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Recommender systems are designed to solve the information overload problem and have been widely studied for many years. Conventional recommender systems tend to take ratings of users on products into account. With the development of Web 2.0, Rating Networks in many online communities (e.g. Netflix and Douban) allow users not only to co-comment or co-rate their interests (e.g. movies and books), but also to build explicit social networks. Recent recommendation models use various social data, such as observable links, but these explicit pieces of social information incorporating recommendations normally adopt similarity measures (e.g. cosine similarity) to evaluate the explicit relationships in the network - they do not consider the latent and implicit relationships in the network, such as social influence. A target user’s purchase behavior or interest, for instance, is not always determined by their directly connected relationships and may be significantly influenced by the high reputation of people they do not know in the network, or others who have expertise in specific domains (e.g. famous social communities). In this paper, based on the above observations, we first simulate the social influence diffusion in the network to find the global and local influence nodes and then embed this dual influence data into a traditional recommendation model to improve accuracy. Mathematically, we formulate the global and local influence data as new dual social influence regularization terms and embed them into a matrix factorization-based recommendation model. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the effective performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

With the advent and popularity of social network, more and more people like to share their experience in social network. However, network information is growing exponentially which leads to information overload. Recommender system is an effective way to solve this problem. The current research on recommender systems is mainly focused on research models and algorithms in social networks, and the social networks structure of recommender systems has not been analyzed thoroughly and the so-called cold start problem has not been resolved effectively. We in this paper propose a novel hybrid recommender system called Hybrid Matrix Factorization(HMF) model which uses hypergraph topology to describe and analyze the interior relation of social network in the system. More factors including contextual information, user feature, item feature and similarity of users ratings are all taken into account based on matrix factorization method. Extensive experimental evaluation on publicly available datasets demonstrate that the proposed hybrid recommender system outperforms the existing recommender systems in tackling cold start problem and dealing with sparse rating datasets. Our system also enjoys improved recommendation accuracy compared with several major existing recommendation approaches.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of social network services has produced a considerable amount of data, called big social data. Big social data are helpful for improving personalized recommender systems because these enormous data have various characteristics. Therefore, many personalized recommender systems based on big social data have been proposed, in particular models that use people relationship information. However, most existing studies have provided recommendations on special purpose and single-domain SNS that have a set of users with similar tastes, such as MovieLens and Last.fm; nonetheless, they have considered closeness relation. In this paper, we introduce an appropriate measure to calculate the closeness between users in a social circle, namely, the friendship strength. Further, we propose a friendship strength-based personalized recommender system that recommends topics or interests users might have in order to analyze big social data, using Twitter in particular. The proposed measure provides precise recommendations in multi-domain environments that have various topics. We evaluated the proposed system using one month's Twitter data based on various evaluation metrics. Our experimental results show that our personalized recommender system outperforms the baseline systems, and friendship strength is of great importance in personalized recommendation.  相似文献   

推荐系统旨在为用户提供个性化匹配服务,从而有效缓解大数据时代的信息过载问题,并且改善用户体验,增加用户粘性,极大地促进了电子商务等领域的发展。然而,在实际应用场景中,由于数据稀疏和冷启动问题的存在,推荐系统往往难以得到精准的推荐结果;而复杂的模型设计也导致推荐系统的可解释性不尽如人意。因此,如何充分利用交互、属性、以及各种辅助信息提升推荐的性能和可解释性是推荐系统的核心问题。另一方面,异质信息网络作为一种全面地建模复杂系统中丰富的结构和语义信息的方法,在融合多源信息、捕捉结构语义等方面具有显著优势,已经被成功应用于相似性度量、节点聚类、链接预测、排序等各种数据挖掘任务中。近年来,采用异质信息网络统一建模推荐系统中不同类型对象的复杂交互行为、丰富的用户和商品属性以及各种各样的辅助信息,不仅有效地缓解了推荐系统的数据稀疏和冷启动问题,而且具有较好的可解释性,并因此得到了广泛关注与应用。本文旨在对基于异质信息网络的推荐系统进行全面地综述,首次系统地梳理现有工作,弥补该领域缺乏综述的空白。具体而言,本文首先介绍了异质信息网络和推荐系统的核心概念和背景知识,简要回顾了异质信息网络和推荐系统的研究现状,并且阐述了将推荐系统建模为异质信息网络的一般步骤。然后,本文根据模型原理的不同将现有方法分为三类,分别是基于相似性度量的方法、基于矩阵分解的方法和基于图表示学习的方法,并对每类方法的代表性工作进行了全面的介绍,指出了每类方法的优缺点和不同方法之间的发展脉络与内在关系。最后,本文讨论了现有方法存在的问题,并展望了该领域未来的几个潜在的研究方向。  相似文献   

