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Optimum selection combining using the maximum energy (OSC-ME) criterion for M-ary noncoherent frequency shift keying signaling in independent and nonidentically distributed fading channels is examined. A weighted maximum energy selection combining (WMESC) scheme is proposed and found to provide virtually the same symbol error probability as OSC-ME in Rician fading channels. The WMESC always provides power gain over the classical selection combining regardless of diversity order and signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   

In this paper the bit error probability (BEP) of narrowband M-ary differential phase shift keying with differential phase detection (MDPSK-DPD) and maximum ratio combining (MRC) in Rician fading channels is computed. Two systems shall be investigated. In the first system the transmitted pulse is a Nyquist pulse with bandwidth B = R(1 + β), where R is the symbol rate and 0 ≤ β ≤ 1 is the roll-off and the receiver is matched to the transmitter. In the second system the shaping pulse is a rectangle of duration T = 1/R modified by narrowband Butterworth filters in the transmitter and receiver. The fading channel is both time selective with Doppler frequency shifts of fDT = 0, 0·01, 0·02 and frequency selective with time delays of td/T = 0, 0·1, 0·2. The number of diversity channels is L = 1, 2, 3 and the Rician factor is K = 0, 1, 6 dB, 10, ∞, thus the whole range between Rayleigh and Gaussian channels is covered. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The performance of M-ary orthogonal noncoherent frequency-shift keying (NCFSK) with N branch signal-plus-noise (S + N) selection combining (SC) in Nakagami-m fading (m, integer) is studied. Both independent, identically distributed (i.i.d) and independent, nonidentically distributed (i.n.d) diversity branches are considered and two S + N SC receiver structures are examined. The performances of the S + N SC receivers are compared to those of classical SC and square-law combining (SLC) receivers. The effects of modulation order, fading parameter and the number of diversity branches on the performance of S + N SC are compared to the effects on the performances of classical SC and SLC. For example, it is shown that in an i.n.d fading channel, the value of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at which the error rate curves of classical SC and S + N SC cross, decreases as the modulation order, M, increases. Our results indicate that in i.n.d fading channels classical SC outperforms S + N SC for small ranges of SNR, while for moderate to large SNR values S + N SC has superior performance over classical SC. It is also shown that increasing the diversity order will increase the performance gap of S 4N SC over classical SC and over SLC in both i.i.d and i.n.d Nakagami-m fading channels  相似文献   

We present the optimum selection-combining (SC) rule for M-ary signals based on the log-likelihood ratio (LLR) in frequency-nonselective, independent and nonidentically distributed fading channels. The motivation for using the LLR in selecting the diversity branch is that it provides the reliability information of the maximum a posteriori probability decision which minimizes the probability of symbol error. We present coherent and noncoherent optimum SC rules with and without fading information that minimize the probability of symbol error. It is shown that the optimum SC rule provides a significant power gain over the conventional signal-to-noise ratio-based SC rule, and the power gain increases with an increasing number of available diversity branches and decreasing alphabet size. We also present suboptimum SC rules that require less computation, but provide a power gain close to that provided by the optimum SC rule.  相似文献   

Tan  S.H. Tjhung  T.T. 《Electronics letters》1996,32(11):959-961
A new expression for the symbol error probability (SER) of M-ary DPSK in fast Rician fading, lognormal shadowing and Gaussian noise is derived. New SER curves are computed and the effects of K factor, fading bandwidth and shadowing spread on the error probability are analysed and discussed  相似文献   

