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The inefficiency of starch utilisation by ruminants fed readily fermentable cereal grains, such as barley, decreases the metabolic potential of such feeds and can cause serious dysfunctions related to acidosis or pre‐acidosis status in animals with higher energy requirements. The rate and extent of ruminal disappearance of grain dry matter (DM) are determined largely by the morphological features of the seed endosperm, but the presence of polyphenols may also constitute a limiting factor in ruminal hydrolysis. To assess the impact of tannins on the rate and extent of ruminal fermentation of barley grain, commercial grade tannic acid (TA) was included at 0, 1.0, 2.5 or 5.0% (wt/wt, DM basis) with ground barley grain in incubation in situ, and disappearance of DM and crude protein were monitored over 48 h. A dose‐dependent effect of TA on in situ degradation of barley meal was observed; significance was attained (p < 0.05) at the 5% treatment level. Scanning electron microscopy revealed limited microbial hydrolysis of endosperm cell walls in TA‐treated samples, although TA did not prevent microbial attachment to or hydrolysis of starch granules. Tannins may be effective for slowing ruminal disappearance of barley to improve starch utilisation by ruminants. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Milk protein concentrates with more than 80% protein (that is, MPC80) are underutilized as the primary protein source in high‐protein nutrition bars as they impart crumbliness and cause hardening during storage. High‐protein nutrition bar texture changes are often associated with internal protein aggregations and macronutrient phase separation. These changes were investigated in model high‐protein nutrition bars formulated with MPC80 and physically modified MPC80s. High‐protein nutrition bars formulated with extruded MPC80s hardened slower than those formulated with toasted or unmodified MPC80. Extruded MPC80 had reduced free sulfhydryl group exposure, whereas measurable increases were seen in the toasted MPC80. High‐protein nutrition bar textural performance may be related to the number of exposed free sulfhydryl groups in MPC80. Protein aggregations resulting from ingredient modification and high‐protein nutrition bar storage were studied with sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Disulfide‐based protein aggregations and changes in free sulfhydryl concentration were not consistently relatable to high‐protein nutrition bar texture change. However, the high‐protein nutrition bars formulated with extruded MPC80 were less prone to phase separations, as depicted by confocal laser scanning microscopy, and underwent less texture change during storage than those formulated with toasted or unmodified MPC80.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Plant tannins as rumen modifiers are better than chemicals or antibiotic‐based modifiers since these compounds are natural products which are environmentally friendly and therefore have a better acceptance with regard to feed safety issues. Tropical plants containing phenols such as tannins were found to suppress or eliminate protozoa from the rumen and reduce methane and ammonia production. The screening of these plants is an important step in the identification of new compounds and feed additives which might contribute to mitigate rumen methanogenesis. The present study was carried out to determine the efficacy of tannins from tropical tree leaves for their methane reduction properties. RESULTS: Activity of tannins, as represented by the increase in gas volume with the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG)‐6000 as a tannin binder (tannin bioassay) was highest in Ficus bengalensis (555%), followed by Azardirachta indica (78.5%). PEG addition did not alter (P > 0.05) methane percentage in Ficus racemosa, Glyricidia maculata, Leucena leucocephala, Morus alba and Semaroba glauca, confirming that tannins in these samples did not affect methanogenesis. The increase (P < 0.05) in protozoa population with PEG was maximal in Ficus religiosa (50), followed by Moringa oleifera (31.2), Azardirachta indica (29.9) and Semaroba glauca (27.5). There was no change (P > 0.05) in the protozoa population in Autocarpus integrifolia, Ficus bengalensis, Jatropha curcus, Morus alba and Sesbania grandiflora, demonstrating that methane reduction observed in these samples per se was not due to defaunation effect of the tannin. The increase in total volatile fatty acid concentration in samples with PEG ranged from 0.6% to > 70%. The highest increase (%) in NH3‐N was recorded in Azardirachta indica (67.4), followed by Ficus mysoriensis (35.7) and Semaroba glauca (32.6) leaves, reflecting strong protein binding properties of tannin. CONCLUSION: The results of our study established that in vitro methanogenesis was not essentially related to the density of protozoa population. Tropical tree leaves containing tannins such as Autocarpus integrifolia, Jatropha curcus and Sesbania grandiflora have the potential to suppress methanogenesis. Therefore tannins contained in these plants could be of interest in the development of new additives in ruminant nutrition. