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Currently, the sterility of heat‐processed food and pharmaceuticals is assessed in terms of an F0 value, based on the equivalence of the heat treatment to an isothermal process at a reference temperature. This F0 value, however, has a meaning if, and only if, the inactivation kinetics of the targeted spores (or cells) follow a first‐order relationship and the temperature dependence of the D value, the reciprocal of the rate constant, is log‐linear. There is growing evidence that these conditions are not satisfied by many spores, including those of Clostridium botulinum and vegetative cells. Consequently, a replacement for the F0 value is proposed in the form of a momentary equivalent time at the reference temperature based on the actual survival pattern of the spores, which need not be log‐linear. This equivalent time can be calculated together with the theoretical survival ratio in real time, thus enabling an operator to monitor the lethality of ongoing industrial heat processes. The concept is demonstrated with published survival data of C. botulinum, for which the Weibullian and log‐logistic models served as primary and secondary models, respectively. The safety factor according to the proposed method is in the number of added minutes of processing, beyond the theoretical time needed to reduce the survival ratio of the targeted spores or cells to a level that would produce practical (or commercial) sterility. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Clingstone non‐melting peach cultivars (Prunus persica L. Batsch) are used primarily for canning, but their processing as fresh‐cut products is also of interest. Four clingstone peach cultivars (‘Andross’, ‘Babygold 8′, ‘Calante’ and ‘Romea’) were evaluated for their suitability for minimal processing (washing, peeling and slicing) followed by storage for 9 days at 4 °C in a modified atmosphere using microperforated films. Romea cultivar, which has low polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzymatic activity, proved to be the most suitable cultivar for minimal processing, given its lower degree of browning as well as the results from a sensory evaluation. Maturity indicators varied slightly during storage at a different degree depending on cultivars. We have found that PPO activity and browning potential are adequate indicators for surface browning in fresh‐cut non‐melting peaches.  相似文献   

马铃薯多酚氧化酶酶学特性及热稳定性模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究马铃薯中多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase,PPO)的部分酶学性质及热稳定性并拟合数学模型预测酶活变化过程。方法:采用紫外可见分光光度计测定马铃薯多酚氧化酶活力,利用Matlab软件拟合二元多项式热稳定性数学模型,SPSS软件对多项式模型回归分析。结果:马铃薯多酚氧化酶的最适pH为5.5,最适反应温度为40℃,最适底物浓度为8.33mmol/L,加工温度、时间与酶活残存率的函数关系为:Z=24.5439+6.1163X+3.4064Y-0.0269X2-0.2361XY-0.0351Y2-0.0002836X3+0.001326X2Y+0.0012XY2,其中R2=0.981,F=100.695,p<0.001。结论:二元三次多项式模型能够较准确的反映并预测马铃薯多酚氧化酶在热加工过程中酶活的变化趋势。   相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the degradation of blackcurrant anthocyanins in a model juice system was determined over a temperature range of 4–140 °C. The thermal degradation of anthocyanins followed pseudo first-order kinetics. From 4–100 °C an isothermal method was used to determine the kinetic parameters. In order to mimic the temperature profile in retort systems, a non-isothermal method was applied to determine the kinetic parameters in the model juice over the temperature range 110–140 °C. The results from both isothermal and non-isothermal methods fit well together, indicating that the non-isothermal procedure is a reliable mathematical method to determine the kinetics of anthocyanin degradation. The reaction rate constant (k) increased from 0.16 (±0.01) × 10−3 to 9.954 (±0.004) h−1 at 4 and 140 °C, respectively. The temperature dependence of the rate of anthocyanin degradation was modelled by an extension of the Arrhenius equation, which showed a linear increase in the activation energy with temperature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the effects of trehalose on the rheological and thermal properties of tapioca starch (TS). Temperature sweep experiments showed that trehalose shifted the peak gelatinization temperature (TG′max) to higher value. Rheological features calculated from the power law model indicated that trehalose addition increased the consistency and decreased the thixotropy of TS gels. DSC experiments showed that trehalose retarded the gelatinization of TS–trehalose blends reflected in the increase of gelatinization temperature. The gelatinization kinetics was evaluated by a non‐isothermal technique based on the DSC endotherms. Kinetics analysis showed the addition of trehalose increased the activation energy and decreased the rate constants of TS–trehalose blends, indicating the same sugar effect as the rheological and DSC experiments. The work demonstrated that kinetics analysis could provide new evidences for the influence of trehalose on starch gelatinization.  相似文献   

