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In-line holographic particle image velocimetry for turbulent flows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Scherer JO  Bernal LP 《Applied optics》1997,36(35):9309-9318
A holographic system has been developed to measure the velocity field in three-dimensional flow regions. The system records the position of small tracer particles on two in-line holograms of the flow obtained simultaneously. Two exposures are recorded on each hologram. The flow velocity is derived from the displacement of the particles between exposures. A general design procedure is described for selecting the particle diameter and the concentration on the basis of the configuration of the flow facility and the resolution characteristics of the holographic imaging system. The system was implemented in a 2 ft x 2 ft (1 ft = 30.48 cm) water channel to measure the velocity field in a turbulent free-surface jet. The spatial resolution of the system is 1 mm, and the field of view is 100 mm, approximately. Measurements performed with this system are compared with results reported in the literature and are found to be in good agreement.  相似文献   

Sheng J  Malkiel E  Katz J 《Applied optics》2003,42(2):235-250
Holographic particle image velocimetry (HPIV) is presently the only method that can measure at high resolution all three components of the velocity in a finite volume. In systems that are based on recording one hologram, velocity components parallel to the hologram can be measured throughout the sample volume, but elongation of the particle traces in the depth direction severely limits the accuracy of the velocity component that is perpendicular to the hologram. Previous studies overcame this limitation by simultaneously recording two orthogonal holograms, which inherently required four windows and two recording systems. This paper introduces a technique that maintains the advantages of recording two orthogonal views, but requires only one window and one recording system. Furthermore, it enables a quadruple increase in the spatial resolution. This method is based on placing a mirror in the test section that reflects the object beam at an angle of 45 degrees. Particles located in the volume in which the incident and reflected beams from the mirror overlap are illuminated twice in perpendicular directions. Both views are recorded on the same hologram. Off-axis holography with conjugate reconstruction and high-pass filtering is used for recording and analyzing the holograms. Calibration tests show that two views reduce the uncertainty in the three-dimensional (3-D) coordinates of the particle centroids to within a few microns. The velocity is still determined plane-by-plane by use of two-dimensional particle image velocimetry procedures, but the images are filtered to trim the elongated traces based on the 3-D location of the particle. Consequently, the spatial resolution is quadrupled. Sample data containing more than 200 particles/mm3 are used for calculating the 3-D velocity distributions with interrogation volumes of 220 x 154 x 250 microm, and vector spacing of 110 x 77 x 250 microm. Uncertainty in velocity is addressed by examining how well the data satisfies the continuity equation. The results show significant improvements compared with previous procedures. Limitations of the technique are also discussed.  相似文献   

Sholes K  Farrell PV 《Applied optics》2000,39(31):5685-5693
A ray-tracing analysis of point-source imaging in the presence of optical misalignment is used to analyze relative image shift as a source of measurement error in holographic particle image velocimetry (HPIV). Although single-reference-beam HPIV is relatively insensitive to optical misalignment, dual-reference-beam systems may suffer substantial errors because of misalignments of the order of microradians. These systems are particularly sensitive to rotations of the hologram about an axis perpendicular to the film and to reconstruction beam misalignment. In a swirling flow experiment, a proposed error-compensation scheme was able to reduce uncertainty from 130% to 10% of the mean measured velocity.  相似文献   

Anderson WL  Diao H 《Applied optics》1995,34(2):249-255

The goal of holographic particle velocimetry is to infer fluid velocity patterns from images reconstructed from doubly exposed holograms of fluid volumes seeded with small particles. The advantages offered by in-line holography in this context usually make it the method of choice, but seeding densities sufficient to achieve high spatial resolution in the sampling of the velocity fields cause serious degradation, through speckle, of the signal-to-noise ratio in the reconstructed images. The in-line method also leads to a great depth of field in paraxial viewing of reconstructed images, making it essentially impossible to estimate particle depth with useful accuracy. We present here an analysis showing that these limitations can be circumvented by variably scaled correlation, or wavelet transformation. The shift variables of the wavelet transform are provided automatically by the optical correlation methodology. The variable scaling of the wavelet transform derives, in this case, directly from the need to accommodate varying particle depths. To provide such scaling, we use a special optical system incorporating prescribed variability in spacings and focal length of lenses to scan through the range of particle depths.

Calculation shows, among other benefits, improvement by approximately two orders of magnitude in depth resolution. A much higher signal-to-noise ratio together with faster data extraction and processing should be attainable.


