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We investigated the functional characteristics of the NMDA receptor that modulates hypoxia/hypoglycaemia-induced striatal dopamine release. Dopamine release was detected by fast cyclic voltammetry in rat neostriatal slices. Four variables were measured: T(on) -- time from initiation of hypoxia/hypoglycaemia to the onset of dopamine release, Tpk -- time from onset to maximum, deltaDA/delta(t) -- rate of dopamine release and DAmax -- maximum extracellular dopamine concentration. In controls, T(on) = 164.9 +/- 1.7 s, Tpk = 20.9 +/- 0.9 s, deltaDA/delta(t) = 5.31 +/- 0.44 microM/s and DAmax = 79.1 +/- 2.5 microM (means +/- S.E.M., n = 203). Cis-4-(phosphonomethyl)piperidine-2-carboxylic acid (CGS 19755, 20 microM) lengthened, while N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) (100 microM) shortened T(on). (5R,10S)-(+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,1 0-imine hydrogen maleate (MK 801, 1 and 10 microM) and dextromethorphan (10 and 100 microM) increased Tpk and decreased DAmax. Neither glycine (100 microM), 7-chlorokynurenic acid (50 microM) nor 5-nitro-6,7-dichloro-1,4-dihydroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (ACEA 1021, 100 microM) had any effect although 7-chlorokynurenic acid blocked the effect of NMDA. Increasing [Mg2+] from 1.3 to 3.7 mM, increased Tpk and decreased deltaDA/delta(t). Dithiothreitol (1 mM) accelerated T(on) while 5.5-dithio-bis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (1 mM) delayed T(on). Neither drug affected Tpk, DAmax or deltaDA/delta(t). Neither spermidine (100 microM) nor arcaine (100 microM) affected T(on), Tpk or deltaDA/delta(t) although arcaine decreased DAmax. In conclusion, hypoxia/hypoglycaemia-induced dopamine release was influenced by an NMDA receptor although modulation of the glycine recognition site of the receptor was ineffective, as were agents acting at polyamine modulatory zones. These findings highlight differences between recombinant and native NMDA receptors and suggest caution in extrapolating molecular biology to functional studies.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the difference in pharmacological mechanism between midazolam and propofol, we focused on the interaction between dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons in the striatum because of its important role in the regulation of motor system and arousal response, and examined these inhibitory effects on dopamine (DA) release induced by high-K from the rat striatal slice using the fast-cyclic voltammetry method. Between 0.1 and 200 nmol, the standard curve of DA was linear. The peak and the sensitivity of DA oxidation were different from those of norepinephrine and DA main metabolites. The dosages between 0.1 and 10 micro M of propofol significantly blocked the high-K evoked DA release, although the dosage of larger than 50 micro M of propofol potentiated DA release. In case of midazolam, the dosages between 0.1 and 50 micro M markedly suppressed DA release induced by high-K in a dose-dependent manner. The recovery time of DA release after removal of midazolam from incubation medium was longer than that seen in the treatment of propofol. In conclusion, propofol and midazolam inhibited high-K evoked DA release from striatal slice, although these efficacies were dissimilar. Furthermore the pharmacological effects of larger dosage of propofol was different from those obtained by its smaller dosages. These results suggest that the anesthetic actions of propofol and midazolam are partially related to inhibition of DA neuron A1 activity and that the excitatory symptom induced by a larger dose of propofol may be related to its potantiation of DA release.  相似文献   

