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在扫频光源光学相干层析术中,系统和样品中的 色散会影响大深度范围内成像分辨率的保持。本 文提出一种深度相关的色散补偿算法,用于精确补偿样品不同深度处的色散失配。其主要思 想是在干涉光 谱的频域中对样品图像按照不同深度进行分段,随后用基于抛物线法的迭代补偿法在每个深 度处对样品进 行色散补偿。该算法不需要对样品材料信息有预先了解,可在扫频光源光学相干层析系统得 到的光谱中原 位应用。通过在探测深度范围为5.720 mm的扫频光源光学相干层析系 统中对盖玻片堆、损伤KDP晶体 等不同样品进行的实验,证明该算法在全探测深度范围内都能有效提升纵向分辨率并使其接 近理论值,且对于不同种类的样品都有较好的适应性。 相似文献
报道了一种基于光栅多面镜调谐滤波器的宽带快速线性扫频激光光源。调谐滤波器由光栅和旋转多面镜组成,采用了非望远镜型利特罗布局,以简化滤波光学系统。在激光谐振腔中采用了自发辐射光谱范围互为拓展的双半导体光放大器,并将二者并联使用以确保宽光谱范围。研制的扫频激光光源的中心波长为1312 nm,扫频光谱范围为170 nm,半峰全宽为116 nm,对应于多面镜695 r/s的转速,扫频速度达到50 kHz,相应的激光输出平均功率为2 mW。该宽带快速线性扫频激光光源,尤其适用于高分辨扫频光学相干层析成像系统,轴向分辨率能达到6.5μm。 相似文献
傅里叶域锁模(FDML)技术可在保持扫频光源各项指标性能优越的前提下,将扫频速度提高至调谐滤波器的设计极限。为进一步提升FDML扫频激光光源的扫频速度,在激光谐振腔内引入光学缓存装置来实现对扫频光的备份。实验中基于环腔内光学缓存装置的扫频光源中心波长为1310nm,扫频范围为95nm,瞬时线宽为0.1nm,扫频速度翻倍提升至202kHz,平均输出光功率为7.5mW。利用光学缓存装置可将传统FDML高速扫频光源的扫频速度翻倍提升,对提升扫频光学相干层析成像(SS-OCT)系统的综合成像性能具有重要意义。 相似文献
为满足高速高精光栅解调器的要求,研制了一种基于半导体光放大器(SOA)的高速扫频激光光源。采用傅里叶畴模式锁定(FDML)的工作模式和环形腔结构,能够提供调谐频率高于2000 Hz的窄带调谐光用于光栅解调,输出光功率大于12 dBm,大大提高了光栅解调的速度和信噪比。使用该光源的光栅解调器在扫描频率不低于2 000 Hz的条件下,精度能够达到2 pm。 相似文献
为了实现色散媒质二阶时域参量的变换, 提出将色散媒质二阶参量演绎为时域参量的方法.以德拜媒质水为对象, 依据其本构参量和平面波在空气-水分界面上频域反射和透射系数, 先建立其频域超越方程式; 再依据易于得到的本构时域参量和待求的时域参量建立起其相应的时域超越方程式, 对其用迭代方法可演绎出二阶时域参量.通过时-频变换技术已证明方法的有效性.给出演绎过程和技术要点, 并对所得结果进行了讨论, 展示了因果关系.本演绎技术具有拓展延伸的潜力. 相似文献
Yiping Wang Yiping Cui Binfeng Yun 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2006,18(14):1539-1541
A novel fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor system for static and dynamic measurements with a wavelength-swept fiber laser is proposed and demonstrated. In this system, both static and dynamic perturbation of each FBG in the sensor arrays can be interrogated simultaneously. The experiments demonstrated the strain resolutions of /spl sim/1 /spl mu//spl epsiv/ and 3.4 n/spl epsiv///spl radic/Hz at 500 Hz for static and dynamic measurements, respectively. 相似文献
设计了一种基于色散控制的相位调制锁模掺镱光纤激光器。针对相位调制锁模中模式跳变现象,基于非线性薛定谔方程,建立了光脉冲在光纤激光器系统中演变的数学模型,通过数值仿真研究了色散对脉冲稳定性的影响。在光纤环形腔中加入光子晶体光纤实现色散补偿,解决了输出脉冲在两个相位差为π的模式间跳变引起的不稳定问题。在稳定锁模的前提下,进一步分析了激光器关键参数(非线性系数、小信号增益系数、调制频率和调制深度)对输出脉冲时域特性的影响。结果表明,在腔内平均色散为-19 ps2/km 时,激光器工作在稳定锁模区域,产生重复频率4.918 GHz,脉宽2.54 ps 的锁模脉冲,这对于后续实验中的优化设计具有指导性意义。 相似文献