Two optical systems based on holographic field lenses are presented. They have been specifically designed for the CCD camera acquisition of the interferograms obtained from a fluid plane, when one uses holographic interferometry to measure fluid velocities. The use of these systems allows for easy recording of interferograms, all having the same size and position on the CCD, independent of the fluid-plane observation direction. The holographic lenses act as directional field lenses; they change the divergent beam that reaches the lens into a convergent beam that focuses on the camera aperture. These distortionless interferogram recording systems have been demonstrated in a Rayleigh-Bénard convective flow.  相似文献   

Pu Y  Meng H 《Applied optics》2005,44(36):7697-7708
The ultimate goal of holographic particle image velocimetry (HPIV) is to provide space- and time-resolved measurement of complex flows. Recent new understanding of holographic imaging of small particles, pertaining to intrinsic aberration and noise in particular, has enabled us to elucidate fundamental issues in HPIV and implement a new HPIV system. This system is based on our previously reported off-axis HPIV setup, but the design is optimized by incorporating our new insights of holographic particle imaging characteristics. Furthermore, the new system benefits from advanced data processing algorithms and distributed parallel computing technology. Because of its robustness and efficiency, for the first time to our knowledge, the goal of both temporally and spatially resolved flow measurements becomes tangible. We demonstrate its temporal measurement capability by a series of phase-locked dynamic measurements of instantaneous three-dimensional, three-component velocity fields in a highly three-dimensional vortical flow-the flow past a tab.  相似文献   

Yang H  Halliwell N  Coupland J 《Applied optics》2003,42(32):6458-6464
We report a new digital shearing method for extracting the three-dimensional displacement vector data from double-exposure holograms. With this method we can manipulate both the phase and the amplitude of the recorded signal, which, like optical correlation analysis, is inherently immune to imaging aberration. However, digital shearing is not a direct digital implementation of optical correlation, and a considerable saving in computation time results. We demonstrate the power of the method by MATLAB simulation and discuss its performance with reference to optical analysis.  相似文献   

Singh DK  Panigrahi PK 《Applied optics》2012,51(17):3874-3887
The 3D distribution of a particle field by digital holography is obtained by 3D numerical reconstruction of a 2D hologram. The proper identification of particles from the background during numerical reconstruction influences the overall effectiveness of the technique. The selection of a suitable threshold value to segment particles from the background of reconstructed images during 3D holographic reconstruction process is a critical issue, which influences the accuracy of particle size and number density of reconstructed particles. The object particle field parameters, such as depth of sample volume and density of object particles, influence the optimal threshold value. The present study proposes a novel technique for the determination of the optimal threshold value of a reconstructed image. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is demonstrated using both simulated and experimental data. The proposed technique is robust to variation in optical properties of particle and background, depth of sample volume, and number density of object particle field. The particle diameter obtained from the proposed threshold technique is within 5% of that obtained from the particle size analyzer. There is a maximum ten times increase in reconstruction effectiveness by using the proposed automatic threshold technique in comparison with the fixed manual threshold technique.  相似文献   

Barnhart DH  Adrian RJ  Papen GC 《Applied optics》1994,33(30):7159-7170
A novel holographic particle-image velocimeter system has been developed for the study of threedimensional (3-D) fluid velocity fields. The recording system produces 3-D particle images with a resolution, a signal-to-noise ratio, an accuracy, and derived velocity fields that are comparable to high-quality two-dimensional photographic particle-image velocimetry (PIV). The high image resolution is accomplished through the use of low f-number optics, a fringe-stabilized processing chemistry, and a phase conjugate play-back geometry that compensates for aberrations in the imaging system. In addition, the system employs a reference multiplexed, off-axis geometry for the determination of velocity directions with the cross-correlation technique, and a stereo camera geometry for the determination of the three velocity components. The combination of the imaging and reconstruction subsystems makes the analysis of volumetric PIV domains feasible.  相似文献   

An improvement in the conventional holographic recording setup has been done for liquid (photopolymerizable) or flexible recording materials. The new vertical recording setup that comprises a horizontal substrate holder permits holographic recording on such materials without positioning them between two substrates, as has been done until now. This setup can be conveniently used for the fabrication of transmission, reflection, Fourier transform, and computer-generated holograms with few simple modifications as indicated.  相似文献   

Rong X  Yu X  Guan C 《Applied optics》2011,50(7):B77-B80
A multichannel holographic recording method is presented for three-dimensional (3D) displays, utilizing pixel-based recording instead of image-based recording in order to realize parallel processing. The proposed approach is composed of two main stages. In the first stage, each two-dimensional (2D) image acquired from multiple viewpoints is partitioned by holographic recording channels (HRC) into nonoverlapping subimages. In the second stage, the corresponding pixels of the subimages are rearranged to constitute an encoding image. The encoding images are recorded simultaneously by each HRC, respectively, so the recording speed is improved significantly. The experimental results have demonstrated that the three-channel system is feasible and the full-parallax hologram reconstructed with white light is acceptable in quality. The three-channel system saves approximately 60% of the recording time in comparison with the single-channel system. More importantly, the proposed method can accomplish a large-scale final hologram composed of multichannel holograms without sacrificing the hologram quality. Several 3D imaging applications such as medical diagnosis and advertisements could benefit from this research.  相似文献   