Ty3 is a retroviruslike element found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It encodes GAG3 and GAG3-POL3 polyproteins which are processed into mature proteins found in the Ty3 viruslike particle. In this study, the region encoding a protease that is homologous to retroviral aspartyl proteases was identified and shown to be required for production of mature Ty3 proteins and transposition. The Ty3 protease has the Asp-Ser-Gly consensus sequence found in copia, Ty1, and Rous sarcoma virus proteases, rather than the Asp-Thr-Gly found in most retroviral proteases. The Asp-Ser-Gly consensus is flanked by residues similar to those which flank the active sites of cellular aspartyl proteases. Mutations were made in the Ty3 active-site sequence to examine the role of the protease in Ty3 particle maturation and to test the functional significance of the Ser active-site variant in the consensus sequence. Mutation of the active-site Asp blocked processing of Gag3 and Gag3-Pol3 and allowed identification of a GAG3-POL3 polyprotein. This protein was turned over rapidly in cells expressing the mutant Ty3. Changing the active-site Ser to Thr caused only a modest reduction in the levels of certain Ty3 proteins. Five putative cleavage sites of this protease in Ty3 GAG3 and GAG3-POL3 polyproteins were defined by amino-terminal sequence analysis. The existence of an additional protein(s) of unknown function, encoded downstream of the protease-coding region, was deduced from the positions of these amino termini and the sizes of known Ty3 proteins. Although Ty3 protease cleavage sites do not correspond exactly to known retroviral protease cleavage sites, there are similarities. Residues P3 through P2' in the regions encompassing each of the five sites are uncharged, and no P1 position is occupied by an amino acid with a branched beta carbon.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the effects of acute MAP administration on striatal extracellular levels of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites in groups of rats on postnatal days (PNDs) 14, 21, 28, and 56. A single injection of 4 mg/kg MAP (IP) induced increase in extracellular DA and decrease in extracellular 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) in the striatal perfusates of rats on all PNDs examined. The magnitude of increase in DA concentrations at 20 min after the MAP injection was significantly smaller on PND 14 than PNDs 21, 28, and 56, whereas the magnitude of decrease in DOPAC concentrations after the MAP injection was significantly smaller on PND 14 than PNDs 21, 28, and 56. After the MAP injection, homovanillic acid levels decreased on PNDs 21, 28, and 56, but increased on PND 14. These results suggest that rats on PND 14 differ from those thereafter in MAP-induced DA release and changes in its metabolites, and that such developmental effect on MAP-induced DA release may be involved in the ontogeny of MAP-induced behavioral sensitization.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effect of prior morphine exposure on ibogaine antagonism of morphine-induced dopamine release. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were pretreated once a day for 2 days with morphine (20 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline and given a low dose of ibogaine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline 5 hr after the last morphine or saline injection. Nineteen hours later, rats (awake and freely moving) were challenged with morphine (5 mg/kg, i.p.), and dopamine and its metabolites were monitored in the striatum and nucleus accumbens using in vivo microdialysis. Neither saline pretreatment, morphine pretreatment, nor ibogaine alone altered morphine-induced increases in extracellular dopamine and dopamine metabolites in either structure. However, when morphine pretreatment was combined with ibogaine, the morphine-induced elevation of dopamine, but not of metabolites, was completely blocked. These data suggest that prior morphine exposure enhances an opioid antagonist action of ibogaine on dopaminergic systems and that prior drug exposure may be a clinically significant determinant of ibogaine efficacy and/or potency in the treatment of opioid addiction.  相似文献   

The chaetotaxy of argentophilic structures on three species of the monogenean genus Gyrodactylus was investigated in an attempt to distinguish species of this genus. Maps were prepared for Gyrodactylus salaris from Scandinavia and compared with two native species of Gyrodactylus parasitising salmonids in Britain, namely Gyrodactylus derjavini and Gyrodactylus truttae. The maps were subsequently refined and analysed for zones of homology and differentiation. The results demonstrate that G. salaris can be readily distinguished by this technique, which is, therefore, of great potential value in the identification of this notifiable pathogen. The key aggregations of sensilla discriminating G. salaris are, ventrally, the antero-ventral set, the medio-lateral set and the postero-lateral set, and, dorsally, the postero-dorsal set.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the retinoblastoma (RB) gene is known to be implicated in the pathogenesis of several types of human cancers. Since structural alterations of the RB gene have not been well examined in human bladder cancer, we looked for mutations in the entire coding region of this gene using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis of RNA. We also examined allelic loss of the RB gene using PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Of 30 samples obtained from patients with bladder cancer, eight (27%) were found to have RB gene mutations. DNA sequencing of the PCR products revealed five cases with single point mutations and three cases with small deletions. These mutations included one (10%) of ten low-grade (grade 1) tumours, four (50%) of eight intermediate-grade (grade 2) tumours and three (25%) of 12 high-grade (grade 3) tumours. Likewise, mutations were found in four (21%) of 19 superficial (pTa and pT1) tumours and four (36%) of 11 invasive (pT2 or greater) tumours. In 15 informative cases, loss of heterozygosity at the RB locus was shown in five cases (33%), three cases with RB mutations and two without them. These results suggest that RB gene mutations are involved in low-grade and superficial bladder cancers as well as in high-grade and invasive cancers.  相似文献   