Seo  S. Lee  C. Kang  S. 《Electronics letters》2004,40(8):485-486
The exact expression of symbol error rate (SER) is derived for coherent square M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) using Lth order maximal-ratio combining (MRC) diversity in Rician fading channels with an arbitrary fading parameter. The accuracy of the SER estimates evaluated by this expression is verified through comparison with the results evaluated by numerical integration.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于正交循环码的M元扩频系统,在发端将一条原型扩频码循环移位构成M个相互正交的扩频码,实现M元扩频,而接收机利用一个时频变换域复数匹配滤波器就可实现正交循环码M元非相干解扩解调.与传统的M元扩频系统相比较,正交循环码M元扩频系统具有很低的复杂度.本文推导出该接收机在Rician慢衰落信道条件下的误比特率的计算公式,给出并分析了计算机仿真结果.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general framework for computing the asymptotic error probability (i.e., at high average SNRs) of M-ary and binary signaling schemes over Rician and Rayleigh fading diversity channels. A general theorem (Theorem 1) relates the asymptotic error rate of multipath and multichannel receivers (over AWGN, ISI free channels) to the multidimensional integral of the conditional error probability. Two other theorems are presented for the particular cases where the conditional error probability is a function of the sum of received SNRs (Theorem 2) or received amplitudes (Theorem 3). Theorems 2 and 3 are related for linear coherent systems, and closed form expressions are obtained for equal gain combining systems. Detection structures for typical diversity schemes (coherent/noncoherent maximal ratio and equal gain combining, and quadratic noncoherent combining) are considered. We analyze the asymptotic error rates of some M-ary signaling schemes (MPSK/MPAM with Kth order diversity and orthogonal signals with K=1 and with coherent and noncoherent detection). Binary signaling is also considered in our study  相似文献   

An expression for the bit-error rate (BER) of noncoherent frequency-shift keying with a nonfaded desired signal in the presence of N Rayleigh-faded unsynchronized cochannel interferers (UCCIs) and additive white Gaussian noise is first derived. This result can be used to obtain the BER for a faded desired signal. For a large number of UCCIs, numerical evaluation of this expression can be quite time-consuming. An approximate method that yields fairly accurate results is thus described. Numerical results show that for a Rician-faded desired signal with a strong specular component in an interference-limited environment, the BER decreases slightly with N whereas for a Rayleigh-faded desired signal, the BER varies very little with N. A comparison to the BER performance with synchronized cochannel interferers is also provided  相似文献   

A closed-form expression for the average signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of generalized diversity selection combining, using the m largest (in instantaneous SNR) diversity signals, for arbitrary m, assuming that the Rayleigh fading statistics on each diversity branch are identically, independently distributed (i.i.d.), already exists in the literature. In this paper, a similar closed-form expression, but for nonidentically distributed statistics, is derived, This expression specializes to known results, such as the average SNRs of maximal-ratio combining with either i.i.d. or non-i.i.d. diversity statistics and that of conventional selection combining (CSC) with i.i.d. diversity statistics. In addition, it provides, for the first time, a simple closed-form solution to the combined SNR of CSC with non-i.i.d. diversity statistics. Further, the closed-form solution for the SNR of selecting the m, largest diversity signals has negligible computational complexity  相似文献   

An error probability analysis is performed for both self-normalized and conventional M-ary orthogonal frequency-shift-keying (MFSK) noncoherent receivers using fast frequency-hopped (FFH) spread-spectrum waveforms transmitted over a Rician fading channel with partial-band interference. The self-normalization receiver uses a nonlinear combination procedure to minimize performance degradation due to partial-band interference. The performance of the conventional receiver is significantly degraded by worst-case partial-band interference regardless of the modulation order or number of hops per data symbol used, while the self-normalization receiver can provide a significant immunity to worst-case partial-band interference for many channel conditions when diversity is used, provided the signal-to-thermal-noise ratio is large enough to minimize degradation due to nonlinear combining losses. The improvement afforded by higher modulation orders is dependent on channel conditions  相似文献   

The performances of two signal-/?/wi-noise (S + N) selection diversity receivers employing noncoherent M-ary frequency shift keying (MFSK) in slow, flat, correlated Rayleigh and Rician fading channels are examined. The branches are assumed to be equally correlated for Rician fading. The correlation model for Rayleigh fading is more general than the equally correlated scenario and includes it as a special case. Analytical expressions are derived for the average symbol error rate (SER) and the average bit error rate (BER) of each receiver structure. Extensive Monte Carlo simulation results are presented to validate the analytical expressions. The performances of the S + N SC receivers are compared to the performance of the classical SC receiver. The effects of correlation, average fading power imbalance and diversity order on the performances of the S + N SC receivers are examined.  相似文献   

