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Solutions of high pH, ionic strength, and aluminum concentration have leaked into the subsurface from underground waste storage tanks atthe Hanford Reservation in Washington State. Here, we test the hypothesis that these waste solutions alter and dissolve the native minerals present in the sediments and that colloidal (diameter < 2 microm) feldspathoids form. We reacted Hanford sediments with simulated solutions representative of Hanford waste tanks. The solutions consisted of 1.4 or 2.8 mol/kg NaOH, 0.125 or 0.25 mol/kg NaAlO4, and 3.7 mol/kg NaNO3 and were contacted with the sediments for a period of 25 or 40 days at 50 degrees C. The colloidal size fraction was separated from the sediments and characterized in terms of mineralogy, morphology, chemical composition, and electrophoretic mobility. Upon reaction with tank waste solutions, native minerals released Si and other elements into the solution phase. This Si precipitated with the Al present in the waste solutions to form secondary minerals, identified as the feldspathoids cancrinite and sodalite. The solution phase was modeled with the chemical equilibrium model GMIN for solution speciation and saturation indices with respect to sodalite and cancrinite. The amount of colloidal material in the sediments increased upon reaction with waste solutions. At the natural pH found in Hanford sediments (pH 8) the newly formed minerals are negatively charged, similar to the unreacted colloidal material present in the sediments. The formation of colloidal material in Hanford sediments upon reaction with tank waste solutions is an important aspect to consider in the characterization of Hanford tank leaks and may affect the fate of hazardous radionuclides present in the tank waste.  相似文献   

The disposal of basic sodium aluminate and acidic U(VI)-Cu(ll) wastes in the now-dry North and South 300 A Process Ponds atthe Hanford site resulted in a groundwater plume of U(VI). To gain insight into the geochemical processes that occurred during waste disposal and those affecting the current and future fate and transport of this uranium plume, the solid-phase speciation of uranium in a depth sequence of sediments from the base of the North Process Pond through the vadose zone to groundwater was investigated using standard chemical and mineralogical analyses, electron and X-ray microprobe measurements, and X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Near-surface sediments contained uranium coprecipitated with calcite, which formed due to overneutralization of the waste ponds with base (NaOH). At intermediate depths in the vadose zone, metatorbernite [Cu(UO2PO4)2 x 8H2O] precipitated, likely during pond operations. Uranium occurred predominantly sorbed onto phyllosilicates in the deeper vadose zone and groundwater; sorbed uranium was also an important component at intermediate depths. Since the calcite-bearing pond sediments have been removed in remediation efforts, uranium fate and transport will be controlled primarily by desorption of the sorbed uranium and dissolution of metatorbernite.  相似文献   

137Cesium and other contaminants have leaked from single-shell storage tanks (SSTs) into coarse-textured, relatively unweathered unconsolidated sediments. Contaminated sediments were retrieved from beneath a leaky SST to investigate the distribution of adsorbed 137Cs+ across different sediment size fractions. All fractions contained mica (biotite, muscovite, vermiculatized biotite), quartz, and plagioclase along with smectite and kaolinite in the clay-size fraction. A phosphor-plate autoradiograph method was used to identify particular sediment particles responsible for retaining 137Cs+. The Cs-bearing particles were found to be individual mica flakes or agglomerated smectite, mica, quartz, and plagioclase. Of these, only the micaceous component was capable of sorbing Cs+ strongly. Sorbed 137Cs+ could not be significantly removed from sediments by leaching with dithionite citrate buffer or KOH, but a fraction of the sorbed 137Cs+ (5-22%) was desorbable with solutions containing an excess of Rb+. The small amount of 137Cs+ that might be mobilized by migrating fluids in the future would likely sorb to nearby micaceous clasts in downgradient sediments.  相似文献   