Buspirone is an anxiolytic drug which exerts several central effects. It antagonizes presynaptic inhibitory DA2 autoreceptors at dopaminergic neurons and acts as an agonist for 5-HT1A inhibitor autoreceptors at serotonergic cells. Thus, buspirone respectively enhances and depresses the firing rates of both type of neurons. At doses which correlate with dopaminergic stimulation, but not 5-HT inhibition, buspirone also increases the firing rates of the central noradrenergic cells. We measured levels of circulating neurotransmitters before and up to 240 minutes after the oral administration of 20 mg of buspirone in 32 healthy volunteers. Buspirone significantly increased levels of noradrenaline, dopamine, and free serotonin but did not affect levels of adrenaline, tryptophane, or platelet serotonin. Small but significant drops in systolic blood pressure and heart rate were observed after buspirone ingestion. Atropine administration before buspirone ingestion annulled the free serotonin increase as well as systolic blood pressure-heart rate decrease. We found significant positive correlations between noradrenaline and dopamine levels. The strength and significance of these correlations were increased by using the noradrenaline/adrenaline ratio instead of noradrenaline absolute values. This finding indicates that increases in both noradrenaline and dopamine arise from sympathetic nerves rather than the adrenal glands. We also found significant negative correlations between free serotonin increases and systolic blood pressure-heart rate decreases. Our results indicate that buspirone stimulates central sympathetic activity. These acute effects of buspirone are reflected in an increased peripheral neural sympathetic activity, but not adrenal sympathetic activity in healthy individuals. In addition, buspirone increases free serotonin plasma concentrations and decreases systolic blood pressure plus heart rate levels through mechanisms associated with parasympathetic activation.  相似文献   

Recent ex vivo findings have shown that morphine increases dopamine (DA) and xanthine oxidative metabolism and ascorbic acid (AA) oxidation in the rat striatum. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of subcutaneous daily morphine (20 mg/kg) administration on DA, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA), AA and uric acid in the striatum of freely moving rats using microdialysis. Dialysates were assayed by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. On the first day, morphine administration caused a significant increase in extracellular DA, DOPAC, HVA, AA and uric acid concentrations over a 3 h period after morphine. In all treated rats (n = 7), individual concentrations of DOPAC + HVA were directly correlated with individual AA and uric acid concentrations. Last morphine administration on the 4th day increased DOPAC, HVA, AA and uric acid concentrations but failed to increase those of DA. Individual DOPAC + HVA concentrations were still directly correlated with individual AA and uric acid concentrations. These results suggest that systemic morphine increases both striatal DA release and DA and xanthine oxidative metabolism. Only the former effect undergoes tolerance. The increase in DA oxidative metabolism is highly correlated with that of xanthine. The subsequent enhancement in reactive oxygen species production may account for the increase in extracellular AA.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of smoking on exercise tolerance in middle aged smokers. Sixty two healthy subjects 55 males and 7 females with mean age 35 +/- 7 years were studied. There were 47 smokers (smoking 21.5 cigarettes per day for a mean of 16 years) and 15 non-smokers (control group). Resting pulmonary function was normal in both groups, however smokers had significantly lower VC as well as MEF 50 and MEF 75. A maximal incremental exercise on cycloergometer using ramp protocol was performed. Ventilatory parameters (breath by breath method) together with transcutaneous oxygen saturation (every minute), heart rate (continuously) and blood pressure (every minute) were recorded. Significant differences in exercise tolerance in studied groups were observed. Smokers tolerated a lower maximal workload for a shorter time and deferred significantly in both maximal oxygen consumption and oxygen consumption at anaerobic threshold. Five persons, all smokers did not reach the anaerobic threshold. In five smokers a decrease in ECG ST segment was observed. No differences were found in breathing reserve, heart reserve or maximal oxygen pulse. It seems that a decreases exercise performance is due to cardiac limitation.  相似文献   