The effect of fading correlation on the symbol error rate performance of M-ary phase shift keying with maximal ratio combining is investigated  相似文献   

We derive an equation for the bit-error probability (BEP) of Gaussian minimum-shift keying with limiter discriminator detection in Nakagami-m fading channels including selection and switch-and-stay combining. We compute the BEP for various selections of system parameters.  相似文献   

We consider coded modulation with generalized selection combining (GSC) for bandwidth-efficient-coded modulation over Rayleigh fading channels. Our results show that reception diversity with generalized selection combining can conveniently trade off system complexity versus performance. We provide a number of new results by calculating the cutoff rate, and by deriving analytical upper bounds on symbol-interleaved trellis-coded modulation (TCM) and bit-interleaved-coded modulation (BICM) with GSC. All are verified by simulation. We show that our new bounds on TCM with GSC, which includes maximum ratio combining and selection combining as special cases, are tighter than the previously derived bounds. A new asymptotic analysis on the pairwise error probability, which can be used as a guideline for designing coded modulation over GSC channels, is also given. Finally, we show that BICM with iterative decoding (BICM-ID) can achieve significant coding gain over conventional coded modulation in a multiple-receiving-antenna channel.  相似文献   

In this letter, we present a moment generating function (MGF) based performance analysis of generalized selection combining (GSC) receivers operating over independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) K fading channels. Analytical expressions for the marginal MGF of the signal-to-noise ratio of a single diversity branch for integer plus one-half values of the fading parameter are obtained and used to efficiently evaluate the average error probability of GSC receivers.  相似文献   

The error performance of generalized selection combining (GSC), which optimally combines the K highest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) signals out of L total diversity signals, in Nakagami-m fading was recently evaluated using moment generating function (MGF) of the GSC output SNR. However, no single closed-form expression for the MGF exists for arbitrary K and L. In fact, a closed-form expression for the MGF is possible only for an individual combination of K and L. In this letter, a single closed-form expression for approximating the MGF is, therefore, derived and employed in evaluating the approximate error performance. Although the approximation is only applicable for GSC with K being a factor of L, it nonetheless achieves a high degree of accuracy  相似文献   

The literature is relatively sparse in performance analysis of diversity combining schemes over Weibull fading channels, despite the fact that the Weibull distribution is often found to be suitably fit for empirical fading channel measurements. In this paper, we capitalize on some interesting results due to Lieblein on the order statistics of Weibull random variables to derive exact closed‐form expressions for the combined average signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) as well as amount of fading (AF) at a generalized selection combining (GSC) output over Weibull fading channels. We also use some simple AF‐based mappings between the fading parameters of the Weibull distribution and those of the Nakagami, Rice, and Hoyt distributions to obtain the approximate but accurate average SNR and AF of GSC over these types of channels. The mathematical equations are validated and illustrated by some numerical examples for scenarios of practical interest. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a general analysis of the performance of selection combining (SC), switch-and-stay combining (SSC), and switch-and-examine combining (SEC) systems in Rayleigh fading channels with imperfect channel estimation (ICE). The complex channel estimate and the actual fading are modeled as jointly Gaussian random variables. For SC systems with channel estimation error, closed-form expressions are obtained for the error rates of M/sub s/-ary pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and rectangular-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), and simple single integral formulas with finite integration limits are derived for the symbol error probability of arbitrary two-dimensional (2-D) modulation formats. These error probability expressions are then applied to three types of channel estimation errors potentially encountered in practical systems to study their impact on the performance of selection diversity. Moreover, single integral formulas with finite integration limits are derived for the performance of SSC and SEC systems with minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimation. Optimum switching thresholds for 2-D modulation formats with MMSE based switched combining are acquired through numerical computation.  相似文献   

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