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The net oxidation of Fe(II)aq by dioxygen initiates a suite of reactions including the oxidation of multiple Fe(II) complexes, generation of secondary oxidants, Fe(III) reduction, and precipitation of insoluble products. This work reports application of a multifactorial strategy to describe the oxidation of Fe(II) under conditions that correspond to those found where Fe(II)-rich groundwaters mix rapidly with overlying oxygenated waters. Response surfaces were constructed describing the relationship of the net oxidation process with mixtures of the common ligands chloride (Cl-), bromide (Br-), total carbonate (CO3(2-)), Fe(II), and Suwannee River natural organic matter (SRNOM) at pH 8.00. Response surfaces were generated in the presence and absence of added phosphate, representing conditional end members corresponding to geographical locations where Fe(III) precipitation is respectively forced and unconstrained. Comparison of net Fe(II) oxidation rates in the presence and absence of phosphate then enabled resolution of the relative contributions of Fe(II) oxidation and Fe(III) reduction to the overall process. The differences between the two surfaces demonstrated the importance of Fe(II) regeneration on the rapid (min) time scale during net oxidation. The minimum Fe(II) concentration necessary to initiate measurable cycling is reported. The presence of reactive oxygen species was evaluated through the use of probes added to the center point condition of the experimental matrix. Analysis of the statistical significance of the Fe(II)-factor relationships demonstrated that over the conditional scale of the experiments complexation of Fe(II) by the selected ligands did not correlate to the experimental outcome.  相似文献   

Sustainable solutions to our nation's material and energy needs must consider environmental, health, and social impacts while developing new technologies. Building a framework to support interdisciplinary interactions and incorporate sustainability goals into the research and development process will benefit green chemistry and other sciences. This paper explores the contributions that diverse disciplines can provide to the design of greener technologies. These interactions have the potential to create technologies that simultaneously minimize environmental and health impacts by drawing on the combined expertise of students and faculty in chemical sciences, engineering, environmental health, social sciences, public policy, and business.  相似文献   

We investigated whether an earlier-developed bioavailability model for predicting copper toxicity to growth rate of the freshwater alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata could be extrapolated to other species and toxicological effects (endpoints). Hardness and dissolved organic carbon did not significantly affect the toxicity of the free Cu2+ ion to P. subcapitata (earlier study) and Chlorella vulgaris(this study), but a higher pH resulted in an increased toxicity for both species. Regression analysis showed significant linear relationships between ECxpCu (= "effect concentration" that produces x% adverse effect, expressed as pCu = -log of the Cu2+ activity) and pH. By linking these regression models with a geochemical metal speciation model, dissolved copper concentrations that elicit a given adverse effect (EC(X)dissolved) can be predicted. Within the pH range investigated (5.5-8.7), slopes of the linear EC(X)pCu vs pH regression models varied between 1.301 and 1.472 depending on the species and the effect level (10% or 50%) considered. In a statistical sense these slopes were all significantly different from one another (p < 0.05), suggesting that this empirical regression model does not yet capture the full complexity of toxicological copper bioavailability to algae. However, we demonstrated that regression models with an "average" slope of 1.354 had predictive power very similar to those of regression models with species and effect-specific slopes. Additionally, the "average" regression model was further successfully validated for other species (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Scenedesmus quadricauda) and for different toxicological effects/endpoints (growth rate, biomass yield, and phosphorus uptake rate). For all these toxicity datasets effect concentrations of copper could be predicted with this "average" model by errors of less than a factor of 2 in 94-100% of the cases. The success of this "average" model suggests the possibility that the pH-based linear regression model may form a sound conceptual basis for modeling the toxicological bioavailability of copper to green algae in regulatory assessments, although a full mechanistic understanding is lacking and should be the focus of future studies.  相似文献   

Microbial dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR) is an important pathway for carbon oxidation in anoxic sediments, and iron isotopes may distinguish between iron produced by DIR and other sources of aqueous Fe(II). Previous studies have shown that aqueous Fe(II) produced during the earliest stages of DIR has delta56Fe values that are 0.5-2.0%o lowerthan the initial Fe(III) substrate. The new experiments reported here suggest that this fractionation is controlled by coupled electron and Fe atom exchange between Fe(II) and Fe(III) at iron oxide surfaces. In hematite and goethite reduction experiments with Geobacter sulfurreducens, the 56Fe/54Fe isotopic fractionation between aqueous Fe(II) and the outermost layers of Fe(III) on the oxide surface is approximately -3%o and can be explained by equilibrium Fe isotope partitioning between reactive Fe(II) and Fe(III) pools that coexist during DIR. The results indicate that sorption of Fe(II) to Fe(III) substrates cannot account for production of low-delta56Fe values for aqueous Fe(II) during DIR.  相似文献   

