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A novel wideband bandpass filter based on folded substrate integrated waveguide (FSIW) is presented in the article. Five square complementary split‐ring resonators (CSRRs) are etched in the middle layer of the FSIW. By adjusting the physical size of the CSRR structure, the resonant frequency of the CSRRs can be tuned at the same time and the stopband performance can be changed. As transverse electromagnetic (TEM) mode can be transmitted in the stripline, FSIW excited by stripline shows wider passband than that excited by microstrip line directly. To achieve perfect impedance matching, two microstrip lines to stripline transitions are added in two ports of the filter. The proposed bandpass filter exhibits compact size, high selectivity, good stopband rejection, lower radiation loss, and wideband performances. The measured results show that the fractional bandwidth of the filter is about 35.5%. The measured return loss is better than 15 dB from 4.84 GHz to 6.90 GHz, and the insertion loss is less than 1.2 dB. The comparison between the simulated results and the measured ones validate the possibility of the technology that combines the FSIW and CSRR.  相似文献   

A novel compact dual‐band bandpass filter based on multilayer folded‐waveguide (FWG) structure is presented in this article.In this design, slots are used to realize direct coupling between adjacent resonators and apertures are adopted to implement cross coupling between non‐adjacent resonators.A new technique of external quality factor of FWG resonator and coupling coefficients between different resonators are studied using full‐wave simulator. In order to demonstrate the proposed technique, a four‐pole dual‐band bandpass filter is designed, fabricated and measured using vector network analyzer. Measurement results which are well agreed with simulation results are presented. Moreover, four‐pole substrate integrated folded waveguide SIFW dual‐band bandpass filter, using two layers of slotted folded waveguide resonators, is demonstrated. The proposed filter has a compact size and it is excellent candidate for the application of wireless communication systems. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 25:780–788, 2015.  相似文献   

In this article, a novel E‐plane substrate inserted waveguide bandpass filter with high selectivity and compact size is proposed in Ka‐band. By integrating an extra resonator between two metal septa, the E‐plane waveguide filter is achieved with two transmission zeros at both sides of the passband which contribute to the high‐skirt selectivity. One sample is fabricated, whose total length is just 5 mm, namely, less than 0.5 and the minimum insertion loss is only about 0.3 dB. Good agreements between simulated and measured results are obtained. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 24:451–456, 2014.  相似文献   

This article presents electromagnetic (EM) design of a new folded‐waveguide resonator filter that uses an advanced coupling scheme to achieve the desired asymmetric frequency response with an attenuation pole of finite frequency on the high side of the passband. A filter of this type with a fraction bandwidth about 5% at a center frequency of 4.45 GHz has been successfully designed using a commercially available electromagnetic simulator. The designed filter has been fabricated and tested. Simulations and experimental results are presented to validate the design and to show the advantages of this type of filter. This filter also provides a compact size compared with conventional cavity resonator filters. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2008.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel bandpass filter (BPF) using two proximity‐coupled dual‐behavior resonators (DBRs). The employed DBR is implemented by a single shunt stub with the compact microstrip resonator cell at its open end instead of the traditional dual stubs in cross‐shape. Due to the adoptions of the proposed DBR and proximity‐coupling scheme, both the transverse and longitudinal dimensions of the proposed BPF are reduced significantly. To verify the proposed idea, a demonstration microstrip BPF is designed and fabricated, and good agreement between the simulated and measured results can be observed, showing low loss and high selectivity due to four transmission zeroes in the stopband.  相似文献   

A substrate integrated folded waveguide (SIFW) controllable mixed electric and magnetic coupling structure is proposed and investigated, which is suitable for millimeter‐wave pseudo‐elliptic filter applications. The proposed structure is built by a meandered slot‐line (MSL) combined with an inductive via‐hole in a SIFW cavity, which can support two closely‐spaced resonator modes and achieves a mixed coupling. By adjusting the physical sizes of the mixed coupling structure, the electric and magnetic coupling can be separately controlled and a controllable transmission zero (TZ) can be produced below/above the passband. Furthermore, detailed analysis of the SIFW cavity mode spectrum and the mixed coupling characteristics are presented. Finally, direct‐coupled and cross‐coupled fourth‐order pseudo‐elliptic filters are designed, fabricated and measured to verify the proposed mixed coupling structure. The experimental results show that the proposed filters have good performance, such as high frequency selectivity, compact size, wide upper stopband, and easy integration with other planar circuits.  相似文献   

This article reports a novel bandpass filter using modified half mode substrate integrated waveguide technique. The via‐fences are deployed as impedance inverters for the proposed filter to reduce its footprints, which are extracted by using a full‐wave electromagnetic simulator HFSS for the filter design. Detailed design procedure is discussed. A bandpass filter having a center frequency of 10.03 GHz and a pass band from 9.78 to 10.3 GHz is designed for demonstration, and experiments are carried out for the validation. Good agreements between experiment and simulated results are obtained, which show that the proposed filter has a compact size, a low insertion loss, and a high selectivity. It is attractive for the radio communication system. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 25:277–281, 2015.  相似文献   

