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The air-kerma standards used for the measurement of medium-energy x rays were compared at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). The comparison involved a series of measurements at the BIPM and the NIST using the air-kerma standards and two NIST reference-class transfer ionization standards. Reference beam qualities in the range from 60 kV to 300 kV were used. The results show the standards to be in agreement within the combined standard uncertainty of the comparison of 0.35 %.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of the air-kerma standards for low-energy x rays at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). The comparison involved a series of measurements at the PTB and the NIST using the air-kerma standards and two NIST reference-class transfer ionization chamber standards. Results are presented for the reference radiation beam qualities in the range from 25 kV to 50 kV for low energy x rays, including the techniques used for mammography dose traceability. The tungsten generated reference radiation qualities, between 25 kV and 50 kV used for this comparison, are new to NIST; therefore this comparison will serve as the preliminary comparison for NIST and a verification of the primary standard correction factors. The mammography comparison will repeat two previously unpublished comparisons between PTB and NIST. The results show the standards to be in reasonable agreement within the standard uncertainty of the comparison of about 0.4 %.  相似文献   

A direct comparison was made between the air kerma primary standards used for the measurements of low-energy x rays at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). The comparison was conducted at the NPL using NPL reference radiation qualities between 10 kV and 80 kV. The results show the primary air-kerma standards to agree within 0.6 % of their values for beam qualities up to 80 kV.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of the air-kerma standards for medium-energy x-rays of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). The comparison involved a series of measurements at the BIPM and the NIST using the air-kerma standards and three NIST reference-class transfer ionization chamber standards. Reference beam qualities in the range from 100 kV to 250 kV were used. The results show the standards to be in reasonable agreement within the combined standard uncertainty of the comparison of 0.37 %, although a significant trend with radiation quality is observed and the possible sources discussed.  相似文献   

Air kerma calibration coefficients for a reference class ionization chamber from narrow x-ray spectra and cesium 137 gamma-ray beams were compared between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS). A NIST reference-class transfer ionization chamber was calibrated by each laboratory in terms of the quantity air kerma in four x-ray reference radiation beams of energies between 80 kV and 150 kV and in a cesium 137 gamma-ray beam. The reference radiation qualities used for this comparison are described in detail in the ISO 4037 publication.[1]The comparison began in September 2008 and was completed in March 2009. The results reveal the degree to which the participating calibration facility can demonstrate proficiency in transferring air kerma calibrations under the conditions of the said facility at the time of the measurements. The comparison of the calibration coefficients is based on the average ratios of calibration coefficients.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie l’Energia e l’Ambiente (ENEA) air kerma standards for medium energy x rays and 60Co gamma rays. The comparison took place at ENEA in June 1994. Two different transfer chambers from NIST were used for the comparison. The measurements were made at radiation qualities similar to those used at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) (generating voltages of 100 kV, 135 kV, 180 kV and 250 kV, respectively) and with 60Co gamma radiation. The transfer chamber calibration factors obtained at the NIST and at the ENEA agreed with one another to 0.03 % for 60Co gamma radiation and between 0.1 % to 0.8 % for the medium energy x-ray beam codes.  相似文献   

根据Bragg-Gray理论研制了圆柱形石墨空腔电离室,用于~(137)Cs空气比释动能基准的建立。通过理论计算灵敏体积内部电场分布,优化了电离室壁和收集极之间接地保护的结构设计,在此基础上,对研制的电离室的饱和曲线、本底电流以及稳定性等电学性能进行了测试,其结果表明完全达到设计要求。对电离室的各项修正因子进行了理论计算和实验测量,实现了~(137)Cs空气比释动能的量值复现,其合成标准不确定度为0.25%。  相似文献   

为建立和完善250~600 kV段X射线空气比释动能基准,自主研制了一系列石墨空腔电离室作为基准电离室,以球形空腔电离室为例,在参考辐射场上对其性能进行了相关测试,包括电离室的饱和特性、重复性以及漏电情况.结果显示电离室的工作电压为600V,重复性好于0.1%,漏电流值小于30fA,本套电离室的性能符合相关要求.  相似文献   

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been involved in the development of standards for microanalysis since the middle of the 1960s. Certification of “traceable” standards that can be sold to other laboratories is time-consuming and costly, especially when the extent of microheterogeneity within each specimen becomes part of the uncertainty assigned to the certified values. The process of certification of microanalysis standards and the improvements that have facilitated the process with the development of automation and computerization are reviewed.  相似文献   

为建立基于圆饼电离室系统的~(60)Coγ射线空气比释动能基准装置,对辐射场及场中电离室的相关物理参量进行了蒙特卡洛模拟研究。通过BEAMnrc程序建立辐照器模型计算测量点处能谱和注量分布,使用EGSnrc计算圆饼电离室在辐射场中各物理参量。~(60)Coγ射线空气比释动能绝对测量装置通过蒙特卡洛模拟得到的相关物理参数合成不确定度为0.20%,该结果与澳大利亚计量院同结构电离室的结果在不确定度范围内一致,与国家基准球-圆柱形电离室及球形电离室相比在不确定范围内符合。  相似文献   

