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针对图像自动标注中底层视觉特征与高层语义之间的语义鸿沟问题,在传统字典学习的基础上,提出一种基于多标签判别字典学习的图像自动标注方法。首先,为每幅图像提取多种类型特征,将多种特征组合作为字典学习输入特征空间的输入信息;然后,设计一个标签一致性正则化项,将原始样本的标签信息融入到初始的输入特征数据中,结合标签一致性判别字典和标签一致性正则化项进行字典学习;最后,通过得到的字典和稀疏编码矩阵求解标签稀疏编向量,实现未知图像的语义标注。在Corel 5K数据集上测试其标注性能,所提标注方法平均查准率和平均查全率分别可达到35%和48%;与传统的稀疏编码方法(MSC)相比,分别提高了10个百分点和16个百分点;与距离约束稀疏/组稀疏编码方法(DCSC/DCGSC)相比,分别提高了3个百分点和14个百分点。实验结果表明,所提方法能够较好地预测未知图像的语义信息,与当前几种流行的图像标注方法进行比较,所提方法具有较好的标注性能。 相似文献
分析了图像检索系统的研究现状,指出了出现语义鸿沟的原因在于系统中缺乏对于实体相互关系的描述,提出了一个四层的图像语义模型,并在此基础上给出了基于常识库和图像实体库的图像描述和检索模型。以图像的颜色、纹理、形状等特征来构造实体的描述信息,并以常识库信息来分析图像场景中的实体构成和关系,从而获得对图像语义信息的识别和理解。 相似文献
针对图像标注数据集中存在的标注对象比例不一致和标签分布不平衡问题,提出基于特征融合和代价敏感学习的图像标注方法.在卷积神经网络中加入特征融合层,改进VGG16原有的网络结构,特征融合层结合注意力机制,对网络中不同卷积层提取的多尺度特征进行选择性融合,提升对不同尺度对象的标注精度;将代价敏感学习融入损失函数对网络模型进行训练,提升网络的泛化性能.实验结果表明,该方法能提升图像标注的准确率,增加对低频标签的召回率. 相似文献
针对有效利用图像底层视觉特征和图像语义特征进行图像标注,提出一种改进的AP(Affinity Propagation)聚类标注模型。首先采用半监督距离测度学习算法,融合图像语义信息,训练得到新的距离测度。然后使用新的距离测度对每一类图像进行AP聚类,生成各类图像的聚类中心,计算待标注图像到各类图像聚类中心的平均距离,确定待标注图像类别。最后计算待标注图像到类内各个聚类中心的距离,确定待标注图像类内类别,统计该类别下图像的标注词,作为待标注图像的标注词。在Corel5K和NUS-WIDE数据集上进行了实验,经验证,该方法有效提高了标注精度。 相似文献
针对图像标注数据集标签分布不平衡问题,提出了基于标签平滑策略的多标签平滑单元(MLSU)。MLSU在网络模型训练过程中自动平滑数据集中的高频标签,使网络适当提升了低频标签的输出值,从而提升了低频标注词的标注性能。为解决图像标注数据集样本数量不足造成网络过拟合的问题,提出了基于迁移学习的卷积神经网络(CNN)模型。首先利用互联网上的大型公共图像数据集对深度网络进行预训练,然后利用目标数据集对网络参数进行微调,构建了一个多标签平滑卷积神经网络模型(CNN-MLSU)。分别在Corel5K和IAPR TC-12图像标注数据集上进行实验,在Corel5K数据集上,CNN-MLSU较卷积神经网络回归方法(CNN-R)的平均准确率与平均召回率分别提升了5个百分点和8个百分点;在IAPR TC-12数据集上,CNN-MLSU较两场K最邻近模型(2PKNN_ML)的平均召回率提升了6个百分点。实验结果表明,基于迁移学习的CNN-MLSU方法能有效地预防网络过拟合,同时提升了低频词的标注效果。 相似文献
In this paper, the learning-based single image super-resolution (SR) is regarded as a problem of space structure learning. We propose a new SR method that identifies a space from the low-resolution (LR) image space that best preserves the structure of the high-resolution (HR) image space. The inference between the two structure-consistent spaces proves to be accurate and predicts HR image patches with higher quality. An effective iterative algorithm is also proposed to find the near-optimal solution to the model, which can be easily implemented in parallel computing. Extensive experiments are performed to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
基于Web的医学多媒体教学系统 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对传统医学教育中存在的问题,探讨了利用现代医学网络多媒体教学系统开展网络教学的新思路,从而达到锻炼医学生临床思维能力的效果.对医学网络多媒体教学软件的结构、功能及实现进行了讨论,并提出了未来网络多媒体教学系统的智能化和虚拟化发展方向. 相似文献
目前的图像垃圾邮件过滤技术,大都采用国际上通用的垃圾图像数据集作为训练集,与中国国内图像垃圾邮件的图像特点不一致,图像数据缺乏实时更新,且分类器单一,过滤效果难以保证。针对该问题,在建立国内垃圾邮件图像数据库的基础上,首先提取图像的颜色、纹理和形状特征,再经K-NN分类算法优选出HSV颜色直方图特征对不同分类器进行训练、测试和性能比较,提出将基于粗糙集的K-NN算法、Naive Bayes算法和SVM算法构成的3种基分类器相结合,并基于串行迭代提升的方法形成集成学习的强分类器。该方法可以实现对国内图像垃圾邮件的有效过滤,使图像垃圾邮件过滤的准确率和召回率同时得到提升,分别为97.3%和96.1%,误判率降低到了2.7%。 相似文献
Dear editor,
The increasing awareness of the potential value hidden in data has resulted in many data mining studies being con-ducted.In the domain of software ... 相似文献
Zhang Gang Hsu Ching-Hsien Robert Lai Huadong Zheng Xianghan 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2018,77(8):9849-9869
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Automated annotation of skin biopsy histopathological images provides valuable information and supports for diagnosis, especially for the discrimination between... 相似文献
Jing Liu Author Vitae Mingjing Li Author Vitae Author Vitae Hanqing Lu Author Vitae Author Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2009,42(2):218-228
