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In many areas of Computer Science, including planning, workflows, guidelines, and protocol management, one has to deal with abstract plans, procedures, or schedules involving temporal constraints between classes of actions that have to be repeated at periodic times and may be instantiated in different ways for different executions of the plans (procedures, schedules). In this paper we propose an integrated framework to deal with both qualitative temporal constraints on classes of actions and temporal constraints between instances of actions, in which temporal reasoning is used to amalgamate both types of constraints and to check their consistency. In particular, we consider an expressive formalism to deal with temporal constraints between classes of actions (with special attention to periodic actions) which takes into account different components such as frame times, numeric quantification, periods, and qualitative relations. We define the notions of (contextual) concretization of qualitative temporal constraints between classes and use this notion to formally define the consistency of a knowledge base of temporal constraints between classes and a set of temporal constraints on instances, and to define the algorithm for checking such a consistency. An application for scheduling lessons in a school is shown in an example.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose an Allen‐like approach to deal with different types of temporal constraints about periodic events. We consider the different components of such constraints (thus, unlike Allen, we also take into account quantitative constraints) including frame times, user‐defined periods, qualitative temporal constraints, and numeric quantifiers and the interactions between such components. We propose a specialized high‐level formalism to represent temporal constraints about periodic events; temporal reasoning on the formalism is performed by a path‐consistency algorithm repeatedly applying our operations of inversion, intersection, and composition and by a specialized reasoner about periods and numeric quantification. The high‐level formalism has been designed in such a way that different types of temporal constraints about periodic events can be represented in a compact and (hopefully) user‐friendly way and path‐consistency‐based temporal reasoning on the formalism can be performed in polynomial time. We also prove that our definitions of inversion, intersection, and composition and, thus, of our path‐consistency algorithm, are correct. This article also sketches the general architecture of the temporal manager for periodic events (TeMP+), that has been designed on the basis of our approach. As a working example, we show an application of our approach to scheduling in a school. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A Closed-Form Solution to Non-Rigid Shape and Motion Recovery   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recovery of three dimensional (3D) shape and motion of non-static scenes from a monocular video sequence is important for applications like robot navigation and human computer interaction. If every point in the scene randomly moves, it is impossible to recover the non-rigid shapes. In practice, many non-rigid objects, e.g. the human face under various expressions, deform with certain structures. Their shapes can be regarded as a weighted combination of certain shape bases. Shape and motion recovery under such situations has attracted much interest. Previous work on this problem (Bregler, C., Hertzmann, A., and Biermann, H. 2000. In Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Brand, M. 2001. In Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Torresani, L., Yang, D., Alexander, G., and Bregler, C. 2001. In Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) utilized only orthonormality constraints on the camera rotations (rotation constraints). This paper proves that using only the rotation constraints results in ambiguous and invalid solutions. The ambiguity arises from the fact that the shape bases are not unique. An arbitrary linear transformation of the bases produces another set of eligible bases. To eliminate the ambiguity, we propose a set of novel constraints, basis constraints, which uniquely determine the shape bases. We prove that, under the weak-perspective projection model, enforcing both the basis and the rotation constraints leads to a closed-form solution to the problem of non-rigid shape and motion recovery. The accuracy and robustness of our closed-form solution is evaluated quantitatively on synthetic data and qualitatively on real video sequences.  相似文献   

Much research in the area of constraint processing has recently been focused on extracting small unsatisfiable “cores” from unsatisfiable constraint systems with the goal of finding minimal unsatisfiable subsets (MUSes). While most techniques have provided ways to find an approximation of an MUS (not necessarily minimal), we have developed a sound and complete algorithm for producing all MUSes of an unsatisfiable constraint system. In this paper, we describe a relationship between satisfiable and unsatisfiable subsets of constraints that we subsequently use as the foundation for MUS extraction algorithms, implemented for Boolean satisfiability constraints. The algorithms provide a framework with which many related subproblems can be solved, including relaxations of completeness to handle intractable instances, and we develop several variations of the basic algorithms to illustrate this. Experimental results demonstrate the performance of our algorithms, showing how the base algorithms run quickly on many instances, while the variations are valuable for producing results on instances whose complete results are intractably large. Furthermore, our algorithms are shown to perform better than the existing algorithms for solving either of the two distinct phases of our approach.  相似文献   