Uranium (U) solid-state speciation in vadose zone sediments collected beneath the former North Process Pond (NPP) in the 300 Area of the Hanford site (Washington) was investigated using multi-scale techniques. In 30 day batch experiments, only a small fraction of total U (approximately 7.4%) was released to artificial groundwater solutions equilibrated with 1% pCO2. Synchrotron-based micro-X-rayfluorescence spectroscopy analyses showed that U was distributed among at least two types of species: (i) U discrete grains associated with Cu and (ii) areas with intermediate U concentrations on grains and grain coatings. Metatorbernite (Cu[UO2]2[PO4]2 x 8H2O) and uranophane (Ca[UO2]2[SiO3(OH)]2 x 5H2O) at some U discrete grains, and muscovite at U intermediate concentration areas, were identified in synchrotron-based micro-X-ray diffraction. Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray analyses revealed 8-10 microm size metatorbernite particles that were embedded in C-, Al-, and Si-rich coatings on quartz and albite grains. In mu- and bulk-X-ray absorption structure (mu-XAS and XAS) spectroscopy analyses, the structure of metatorbernite with additional U-C and U-U coordination environments was consistently observed at U discrete grains with high U concentrations. The consistency of the mu- and bulk-XAS analyses suggests that metatorbernite may comprise a significant fraction of the total U in the sample. The entrapped, micrometer-sized metatorbernite particles in C-, Al-, and Si-rich coatings, along with the more soluble precipitated uranyl carbonates and uranophane, likely control the long-term release of U to water associated with the vadose zone sediments.  相似文献   

A column study on U(VI)-contaminated vadose zone sediments from the Hanford Site, WA, was performed to investigate U(VI) release kinetics with water advection and variable geochemical conditions. The sediments were collected from an area adjacent to and below tank BX-102 that was contaminated as a result of a radioactive tank waste overfill event. The primary reservoir for U(VI) in the sediments are micrometer-size precipitates composed of nanocrystallite aggregates of a Na-U-Silicate phase, most likely Na-boltwoodite, that nucleated and grew within microfractures of the plagioclase component of sand-sized granitic clasts. Two sediment samples, with different U(VI) concentrations and intraparticle mass transfer properties, were leached with advective flows of three different solutions. The influent solutions were all calcite-saturated and in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2. One solution was prepared from DI water, the second was a synthetic groundwater (SGW) with elevated Na that mimicked groundwater at the Hanford site, and the third was the same SGW but with both elevated Na and Si. The latter two solutions were employed, in part, to test the effect of saturation state on U(VI) release. For both sediments, and all three electrolytes, there was an initial rapid release of U(VI) to the advecting solution followed by slower near steady-state release. U(VI)aq concentrations increased during subsequent stop-flow events. The electrolytes with elevated Na and Si depressed U(VL)aq concentrations in effluent solutions. Effluent U(VI)aq concentrations for both sediments and all three electrolytes were simulated reasonably well by a three domain model (the advecting fluid, fractures, and matrix) that coupled U(VI) dissolution, intraparticle U(VI)aq diffusion, and interparticle advection, where diffusion and dissolution properties were parameterized in a previous batch study.  相似文献   

Contamination of vadose zone sediments under tank BX-102 at the Hanford site, Washington, resulted from the accidental release of 7-8 metric tons of uranium dissolved in caustic aqueous sludge in 1951. We have applied synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopic and diffraction techniques to characterize the speciation of uranium in samples of these contaminated sediments. UIII-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopic studies demonstrate that uranium occurs predominantly as a uranium(VI) silicate from the uranophane group of minerals. XAFS cannot distinguish between the members of this mineral group due to the near identical local coordination environments of uranium in these phases. However, these phases differ crystallographically, and can be distinguished using X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. As the concentration of uranium was too low for conventional XRD to detect these phases, X-ray microdiffraction (microXRD) was used to collect diffraction patterns on approximately 20 microm diameter areas of localized high uranium concentration found using microscanning X-ray fluorescence (microSXRF). Only sodium boltwoodite, Na(UO2)(SiO3OH) x 1.5H20, was observed; no other uranophane group minerals were present. Sodium boltwoodite formation has effectively sequestered uranium in these sediments under the current geochemical and hydrologic conditions. Attempts to remediate the uranium contamination will likely face significant difficulties because of the speciation and distribution of uranium in the sediments.  相似文献   

