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随着互联网+时代的到来,数字化教育将会向智慧教育的方向发展,智慧教育将会变革和创新以往的学习方 式、教学方式和评价方式,智慧教育为学习者提供了个性化的混合式教育模式。本文介绍了我院“计算机网络”课程在思科网 院、百度云课堂、Blackboard 系统中开展在线智慧教学的相关实践,特别指出了借助智能化的学习分析技术来收集、处理教学 数据,分析评估学习者的学习行为并进行必要的干涉,以便及时提高和改进教学效果。随着系统中教学数据的不断丰富,可借 助大数据分析平台进行进一步地分析以促进智慧学习。  相似文献   

传统的教学方式正在发生变革,移动化学习越来越成为老师和学生进行教与学的一种新手段,尤其是智能手机的普及和大数据技术的发展。随着越来越多的学习者习惯于用移动设备进行学习,现有学习平台的局限性就越来越明显。该文以大数据为基础,设计了高校智慧移动学习平台解决方案。该平台主要实现对学习内容进行智能化推荐,文中主要对系统中的推荐理论模型进行详细介绍——建立主要的模糊推荐需求集合;建立高级的模糊推荐需求集;设计模糊推荐算法。平台可根据学习者动态的学习情况,智能推荐合适的学习内容,并将实时信息告知学习者,结果分析证明该平台可靠且易于使用。该方案对普通高校的教学具有一定的推动作用,为教学创新提供了新的参考。  相似文献   

Attaining those skills that match labor market demand is getting increasingly complicated, not in the last place in engineering education, as prerequisite knowledge, skills, and abilities are evolving dynamically through an uncontrollable and seemingly unpredictable process. Anticipating and addressing such dynamism is a fundamental challenge to twenty-first century education. The burgeoning availability of data, not only on the demand side but also on the supply side (in the form of open educational resources) coupled with smart technologies, may provide a fertile ground for addressing this challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel, Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven approach to the development of an open, personalized, and labor market oriented learning recommender system, called eDoer. We discuss the complete system development cycle starting with a systematic user requirements gathering, and followed by system design, implementation, and validation. Our recommender prototype (1) derives the skill requirements for particular occupations through an analysis of online job vacancy announcements; (2) decomposes skills into learning topics; (3) collects a variety of open online educational resources that address those topics; (4) checks the quality of those resources and topic relevance with three intelligent prediction models; (5) helps learners to set their learning goals towards their desired job-related skills; (6) recommends personalized learning pathways and learning content based on individual learning goals; and (7) provides assessment services for learners to monitor their progress towards their desired learning objectives. Accordingly, we created a learning dashboard focusing on three Data Science related jobs and conducted an initial validation of eDoer through a randomized experiment. Controlling for the effects of prior knowledge as assessed by means of a pretest, the randomized experiment provided tentative support for the hypothesis that learners who engaged with personal recommendations provided by eDoer to acquire knowledge of basic statistics, attained higher scores on the posttest than those who did not. The hypothesis that learners who received personalized content in terms of format, length, level of detail, and content type, would achieve higher scores than those receiving non-personalized content was not supported.  相似文献   

网络教学平台的应用可为学习者提供丰富的资源,但是对于教师或学习者从现有网络教学平台获得的数据使 用是静态的,平台缺乏个性化学习指导。通过将大数据思维引入网络教学平台,可以更好地理解学习者的多样性和每个学习 者的真实情况。本文分析了现有网络教学平台的一些缺点,并讨论了如何利用“数据驱动”为学习者提供优质,个性化的教育 资源。  相似文献   

刘芳  田枫  李欣  林琳 《智能系统学报》2021,16(6):1117-1125
在线教育存在“信息迷航”问题,而传统的信息推荐方法往往忽视教育的主体—学习者的特征。本文依据教育教学理论,根据在线教育平台中的学习者相关数据,研究构建了适用于在线学习资源个性化推荐的学习者模型。以协同过滤推荐方法为切入点,融合学习者模型中的静态特征和动态特征对协同过滤方法进行改进,建立融入学习者模型的在线学习资源协同过滤推荐方法。以2020年3~7月时间段的东北石油大学“C程序设计”课程学生的真实学习数据和行为数据为数据集,对本文提出的方法进行验证和对比,最后证明本文提出的方法在性能上均优于对比方法。  相似文献   