针对后装治疗用192 IF放射源的参考空气比释动能率的量值急需进行溯源.参考国际通例,由指型电离室(PTW-30013)在60Coγ射线和250 kV X射线下的空气比释动能校准因子推导得出192Ir γ射线的空气比释动能校准因子,从而测定192Ir放射源参考空气比释动能率标准值,进而完成对井型电离室的参考空气比释动能...  相似文献   

The new U.S. measurement standard for the air-kerma strength from low-energy photon-emitting brachytherapy seed sources is formally described in detail. This instrument-based standard was implemented on 1 January 1999, with its salient features and the implications of differences with the previous standard given only through a series of informal communications. The Wide-Angle Free-Air Chamber (WAFAC) is specially designed to realize air kerma from a single-seed source emitting photons with energies up to about 40 keV, and is now used to measure the wide variety of seeds used in prostate-cancer therapy that has appeared in the last few years. For the two 125I seed models that have been subject to both the old and new standards, the new standard reduces the air-kerma strength by 10.3 %. This change is mainly due to the removal of the influence on the measurement of the Ti K x rays produced in the source encapsulation, a component with no clinical significance.  相似文献   

王培玮  郑伟宁 《计量学报》2020,41(10):1303-1307
根据X射线束光子通量、注量和空气比释动能等物理量的关系,通过空气比释动能的测量,转换确定了所需要的光子通量、注量等。依据X射线自由空气电离室原理,针对同步辐射光子束的物理条件,确定了自由空气电离室的设计方案并完成了精密加工和安装调试。电离室主要部件尺寸公差、机械性能和电性能满足计量标准的要求,为计量标准的建立提供了基础。  相似文献   

黄开志  李亚峰 《计测技术》2004,24(3):33-34,37
基于X射线探伤机空气比释动能率测量的数学模型,对其测量不确定度进行了评定。  相似文献   

防护水平电离室剂量计是辐射防护的主要计量器具,需要在窄谱参考辐射质下进行检定和校准。利用EGSnrc软件模拟了参考辐射质X射线能谱,分析得到的能谱分辨率和平均能量与ISO 4037-1推荐值的最大偏差分别为7.1%和1.04%,均满足规范要求。依托60~250kV X射线空气比释动能国家基准装置,在窄谱系列参考辐射质下完成了距离X光机1m处参考点的空气比释动能量值复现;然后通过替代法对两个传递电离室进行校准并完成量值传递;最后利用传递电离室复现的2.25m处的空气比释动能率对PTW-32002球形电离室进行校准,获得相应的校准因子,校准因子相对扩展不确定度为2.2%(k=2)。  相似文献   

介绍了用实测法和MC理论计算法确定"放射性模型体源"表面中心点上方不同高度的比释动能率的方法和研究成果.研究结果表明,实测和理论计算结果的一致性较好,不存在明显的系统差.由此首次拟合出了能客观反映我国环境电离辐射体源标准的单位核素含量空气比释动能率的贝可法换算系数,提高了采用贝可法确定模型体源空气比释动能率的准确度.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo photon-electron transport calculations have been done to derive new wall corrections for the six NBS-NIST standard graphite-wall, air-ionization cavity chambers that serve as the U.S. national primary standard for air kerma (and exposure) for gamma rays from 60Co, 137Cs, and 192Ir sources. The data developed for and from these calculations have also been used to refine a number of other factors affecting the standards. The largest changes are due to the new wall corrections, and the total changes are +0.87 % to +1.11 % (depending on the chamber) for 60Co beams, +0.64 % to +1.07 % (depending on the chamber) for 137Cs beams, and −0.06 % for the single chamber used in the measurement of the standardized 192Ir source. The primary standards for air kerma will be adjusted in the near future to reflect the changes in factors described in this work.  相似文献   

采用标称体积为10 cm~3圆柱型空腔电离室对Cs-137空气比释动能进行绝对测量。使用Monte Carlo模拟计算和实验两种方法对电离室壁修正因子k_w和轴向不均匀修正因子k_(an)进行对比研究。结果显示,使用等效壁厚的实验外推法确定的k_w值比MC计算得到的值小0.1%,实验方法确定的k_(an)值比MC计算得到的值小0.63%。两种方法相互印证,给出的修正系数值之间的误差可以接受,由于重复实验不可避免将引入其他误差因素,且MC计算方法简便可重复性高,最终选取MC计算结果为k_w、k_(an)确定值。  相似文献   

日本制定食品中核放射性物质标准的演变过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要介绍了日本制定食品中核放射性物质标准的过程,包括:核放射性物质标准的制定,相关标准制定程序,与乌克兰相关标准的比较,与国际标准的比较,日本解除限制上市产品的程序,日本新的食品核放射性物质残留限量标准的出台以及影响等,为我国食品监管机构和企业提供参考。  相似文献   

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