Radioactive 137Cs has leaked from underground waste tanks into the vadose zone at the Hanford Reservation in south-central Washington State. There is concern that 137Cs, currently located in the vadose zone, can reach the groundwater. In this study, we investigated whether, and to what extent, colloidal particles can facilitate the transport of 137Cs at Hanford. We used colloidal materials isolated from Hanford sediments. Transport experiments were conducted under variably saturated, steady-state flow conditions in repacked, 20 cm long Hanford sediment columns, with effective water saturations ranging from 0.2 to 1.0. Cesium, pre-associated with colloids, was stripped off during transport through the sediments. The higher the flow rates, the less Cs was stripped off, indicating in part that Cs desorption from carrying colloids was a residence-time-dependent process. Depending on the flow rate, up to 70% of the initially sorbed Cs desorbed from colloidal carriers and was captured in the stationary sediments. Less Cs was stripped off colloids under unsaturated than under saturated flow conditions at similar flow rates. This phenomenon was likely due to the reduced availability of sorption sites for Cs on the sediments as the water content decreased and water flow was divided between mobile and immobile regions.  相似文献   

Radioactive waste, accumulated during Pu production, has leaked into the subsurface from underground storage tanks at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford site. The leaking solutions contained 137Cs and were of high ionic strength. Such a tank leak was simulated experimentally in steady-state flow experiments with packed Hanford sediments. The initial leak was simulated by a 1 M NaNO3 solution, followed by a decrease of ionic strength to 1 mM NaNO3. Cesium breakthrough curves were determined in both 1 M and 1 mM NaNO3 background. Colloidal particles were mobilized during the change of ionic strength. Mobilized colloids consisted mainly of quartz, mica, illite, kaolinite, and chlorite. Electrophoretic mobilities of colloids in the eluent solution were -3(microm/s)(V/cm) and increased to less negative values during later stages of mobilization. Mobilized colloids carried a fraction of the cesium along. While transport of cesium in 1 M NaNO3 background was much faster than in 1 mM NaNO3, cesium attached to colloids moved almost unretarded through the sediments. Cesium attached to mobilized colloids was likely associated with high affinity sorption sites on micas and illites.  相似文献   

Our objectives in this study are to quantify the discharge rate of uranium (U) to the Columbia River from the Hanford Site's 300 Area and to follow that U downriver to constrain its fate. Uranium from the Hanford Site has variable isotopic composition due to nuclear industrial processes carried out at the site. This characteristic makes it possible to use high-precision isotopic measurements of U in environmental samples to identify even trace levels of contaminant U, determine its sources, and estimate discharge rates. Our data on river water samples indicate that as much as 3.2 kg/day can enter the Columbia River from the 300 Area, which is only a small fraction of the total load of dissolved natural background U carried by the Columbia River. This very low level of Hanford-derived U can be discerned, despite dilution to <1% of natural background U, 400 km downstream from the Hanford Site. These results indicate that isotopic methods can allow the amounts of U from the 300 Area of the Hanford Site entering the Columbia River to be measured accurately to ascertain whether they are an environmental concern or insignificant relative to natural uranium background in the Columbia River.  相似文献   