In view of dispersion compensating in multiple wavebands at the same time, this paper proposes a novel multi-waveband dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) based on hybrid photonic crystal fiber (PCF). The proposed fiber can compensate multiple wavebands at the same time. The mechanism of the multi-waveband dispersion compensation is analyzed, and the different material-filled structure is discussed numerically. The simulation results show that the multi-waveband DCF can compensate multiple wavelengths at the same time. By a reasonable design, this fiber can replace the multi-dispersion compensating system composed by cascaded multiple devices, and minimize the loads of the system in an efficient way. 相似文献
Proposed is a time-domain interleaving technique for increasing the transmission rate of a previously reported wavelength-swept light based WDM transmitter. With this technique, the bit rate of each channel can be multiplied without increasing the repetition frequency of the wavelength sweep and without severe inter-channel crosstalk. A four-channel 2.5 Gbit/s super dense WDM transmission experiment with two interleaved 1.25 Gbit/s data streams is demonstrated. 相似文献
We propose and demonstrate a novel single-longitudinal-mode (SLM) erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) capable of operating at fixed-wavelength lasing mode with a tunable range more than 54 nm, an ultra-narrow linewidth of 473 Hz and an ultra-high optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) more than 72 dB, or operating at wavelength-swept mode with tunable sweep rate of 10—200 Hz and a sweep range more than 50 nm. The excellent features mainly benefit from a triple-ring subring cavity constructed by three optical couplers nested one another and a fiber Fabry-Pérot tunable filter which can be driven by a constant voltage or a periodic sweep voltage for fixed or wavelength-swept operation, respectively. The proposed EDFL has potential applications in high-resolution spectroscopy and fiber optic sensing. 相似文献
Stern M. Heritage J.P. Anderson W.T. Kilmer J. 《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》1992,10(12):1777-1780
Transmitting subpicosecond pulses at moderate powers over a few meters of fiber creates a notch in the pulses' power spectra in the vicinity of the fiber's zero-dispersion wavelength. This is caused by the interaction of nonlinear self-phase modulation and third-order dispersion. This phenomenon can be used to determine the zero-dispersion wavelength of single-mode fibers 相似文献
系统研究了利用稀土掺杂的石英光纤作为激光增益介质来实现分布布拉格反射式单频光纤激光器。实验中,分别将掺有Nd3+、Yb3+、Er3+/Yb3+和Tm3+的商用石英光纤,熔接到激光谐振腔中,实现了基于石英玻璃光纤的光纤激光系统在多波段的单纵模运转。对各光纤激光器的单频特性进行了研究,其中,激光器线宽可达几十千赫(特别是对于Er3+/Yb3+共掺光纤激光器,其线宽窄于7 kHz),激光系统的强度噪声接近于散粒噪声极限,实验中获得了激光波长由930 nm到2m的单频光纤激光器。实验结果证明:商用的稀土掺杂石英光纤能够作为有效的增益介质来实现短腔型单频光纤激光器。同时,通过进一步的系统集成,基于稀土掺杂石英光纤的单频光纤激光器将得到更加广泛的应用。 相似文献