Given the increasing applications of service computing and cloud computing, a large number of Web services are deployed on the Internet, triggering the research of Web service recommendation. Despite of service QoS, the use of user feedback is becoming the current trend in service recommendation. Likewise in traditional recommender systems, sparsity, cold-start and trustworthiness are major issues challenging service recommendation in adopting similarity-based approaches. Meanwhile, with the prevalence of social networks, nowadays people become active in interacting with various computers and users, resulting in a huge volume of data available, such as service information, user-service ratings, interaction logs, and user relationships. Therefore, how to incorporate the trust relationship in social networks with user feedback for service recommendation motivates this work. In this paper, we propose a social network-based service recommendation method with trust enhancement known as RelevantTrustWalker. First, a matrix factorization method is utilized to assess the degree of trust between users in social network. Next, an extended random walk algorithm is proposed to obtain recommendation results. To evaluate the accuracy of the algorithm, experiments on a real-world dataset are conducted and experimental results indicate that the quality of the recommendation and the speed of the method are improved compared with existing algorithms.  相似文献   

With the development and popularity of social networks, an increasing number of consumers prefer to order tourism products online, and like to share their experiences on social networks. Searching for tourism destinations online is a difficult task on account of its more restrictive factors. Recommender system can help these users to dispose information overload. However, such a system is affected by the issue of low recommendation accuracy and the cold-start problem. In this paper, we propose a tourism destination recommender system that employs opinion-mining technology to refine user sentiment, and make use of temporal dynamics to represent user preference and destination popularity drifting over time. These elements are then fused with the SVD+ + method by combining user sentiment and temporal influence. Compared with several well-known recommendation approaches, our method achieves improved recommendation accuracy and quality. A series of experimental evaluations, using a publicly available dataset, demonstrates that the proposed recommender system outperforms the existing recommender systems.  相似文献   

With the growth of digital music, the development of music recommendation is helpful for users to pick desirable music pieces from a huge repository of music. The existing music recommendation approaches are based on a user’s preference on music. However, sometimes, it might better meet users’ requirement to recommend music pieces according to emotions. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for emotion-based music recommendation. The core of the recommendation framework is the construction of the music emotion model by affinity discovery from film music, which plays an important role in conveying emotions in film. We investigate the music feature extraction and propose the Music Affinity Graph and Music Affinity Graph-Plus algorithms for the construction of music emotion model. Experimental result shows the proposed emotion-based music recommendation achieves 85% accuracy in average.  相似文献   

With the growing popularity of open social networks, approaches incorporating social relationships into recommender systems are gaining momentum, especially matrix factorization-based ones. The experiments in previous literatures indicate that social information is very effective in improving the performance of traditional recommendation algorithms. However, most of existing social recommendation methods only take one kind of social relations—trust information into consideration, which is far from satisfactory. Furthermore, most of the existing trust networks are binary, which results in the equal treatment to different users who are trusted by the same user in these methods. In this paper, based on matrix factorization methods, we propose a new approach to make recommendation with social information. Its novelty can be summarized as follows: (1) it shows how to add different weights on the social trust relationships among users based on the trustee’s competence and trustworthiness; (2) it incorporates the similarity relationships among users as a complement into the social trust relationships to enhance the computation of user’s neighborhood; (3) it can balance the influence of these two kinds of relationships based on user’s individuality adaptively. Experiments on Epinions and Ciao datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of mean absolute error and root mean square error, in particular for the users who rated a few items.  相似文献   

Although recommendation techniques have achieved distinct developments over the decades,the data sparseness problem of the involved user-item matrix still seriously influences the recommendation quality.Most of the existing techniques for recommender systems cannot easily deal with users who have very few ratings.How to combine the increasing amount of different types of social information such as user generated content and social relationships to enhance the prediction precision of the recommender systems remains a huge challenge.In this paper,based on a factor graph model,we formalize the problem in a semi-supervised probabilistic model,which can incorporate different user information,user relationships,and user-item ratings for learning to predict the unknown ratings.We evaluate the method in two different genres of datasets,Douban and Last.fm.Experiments indicate that our method outperforms several state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms.Furthermore,a distributed learning algorithm is developed to scale up the approach to real large datasets.  相似文献   

