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Sampling of cereal foods from bulk samples for analyses of nutrients is a well-known procedure, but a satisfactory sampling scheme for such analyses from breeding and agronomic trials has not been defined. However, selection of five plants from each experimental plot is a common procedure among agricultural scientists. The validity of using grains from such a sample for analysis of protein was tested in the present investigation. Values obtained by analysis of pooled samples of five randomly selected ear-heads or the average values of five such ear-heads were not significantly different from those obtained by analyses of sampled aliquots from net plot.  相似文献   

Long-term low cost storage of whole-stalk lignocellulosic energy sorghum biomass (specialized forage varieties of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is essential for the feedstock's successful role as a dedicated energy crop for ethanol production. As an alternative to expensive ensiling methods, aerobic storage of S. bicolor (L.) Moench biomass in traditional rectangular bale formats could alleviate feedstock supply costs if material deterioration in storage could be minimized. Moisture desorption and adsorption isotherms for S. bicolor (L.) Moench were created at 15 °C, 20 °C, 30 °C, and 40 °C with water activities from 0.1 to 0.9 using the dynamic dew-point method. Sorption isotherms were modeled using four temperature dependent and three temperature independent equations. The relationship between equilibrium moisture content and water activity was found to decrease with increasing temperatures. GAB (Guggenheim–Anderson–de Boer) monolayer moisture content and the moisture content at which microbial activity becomes limited were found to range from 5.6% db to 10.4% dry basis (db) and 12.0% db to 18.4% db, respectively. The net isosteric heat of sorption was calculated using the Clausius–Clapeyron equation and determined to be higher for desorption than adsorption with both trends decreasing exponentially at increasing levels of moisture content. The differential entropy of S. bicolor (L.) Moench was shown to exhibit a log normal relationship with moisture; peaking near the monolayer moisture content. The results of the study indicate that aerobic storage of energy sorghum biomass may be similar to other herbaceous feedstocks should extensive drying occur before entering storage.  相似文献   

Factors able to modulate chelating factors, trace minerals and their bioavailability were investigated in porridges of five sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) varieties: from Nigeria, Senegal, Burkina Faso and two from Italy. Effects of variety and traditional fermentation and cooking were assessed on iron‐binding phenolic groups, phytates and iron and zinc content and bioavailability. Chelating factors, trace elements as well as the effect of processing (mainly fermentation) were modulated by variety. Fermentation decreased iron‐binding phenolic groups until 49% and phytate content until 72% as well as increased phytase activity 3.4–16.4 fold, leading to enhancement of iron and zinc estimated bioavailability. Cooking alone had almost no effect. The lowest chelating factors content and the highest trace minerals bioavailability were shown by fermented Senegal landrace, whereas the Italian varieties overall showed the worst results. The results indicate that selection of traditional varieties and appropriate processing methods can improve sorghum nutritional value.  相似文献   

Sorghum is a climate resilient grain cereal crop originating from Africa that has traditionally been used to make a variety of fermented beverages such as pito and baijiu. In Western markets, the use of sorghum to produce beers and beverages has recently risen due to the visibility of a gluten sensitive/intolerant market and a growing interest in unique inputs for beverage production. As such, there is a developing body of research on sorghum as a malted input into beverages. A major limitation to the wider adoption of sorghum as a substrate in mashing is its low activity of amylolytic enzymes, either the result of insufficient activity or inhibition by endogenous compounds. A collection of 42 diverse accessions representing the grain sorghum diversity panel, was evaluated for associations between alpha and beta amylase content, race, origin, and seed colour as well as two classes of amylase inhibitors, phenols and tannins. Among these accessions are several commonly used genetic resources, including reference line BTx623. Notable findings include accessions with high alpha amylase content, sources that may harbour additional high amylase sorghums, associations with grain colour, and populations which may be used to genetically map the trait. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of the Institute of Brewing published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

The seeds of two cultivars of Sudanese sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), namely Wad Ahmed and Tabat, were germinated for 4 days to obtain 1‐, 2‐ and 4‐day‐old malts. Sorghum malt (5% and 10%) was added to sorghum flour. The mixtures were incubated at 30 °C with shaking for 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. Malting loss was very slight for both cultivars and for all incubation periods. Phytic acid and tannin contents were assayed for all treatments. The results revealed that phytate and tannin contents were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) reduced when sorghum flour was pretreated with malt. When a mixture containing 10%, 4‐day‐old malt and sorghum flour was incubated for 120 min, it significantly (P ≤ 0.05) reduced phytate and tannin contents by 92% and 98%, respectively, for Wad Ahmed cultivar, while for Tabat they were reduced by 93% and 96%, respectively. The rate of reduction of phytate and tannin content increased with incubation time and malt age and concentration.  相似文献   

The rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.) is an important pest of stored sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with rice weevil resistance was analyzed using a F10 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross 654 (susceptible) × LTR108 (resistant). Grain weight losses (GWL), flour production (FP), and percentage kernels damaged (PKD) were evaluated across two trails. A total of 21 QTLs for GWL, FP, and PKD were identified. The phenotypic variation explained by individual QTL varied from 4.14% to 15.51%. Both parents contributed resistance alleles. Several main effect QTLs affecting GWL, FP, and PKD were mapped to the same regions on chromosome 2. The identification of genomic regions associated with rice weevil resistance will be useful to understand the resistance mechanism and improve rice weevil resistance of sorghum by marker-aided approaches.  相似文献   

Beer production with up to 40% unmalted cereals such as barley, wheat, rice and maize is legally allowed and thus practised in many European countries. The use of oats and sorghum as brewing adjuncts has great potential for creating new beer types/flavours and saving costs. In contrast to oats, sorghum is not as well known within Europe; however, its versatility makes it a very promising crop for exploitation in these temperate‐zone regions. This review describes the brewing‐relevant characteristics of unmalted oat and sorghum grain, investigates the role and properties of endogenous/exogenous enzymes during mashing, discusses the processability/quality of mashes, worts and beers produced with up to 40% oat or sorghum adjunct, and examines the effectiveness/limitations of endogenous enzymes as well as the benefits of the application of exogenous enzymes. Copyright © 2014 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

The inhibitory activity of bioactive polyphenols present in six sorghum genotypes—two red (AON 486 and IS 620), two yellow (LPJ and IS 17779) and two white (SPV 86 and SPV 462) varieties—on Aspergillus parasiticus (NRRL 2999) growth and aflatoxin production was evaluated. In the first experiment the production of aflatoxins in the six sorghum genotypes after removal of surface phenolics by acidic methanol treatment was studied and compared with that in untreated grains. Aflatoxin production was found to be fourfold higher in treated grains. The total phenols and bioactive polyphenols extracted by acidic methanol were quantified using the Folin–Denis method and the bovine serum albumin–benzidine conjugate procedure respectively. In the second experiment the effect of extracted sorghum phenolics under in vitro conditions on fungal growth and aflatoxin production was studied at two concentrations (0.01% and 0.1%) of phenolics. Extracted phenolics added to yeast extract sucrose (YES) medium at 0.1% concentration showed an inhibitory effect on aflatoxin production. At 0.01% phenolic concentration, aflatoxin production was minimal on day 3 after infection. At other time points the aflatoxin content was similar to that in the control. At 9 days after infection the fungal biomass in IS 620 was significantly lower than that in the control. At 0.1% phenolic concentration, aflatoxin production was minimal and the red genotype IS 620 showed maximum resistance. Fungal biomass was lowest at all growth stages in IS 620 as compared with the control. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity was not detected in A. parasiticus grown on YES medium (control). PPO activity was not induced in A. parasiticus by the addition of phenolics to the liquid culture medium (no PPO activity was detected in the culture medium). The inhibitory activity of bioactive polyphenols could be attributed to the lack of PPO enzyme in this fungus. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Some physical, chemical properties and the rheological behaviour of the sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L Moench) pekmez (molasses) were determined. The rheological behaviour of the sweet sorghum pekmez (concentrated sorghum juice) with different soluble solid contents (75.1, 72.4, 66.5, and 59.4 °Brix) was determined in the temperature range of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50°C using a rotational viscometer equipped with spindle 5 at the speed (share rate) of 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 rpm. An empirical power law model was used to describe the rheological behavior of the sweet sorghum pekmez with correlation coefficients (R2) between 0.922 and 0.986. The sweet sorghum pekmez exhibited a pseudoplastic behavior. An Arrhenius equation was used to describe the effect of temperature on viscosity and Ea value of the sweet sorghum pekmez was calculated as 31 350 J/mol. Depending on the soluble solids contents, the activation energies for flow of diluted samples vary from 52.27 to 24.50 kJmol?1. The effect of °Brix on viscosity can be described by the power-law equation. Experimental data were fitted to power law and exponential model in order to describe the effect of temperature and soluble dry matter content. Density and Electrical conductivity were measured 1.3915 g/cm3 and 13.53 mS/cm, respectively. The color as L, a and b value were measured 19.07, + 4.0, and + 2.18, respectively.  相似文献   

Sorghum is a cereal used as a food source by humans and animals. However, it presents antinutritional factors such as tannins and phytic acid, compounds that form complexes with proteins and minerals, respectively, decreasing sorghum’s digestive value. The purpose of this study was to apply tannase and phytase to sorghum and evaluate the effect on tannins and phytate level and the effect of the enzymatic treatment on Wistar rats. Tannin sorghum was treated with tannase and phytase, the effect of this treatment was measured in a study with rats, a group received a diet with raw sorghum and the other one a diet with treated sorghum. The enzymatic treatment was effective in reducing tannins and promoting the increase of inorganic phosphorus. The biological assay showed that the enzymatically treated sorghum was better than raw sorghum in the apparent digestibility of phosphorus, in the level of glucose, cholesterol and triacylglycerol. Treatment of the sorghum also resulted in lower activity of the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase in rat serum. The enzymatic treatment of sorghum could improve the nutritional value of this cereal while also decreasing environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Four cultivars of sorghum were artificially inoculated with Fusarium moniliforme conidia at flowering and bagged. These samples along with their untreated controls were harvested at physiological maturity and 2 weeks after physiological maturity. The grains obtained from both the treatments were studied for their milling, malting and popping characteristics. Grains harvested at physiological maturity stage possessed superior milling and malting characteristics whereas late-harvested grains exhibited better popping characteristics. Milling and popping reduced the seed mycoflora considerably.  相似文献   