A dual‐mode dual‐band rectangular waveguide filtering antenna with fourth‐order Chebyshev response is presented. First, design equations and processes of filtering networks are presented. Then, filtering antenna is constructed through cross‐shaped slot for radiation instead of the output port of filtering networks. A pair of degenerated modes are exploited in waveguide resonator design to miniaturize the whole size and form two passbands. In addition, the bandwidth can be adjusted flexibly in proper range. A prototype at C‐band is fabricated and measured, showing two operation channels of 5 to 5.05 GHz and 5.1 to 5.15 GHz with high rejection between two bands. Good agreement is achieved between the simulations and measurements, showing excellent performance in terms of filtering, out‐of‐band rejection, and gain in bands.  相似文献   

In this article, a new method is suggested to improve the frequency responses of dual‐mode waveguide filters employing cross‐shaped slots. According to this method, regarding one cross‐shaped slot between two cavities, the horizontal (vertical) mode in one cavity influences the vertical (horizontal) mode in the other cavity to a much lesser extent. It enhances the overall performances. A 4th‐order dual‐mode filter is used as an example and it validates the method. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 13: 285–292, 2003.  相似文献   

In this article, a filter size reduction of 46% is achieved by reducing a substrate‐integrated waveguide (SIW)‐loaded evanescent‐mode bandpass filter to a half‐mode SIW (HMSIW) structure. SIW and HMSIW filters with 1.7 GHz center frequency and 0.2 GHz bandwidth were designed and implemented. Simulation and measurements of the proposed filters utilizing combline resonators have served to prove the underlying principles. SIW and HMSIW filter cavity areas are 11.4 and 6.2 cm2, respectively. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2013.  相似文献   

In this article, a compact dual‐band bandpass filter (BPF) is developed using a hybrid resonant structure, which consists of a microstrip stub‐loaded dual‐mode resonator and a slotline stub‐loaded dual‐mode resonator. These two resonators, both having two controllable resonant modes and one transmission zero (TZ), are analyzed and used to construct two desired passbands of a dual‐band BPF. Multiple TZs are generated by introducing a source‐load coupling, thus improving the selectivity of the passbands. Then, the dual‐band BPF is reshaped to configure a compact diplexer. The inherent TZs of the two proposed resonators are designed to improve the frequency property and port isolation of the diplexer. Finally, a dual‐band BPF and a diplexer with the lower and upper passbands centered at 2.45 and 3.45 GHz, respectively, are designed, fabricated, and measured to verify the proposed structure and method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a wideband bandpass filter design based on a short‐circuited circular patch resonator with inductively loaded slots. The cavity model method is used to analyze the excited resonances of the resonator. According to the illustration of the cavity model, the TM010 mode is excited as the fundamental mode, the resonant frequency of which is much lower than that of the TM110 mode and can be further lowered by the loaded arc‐oriented slots. Therefore, the proposed resonator can be used to design a filter with compact size. In addition, one of the two orthogonal degenerate TM110 modes can be independently tuned by the slot along the symmetric plane without affecting the TM010 mode. Since the resonant frequency of each mode can be tuned independently by the parameters of the slots, and the coupling between resonant modes of the resonator and source/load can be adjusted by the feeding angle and the capacitive loaded stubs on the feeding lines, the center frequencies and bandwidths of the designed bandpass filters can be tuned easily. The analysis is theoretically and experimentally verified by two examples with good agreement between the simulated and measured results.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel ultra‐wideband (UWB: 3.1 ~ 10.6 GHz) bandpass filter on coplanar waveguide (CPW) is presented, designed and implemented. At first, an open‐ended nonuniform or multiple‐mode resonator with three distinctive sections is constructed and investigated toward generating the first three resonant modes occurring around the lower‐end, center, and higher‐end of the UWB band. Then, a CPW interdigital capacitor element with enlarged ground‐to‐ground distance is characterized to excite two additional resonant poles below and above the UWB's center. As a result, a five‐pole UWB bandpass filter with only one full‐wavelength is constituted. Its performance is studied on the basis of a simple cascaded transmission‐line network, whose parameters are extracted from our self‐calibrated method of moments. After the optimized results are confirmed by full‐wave simulation over the filter layout, a UWB filter sample is fabricated to demonstrate the actual UWB passband behavior with the 2.8–10.2 GHz bandwidth, where the insertion loss is less than 1.5 dB and variation in group delay is less than 0.33 ns. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2007.  相似文献   

This article presents a dual‐plane structure high selectivity tri‐band bandpass filter (BPF) which consists of a pair of T‐shaped microstrip feed lines with capacitive source‐load coupling as well as spur lines embedded, and three resonators, i.e., a dual‐mode stub‐loaded stepped impedance resonator and two nested dual‐mode defected ground structure resonators. Using the intrinsic characteristics of the resonators and feed lines, nine transmission zeros near the passband edges and in the stopband can be generated to achieve high selectivity. An experimental tri‐band BPF located at 2.4/5.7 GHz [wireless local area networks (WLAN) application] and 3.5 GHz [worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) application] has been simulated and fabricated. Good agreement between the simulated and measured results validates the design approach. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2013.  相似文献   