Polycythemia vera (PV) is associated with a high incidence of thrombosis. The association of apparent and secondary polycythemia with thrombosis is not clear. It was suggested that activation of the coagulation system contributes to thrombus formation in PV. However, the mechanism of activation is unknown. Monocytes generate a potent tissue factor (TF) upon stimulation with various substances, which is involved in thrombus formation in various disorders. Therefore, we studied the possibility that the factor is involved in the activation of coagulation and thrombus formation also in PV. Unstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from each of the different types of polycythemia expressed weak TF activity (2 U) and antigen (41.4 to 52.9 pg/ml), which were similar to normal controls. Following stimulation with endotoxin, PBMC from normal controls and from apparent and secondary polycythemia showed a 3.9- to 4.5-fold increase in TF, while cells from PV showed a 21-fold increase (P<0.001). Similar levels were generated by PBMC after treatment of PV and at the spent phase. TF was generated by monocytes but not by lymphocytes. Plasma prothrombin fragment1+2 (F1+2) levels, assayed at the same time, were significantly higher in PV (2.46 nm) compared to normals and apparent and secondary polycythemia (0.22 to 0.32 nm), and were in a significant correlation with monocyte TF activity and antigen levels (r = 0.77, 0.87). The high levels of F1+2 confirm that the coagulation system is activated in PV. The increased capacity of monocytes to generate TF may be responsible for the activation of the coagulation system and thrombus formation. The hypercoagulability state that is induced by this mechanism suggests that long-life oral anticoagulation should be considered once thrombosis has been developed in PV.  相似文献   

Morphine has been reported to increase extracellular levels of dopamine in the brain of intact rats and to potentiate turning induced by amphetamine in nigrally-lesioned rats. The present study tested the hypothesis that there is a causal relationship between these two effects of morphine. We tested morphine alone, amphetamine alone, and the combination in separate groups of nigrally-lesioned rats for effects on turning and, by microdialysis, on extracellular dopamine levels. Morphine (3.0 or 10 mg/kg) did not produce significant turning but amphetamine (1.0 mg/kg) did. The lower dose, but not the higher dose, of morphine potentiated amphetamine-induced turning. Amphetamine, but not morphine, produced increases in extracellular dopamine levels. In contrast to what occurred with turning, 10 mg/kg but not 3.0 mg/kg morphine potentiated amphetamine-induced increases in extracellular dopamine levels. These results show that the potentiation of amphetamine-induced turning by morphine in nigrally-lesioned rats is not due to the potentiation of dopamine release in the intact striatum.  相似文献   

The nonpeptide, tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonist, CP-96345, permits the study of the physiological role of extrapyramidal substance P systems. Using microdialysis, we observed that locally applied CP-96345 (200 nM) caused a significant increase in dopamine release in the striatum as well as substantially enhancing striatal dopamine release caused by a low dose of methamphetamine (0.5 mg/kg s.c.). In addition, multiple systemic administrations of CP-96345 almost doubled the dopamine-mediated responses of the striatal neurotensin and dynorphin systems to high doses of methamphetamine (10 mg/kg/dose s.c.). Our findings suggest that the physiological role of substance P released in the striatum is to decrease the activity of the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway.  相似文献   

Repeated daily intraperitoneal (i.p.) administrations of cadmium (CdCl2, 1 mg/kg per day for 5 days) increased striatal dopamine (DA) release (180% of controls) and turnover (150% of controls) in 13-day-old rats. Cd treatment also increased striatal metallothionein (MT) content (161%), Cd (127%) and lipid peroxidation (LPO, 190%). In addition, Cd treatment decreased striatal tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity (-28%), and such an effect may result from D-2 receptor blockade as a consequence of excessive dopamine release, since sulpiride (a specific D-2 receptor antagonist) administration to Cd-treated rats abolished the effect of Cd on TH. No effect was observed on striatal monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity. Dexamethasone (Dx) treatment increased striatal MT content and caused no effect on either DA release or turnover. However, Dx administration prevented the effects caused by Cd, including the increased DA release and enhanced striatal lipid peroxidation. These results indicate that toxic effects on the brain are to be expected as a result of Cd exposure and that Dx administration can attenuate them.  相似文献   