Image annotation has been an active research topic in recent years due to its potential impact on both image understanding and web image search. In this paper, we propose a graph learning framework for image annotation. First, the image-based graph learning is performed to obtain the candidate annotations for each image. In order to capture the complex distribution of image data, we propose a Nearest Spanning Chain (NSC) method to construct the image-based graph, whose edge-weights are derived from the chain-wise statistical information instead of the traditional pairwise similarities. Second, the word-based graph learning is developed to refine the relationships between images and words to get final annotations for each image. To enrich the representation of the word-based graph, we design two types of word correlations based on web search results besides the word co-occurrence in the training set. The effectiveness of the proposed solution is demonstrated from the experiments on the Corel dataset and a web image dataset. 相似文献
Image annotation can be formulated as a classification problem. Recently, Adaboost learning with feature selection has been used for creating an accurate ensemble classifier. We propose dynamic Adaboost learning with feature selection based on parallel genetic algorithm for image annotation in MPEG-7 standard. In each iteration of Adaboost learning, genetic algorithm (GA) is used to dynamically generate and optimize a set of feature subsets on which the weak classifiers are constructed, so that an ensemble member is selected. We investigate two methods of GA feature selection: a binary-coded chromosome GA feature selection method used to perform optimal feature subset selection, and a bi-coded chromosome GA feature selection method used to perform optimal-weighted feature subset selection, i.e. simultaneously perform optimal feature subset selection and corresponding optimal weight subset selection. To improve the computational efficiency of our approach, master-slave GA, a parallel program of GA, is implemented. k-nearest neighbor classifier is used as the base classifier. The experiments are performed over 2000 classified Corel images to validate the performance of the approaches. 相似文献
为解决图像分类过程中特征点选择的随机性对分类精度造成的影响,提出一种基于图像目标特征空间自学习分类算法。利用基于颜色和纹理特征的多通道局部主动轮廊模型找到图像的目标区域,在目标区域选取特征并对特征稀疏编码建立图像的目标特征空间。为进一步提高图像分类精度建立投票机制下基于图像目标特征空间的自学习算法。实验结果表明,该方法能避免特征选择的随机性对实验结果的影响,有效地提高图像分类的精度。 相似文献
Fuhao Zou Yu Liu Hua Wang Jingkuan Song Jie Shao Ke Zhou Sheng Zheng 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2016,75(20):12627-12644
Image annotation is posed as multi-class classification problem. Pursuing higher accuracy is a permanent but not stale challenge in the field of image annotation. To further improve the accuracy of image annotation, we propose a multi-view multi-label (abbreviated by MVML) learning algorithm, in which we take multiple feature (i.e., view) and ensemble learning into account simultaneously. By doing so, we make full use of the complementarity among the views and the base learners of ensemble learning, leading to higher accuracy of image annotation. With respect to the different distribution of positive and negative training examples, we propose two versions of MVML: the Boosting and Bagging versions of MVML. The former is suitable for learning over balanced examples while the latter applies to the opposite scenario. Besides, the weights of base learner is evaluated on validation data instead of training data, which will improve the generalization ability of the final ensemble classifiers. The experimental results have shown that the MVML is superior to the ensemble SVM of single view. 相似文献
Neural Computing and Applications - Internet is a new type of information exchange tool that has developed with the times. Now, it has been integrated into all aspects of our study and life. At the... 相似文献
基于图像分割的语义标注方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为有效解决图像检索中存在的“语义鸿沟”问题,提出了一种新的语义标注方法。该方法以图像分割为基础,在训练阶段构建图像字典,通过对图像单元颜色、纹理、小波轮廓的分析和描述形成一种结合小波轮廓比对和概率统计的二阶段标注模型,模型针对不同类别的图像分阶段采用相应的标注方法。经实验,应用该模型进行图像检索查全率和查准率都有明显提高,其中查准率最高可提升23.6%,证明该方法更接近人对图像内容的理解,具有良好的标注效果和检索性能。 相似文献