We study two natural extensions of Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). Balance-Max-CSP requires that in any feasible assignment each element in the domain is used an equal number of times. An instance of Hard-Max-CSP consists of soft constraints and hard constraints, and the goal is to maximize the weight of satisfied soft constraints while satisfying all the hard constraints. These two extensions contain many fundamental problems not captured by CSPs, and challenge traditional theories about CSPs in a more general framework. Max-2-SAT and Max-Horn-SAT are the only two nontrivial classes of Boolean CSPs that admit a robust satisfibiality algorithm, i.e., an algorithm that finds an assignment satisfying at least (1 ? g(ε)) fraction of constraints given a (1 ? ε)-satisfiable instance, where g(ε) → 0 as ε → 0, and g(0) = 0. We prove the inapproximability of these problems with balance or hard constraints, showing that each variant changes the nature of the problems significantly (in different ways). For instance, deciding whether an instance of 2-SAT admits a balanced assignment is NP-hard, and for Max-2-SAT with hard constraints, it is hard to find a constant-factor approximation even on (1 ? ε)-satisfiable instances (in particular, the version with hard constraints does not admit a robust satisfiability algorithm). We also study hardness results for a certain CSP over a larger domain capturing ordering constraints: we show that hard constraints rule out constant-factor approximation algorithms. All our hardness results are almost optimal — they completely rule out algorithms with certain properties, or can be matched by simple extensions to existing algorithms.  相似文献   

Simple Temporal Networks (STNs) provide a powerful and general tool for representing conjunctions of maximum delay constraints over ordered pairs of temporal variables. In this paper we introduce Hyper Temporal Networks (HyTNs), a strict generalization of STNs, to overcome the limitation of considering only conjunctions of constraints but maintaining a practical efficiency in the consistency check of the instances. In a Hyper Temporal Network a single temporal hyperarc constraint may be defined as a set of two or more maximum delay constraints which is satisfied when at least one of these delay constraints is satisfied. HyTNs are meant as a light generalization of STNs offering an interesting compromise. On one side, there exist practical pseudo-polynomial time algorithms for checking consistency and computing feasible schedules for HyTNs. On the other side, HyTNs offer a more powerful model accommodating natural constraints that cannot be expressed by STNs like “Trigger off exactly δ min before (after) the occurrence of the first (last) event in a set.”, which are used to represent synchronization events in some process aware information systems/workflow models proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

Given a bounded integer program with n variables and m constraints, each with two variables, we present an O(mU) time and O(m) space feasibility algorithm, where U is the maximal variable range size. We show that with the same complexity we can find an optimal solution for the positively weighted minimization problem for monotone systems. Using the local-ratio technique we develop an O(nmU) time and O(m) space 2 -approximation algorithm for the positively weighted minimization problem for the general case. We further generalize all results to nonlinear constraints (called axis-convex constraints ) and to nonlinear (but monotone) weight functions. Our algorithms are not only better in complexity than other known algorithms, but also considerably simpler, and they contribute to the understanding of these very fundamental problems. Received June 21, 1996; revised December 5, 1997.  相似文献   

Efficient Algorithms for Interface Timing Verification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents algorithms for computing separations between events that are constrained to obey prespecified relationships in their relative time of occurrence. The algorithms are useful for interface timing verification, where event separations are checked against timing requirements. The first algorithm computes separations when only linear and max constraints exist. The algorithm must converge to correct maximum separation values in a finite number of steps, or report an inconsistence of the constraints, irrespective of the existence of infinite constraint bounds or infinite event separations. It is conjectured to run in time, where V is the number of events, and E is the number of relationships between them. The other algorithms extend the first, and compute event separations in the NP-complete version of the problem where min constraints exist. Experiments demonstrate the algorithms are efficient in practice.  相似文献   