To quantitatively assess the orolingual dysfunctions produced by unilateral striatal dopamine depletions, rats first received 6-hydroxydopamine injections into the nigrostriatal bundle and were then trained to lap water from a force-sensing disk in 2-min sessions. Compared with controls and rats with moderate (75%) dopamine depletions showed decreases in number of licks, lick rhythm, and lick peak force. Rats with substantial lesions were also impaired in making initial, within-session adjustments in lick peak force but not in lick rhythm. The results confirm the presence of Parkinson-like deficits in tongue dynamics during consummatory licking behavior in rats. The methods used here should prove useful in providing quantitative measures of the efficacy of experimental therapies in this rodent model of Parkinson's disease. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

1. This study investigates the effects of parkinsonism and of dopamine replacement therapy (levodopa) on scaling the magnitude of automatic postural responses based on sensory feedback and on predictive central set. Surface reactive torques and electromyographic (EMG) activity in response to backward surface translations were compared in patients with parkinsonism ON and OFF levodopa and in elderly control subjects. Correlations between the earliest postural responses [initial rate of change of torque and integrated EMG (IEMG)] and translation velocity provided a measure of postural magnitude scaling using somatosensory feedback. Correlations of responses with expected translation amplitude provided a measure of scaling dependent on predictive central set because the responses preceded amplitude completion. 2. Parkinsonian EMG responses in six leg and trunk muscles were not later than in elderly control subjects. In fact, quadriceps antagonist latencies were earlier than normal, resulting in coactivation at the knee not present in control subjects. EMG activation was fragmented, with short burst durations and high tonic levels that often returned to baseline with multiple bursts. In addition, parkinsonian responses showed smaller-than-normal agonist extensor bursts and larger-than-normal activation in tibialis and rectus femorus antagonist flexors. 3. Although parkinsonian subjects scaled postural responses to both displacement velocities and amplitudes, their torque response were smaller than those of elderly controls, especially in response to the largest displacement amplitudes. The gain (slope) of postural response magnitude scaling to displacement velocity was similar for parkinsonian and control subjects, although parkinsonian subjects had smaller torques. Parkinsonian subjects were also able to use prediction to scale responses to small expected displacement amplitudes, but many patients did not generate the larger plantarflexion torques required at larger displacement amplitudes. Reduced torque at large amplitudes was associated with less agonist gastrocnemius IEMG, increased tibialis antagonist burst responses, and increased tibialis tonic background activity. 4. Levodopa further reduced the already low magnitude of initial torque and IEMG responses to displacement velocities and amplitudes in parkinsonian patients. The ability to scale postural responses to velocity feedback was not affected by levodopa, but the ability to scale responses to large displacement amplitudes based on central set was worsened by levodopa. Levodopa also significantly reduced the tonic, background levels of EMG, particularly the distal gastrocnemius and tibialis activity. 5. High baseline muscle tone was apparent in parkinsonian subjects from their high background EMG activity in quiet stance, especially in tibialis and quadriceps, and the slow initial velocity of center of mass falling in response to displacements. By reducing tone, levodopa reduced passive stiffness to perturbations without increasing EMG burst magnitudes, resulting in less resistance to external displacements and thus faster center of body mass (COM) displacements. 6. The biggest postural deficit in parkinsonian subjects was not in response latency, pattern, or reactive or predictive scaling of response magnitude, but in quickly generating an adequate level of postural force. Dopamine improved tonic background postural tone but further weakened automatic postural responses to external displacements. Thus the basal ganglia may participate in postural control by regulating appropriate levels of background postural tone and by enabling adequate force generation for resisting external displacements.  相似文献   