Nectarine [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] is a sought‐after fruit due to its properties. In addition, minimally processed produces are more and more accepted by consumers. Four nectarine cultivars (‘Early Top’, ‘Nectaprima’, ‘Big Top’ and ‘Venus’) were selected to study their suitability for minimal processing. Samples were processed in a clean room at 8 °C, washed them in water (4 °C) and stored at 4 °C in modified atmosphere packaging. The samples were analysed at 0, 3, 6 and 9 days of storage, and quality parameters as well as functional compounds (polyphenols and polyphenol oxidase activity) were studied. Principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out to assess the relationship between nectarine cultivars and determined parameters. In conclusion, ‘Early Top’ and ‘Nectaprima’ cultivars showed the best quality results and therefore a promising suitability for fresh‐cut processing. Nevertheless, the remaining cultivars should not be ruled out due to their functional content, advising additional conservation treatments for them.  相似文献   

Akko XIII is an important loquat variety grown in Turkey. As with many fruits and vegetables, enzymatic browning catalyzed by polyphenol oxidase (PPO) also occurs in loquats. PPO from Akko XIII loquat was extracted and purified through (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, dialysis and ion exchange chromatography. The enzyme showed several peaks with PPO activity on DEAE-Toyopearl 650 M column, of which only two (isoenzyme A and isoenzyme B) were characterized. Assay of activity of the isoenzymes between pH 3.04 and 7.80 using catechol as substrate showed two activity peaks, one at acidic pH and the other at neutral pH. pH optima of isoenzyme A and B were found to be at 7.4 and 4.98, respectively. The Km values of isoenzyme A and B using catechol as substrate were found to be 152.3 mM and 5.4 mM, respectively. They both displayed maximal activity at 30oC. The two isoenzymes displayed different heat resistance and sensitivity towards various inhibitors.  相似文献   

Modified atmosphere packaging was used to prevent browning of minimally processed Conference pears, thus extending their shelf‐life. Colour changes as well as PPO activity were strongly influenced by the package headspace gas composition, which was determined by the packaging conditions. The initial colour of minimally processed pears was preserved for several weeks under cold storage in plastic pouches of very low O2 permeability and an initial atmosphere of 100% N2. A fractional conversion kinetic model fitted the experimental browning data with high accuracy. Colour degradation (ΔE*) of minimally processed pears occurred exponentially (kΔE = 0.019–0.077 day?1) owing to changes in lightness (kL = 0.021–0.07 day?1). In contrast, PPO exhibited a linear increase in activity which could be related to the availability of O2 in the package headspace. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Sericin hydrolysate (SH), prepared from enzymatic hydrolysis of sericin, was investigated for its antipolyphenol oxidase (PPO) properties. SH decreased PPO activity from both purified mushroom PPO and extracts from apple and eggplant, and retarded browning in fresh‐cut apple and eggplant. SH was a competitive inhibitor using catechol as a substrate. SH exhibited copper ion‐chelating power and reducing power abilities. Fractionation of SH using size exclusion chromatography resulted in four fractions, designated as F1, F2, F3 and F4, with PPO inhibition of 35.75%, 3.89%, 24.52% and 14.75%, respectively. Ser and Asp were major amino acids found in F1. Amino acid sequences in F1, as investigated by LC‐MS/MS using de novo sequencing, contained a high ratio of amino acids with chelating ability. Moreover, amino acids with reducing power ability and with antityrosinase ability were also identified in the sequences.  相似文献   

研究酸度调节剂(碳酸钠、碳酸钾、柠檬酸)对菠菜生湿面颜色及品质的影响规律.结果表明:碳酸钠和碳酸钾显著降低了(P<0.05)菠菜生湿面的△E*.当碳酸钠和碳酸钾添加量分别为0.15%(pH 8.24)和0.4%(pH 9.31)时,菠菜生湿面的△E*降至11.88和11.89.3种酸度调节剂均可以抑制菠菜生湿面多酚氧化...  相似文献   