This paper describes a general model for pre-run-time scheduling of distributed real-time systems that are composed of abstract data types (definable in languages such as Ada, Clu and Modula-2) and abstract data objects (which can be defined in C++, Eiffel and RT Euclid). An architecture model, a programming paradigm, and execution and communication paradigms form the basis for this general model. The model includesabsolute timing constraints to represent periodicity and deadlines,relative timing constraints to model several kinds of timed precedence relations and synchronization requirements,independency constraints to capture non-determinism of conditionals and repetitions, andconsistency constraints to enforce consistent use of resources. In this paper, the model is formalized to obtain a mathematical foundation on which assignment (Verhoosel et al. 1993a, Welch 1992, Welch et al. 1993) and pre-run-time scheduling problems (Verhoosel et al. 1991, Verhoosel 1992, 1993a, 1993c) are defined. Additionally, the model is extended to allow exploitation of parallelism from programs, a technique that can be used during assignment and scheduling for meeting timing constraints.  相似文献   

Mining spatial colocation patterns: a different framework   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently, there has been considerable interest in mining spatial colocation patterns from large spatial datasets. Spatial colocation patterns represent the subsets of spatial events whose instances are often located in close geographic proximity. Most studies of spatial colocation mining require the specification of two parameter constraints to find interesting colocation patterns. One is a minimum prevalent threshold of colocations, and the other is a distance threshold to define spatial neighborhood. However, it is difficult for users to decide appropriate threshold values without prior knowledge of their task-specific spatial data. In this paper, we propose a different framework for spatial colocation pattern mining. To remove the first constraint, we propose the problem of finding N-most prevalent colocated event sets, where N is the desired number of colocated event sets with the highest interest measure values per each pattern size. We developed two alternative algorithms for mining the N-most patterns. They reduce candidate events effectively and use a filter-and-refine strategy for efficiently finding colocation instances from a spatial dataset. We prove the algorithms are correct and complete in finding the N-most prevalent colocation patterns. For the second constraint, a distance threshold for spatial neighborhood determination, we present various methods to estimate appropriate distance bounds from user input data. The result can help an user to set a distance for a conceptualization of spatial neighborhood. Our experimental results with real and synthetic datasets show that our algorithmic design is computationally effective in finding the N-most prevalent colocation patterns. The discovered patterns were different depending on the distance threshold, which shows that it is important to select appropriate neighbor distances.  相似文献   

Bridging the gap between OWL and relational databases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite similarities between the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and schema languages traditionally used in relational databases, systems based on these languages exhibit quite different behavior in practice. The schema statements in relational databases are usually interpreted as integrity constraints and are used to check whether the data is structured according to the schema. OWL allows for axioms that resemble integrity constraints; however, these axioms are interpreted under the standard first-order semantics and not as checks. This often leads to confusion and is inappropriate in certain data-centric applications. To explain the source of this confusion, in this paper we compare OWL and relational databases w.r.t. their schema languages and basic computational problems. Based on this comparison, we extend OWL with integrity constraints that capture the intuition behind similar statements in relational databases. We show that, if the integrity constraints are satisfied, they need not be considered while answering a broad range of positive queries. Finally, we discuss several algorithms for checking integrity constraint satisfaction, each of which is suitable to different types of OWL knowledge bases.  相似文献   

We provide a new perspective on the semantics of logic programs with arbitrary abstract constraints. To this end, we introduce several notions of computation. We use the results of computations to specify answer sets of programs with constraints. We present the rationale behind the classes of computations we consider, and discuss the relationships among them. We also discuss the relationships among the corresponding concepts of answer sets. One of those concepts has several compelling characterizations and properties, and we propose it as the correct generalization of the answer-set semantics to the case of programs with arbitrary constraints. We show that several other notions of an answer set proposed in the literature for programs with constraints can be obtained within our framework as the results of appropriately selected classes of computations.  相似文献   

结合限制的分隔模型及K-Means算法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
何振峰  熊范纶 《软件学报》2005,16(5):799-809
将数据对象间的关联限制与K-means算法结合可以取得较好的效果,但由于划分是由K个中心决定的,每一类仅由一个中心决定,分隔的表示方法限制了算法效果的进一步提高.基于数据对象间的两类限制,定义了数据对象和集合间的两类关联,以及集合间的3类关联,在此基础上给出了结合限制的分隔模型.在模型中,基于集合间的正关联,多个子集中心可以用来表示同一类,使划分的表示可以更为灵活、精细.基于此模型,给出了相应的算法CKS(constrained K-meanswith subsets)来生成结合限制的分隔.对3个UCI数据集的实验结果显示:在准确率及健壮性上,CKS显著优于另一个结合关联限制的K-means类算法COP-K-means,与另一个代表性的算法CCL相比,也有相当优势;在时间代价上,CKS也有一定优势.  相似文献   