Assessing the quantity of U(VI) that participates in sorption/desorption processes in a contaminated aquifer is an important task when investigating U migration behavior. U-contaminated aquifer sediments were obtained from 16 different locations at a former U mill tailings site at Naturita, CO (U.S.A.) and were extracted with an artificial groundwater, a high pH sodium bicarbonate solution, hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, and concentrated nitric acid. With an isotopic exchange method, both a KD value for the specific experimental conditions as well as the total exchangeable mass of U(VI) was determined. Except for one sample, KD values determined by isotopic exchange with U-contaminated sediments that were in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 agreed within a factor of 2 with KD values predicted from a nonelectrostatic surface complexation model (NEM) developed from U(VI) adsorption experiments with uncontaminated sediments. The labile fraction of U(VI) and U extracted by the bicarbonate solution were highly correlated (r2 = 0.997), with a slope of 0.96 +/- 0.01. The proximity of the slope to one suggests that both methods likely access the same reservoir of U(VI) associated with the sediments. The results indicate that the bicarbonate extraction method is useful for estimating the mass of labile U(VI) in sediments that do not contain U(IV). In-situ KD values calculated from the measured labile U(VI) and the dissolved U(VI) in the Naturita alluvial aquifer agreed within a factor of 3 with in-situ KD values predicted with the NEM and groundwater chemistry at each well.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on Cs+ sorption and desorption were investigated in subsurface sediments from the U.S. Department of Energy Hanford Site. The site has been contaminated at several locations by the accidental leakage of high-level nuclear waste (HLW) containing 137Cs+. The high temperature of the self-boiling, leaked HLW fluid and the continuous decay of various radionuclides carried by the waste supernatant have resulted in elevated vadose temperatures (currently up to 72 degrees C) below the Hanford S-SX tank farm that have dissipated slowly from the time of leakage (1970). The effect of temperature on Cs+ sorption was evaluated through batch binary Cs(+)-Na+ exchange experiments on pristine sediments, while Cs+ desorption was studied in column experiments using 137Cs(+)-contaminated sediments. Cs+ adsorption generally decreased with increasing temperature, with a more apparent decrease at low aqueous Cs+ concentration (10(-10)-10(-6) mol/L). Cs+ desorption from the contaminated sediments increased with increasing temperature. The results indicated that the free energy of Na(+)-Cs+ exchange on the Hanford sediment had a significant enthalpy component that was estimated to be -17.87 (+/- 2.01) and -4.82 (+/- 0.44) kJ/mol (at 298 degrees C) for the high- and low-affinity exchange sites, respectively. Both Cs+ adsorption and desorption at elevated temperature could be well simulated by a two-site ion exchange model, with the conditional exchange constants corrected by the exchange enthalpy effect. The effect of temperature on Cs+ desorption kinetics was also evaluated using a stop-flow technique. The kinetics of desorption of the exchangeable pool (which was less than the total adsorbed concentration) were found to be rapid under the conditions studied.  相似文献   

Layered gels differing in mechanical and breakdown properties (soft, medium and hard gels) and in the distribution of sucrose in the matrix (homogeneous and inhomogeneous distributions) were used to investigate the effects of texture and spatial distribution of sucrose on sweetness perception. Rating tests, 2-Alternative forced choice tests and time-intensity analysis were performed to compare the sweetness of soft, medium and hard gels with homogeneous and inhomogeneous distributions of sucrose. Results showed that all gels with an inhomogeneous distribution of sucrose were perceived sweeter than gels in which sucrose was homogeneously distributed. This indicates that the enhancement of sweetness by an inhomogeneous distribution of sucrose does not depend on the texture of the gel matrix. Furthermore, the time-intensity profiling showed that soft gels, which had low values of fracture strain and fracture stress and broke down in a large number of small fragments upon chewing, had the highest sweetness intensity. The time required to reach the maximum sweetness intensity tended to be shorter in soft gels. These findings suggest that the breakdown behavior of the gel matrix during oral processing affects the perception of sweetness of layered gels.  相似文献   