The unique features and capabilities of online learning are built on the ability to connect to a wider range of learning resources and peer learners that benefit individual learners, such as through discussion forums, collaborative learning, and community building. The success of online learning thus depends on the participation, engagement, and social interaction of peer learners, which leads to knowledge sharing. Thus, without frequent and persistent interaction, it is doubtful whether knowledge sharing can take place in online learning. This study argues that theories about the development and maintenance of social relationships provide a theoretical foundation for understanding the motivation to engage in online knowledge sharing behavior. An Online Knowledge Sharing Model (OKSM) is proposed and empirically tested among undergraduate students using an online learning environment. The model introduces two new constructs – Perceived Online Attachment Motivation (POAM) and Perceived Online Relationship Commitment (PORC), which together explained 71 percent of the variance observed in self-reported online knowledge sharing behavior. The findings provide some explanations for the motivation to share knowledge, and have several implications for the design of the features and capabilities of online learning environments.  相似文献   

The combination of digital technology and education promotes the field of education to enter the stage of innovation and development. For educators and learners of computer network major, in order to give full play to their professional advantages in the digital age, it needs to break through the limitations of existing educational models, educational ideas and educational resources, and break the dilemma of computer network innovation teaching. It needs to enrich the way of knowledge acquisition by creative train- ing mode; establish a learner-centered internal driving model to change the traditional teaching and learning methods; and make full use of educational resources to create a scientific and intelligent teaching environment.  相似文献   

本文是关于我们获得2020年度吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖主要工作的一个介绍。该成果针对自适应学习中面临的教学资源表示困难、学习状态诊断困难以及学习策略设计困难等关键技术难题,首先构建数据驱动的教学资源无监督表示新框架,提高了教学资源质量评估和内容检索的精度和效率。其次提出基于深度学习的学习者认知诊断新方法,突破了以量表为基础的教育测量理论研究范式。然后设计基于知识匹配的个性化推荐技术以及多目标匹配的自适应推荐技术,满足了智能教育场景的复杂约束与学习者的多样目标需求。最后,本文成果研发了面向基础教育的智能教育系统——智学网,已在全国推广使用,对我国智能教育发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

随着物联网、云计算、大数据等新技术的涌现,智慧水务已成为完善水资源科学管理的有效载体。探讨智慧水务的概念和支撑体系,根据郑州市水务业务信息化的概况与存在的问题,介绍郑州市智慧水务立体感知层、信息处理层、智能应用层和支撑保障层4个层次的体系构建,并讨论智慧水务建设中涉及的关键技术问题,为城市智慧水务建设和发展提供一定参考。  相似文献   

当今的教育模式发生着非常重大的变革,教育正在向泛在化、智能化、个性化的方向发展。以Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs)为代表的在线教育逐渐进入大众视野,在线教育中的交互性成为了决定在线学习质量的关键。研究表明,学习过程中的交互为学习者提供了有效且高效的帮助和支持,对学习过程的评价反馈可以有效地提高学习效果。在教育领域,对学习者和学习资源之间的交互进行建模至关重要,表示学习技术为学习者和学习资源之间的顺序交互建模提供了具体方案。文中首先建立在线学习的交互网络模型,然后使用两个循环神经网络将网络中的学习者和学习资源节点嵌入到一个欧氏空间中,并提出交互质量评价指标,以判断学习者的学习效果是否达到预期。在实际数据集上的实验证明了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

王庆  黄燕  吴平 《计算机应用研究》2005,22(12):226-229
讨论了一种很有发展前景的E教学开发设计思想,集智能代理和学习对象为一体来开发更智能化,更高交互性和高扩展性的在线教学系统。在该系统中,每个对象都被附加上一个智能代理,从而在在线学习中像一个代理程序一样,从学习环境中获得各项实时参数,然后根据这些参数采取相应的操作。此外,与内置智能代理的对象一样,用户模块被设计用来记录和保存一切与用户有关的信息,包括习惯的学习方式以及所有在线学习课程当中的活动事件。由于用户模块可以更好地了解每个用户,系统就会以一种更具有针对性的方式工作,就像老师在课堂上可以对不同的学生采取  相似文献   

谌顺周  吴云  谢红英  姜莉 《软件》2020,(4):169-172
基于大数据技术的高职院校O2O智慧教学平台是一个智慧学习、智慧答疑、精准教学、在线讨论、个性化练习测试、多维度评价等功能的一体化教学服务系统。学生通过平台线上自主学习、多方讨论、多维度评价,教师通过平台进行学情分析、问题答疑、教学设计,教学管理者通过平台实施数据化教学决策,通过线上线下有机结合,形成闭环,有效推进个性化、精准化教学。本文通过对基于大数据技术的高职院校O2O智慧教学平台构建进行研究,提出O2O智慧教学平台的技术框架,为平台的构建提供技术参考。  相似文献   