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Current understanding of the effect of moderate amounts of tannins on the utilization of protein contained in forages indicates beneficial effects when fed to ruminants. Nevertheless, there is little knowledge about the effects of tannins on the ruminal hydrolysis of starch‐rich concentrates. Modulation of the hydrolysis of starch may reduce the occurrence of metabolic disorders, such as acidosis, in ruminants consuming high‐grain diets. The effects of commercial tannic acid (hydrolysable tannins) and quebracho tannins (condensed tannins) (50 g kg?1 DM) on the in vitro fermentation of ground wheat and corn grains by mixed ruminal bacteria was examined. The architecture and chemical composition of wheat and corn endosperms might explain differences in fermentation rates, as well as in response to similar concentrations of tannins. Regardless of the source of tannin, microbial fermentation was inhibited in both grains, as demonstrated by a decline in gas production, DM disappearance, volatile fatty acids and ammonia production. However, these effects were more pronounced for wheat than corn grain, mostly during the initial stages of the incubation. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that both sources of tannins inhibited the microbial hydrolysis of the endosperm protein matrix. Tannins did not prevent bacterial attachment to starch granules, but starch hydrolysis was slowed indirectly as a result of a tannin‐mediated reduction in the degradation of the surrounding protein matrix. Tannins are likely to be more effective at modulating the rate of starch digestion in grains that possess a readily degradable protein matrix. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the rumen degradation and intestinal digestibility of crude protein (CP) and AA, and AA composition of the rumen-undegradable protein (RUP) from 3 sources of blood meal (BM1, BM2, and BM3), canola meal (CM), low-fat distillers dried grains with solubles (LFDG), soybean meal (SBM), and expeller soybean meal (ESBM). Two Holstein cows fitted with ruminal and proximal duodenal cannulas were used for in situ incubation of 16 h and for the mobile bag technique. To correct for bacterial contamination of the RUP, 2 methods were used: purines and DNA as bacterial markers. Ruminal degradations of CP were 85.3, 29.8, 40.7, 75.7, 76.9, 68.8, and 37.0 ± 3.93% for BM1, BM2, BM3, CM, LFDG, SBM, and ESBM, respectively. Ruminal degradation of both total essential AA and nonessential AA followed a similar pattern to that of CP across feedstuffs. Based on the ratio of AA concentration in the RUP to AA concentration in the original feedstuff, ruminal incubation decreased (ratio <1) the concentrations of His, Lys, and Trp, and increased (ratio >1) the concentrations of Ile and Met across feedstuffs. Compared with purines, the use of DNA as bacterial marker resulted in a higher estimate of bacterial CP contamination for CM and lower estimates for LFDG and ESBM. Intestinal digestibility of RUP could not be estimated for BM1, BM3, and SBM due to insufficient recovery of residue. For the remaining feedstuffs, intestinal digestibility of RUP was highest for ESBM, followed by BM2 and LFDG, and lowest for CM: 98.8, 87.9, 89.7, and 72.4 ± 1.40%, respectively. Intestinal absorbable dietary protein was higher for BM2 compared with CM and LFDG, at 61.7, 17.9, and 20.7 ± 2.73% CP, respectively. As prices fluctuate, intestinal absorbable protein or AA may be used as a tool to aid in the selection among feedstuffs with different protein quality.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken with an objective to assess the impact of fermentation temperatures (22, 30, 38 and 46 °C for 72 h) on physico-chemical, functional and structural characteristics of locust bean (Parkia biglobosa). Alkaline fermentation treatment caused drastic reduction in anti-nutritional factors including tannins (~65%), phytates (~60%) and saponins (~70%) owing to hydrothermal treatment and production of microbial enzymes during fermentation. Furthermore, phytochemical profile and associated antioxidant potential were enhanced due to the breakdown of cell-wall components and polyphenolic complexes, liberating phenolic acids and flavonoids available for extraction. With respect to bioactive properties and in vitro starch and protein digestibility, the most pronounced effect was observed after fermentation at 38 °C for 72 h. The trend was also supported by scanning electron micrographs, which revealed modulation in the macromolecular-structural arrangement. Significant and negative correlation coefficients between anti-nutritional factors and protein digestibility (r > −0.95, P < 0.05) confirmed the degradation of protein–polyphenol matrix. Exposure of hydrophobic regions due to fermentation resulted in altered functional properties including better oil absorption capacity, higher water solubility index, reduced water absorption potential, and lower emulsification and gelation properties. Principal component analysis was further employed to statistically validate the differences among variables and observations.  相似文献   