The drying of fruits and vegetables is a complex operation that demands much energy and time. In practice, the drying of fruits and vegetables increases product shelf‐life and reduces the bulk and weight of the product, thus simplifying transport. Occasionally, drying may lead to a great decrease in the volume of the product, leading to a decrease in storage space requirements. Studies have shown that dependence purely on experimental drying practices, without mathematical considerations of the drying kinetics, can significantly affect the efficiency of dryers, increase the cost of production, and reduce the quality of the dried product. Thus, the use of mathematical models in estimating the drying kinetics, the behavior, and the energy needed in the drying of agricultural and food products becomes indispensable. This paper presents a comprehensive review of modeling thin‐layer drying of fruits and vegetables with particular focus on thin‐layer theories, models, and applications since the year 2005. The thin‐layer drying behavior of fruits and vegetables is also highlighted. The most frequently used of the newly developed mathematical models for thin‐layer drying of fruits and vegetables in the last 10 years are shown. Subsequently, the equations and various conditions used in the estimation of the effective moisture diffusivity, shrinkage effects, and minimum energy requirement are displayed. The authors hope that this review will be of use for future research in terms of modeling, analysis, design, and the optimization of the drying process of fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the properties of membrane‐bound polyphenol oxidase (mPPO) from three apple cultivars, namely Red Fuji (FJ), Granny Smith (GS) and Golden Delicious (GD), was carried out for the first time. Data indicate that mPPOs from three cultivars exhibit significantly different properties. GS mPPO had the strongest affinity to catechol, but FJ mPPO had the highest maximum velocity. Red Fuji (FJ) mPPO had the significantly higher activity than those of GD and GS mPPOs. Red Fuji (FJ) mPPO had the highest activity at pH 8.00, while GD and GS mPPOs at 4.50 and 7.50–8.00, respectively. Red Fuji (FJ) mPPO was more stable than GD and GS mPPOs over the pH range of 5.0–8.5. The optimal temperature for GS mPPO was within 70–75 °C, which is higher than those for mPPOs from FJ and GD. Thermal inactivation of the three mPPOs followed a first‐order kinetic model with different inactivation kinetic parameters.  相似文献   

Isothermal acrylamide formation in foods and asparagine-glucose model systems has ubiquitous features. On a time scale of about 60 min, at temperatures in the approximate range of 120-160 degrees C, the acrylamide concentration-time curve has a characteristic sigmoid shape whose asymptotic level and steepness increases with temperature while the time that corresponds to the inflection point decreases. In the approximate range of 160-200 degrees C, the curve has a clear peak, whose onset, height, width and degree of asymmetry depend on the system's composition and temperature. The synthesis-degradation of acrylamide in model systems has been recently described by traditional kinetic models. They account for the intermediate stages of the process and the fate of reactants involved at different levels of scrutiny. The resulting models have 2-6 rate constants, accounting for both the generation and elimination of the acrylamide. Their temperature dependence has been assumed to obey the Arrhenius equation, i.e., each step in the reaction was considered as having a fixed energy of activation. A proposed alternative is constructing the concentration curve by superimposing a Fermian decay term on a logistic growth function. The resulting model, which is not unique, has five parameters: a hypothetical uninterrupted generation-level, two steepness parameters; of the concentration climbs and fall and two time characteristics; of the acrylamide synthesis and elimination. According to this model, peak concentration is observed only when the two time constants are comparable. The peak's shape and height are determined by the gap between the two time constants and the relative magnitudes of the two "rate" parameters. The concept can be extended to create models of non-isothermal acrylamide formation. The basic assumption, which is yet to be verified experimentally, is that the momentary rate of the acrylamide synthesis or degradation is the isothermal rate at the momentary temperature, at a time that corresponds to its momentary concentration. The theoretical capabilities of a model of this kind are demonstrated with computer simulations. If the described model is correct, then by controlling temperature history, it is possible to reduce the acrylamide while still accomplishing much of the desirable effects of a heat process.  相似文献   

Anthocyanins (ACY) and colour changes in cherry pomace under non‐isothermal processing were investigated. Pomace at moisture levels of 70% (MC‐70), 41% (MC‐41) and 25% (MC‐25) was heated at 126.7 °C in a retort for 25, 40 and 60 min. Total ACY, Hunter colour values, total colour difference (ΔE), chroma, hue angle (h°) and browning index (BI) were analysed. Thermal degradation kinetics for colour parameters were determined using zero‐ and first‐order models. ACY degradation increased with heating time and ranged from 34 to 68% for 25 and 60 min heating, respectively. The half‐life of ACY was 38, 33 and 27 min for MC‐70, MC‐41 and MC‐25 pomace, respectively. The ΔE increased with increasing heating time, whereas BI exhibited an inverse trend. Except for ?E for MC‐70, the zero‐order kinetic model showed better fit (R2 = 0.85–0.97) to experimental data than the first‐order kinetic model for Hunter colour b values and ?E.  相似文献   