The notion of shuffle on trajectories is a natural generalization of many word operations considered in the literature. For a set of trajectories T, we define the notion of a T-code and examine its properties. Particular instances of T-codes are prefix-, suffix-, infix-, outfix- and hyper-codes, as well as other classes studied in the literature.Received: 1 December 2003, Published online: 25 March 2004Research supported in part by an NSERC PGS-B graduate scholarship.  相似文献   

We consider the total weighted completion time scheduling problem for parallel identical machines and precedence constraints, P| prec|\sum w i C i . This important and broad class of problems is known to be NP-hard, even for restricted special cases, and the best known approximation algorithms have worst-case performance that is far from optimal. However, little is known about the experimental behavior of algorithms for the general problem. This paper represents the first attempt to describe and evaluate comprehensively a range of weighted completion time scheduling algorithms. We first describe a family of combinatorial scheduling algorithms that optimally solve the single-machine problem, and show that they can be used to achieve good performance for the multiple-machine problem. These algorithms are efficient and find schedules that are on average within 1.5\percent of optimal over a large synthetic benchmark consisting of trees, chains, and instances with no precedence constraints. We then present several ways to create feasible schedules from nonintegral solutions to a new linear programming relaxation for the multiple-machine problem. The best of these linear programming-based approaches finds schedules that are within 0.2\percent of optimal over our benchmark. Finally, we describe how the scheduling phase in profile-based program compilation can be expressed as a weighted completion time scheduling problem and apply our algorithms to a set of instances extracted from the SPECint95 compiler benchmark. For these instances with arbitrary precedence constraints, the best linear programming-based approach finds optimal solutions in 78\percent of cases. Our results demonstrate that careful experimentation can help lead the way to high quality algorithms, even for difficult optimization problems. Received October 30, 1998; revised March 28, 2001.  相似文献   

An interval algebra (IA) has been proposed as a model for representing and reasoning about qualitative temporal relations between time intervals. Unfortunately, reasoning tasks with IA that involve deciding the satisfiability of the temporal constraints, or providing all the satisfying instances of the temporal constraints, areNP-complete. That is, solving these problems are computationally exponential in the worst case. However, several directions in improving their computational performance are still possible. This paper presents a new backtracking algorithm for finding a solution called consistent scenario. This algorithm has anO(n 3) best-case complexity, compared toO(n 4) of previous known backtrack algorithms, wheren denotes the number of intervals. By computational experiments, we tested the performance of different backtrack algorithms on a set of randomly generated networks with the results favoring our proposal. In this paper, we also present a new path consistency algorithm, which has been used for finding approximate solutions towards the minimal labeling networks. The worst-case complexity of the proposed algorithm is stillO(n 3); however, we are able to improve its performance by eliminating the unnecessary duplicate computation as presented in Allen's original algorithm, and by employing a most-constrained first principle, which ensures a faster convergence. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated through a large set of experimental data.  相似文献   

Table constraints play an important role within constraint programming. Recently, many schemes or algorithms have been proposed to propagate table constraints and/or to compress their representation. In this paper, we describe an optimization of simple tabular reduction (STR), a technique proposed by J. Ullmann to dynamically maintain the tables of supports when generalized arc consistency (GAC) is enforced/maintained. STR2, the new refined GAC algorithm we propose, allows us to limit the number of operations related to validity checking and search of supports. Interestingly enough, this optimization makes simple tabular reduction potentially r times faster where r is the arity of the constraint(s). The results of an extensive experimentation that we have conducted with respect to random and structured instances indicate that STR2 is usually around twice as fast as the original STR, two or three times faster than the approach based on the hidden variable encoding, and can be up to one order of magnitude faster than previously state-of-the-art (generic) GAC algorithms on some series of instances. When comparing STR2 with the more recently developed algorithm based on multi-valued decision diagrams (MDDs), we show that both approaches are rather complementary.  相似文献   

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