To improve textural attributes of puffed corn‐fish snack, the effects of 1%, 1.5%, and 2% of calcium carbonate, magnesium silicate (talc), sodium bicarbonate as well as 5% and 10% of wheat bran (as the nucleating materials) on textural attributes were studied. Sensory evaluation, bulk density, expansion ratio, maximum force, and count peaks were measured using the Kramer test. The results showed that all of the additives except bran significantly enhanced the texture. Among them, talc at 0.5% was the best to enhance the density and expansion ratio. Effects of using 0.5% talc on puffed corn‐fish snack microstructure were studied using scanning electron microscopy. The average cell diameter of 109 ± 48 μm and cell numbers per square centimeter of 67.4 for talc‐treated products were obtained, while for nontalc‐treated extrudates, average cell diameter of 798 ± 361 μm and cell numbers per square centimeter of 13.9 were found. Incorporation of 0.5% w/w of magnesium silicate reduced (7‐fold) the average cell diameter while increased (4‐fold) the cell number.  相似文献   

Enzymatic hydrolytic treatments to enhance the oil extractability from soy and sunflower seeds (low and high oil content, respectively) were performed at a range of experimental conditions (moisture content, particle size, incubation time, pH and agitation). Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy showed the microstructural changes caused by the enzymatic attack. The extent of the cell wall degradation, closely related to the oil extractability, was observed to be dependent on the operational conditions under which the enzymatic treatment was carried out. Additionally, the effects of the enzymatic treatment on the seed structure were compared with those caused by thermal and mechanical treatments. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

A collection of 23 Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merrill accessions of different growth habits and contrasting digestibility and one Flemingia stricta reference accession were assessed for forage quality with particular emphasis on digestibility, condensed tannin concentration and fiber content. Large differences in in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) (356 to 598 g kg?1), content of crude protein (CP) (121 to 254 g kg?1) and extractable condensed tannins (CT) (0 to 268 g kg?1), protein‐binding capacity of extractable CT or astringency (1.7 to 7.9 protein‐binding entities) (PBE) and monomer composition of extractable CT were detected. IVDMD and extractable CT were negatively correlated and extractable CT was positively correlated with protein‐binding capacity. Prodelphinidin was positively and propelargonidin negatively correlated with protein‐binding capacity of extractable CT. The accessions CIAT 18438, CIAT 21083, CIAT 21090 and CIAT 22082 were superior to the most widely used accession CIAT 17403 in terms of forage quality and could be an option in production systems with acid infertile soils. In future evaluations, particular attention needs to be paid to chemical and structural features related to the composition of extractable CT and their effect on nitrogen utilization by ruminants. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This study was implemented to evaluate the potential of near‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) technology to estimate the chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of botanically complex herbage mixtures characterised, moreover, by a noteworthy variation among samples in the maturity of the forage plants. A total of 107 herbage samples harvested from permanent meadows located in the uplands of León (northwestern Spain) were analysed to determine their chemical composition. In addition, the in vitro digestibility of each herbage sample was measured by two different in vitro procedures using buffered rumen fluid. A Bran + Luebbe InfraAlyzer 500 spectrophotometer was used to obtain the near‐infrared spectra corresponding to each herbage sample. Prediction equations developed for the estimation of the chemical components showed that NIRS technology could predict these parameters accurately, especially the crude protein and neutral detergent fibre contents ( in both cases). In vitro digestibility parameters could also be predicted with an acceptable degree of accuracy using NIRS technology, particularly the in vitro Tilley and Terry organic matter digestibility ( , standard error of prediction (SEP) = 2.165% organic matter) and the in vitro dry matter true digestibility measured according to the Goering and Van Soest procedure ( , SEP = 2.208% dry matter). Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The variation of β‐amylase activity and protein fractions in barley grains was evaluated using 148 barley genotypes grown in the field and two cultivars under in vitro culture with two temperature treatments during grain development. The results showed that there was significant genotypic variation in β‐amylase activity and protein fraction content. Regression analysis indicated that β‐amylase activity was positively correlated with total protein and the level of each of the protein fractions, with the correlation coefficient between β‐amylase activity and hordein content being the highest. Furthermore, higher post‐anthesis temperatures (32/26°C, day/night) significantly enhanced β‐amylase activity and protein fraction content, presumably as a result of reduced starch content. Albumin and glutelin were the least and most affected, respectively, in comparison with the plants under lower temperature (22/16°C). Temperature post‐anthesis also influenced the morphology of the starch A granule and the number of B granules, suggesting the altered starch structure may also be a reason for deteriorated malting quality under high temperatures.  相似文献   