社会化推荐研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提供了一个关于社会化推荐研究进展的概述。随着推荐系统研究的不断深入,将社会化影响融入推荐系统成为一个新的研究热点和问题丰富的研究领域。首先描述了社会化推荐的相关技术:推荐系统和社会化网络分析。对当前社会化推荐的一些最新技术方法进行分类介绍,具体包括利用社会化关系推荐物品,利用社会化关系推荐好友,根据内容推荐社会化关系,小组推荐和为团体推荐五个方面。  相似文献   


Recommender systems provide personalized information access to users of Internet services from social networks to e-commerce to media and entertainment. As is appropriate for research in a field with a focus on personalization, academic studies of recommender systems have largely concentrated on optimizing for user experience when designing, implementing and evaluating their algorithms and systems. However, this concentration on the user has meant that the field has lacked a systematic exploration of other aspects of recommender system outcomes. A user-centric approach limits the ability to incorporate system objectives, such as fairness, balance, and profitability, and obscures concerns that might come from other stakeholders, such as the providers or sellers of items being recommended. Multistakeholder recommendation has emerged as a unifying framework for describing and understanding recommendation settings where the end user is not the sole focus. This article outlines the multistakeholder perspective on recommendation, highlighting example research areas and discussing important issues, open questions, and prospective research directions.


For recommender systems, the main aim of the popular collaborative filtering approaches is to recommend items that users with similar preferences have liked in the past. Single-criterion recommender systems have been successfully used in several applications. Because leveraging multicriteria information can potentially improve recommendation accuracy, multicriteria rating systems that allow users to assign ratings to various content attributes of items they have consumed have become the focus in recommendation systems. By treating the recommendation of items as a multicriteria decision problem, it is interesting to incorporate the preference relation of users of multicriteria decision making (MCDM) into the similarity measure for a collaborative filtering approach. For this, the well-known indifference relation can justify a discrimination or similarity between any two users, if outranking relation theory is incorporated. The applicability of the proposed single-criterion and multicriteria recommendation approaches to the recommendation of initiators on a group-buying website was examined. Experimental results have demonstrated that the generalization ability of the proposed multicriteria recommendation approach performs well in comparison to other single-criterion and multicriteria collaborative filtering approaches.  相似文献   

一种融合项目特征和移动用户信任关系的推荐算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡勋  孟祥武  张玉洁  史艳翠 《软件学报》2014,25(8):1817-1830
协同过滤推荐系统中普遍存在评分数据稀疏问题.传统的协同过滤推荐系统中的余弦、Pearson 等方法都是基于共同评分项目来计算用户间的相似度;而在稀疏的评分数据中,用户间共同评分的项目所占比重较小,不能准确地找到偏好相似的用户,从而影响协同过滤推荐的准确度.为了改变基于共同评分项目的用户相似度计算,使用推土机距离(earth mover's distance,简称EMD)实现跨项目的移动用户相似度计算,提出了一种融合项目特征和移动用户信任关系的协同过滤推荐算法.实验结果表明:与余弦、Pearson 方法相比,融合项目特征的用户相似度计算方法能够缓解评分数据稀疏对协同过滤算法的影响.所提出的推荐算法能够提高移动推荐的准确度.  相似文献   

This paper presents a metric to measure similarity between users, which is applicable in collaborative filtering processes carried out in recommender systems. The proposed metric is formulated via a simple linear combination of values and weights. Values are calculated for each pair of users between which the similarity is obtained, whilst weights are only calculated once, making use of a prior stage in which a genetic algorithm extracts weightings from the recommender system which depend on the specific nature of the data from each recommender system. The results obtained present significant improvements in prediction quality, recommendation quality and performance.  相似文献   

Collaborative recommender systems select potentially interesting items for each user based on the preferences of like-minded individuals. Particularly, e-commerce has become a major domain in these research field due to its business interest, since identifying the products the users may like or find useful can boost consumption. During the last years, a great number of works in the literature have focused in the improvement of these tools. Expertise, trust and reputation models are incorporated in collaborative recommender systems to increase their accuracy and reliability. However, current approaches require extra data from the users that is not often available. In this paper, we present two contributions that apply a semantic approach to improve recommendation results transparently to the users. On the one hand, we automatically build implicit trust networks in order to incorporate trust and reputation in the selection of the set of like-minded users that will drive the recommendation. On the other hand, we propose a measure of practical expertise by exploiting the data available in any e-commerce recommender system – the consumption histories of the users.  相似文献   