The success of sequestration-based remediation strategies will depend on detailed information, including the predominant U species present as sources before biostimulation and the products produced during and after in situ biostimulation. We used X-ray absorption spectroscopy to determine the valence state and chemical speciation of U in sediment samples collected at a variety of depths through the contaminant plume at the Field Research Center at Oak Ridge, TN, before and after approximately 400 days of in situ biostimulation, as well as in duplicate bioreduced sediments after 363 days of resting conditions. The results indicate that U(VI) in subsurface sediments was partially reduced to 10-40% U(IV) during biostimulation. After biostimulation, U was no longer bound to carbon ligands and was adsorbed to Fe/Mn minerals. Reduction of U(VI) to U(IV) continued in sediment samples stored under anaerobic condition at < 4 degrees C for 12 months, with the fraction of U(IV) in sediments more than doubling and U concentrations in the aqueous phase decreasing from 0.5-0.74 to < 0.1 microM. A shift of uranyl species from uranyl bound to phosphorus ligands to uranyl bound to carbon ligands and the formation of nanoparticulate uraninite occurred in the sediment samples during storage.  相似文献   

In the mid-1990s, a groundwater plume of uranium (U) was detected in monitoring wells in the B-BX-BY Waste Management Area at the Hanford Site in Washington. This area has been used since the late 1940s to store high-level radioactive waste and other products of U fuel-rod processing. Using multiple-collector ICP source magnetic sector mass spectrometry, high-precision uranium isotopic analyses were conducted of samples of vadose zone contamination and of groundwater. The isotope ratios 236U/238U, 234U/238U, and 238U/235U are used to distinguish contaminant sources. On the basis of the isotopic data, the source of the groundwater contamination appears to be related to a 1951 overflow event at tank BX-102 that spilled high-level U waste into the vadose zone. The U isotopic variation of the groundwater plume is a result of mixing between contaminant U from this spill and natural background U. Vadose zone U contamination at tank B-110 likely predates the recorded tank leak and can be ruled out as a significant source of groundwater contamination, based on the U isotopic composition. The locus of vadose zone contamination is displaced from the initial locus of groundwater contamination, indicating that lateral migration in the vadose zone was at least 8 times greater than vertical migration. The time evolution of the groundwater plume suggests an average U migration rate of approximately 0.7-0.8 m/day showing slight retardation relative to a groundwater flow of approximately 1 m/day.  相似文献   

The Arctic is recognized as an important focus for long-range transport of contaminants, such as mercury (Hg), from industrial regions at lower latitudes. In addition to large geographic gaps, there are few long-term retrospective time trends in arctic research, besides the Greenland ice record, to assess the onset of atmospheric pollution as well as to establish the rates of change in the terrestrial environment. In a study of sediments from 21 lakes along a 150 km transect from the coast to the ice sheet margin in the S?ndre Str?mfjord (Kangerlussuaq) region, we present stratigraphic evidence for elevated Hg inputs to this ice-free region on Greenland's west coast. Nineteen study lakes showed Hg concentration enrichments (HgEFconc) in surface compared to deeper sediments, with a mean HgEFconc of 3. Higher HgEFconc are found in lakes closest to the ice margin. The existence of this Hg gradient is supported by pollution Hg inventories in three 210Pb-dated cores. While 210Pb inventories and Pb pollution are higher at the coast, pollution Hg inventories are nearly 3-fold higher at the ice margin (570 micrograms m-2) than at the coast (210 micrograms m-2). These dated cores also indicate an onset of Hg pollution in the region beginning at least by the late 19th century but possibly as early as the 17th century.  相似文献   

Immobilization of the high-level nuclear waste stored at the Hanford Reservation has been complicated by the presence of soluble, lower-valent technetium species. Previous work by Schroeder and Blanchard has shown that these species cannot be removed by ion-exchange and are difficult to oxidize. The Tc K-edge XANES spectra of the species in Tanks SY-101 and SY-103 were reported by Blanchard, but they could not be assigned to any known technetium complex. We report that the XANES spectra are most likely those of Tc(I)-carbonyl species, especially fac-Tc(CO)3(gluconate)(2-). This is further supported by EXAFS and 99Tc-NMR studies in nonradioactive simulants of these tank wastes.  相似文献   