Groundnut protein concentrate (GPC) prepared by isoelectric centrifuging at pH 4 was subjected to treatment with 0–12M hydrogen peroxide in the same manner as is used to destroy aflatoxins. The protein solubility, in-vitro digestibility, amino acid composition and enzymic protein efficiency ratio (E-PER) were compared with those of untreated concentrate. The nitrogen solubilities were markedly lower at acidic pH but comparable to values obtained from untreated samples at alkaline pH; the digestibilities ranged from 71.4 to 92.1% in treated samples and from 73.7 to 98.0% in untreated samples. There was a marked reduction in the content of threonine, proline, cystine, methionine and tryptophan, which was reflected in the lower E-PER value for the treated samples. Despite these changes, peroxide-treated GPC is a potentially useful supplement to many cereal-based Nigerian weaning foods and breakfast preparations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The general use of food irradiation requires reliable identification methods as well as extensive quality characterization. Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) mushrooms, packed in polystyrene trays and covered with polyvinylchloride film, were investigated for dose‐dependent identification and quality characterization upon gamma irradiation (0, 1, 2, and 3 kGy). RESULTS: Thermoluminescence (TL) analysis of separated minerals provided excellent results to characterize the irradiated mushrooms. Low‐dose re‐irradiation (200‐600 Gy), medium‐dose re‐irradiation (1‐3 kGy) and high‐dose re‐irradiation (2‐6 kGy) were performed and compared using an additive dose method. An electronic‐nose analysis showed a difference in the volatile profiles of mushrooms following irradiation. One‐kGy‐irradiated mushrooms showed similar or better quality attributes to those of the control samples. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the dose‐dependent degradation in microstructure of mushrooms upon irradiation. CONCLUSION: An absorbed dosed estimation was possible using TL analysis in which 1‐3 kGy re‐irradiation technique gave most promising results. An E‐nose analysis effectively distinguished the samples based on irradiation history. The best quality attributes were observed at 1 kGy irradiation. However, the drastic effects of irradiation were prominent in 2 and 3 kGy‐irradiated mushrooms. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to establish the effect of seven different forages with a varied condensed tannin (CT) content, plant maturity and nitrogen fertiliser application on the ruminal formation of skatole and indole using an in vitro method designed to mimic rumen fermentation conditions. After 10 h of incubation, the concentration of indole and skatole was highest when incubating white clover (P < 0.05). Polyethylene glycol addition, to inhibit CT, showed that CT significantly reduced the formation of indole and skatole when incubating Lotus corniculatus, sulla, Dorynium rectum and Lotus pedunculatus (P < 0.01). Mature forage growth resulted in a significantly lower concentration of indole and skatole being formed in vitro compared to the incubation of new spring growth (P < 0.001). A higher application of nitrogen fertiliser to perennial ryegrass‐based pasture resulted in a higher crude protein concentration in the plant and a significantly higher concentration of skatole formed in vitro (P < 0.001). Forages containing CT reduced the conversion of endogenous protein to indole and skatole and plants containing a higher CT concentration tended to be more effective, but compositional differences of CT between forages may also have had an influence. New forage growth or swards that had a high application of nitrogen fertiliser promoted the formation of indole and skatole. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

利用麦芽糊精或麦芽糊精/β-环糊精混合物作为壁材,应用喷雾干燥法对WPH进行微囊化处理,改善酶解产物的苦味并提高其稳定性,使其在食品加工中的应用成为可能。结果表明,喷雾干燥法微囊处理可以使乳清蛋白酶解物的苦味值降到原来的1/8,吸湿性显著改善,从60.59%下降至34.41%,使得该产品具有了作为食品原料的潜力。  相似文献   

Four methods were applied to dry yam slices, and then, starches were isolated from dried yam slices. Starch isolated from fresh yam was as the study control, and physicochemical properties and in vitro digestibility of starches were studied. The results showed that the amylose content ranged from 12.62% to 28.25%, water‐binding capacity (WBC) from 111.67% to 262.88%, paste clarity from 2.1% to 6.23%, resistant starch (RS) from 66.60% to 88.49% and crystallinity from 11.27% to 25.52%. Compared with the control starch, hot air‐drying at 60 °C significantly decreased amylose content, paste clarity, RS and crystallinity, while increasing the WBC. Low levels of rapidly digestible starch and glucose and high RS levels were found in the starch from freeze‐drying yam. Digestibility of the starches was significantly correlated with amylose content, WBC, paste clarity and swelling power. The starch samples were divided into three groups by principal component analysis (PCA).  相似文献   

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