A dual mode square‐ring defected ground waveguide (SR‐DGW) with defected square patch is first proposed to excite a single‐feed dual mode circularly polarized (CP) patch antenna, which can improve the impedance bandwidth and achieve the CP radiation pattern. The defected square patch is called the perturbation element. By optimizing the size of the perturbation, the degenerate modes of the dual mode SR‐DGW are split and their orthogonal modes can be excited simultaneously. Due to the dual mode of the SR‐DGW, the TM01 mode, and TM10 mode of the square patch antenna are excited simultaneously, which can improve the impedance bandwidth of the antenna. Meanwhile, owing to the orthogonal modes, CP radiation pattern of the antenna is obtained. Then, for a better impedance matching, an L‐shaped spurline embedded in the feedline is introduced. The simulated and measured results show a good performance of the proposed antenna. The measured ?10 dB impedance bandwidth is 10.4% (3.56 GHz‐3.95 GHz). The measured 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth is 5.36% (3.63 GHz‐3.83 GHz). Detailed designs and experiments are described and discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, a quadruple‐mode stub‐loaded resonator (QM‐SLR) is introduced and its four modes are excited using a simple approach, which can provide a dual‐band behavior. By changing the length of the loaded stubs, independently tunable transmission characteristics of the proposed quadruple‐mode stub‐loaded resonator were extensively described for filter design. Moreover, microwave varactors were adopted to represent the length variation of the loaded stubs for the dual‐band tunability. The equivalent circuit modeling of the open stub with microwave varactor was given and discussed. Then, adopting the compact quadruple‐mode stub‐loaded resonator with three varactors, an independently controllable dual‐band bandpass filter (BPF) was designed, analyzed, and fabricated. Its separated bandwidths and transmission zeros can be tuned independently by changing the applying voltage of the microwave varactors. A good agreement between simulated and measured results verified the design methodology. The proposed filter possesses compact size, simple structure, and excellent dual‐band performances. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 26:602–608, 2016.  相似文献   

In this article, a new class of dual‐/tri‐band and ultra‐wideband (UWB) bandpass filters (BPFs) using novel multi‐mode resonators are proposed. The classical even‐/odd‐mode method is applied to analyze the resonant characteristics of the proposed resonators, which exhibit controllable resonant modes with different dimension parameters under the same configuration. According to the analysis, three resonators with quad‐/penta‐/sext‐mode resonant characteristics are obtained by choosing the specific dimension parameters. Then, the quad‐mode resonator is used to design a dual‐wideband BPF centred at 2.39/5.14 GHz with 3‐dB fractional bandwidths (FBWs) of 36.9%/18.9%, and the penta‐mode resonator is utilized to design an UWB BPF with 3‐dB FBW of 102.2%, whereas the sext‐mode resonator is applied to design a tri‐band BPF with centre frequencies of 2.09/3.52/5.46 GHz and 3‐dB FBWs of 11.3%/20%/12.1%. All these three filters are fabricated and measured, and the measured results are in good agreement with the simulated ones.  相似文献   

This article proposes a novel bandpass filter with two controllable passbands using a single quad‐mode silver‐loaded dielectric resonator (DR). The silver plane is inserted in the middle of the cubic DR and two degenerate pairs are used to build the two passbands. Because of the distinct E‐field distributions, the silver plane has significant effect on the degenerate pair (TEx112 and TEy112), whereas another one (TEx111 and TEy111) remains unchanged. With the aid of the silver plane, both center frequencies and bandwidths of the two bands can be controlled independently. To verify the proposed idea, a prototype dual‐band BPF is designed and fabricated. Good agreement between simulated and measured results can be observed.  相似文献   

A balanced second‐order dual‐band bandpass filter (BPF) with independently controllable center frequencies and bandwidths based on coupled stepped‐impedance resonators (SIRs) is designed in this article. To obtain a dual‐band differential‐mode (DM) response, two pairs of SIRs with different resonant frequencies are employed in the design. The bandwidths of the two DM passbands can be independently tuned by adjusting the coupling gaps and coupling lengths of the corresponding resonators. In addition, three transmission zeros are realized to enhance the selectivity of the DM passbands. The microstrip‐slotline transition structure is utilized to achieve a wideband common‐mode (CM) suppression. Moreover, the DM responses are independent of the CM ones, which significantly simplify the design procedure. Finally, a balanced dual‐band BPF is designed to validate the design method and a good agreement between the simulated and measured results is observed.  相似文献   

A hybrid method that combines moment method and mode matching technique is presented to study H‐Plane waveguide discontinuity loaded with metallic posts at the junction of two waveguides. By expanding Eigen modes in waveguides, applying continuity of tangential fields at the discontinuity and finally nulling the tangential electric field on the post surface, a system of algebraic equations is solved to obtain current distribution on the posts and consequently scattering parameters of the structure. Then, as an application, an in‐line dual‐mode rectangular waveguide bandpass filter is analyzed using the proposed method along with generalized scattering matrix method. The numerical results are in good agreement with existing full wave finite element method in high frequency structure simulator (HFSS) results and measurements. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE , 2011.  相似文献   

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