近几年来,智慧教育已经成为我国教育信息化发展的重要内容。以中国知网核心期刊和CSSCI 数据库作为数据源,以2010年到2021年关于智慧教育研究文献作为研究对象,运用CiteSpace软件对文献进行可视化分析,绘制知识图谱来探讨我国智慧教育研究的热点和趋势。研究表明:对我国智慧教育领域研究的现状处于上升趋势,已经形成了一批核心的研究学者,其研究热点主要是教育信息化、教育大数据、智慧课堂、区块链、智慧校园等内容,人工智能、5G、智能教育、教育现代化的融合发展的研究是我国智慧教育研究的主要趋势。总体来说,我国在智慧教育领域取得了一定的成果,但对于实践应用的研究有待提高。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术和数字技术的迅速发展,网络教育已经进入了数字化、智能化、个性化的发展阶段。本文致力于研究网络学习系统中的基于P2P流媒体技术的视频教学资源系统平台的构架,为学习者提供一个"以学习者为中心"的网络化学习环境。  相似文献   

近年来,随着网络教育成为当前教育领域的大趋势,多家网校平台拔地而起,但教育资源与学习效果参差不 齐,针对性也不强,实时性也不够。随着网络直播的兴起,网络“私人订制”学习成为新时代网络教育的新需求。基于云服务的 私人订制学习系统兼顾学习者个性化需求,体现了专业性较强的学习特点,达到一对一网络视频授课效果。系统充分利用云 服务与大数据的优势,开辟名师预约、名师视频、名师论坛、公告消息、资料下载等功能。  相似文献   

As Information & Communication Technology (ICT) is rapidly evolved, educational paradigms have been changing. The ultimate goal of education with the aid of ICT is to provide customized training for learners to improve the effectiveness of their learning at anytime and anywhere. In the online learning environment where the Internet, mobile devices, peer-to-peer (P2P) and the cloud technology are leveraged, all the information in learning activities is converted into digital data and stored in the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) system. The data in the CSCL system contains various learners’ information including the learning objectives, learning preferences, competences and achievements. Thus, by analyzing the activity information of learners in an online CSCL system, meaningful and useful information can be extracted and provided for learners, teachers and administrators as feedback. In this paper, we propose a learner activity model that represents the learner’s activity information stored in a CSCL system. As for the proposed learner activity model, we classified the learning activities in a CSCL system into three categories: vivacity, learning and relationship; then we created quotients to represent them accordingly. In addition, we developed a CSCL System, which we termed as COLLA, applied the proposed learner activity model and analyzed the results.  相似文献   


Contemporary research into virtual learning embraces the concept that the constraints of time and place of study are eliminated. The potential market it could therefore encapsulate is phenomenal and the subsequent changes that threaten to ricochet through the higher education sector can be described as evolutionary. Whilst concurrently being an incredibly exciting prospect for future learners, online learning is also making the traditional 'bricks and mortar' higher education establishment extremely uneasy, arousing fears of global competition, which would evoke a need for transformational change. The UK has embraced technology to support virtual learning across the whole tertiary education sector. There is an implicit assumption that the provision of systems to support remote, independent learners will provide learner-centred environments for all to access. This may not be the case as evidenced by O'Donoghue et al . (2001), amongst others. This paper aims to examine the possible metamorphosis of the organizational structure of the higher education system, and the methods university administrators and lecturers will need to use to adapt to this. Through considering the impact on students, an analysis will be made of the extent of the threat that distance learning imposes on the traditional campus. The work centres on the UK experience, but draws heavily on the opportunities, threats and promises of globalize learning paradigms.  相似文献   

随着Internet技术的高速发展,多媒体技术的应用已成为大部分教师的首选,网络教育、网络学习、基于网络的多媒体教学设计也成为授业者和学习者追求的目标。该文将以WEB开发基础科目为例,具体讲述现代多媒体教学模式的设计和网络资源的整合设计。  相似文献   

In the big data environment, with the rapid development of education information technology, learning analytics has been a hot research topic in recent years. In order to provide references for the follow-up study, based on the relevant literatures, this paper expounds the concept and characteristics of the learning analytics, from the user point of view of learners, teachers and teaching managers, and discusses the application of learning analytics in network learning and the problems and challenges faced by them.  相似文献   

随着在线教育的迅速发展,互联网上的教学资源数量也呈现出快速增长的趋势。针对当前在线学习平台普遍存在着教学资源内容重复、人们难以辨别与选择,导致学习者很难应用这些资源构建适合自己的学习路径的问题,提出一种面向学习路径推荐的领域知识网络构建方法。通过对每个学习对象的预备知识与目标知识进行社会标注,构建相应的领域知识网络,然后,运用弗洛伊德算法计算领域知识网络里任意两个知识点间的最短路径,为学习路径推荐提供基础。  相似文献   

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