In our connected world, recommender systems have become widely known for their ability to provide expert and personalize referrals to end-users in different domains. The rapid growth of social networks and new kinds of systems so called “social recommender systems” are rising, where recommender systems can be utilized to find a suitable content according to end-users' personal preferences. However, preserving end-users' privacy in social recommender systems is a very challenging problem that might prevent end-users from releasing their own data, which detains the accuracy of extracted referrals. In order to gain accurate referrals, social recommender systems should have the ability to preserve the privacy of end-users registered in this system. In this paper, we present a middleware that runs on end-users' Set-top boxes to conceal their profile data when released for generating referrals, such that computation of recommendation proceeds over the concealed data. The proposed middleware is equipped with two concealment protocols to give users a complete control on the privacy level of their profiles. We present an IPTV network scenario and perform a number of different experiments to test the efficiency and accuracy of our protocols. As supported by the experiments, our protocols maintain the recommendations accuracy with acceptable privacy level.  相似文献   

A people-to-people matching system (or a match-making system) refers to a system in which users join with the objective of meeting other users with the common need. Some real-world examples of these systems are employer-employee (in job search networks), mentor-student (in university social networks), consume-to-consumer (in marketplaces) and male-female (in an online dating network). The network underlying in these systems consists of two groups of users, and the relationships between users need to be captured for developing an efficient match-making system. Most of the existing studies utilize information either about each of the users in isolation or their interaction separately, and develop recommender systems using the one form of information only. It is imperative to understand the linkages among the users in the network and use them in developing a match-making system. This study utilizes several social network analysis methods such as graph theory, small world phenomenon, centrality analysis, density analysis to gain insight into the entities and their relationships present in this network. This paper also proposes a new type of graph called “attributed bipartite graph”. By using these analyses and the proposed type of graph, an efficient hybrid recommender system is developed which generates recommendation for new users as well as shows improvement in accuracy over the baseline methods.  相似文献   

Increasing amount of online music content has opened new opportunities for implementing new effective information access services–commonly known as music recommender systems–that support music navigation, discovery, sharing, and formation of user communities. In the recent years a new research area of contextual (or situational) music recommendation and retrieval has emerged. The basic idea is to retrieve and suggest music depending on the user’s actual situation, for instance emotional state, or any other contextual conditions that might influence the user’s perception of music. Despite the high potential of such idea, the development of real-world applications that retrieve or recommend music depending on the user’s context is still in its early stages. This survey illustrates various tools and techniques that can be used for addressing the research challenges posed by context-aware music retrieval and recommendation. This survey covers a broad range of topics, starting from classical music information retrieval (MIR) and recommender system (RS) techniques, and then focusing on context-aware music applications as well as the newer trends of affective and social computing applied to the music domain.  相似文献   

Recommender systems are used to suggest items to users based on their interests. They have been used widely in various domains, including online stores, web advertisements, and social networks. As part of their process, recommender systems use a set of similarity measurements that would assist in finding interesting items. Although many similarity measurements have been proposed in the literature, they have not concentrated on actual user interests. This paper proposes a new efficient hybrid similarity measure for recommender systems based on user interests. This similarity measure is a combination of two novel base similarity measurements: the user interest–user interest similarity measure and the user interest–item similarity measure. This hybrid similarity measure improves the existing work in three aspects. First, it improves the current recommender systems by using actual user interests. Second, it provides a comprehensive evaluation of an efficient solution to the cold start problem. Third, this similarity measure works well even when no corated items exist between two users. Our experiments show that our proposed similarity measure is efficient in terms of accuracy, execution time, and applicability. Specifically, our proposed similarity measure achieves a mean absolute error (MAE) as low as 0.42, with 64% applicability and an execution time as low as 0.03 s, whereas the existing similarity measures from the literature achieve an MAE of 0.88 at their best; these results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed similarity measure in terms of accuracy, as well as having a high applicability percentage and a very short execution time.  相似文献   

The emergence of social networks and the vast amount of data that they contain about their users make them a valuable source for personal information about users for recommender systems. In this paper we investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of utilizing existing available data from social networks for the recommendation process, specifically from Facebook. The data may replace or enrich explicit user ratings. We extract from Facebook content published by users on their personal pages about their favorite items and preferences in the domain of recommendation, and data about preferences related to other domains to allow cross-domain recommendation. We study several methods for integrating Facebook data with the recommendation process and compare the performance of these methods with that of traditional collaborative filtering that utilizes user ratings. In a field study that we conducted, recommendations obtained using Facebook data were tested and compared for 95 subjects and their crawled Facebook friends. Encouraging results show that when data is sparse or not available for a new user, recommendation results relying solely on Facebook data are at least equally as accurate as results obtained from user ratings. The experimental study also indicates that enriching sparse rating data by adding Facebook data can significantly improve results. Moreover, our findings highlight the benefits of utilizing cross domain Facebook data to achieve improvement in recommendation performance.  相似文献   

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