This study directly assessed striatal dopamine (DA) uptake rates and peak release in response to KCl in normal, symptomatic, and recovered 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-treated cats using in vivo electrochemistry. DA uptake rates measured after direct application of known concentrations of DA to the striatum were slowed significantly in both dorsal and ventral striatum in symptomatic cats compared with rates recorded in normal animals. DA uptake rates remained significantly slowed in recovered cats and were not significantly different from the rates recorded in symptomatic animals. In symptomatic cats, both DA uptake rates and the signal recorded in response to KCl stimulation were significantly decreased from normal in all dorsal and ventral striatal regions sampled. Reduction/oxidation (redox) ratios recorded in response to KCl stimulation suggested DA to be the predominant electroactive species. In spontaneously recovered MPTP-treated cats, recordings in the ventral striatum subsequent to KCl stimulation again suggested DA to be the predominant electroactive species released, and peak levels were significantly higher than those recorded in symptomatic animals. In the dorsal striatum of recovered cats, redox ratios recorded subsequent to KCl stimulation suggested serotonin rather than DA to be the predominant electroactive species released. Peak levels of release in the dorsal striatum were not significantly greater than those recorded in symptomatic animals. These results suggest that in spontaneously recovered MPTP-treated cats, there is partial recovery of ventral striatal DAergic terminals, persistent loss of dorsal striatal DAergic terminals, and a down-regulation of DA transporter number/function throughout the striatum. These processes may contribute to volume transmission of DA in the striatum and promote functional recovery.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that both the norepinephrine (NE) and serotonin (5-HT) systems are involved in the regulation of human anxiety and fear responses. To assess the modulating effects of central 5-HT levels on NE function, 11 healthy human subjects were studied with placebo-controlled challenge tests involving tryptophan depletion followed by administration of the alpha-2-adrenergic antagonist yohimbine 0.4 mg/kg IV. Five of the 11 subjects reported a marked increase in feelings of nervousness (> or = 25 mm on a 100 mm analog scale) following the combination test, while 1/11 had this response to yohimbine alone. No subjects had an increase in nervousness during other control tests. The increase in nervousness after the tryptophan depletion-yohimbine test was statistically significant for the whole group, but there were no other unique changes in behavioral, physiologic or biochemical (MHPG, cortisol) variables with this test. These data are discussed in terms of possible functional interactions between the 5-HT and NE neurotransmitter systems.  相似文献   

The effects of hypoxia on the signal-averaged ECG (SAECG) were investigated in 26 healthy active subjects with no suggestion of cardiac disease. The SAECG was recorded in each resting subject in normoxic and hypoxic normobaric conditions (inspired O2 fraction 20.7 vs 10.0%) which lowered resting arterial O2 saturation from 98.6 +/- 0.6% to 77.7 +/- 8%. Recordings from four subjects (three men) met the definition of abnormal late potentials at baseline; in all these subjects but one, who exhibited an improved but still abnormal QRS duration, these parameters returned to normal in hypoxic conditions. The duration of the filtered QRS was significantly reduced (from 107.6 +/- 13.2 to 101.6 +/- 11.3 ms, P < 0.01), the duration of the low amplitude signals in the terminal portion of the QRS < 40 microV (LAS) significantly decreased (from 26.5 +/- 9.5 to 22.7 +/- 7.9 ms, P < 0.05) and the root mean square voltage in the last 40 ms (Term-RMS) increased non-significantly (from 55.8 +/- 40.2 to 69.1 +/- 38.3 microV, P = 0.058). Hypoxia determined a higher (P < 0.05) heart rate increase in subjects with abnormal records than in normal subjects. These data could be related to a sympathic discharge. They suggest that: (1) variation in heart rate could affect the SAECG; (2) exposure to hypoxia improves SAECG parameters in healthy subjects, possibly related to sympathetic discharge; (3) abnormal records collected during sinus bradycardia could represent a type of false-positive expression of late potentials in young active adults.  相似文献   

To evaluate the normal development of functional hand motor skill, the kinematics of prehension movements were analyzed in 54 healthy children (age 4-12 years). The subjects repeatedly reached out for cylindrical target objects and grasped them with a precision grip of their dominant hand. The trajectory of the reaching hand and the finger aperture were monitored by optoelectronic motion analysis. To obtain comparable conditions for the different age groups, the experimental setup was scaled according to the individual body proportions of each subject. Within the investigated age range, neither the movement duration nor the normalized (according to body proportions) peak spatial velocity of the reaching hand changed significantly. However, the hand trajectory straightened and the coordination between hand transport and grip formation improved, resulting in smooth and stereotyped kinematic profiles at the age of 12 years. The younger children opened their grip relatively wider than the older ones, thus grasping with a higher safety margin. The dependence on visual control of the movement declined during motor development. Only the oldest children were able to scale the grip aperture adequately, according to various sizes of the target objects, when visual control of the movement was lacking. The results suggest that the development of prehensile skills during childhood lasts until the end of the first decade of life. This functional maturation is discussed in relation to the development of neuronal pathways.  相似文献   

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