The effect of germination time (48, 96 and 144 h) on malt quality of six sorghum varieties was investigated to determine the potential of grain sorghum cultivars in the local brewery industry. Six sorghum varieties (Gambella 1107, Macia, Meko, Red‐Swazi, Teshale and 76 T1#23) were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results showed that both germination time and variety had a significant effect (p ≤ 0.05) on sorghum malt quality. The hectolitre weight (kg hL?1 at 12.5% moisture), germination energy (%), crude protein (%) and flour starch amylose content (%) were: 75.8–82.9, 96–99, 7.0 ? 11.9 and 16.0 ? 23.0, respectively. The sorghum malt diastatic power (DP, °L), free amino nitrogen (FAN, mg L?1), hot water extract (HWE, %) and malting loss (%) were: 18.96 ? 31.39, 185.67 ? 343.29, 41.85 ? 85.08 and 8.68 ? 27.56, respectively. Malting loss, HWE and FAN increased with germination time. The DP increased as the germination duration increased from 48 to 96 h, but the difference between 96 and 144 h was not significant. Considering the excessive malting loss and marginal increase in HWE beyond 96 h, this study suggests that the optimum malting duration would be around 96 h. Among the varieties tested, Teshale and Gambella 1107 produced the better malt quality. Copyright © 2012 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

Antioxidant compounds and activities of methanol extracts of sorghum for different milling times were investigated. Total polyphenol, flavonoid, and tannin contents were measured using spectrophotometric methods. Methanol extracts were also evaluated for antioxidant activities based on DPPH and ABTS radical-scavenging activities. As milling rates increased, milling recovery and a value decreased, while L and b values increased. The extraction yield, antioxidant compound contents, and antioxidant activities of sorghum grain decreased with increasing milling rates. Methanol extracts from sorghum bran generally showed higher antioxidant activities than extracts from sorghum grain. The antioxidant content was higher in sorghum bran extracts than in grain extracts. A significant (p<0.05) correlation was observed between free radical-scavenging activity and the content of polyphenolic compounds. Sorghum bran exhibited antioxidant activities that may have important health benefits.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is an important coarse cereal crop grown for grain and fodder in the semi‐arid Tropics, mainly in Asian and African countries. In India sorghum is consumed as human food and poultry feed. Sorghum grain grown in the rainy season (kharif) is becoming severely affected by grain moulds, the major fungi involved being Aspergillus, Fusarium and Curvularia. If the extent of mould is severe, the grain is unsafe for consumption owing to contamination by mycotoxins. RESULTS: This paper presents a multi‐centre study conducted in sorghum to evaluate natural contamination of aflatoxin B1 in India. A total of 1606 grain sorghum samples were collected during the rainy (kharif) season across 4 years from seven states of India, representing different geographical regions of the country. Aflatoxin B1 contamination during 2007–08 was the highest (13.1%), followed by samples from the year 2004–05 (2.85%). The samples collected in years 2005–06 and 2006–07 showed contamination below 1%. The number of samples (35) showing aflatoxin B1 contamination above the safety limit was also highest during 2007–08 as compared to samples from the other years. CONCLUSION: This study, conducted for 4 years, showed that natural contamination of aflatoxin B1 in sorghum grown in India is within safety limits (20 µg kg?1) recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Committee and 73% of samples were positive for toxin. However, 0.75% (12) of total samples contained aflatoxin above the safety limit. The overall occurrence of toxin from Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan was below 5 µg kg?1. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Preparation, physicochemical properties, pasting behavior and amylolytic susceptibility of sorghum starch have been investigated. The yield of starch was about 60.25%, on whole grain basis. The starch exhibited double stage swelling and low solubility pattern in an aqueous system. Viscoamylographic studies on pasting behaviour of the starch revealed a peak viscosity of 800 B. U. at 8% (w/v) concentration; however, it decreased considerably during cooking (viz. holding period of 30 min at 93°C). The amylose content of the starch was 23.45%. The gelatinization temperature range was found to be 68.5–72.5–78.5°C. The results indicated that the native starch hydrolyzed to a limited extent by human salivary α-amylase and glucoamylase as compared to gelatinized starch. In addition, the mode of attack by amylolytic enzymes on the native starch granules viewed by SEM has been studied in detail.  相似文献   

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