Leaves of erva‐mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hill) were heat treated with different combinations of time and temperature. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) residual activities and colouring (L, a, b and ΔE) were studied after treatment for 3 weeks. The best results for enzyme inactivation after heat treatment were obtained with the leaves treated at 450 °C for 15 s and at 500 °C for 10 s, with reductions of 90.6% and 83.4% for PPO and 94.5% and 92.7% for POD. These groups also showed low levels of enzyme activity during the first few days of storage, and a few days later no enzyme activity was detected. The data on the colours, specially –a values (green colour), were in accordance with results for enzyme activity and helped in the research on the changes that occur in the leaves during storage. Data from this work can be suggested for the improvement of the current method of erva‐mate processing, which is still performed empirically.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the thermal inactivation kinetics of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) in starfruit juice. It followed the Malaysia Food Regulations 1985 and CODEX STAN 247-2005. Glucose, fructose and sucrose were the main sugars in starfruit juice. The total soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, and total phenolics content of the starfruit juice produced were 8.13 ± 0.25 °Brix, 3.80 ± 0.05, 0.43% ± 0.02% malic acid, and 93.67 ± 4.96 mg GAEL−1, respectively. Thermal inactivation kinetics of PPO and POD followed the first-order kinetic model. The decimal reduction time at 83.6 °C (D83.6) of PPO and POD was 198.48 and 98.4 s, respectively, while the thermal resistance constant (z value) of PPO and POD was 12.8 and 5.4 °C, respectively. In conclusion, PPO might be a suitable signal for thermal processing on starfruit juice since it has higher heat resistance than POD.  相似文献   

Soymilk was subjected to various heat treatments at 90, 120 and 140 °C for various lengths of time. The colour and flavour of the soymilk samples were evaluated by a sensory panel consisting of eight semi‐trained assessors on (1) a 9‐unit hedonic scale, with analysis based on the assumption that the units are equidistant, and (2) a 15‐point hedonic ‘Smiley’ pictorial scale, the results being analysed non‐parametrically. The proportion (%) of ratings higher than or equal to/higher than the overall median of the samples was used as a rigorous estimate of product quality. These values were used to determine the colour and flavour changes in heated soymilk and their temperature dependence. The Z‐values derived from the parametric and non‐parametric analyses were in close agreement, ranging from 31 to 33 °C and from 30 to 32 °C for colour and flavour respectively. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Soymilk was heated over a range of temperatures (90–140°C) and times (0–6 h). The available lysine, thiamine and riboflavin content of the soymilk samples were determined. There was no significant change in available lysine during a 3 h heating period at 95°C. At elevated temperatures of 120 and 140°C, optimum heat processed soymilk gave higher measured values of available lysine than did soymilk processed at 95°C. Prolonged heating at 120 and 140°C caused a decline in available lysine. Kinetic data on the thermal degradation of thiamine and riboflavin in soymilk were fitted with first-order kinetics and the kinetic parameters were determined. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The enzyme polyphenol oxidase (PPO) reduces the extent of proteolysis and lipolysis within red clover fed to ruminants with subsequent increases in the efficiency of N utilization and the level of beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids in their products (meat and milk). It has also been reported that red clover feeding alters the rumen microbial population compared to grass feeding. This study investigated whether the observed shifts in the microbial population of the rumen when ruminants are fed red clover silage (RC) as opposed to grass silage (G) represented an adaptation by the micro‐organisms to increase the utilization of PPO‐protected protein and glycerol‐based lipid. RESULTS: The experiment consisted of two periods where ruminally fistulated dairy cows were offered either RC or G for 2 weeks, followed by collection of rumen fluid, which was then used in in vitro incubations to investigate lipolysis and proteolysis over time in plant material derived from red clover plants with either wild type PPO expression (PPO+) or PPO expression reduced to undetectable levels by gene silencing (PPO?). Proteolysis and lipolysis (P < 0.05) were lower after 24 h of incubation in the PPO+ treatment than the PPO? treatment irrespective of rumen fluid. Biohydrogenation of C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids was also lower on the PPO+ treatment than the PPO? treatment, with no effect of rumen fluid. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that microbial changes to red clover feeding did not result in an increased ability of the micro‐organisms in the present study to utilize either PPO‐protected protein or glycerol‐based lipid. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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