-scale manufacturing of functional devices. Surfactants play a significant role in many printing processes due to their ability to reduce interfacial tension between ink solvents and nanoparticles and thus improve ink colloidal stability. Here, a colloidal graphene quantum dot (GQD)-based nanosurfactant is reported to stabilize various types of 2D materials in aqueous inks. In particular, a graphene ink with superior colloidal stability is demonstrated by GQD nanosurfactants via the π–π stacking interaction, leading to the printing of multiple high-resolution patterns on various substrates using a single printing pass. It is found that nanosurfactants can significantly improve the mechanical stability of the printed graphene films compared with those of conventional molecular surfactant, as evidenced by 100 taping, 100 scratching, and 1000 bending cycles. Additionally, the printed composite film exhibits improved photoconductance using UV light with 400 nm wavelength, arising from excitation across the nanosurfactant bandgap. Taking advantage of the 3D conformal aerosol jet printing technique, a series of UV sensors of heterogeneous structures are directly printed on 2D flat and 3D spherical substrates, demonstrating the potential of manufacturing geometrically versatile devices based on nanosurfactant inks.  相似文献   

3D printing of polymers is accomplished easily with thermoplastics as the extruded hot melt solidifies rapidly during the printing process. Printing with liquid polymer precursors is more challenging due to their longer curing times. One curable liquid polymer of specific interest is polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). This study demonstrates a new efficient technique for 3D printing with PDMS by using a capillary suspension ink containing PDMS in the form of both precured microbeads and uncured liquid precursor, dispersed in water as continuous medium. The PDMS microbeads are held together in thixotropic granular paste by capillary attraction induced by the liquid precursor. These capillary suspensions possess high storage moduli and yield stresses that are needed for direct ink writing. They could be 3D printed and cured both in air and under water. The resulting PDMS structures are remarkably elastic, flexible, and extensible. As the ink is made of porous, biocompatible silicone that can be printed directly inside aqueous medium, it can be used in 3D printed biomedical products, or in applications such as direct printing of bioscaffolds on live tissue. This study demonstrates a number of examples using the high softness, elasticity, and resilience of these 3D printed structures.  相似文献   

Engineering reactive materials is an ever present goal in the energetics community. The desire is to have energetics configured in such a manner that performance is tailored and energy delivery can be targeted. Additive manufacturing (3‐D printing) is one area that could significantly improve our capabilities in this area, if adequate formulations are developed. In this paper, fluoropolymer based reactive inks are developed with micron (mAl) and nanoscale aluminum (nAl) serving, as the fuel at high solids loading (up to 67 wt%) and their viscosity required for 3‐D printing is detailed. For the pen‐type technique and valves used in this work, it is required to have viscosities on the order of 104–105 cP. For printed traces with apparent diameters under <500 μm, the combustion velocities for both micron and nano scale aluminum formulations, are approximately identical: 30 ± 3 versus 32 ± 2 mm s?1, respectively. Further increasing the apparent diameter is shown to increase the combustion velocity in the case of the nanoscale aluminum formulation by four‐fold over that of the micron scale aluminum formulation, but it plateaus as it approaches an apparent diameter of 2 mm. The results suggest with proper architecture that tailorable combustion rates and energy delivery are feasible.

Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies appear as a paradigm for scalable manufacture of electrochemical energy storage (EES) devices, where complex 3D architectures are typically required but are hard to achieve using conventional techniques. The combination of these technologies and innovative material formulations that maximize surface area accessibility and ion transport within electrodes while minimizing space are of growing interest. Herein, aqueous inks composed of atomically thin (1–3 nm) 2D Ti3C2Tx with large lateral size of about 8 µm possessing ideal viscoelastic properties are formulated for extrusion‐based 3D printing of freestanding, high specific surface area architectures to determine the viability of manufacturing energy storage devices. The 3D‐printed device achieves a high areal capacitance of 2.1 F cm?2 at 1.7 mA cm?2 and a gravimetric capacitance of 242.5 F g?1 at 0.2 A g?1 with a retention of above 90% capacitance for 10 000 cycles. It also exhibits a high energy density of 0.0244 mWh cm?2 and a power density of 0.64 mW cm?2 at 4.3 mA cm?2. It is anticipated that the sustainable printing and design approach developed in this work can be applied to fabricate high‐performance bespoke multiscale and multidimensional architectures of functional and structural materials for integrated devices in various applications.  相似文献   

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