Colloid transport may facilitate off-site transport of radioactive wastes at the Hanford site, Washington State. In this study, column experiments were conducted to examine the effect of irrigation schedule on releases of in situ colloids from two Hanford sediments during saturated and unsaturated transientflow and its dependence on solution ionic strength, irrigation rate, and sediment texture. Results show that transient flow mobilized more colloids than steady-state flow. The number of short-term hydrological pulses was more important than total irrigation volume for increasing the amount of mobilized colloids. This effect increased with decreasing ionic strength. At an irrigation rate equal to 5% of the saturated hydraulic conductivity, a transient multipulse flow in 100 mM NaNO3 was equivalent to a 50-fold reduction of ionic strength (from 100 mM to 2 mM) with a single-pulse flow in terms of their positive effects on colloid mobilization. Irrigation rate was more important for the initial release of colloids. In addition to water velocity, mechanical straining of colloids was partly responsible for the smaller colloid mobilization in the fine than in the coarse sands, although the fine sand contained much larger concentrations of colloids than the coarse sand.  相似文献   

The adsorption of uranium from an acidic solution by microbes was examined. High uranium adsorption ability was exhibited by actinomycetes. Streptomyces levoris cells could adsorb about 380 micromol of uranium per gram dry cells from the solution. The cells could adsorb uranium over a wide acidic pH range and very rapidly. The amount of uranium adsorbed from a solution containing uranium and thorium was affected by the thorium concentration. The amount adsorbed was reduced and an uranyl-thorium ion exchange reaction occurred in the case of adsorption from a solution containing both metals.  相似文献   

A modified three-stage methane fermentation system was developed to digest food waste efficiently. This system consisted of three stages: semianaerobic hydrolysis, anaerobic acidogenesis and strictly anaerobic methanogenesis. In this study, we examined the effects of temperature and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the methanogenesis. Operation temperature was adjusted from 30 degrees C to 55 degrees C, and the HRTs ranged from 8 to 12 d. The rate of soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) removal correlated with digestion time according to the first-order kinetic model developed by Grau et al. [Water Res., 9, 637-642 (1975)]. With liquor food waste, thermophilic digesters showed a higher rate of sCOD removal than mesophilic digesters. The rates of biogas and methane production by thermophilic digesters were higher than those by mesophilic digesters regardless of HRT. Although maximum biogas production occurred when an HRT of 10 d was used, the methane yield was the highest in the reactor when an HRT of 12 d was used (223 l CH4/kg sCODdegraded). However, digestion stability decreased when an HRT of 8 d was used. The concentration of NH3-N generated in this experiment did not inhibit anaerobic digestion.  相似文献   

Perrhenate (ReO4-), a nonradioactive surrogate for pertechnetate (99TcO4-), was partitioned during precipitation and aging of iron and aluminum oxyhydroxide solids from aqueous simulants of high-level nuclear waste stored at Hanford, WA. Neutralization of acidic metal nitrate solutions (Al/Fe mole ratio 0.25 and 13.5; 40 ppm Re) to a final pH > 13, followed by aging at 90 degrees C for up to 18 weeks, resulted in substantial amounts of reversibly sorbed Re (approximately 1-10 ppm). Irreversibly sorbed Re increased in the Fe-dominated system with aging, reaching a final value of approximately 83 ppb after 168 h, in a mixture of hematite with minor goethite. Irreversibly sorbed Re in the Al-dominated system generally decreased with time to approximately 30 ppb after 18 weeks in solids dominated by boehmite. Increasing the total amount of Re to 1000 ppm increased the extent of irreversible sorption. The presence of 100 ppm Si prevented transformation of and irreversible Re uptake by ferrihydrite in Fe-dominated systems. In Al-dominated systems, 200 ppm Ni prevented hematite formation but did not affect perrhenate uptake. Results suggest that 5% of the 99Tc inventory in the Hanford waste tanks may be associated with the sludges, and approximately 0.5% incorporated into the solids under oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   

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