Aspheric wave-front recording optics for holographic gratings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Namioka T  Koike M 《Applied optics》1995,34(13):2180-2186
The geometric theory of aspheric wave-front recording optics is extended to include the fourth-order groove parameters that correspond to the fourth-order holographic terms in the light-path function. We derived explicit expressions of the groove parameters by analytically following an exact ray-tracing procedure for a double-element optical system that consists of a point source, an ellipsoidal mirror, and an ellipsoidal grating blank. Design examples of holographic gratings for an in-plane Eagle-type vacuum-UV monochromator are given to demonstrate the capability of the present theory in the design of aspheric wave-front recording optics.  相似文献   

Photochromic diarylethene, 1,2-bis[2-methyl-5-(3-fluorophenyl)-3-thienyl] perfluorocylcopentene (1a), was synthesized. The compound showed good photochromic reactions both in solution and in PMMA matrix by photo-irradiation. Using the diarylethene 1b/PMMA film as recording medium and a He-Ne laser for recording and readout, four types of polarization holographic optical recording were accomplished for the first time. The results show that the orthogonal circular polarization recording is the best method for holographic optical recording when the target photochromic diarylethene is used as recording material.  相似文献   

Sizing of particles in industrial processes is of great technical interest and therefore different physical-based techniques have been developed. The objective of this study was to review the characteristics of modern sizing instruments based on a modified fibre-optical spatial filtering technique (SFT). Fibre-optical spatial filtering velocimetry was modified by fibre-optical spot scanning in order to determine simultaneously the size and the velocity of particles. Sizing in-line instruments of Parsum GmbH use these measuring principles and may be adapted to different process conditions. Particles with sizes of 50–6000 μm and velocities up to 50 m/s may be measured by the probe system IPP 70. An overview is given to real-time sizing of particles in different technical applications: fluid-bed granulation, high shear wet granulation, Wurster coating, mixing, spray drying, crystallization and milling.  相似文献   

We propose a write-once recording technique for multilayered optical waveguide-type holographic cards. The card medium has a construction created by adding a recording layer and a holographic grating layer to the multilayered optical waveguide composed of core and cladding layers. Individual data for each medium were recorded as an arrangement of optically transparent holes formed in the recording layer. Holograms common to all media were designed in the holographic grating layer so that diffracted lights from the holograms could pass through the holes and focus on an image sensor. We succeeded in write-once recording with a memory capacity potential of more than 128 bits.  相似文献   

Edge technique for high-accuracy Doppler velocimetry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gentry BM  Korb CL 《Applied optics》1994,33(24):5770-5777
The edge technique has been used in simple laboratory experiments to demonstrate velocity measurements with an experimental error, standard deviation, as small as 12 cm/s, which represents a Doppler-shift measurement accuracy of 8 parts in 10(10) of the laser frequency. An edge filter with a spectral width 140 times larger than the measurement accuracy achieved is used. The measurements are made in the presence of short-term frequency drifts equivalent to velocities of 5 to 10 m/s, which are eliminated by the differential frequency measurement used in the edge technique. Long-term frequency drifts are compensated for by servo locking the edge to the laser frequency. High accuracy is achieved for a range of locations on the edge from 0.33 to 4.5 fringe half-widths (half-width at half-maximum), a dynamic range greater than 500 times the measurement accuracy.  相似文献   

Charrett TO  Nobes DS  Tatam RP 《Applied optics》2007,46(19):4102-4116
A method for the calculation of three orthogonal velocity components in planar Doppler velocimetry (PDV) using four or more measured velocity components (to the three typically used) is presented. The advantages and disadvantages are assessed by use of a Monte Carlo simulation and experimental measurements of the velocity field of a rotating disk. The addition of a fourth velocity component has been shown to lead to reductions in the final errors of up to 25%. The selection of viewing configurations for experiments is discussed by simulation of the level of errors in measured velocity components and investigation of the final level of errors in the orthogonal velocity components. Experimental measurements of the velocity field of a rotating disk are presented, demonstrating the effect of the viewing configuration on the final level of error.  相似文献   

Optimization of an acrylamide-based dry film used for holographic recording   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A study of the optimization and the characteristics of a dry film photopolymerizable recording material is presented. The effects of intensity, the thickness, and the variation of the concentration of each component have been studied. Diffraction efficiencies of 80%, with energetic sensitivities of 40 mJ/cm(2), have been obtained in photosensitive films of a 35-mum thickness with a spatial frequency of 1000 lines/mm.  相似文献   

Fugal JP  Shaw RA  Saw EW  Sergeyev AV 《Applied optics》2004,43(32):5987-5995
An in-line holographic system for in situ detection of atmospheric cloud particles [Holographic Detector for Clouds (HOLODEC)] has been developed and flown on the National Center for Atmospheric Research C-130 research aircraft. Clear holograms are obtained in daylight conditions at typical aircraft speeds of 100 m s(-1). The instrument is fully digital and is interfaced to a control and data-acquisition system in the aircraft via optical fiber. It is operable at temperatures of less than -30 degrees C and at typical cloud humidities. Preliminary data from the experiment show its utility for studies of the three-dimensional spatial distribution of cloud particles and ice crystal shapes.  相似文献   

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