A detailed kinetic model has been developed to describe the oxidation of Fe(II) in seawater in both the absence and the presence of natural organic material. Experimental data were collected using a luminol chemiluminescence-based method to measure Fe(II), assuming that both the inorganic and the organically complexed species were detected. In the absence of organic matter, the data were modeled based on the Haber-Weiss mechanism with the inclusion of a back-reaction of Fe(III) with superoxide and precipitation of Fe(OH)3. Both reactions were found to be significant using sensitivity analysis. When organic matter is present, the model was extended by organic complexation of Fe(II) and Fe(III) with the creation of a parallel oxidation pathway for Fe(II). Fe(II) oxidation at natural (nanomolar) concentrations was accurately predicted for a range of organic concentrations. The model also accounted for scavenging of superoxide by sub-nanomolar levels of dissolved copper and by organic matter when present. The presence of a relatively strong Fe(III) binding ligand was observed to significantly increase the rate of Fe(II) oxidation, while ultimately retaining most of the iron in the system in dissolved (organically complexed) form. The complexation reactions and reaction of inorganic and organically bound Fe(II) with oxygen were found to be critical reactions in the system, while Fe(III) hydrolysis became unimportant even at low organic concentrations. The superoxide radical was also observed to have a major role in the cycling of iron due to its ability to act as both an oxidant and a reductant. The model indicates that the rate constant for the reaction of Fe(II) with O2 has generally been underestimated in previous work and that the secondary oxidation of Fe(II) by H2O2 and subsequently OH* plays a relatively minor role in these systems.  相似文献   

Interfacial electron transfer has been shown to occur between sorbed Fe(II) and structural Fe(III) in Fe oxides, but it is unknown whether a similar reaction occurs between sorbed Fe(II) and Fe(III)-bearing clay minerals. Here, we used the isotopic specificity of (57)Fe Mo?ssbauer spectroscopy to demonstrate electron transfer between sorbed Fe(II) and structural Fe(III) in an Fe-bearing smectite clay mineral (NAu-2, nontronite). Mo?ssbauer spectra of NAu-2 reacted with aqueous (56)Fe(II) (which is invisible to (57)Fe Mo?ssbauer spectroscopy) showed direct evidence for reduction of NAu-2 by sorbed Fe(II). Mo?ssbauer spectra using aqueous (57)Fe(II) showed that sorbed Fe(II) is oxidized upon sorption to the clay and pXRD patterns indicate that the oxidation product is lepidocrocite. Spectra collected at different temperatures indicate that reduction of structural Fe(III) by sorbed Fe(II) induces electron delocalization in the clay structure. Our results also imply that interpretation of room temperature and 77 K Mo?ssbauer spectra may significantly underestimate the amount of Fe(II) in Fe-bearing clays. These findings provide compelling evidence for abiotic reduction of Fe-bearing clay minerals by sorbed Fe(II), and require us to reframe our conceptual model for interpreting biological reduction of clay minerals, as well as contaminant reduction by reduced clays.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify the rate and mechanism of abiotic oxidation of ferrous iron at the water-ferric oxide interface (heterogeneous oxidation) at neutral pH. Oxidation was conducted at a low partial pressure of O2 to slow the reactions and to represent very low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions that can occur at oxic/anoxic fronts. Hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) was partially converted to goethite after 24 h of anoxic contact with Fe(II), consistent with previous results. This resulted in a significant decrease in sorption of Fe(II). No conversion to goethite was observed after 25 min of anoxic contact between HFO and Fe(II). O2 was then introduced into the chamber and sparged (transfer half-time of 1.6 min) into the previously anoxic suspension, and the rate of oxidation of Fe(II) and the distribution between sorbed and dissolved Fe(II) were measured with time. The concentration of sorbed Fe(II) remained steady during each experiment, despite removal of all measurable dissolved Fe(II) in some experiments. The rate of oxidation of Fe(II) was proportional to the concentration of DO and both sorbed and dissolved Fe(II) up to a surface density of 0.02 mol Fe(II) per mol Fe(III), i.e., approximately 0.2 Fe(II) per nm2 of ferric oxide surface area. This result differs from previous studies of heterogeneous oxidation, which found that the rate was proportional to sorbed Fe(II) and DO but did not find a dependence on dissolved Fe(II). Most previous experiments were autocatalytic; i.e., the initial concentration of ferric oxide was low or none, and sorbed Fe(II) was not measured. The results were consistentwith an anode/cathode mechanism, with O2 reduced at electron-deficient sites with strongly sorbed Fe(II) and Fe(II) oxidized at electron-rich sites without sorbed Fe(II). The pseudo-first-order rate constants for oxidation of dissolved Fe(II) were about 10 times faster than those previously predicted for heterogeneous oxidation of Fe(II).  相似文献   

The potential of laccase-generated tetramethoxy azobismethylene quinone (TMAMQ) for measuring antioxidant activity of a wide range of structurally diverse molecules present in food and humans was investigated for the first time. All the tested antioxidants including simple phenolics, polyphenols and vitamins quenched TMAMQ. The antioxidant activity of phenolics and polyphenolics depended on the position and number of hydroxyl groups on the benzene ring. Equally interesting was the ability of amino acids like cysteine, tryptophan and methionine as well as peptides (glutathione) and proteins (albumin) to quench TMAMQ, demonstrating the great potential of TMAMQ for analysis of antioxidant activity of serum samples. Further, TMAMQ is promising is a more reliable tool for measuring antioxidant activity of amino acids when considering conflicting reports on antioxidant activity of some of the amino acids. The extracts from various food samples showed varying antioxidant activity with highest for spinach (4.36 mg methanol extract/mmol TMAMQ) followed by kiwi (13.95 mg methanol extract/mmol TMAMQ) and lettuce (40 mg methanol extract/mmol TMAMQ). The use of the laccase generated TMAMQ can be exploited for the development of laccase based biosensors for complex and coloured samples thereby facilitating online monitoring of antioxidants in food, cosmetic and health industries.  相似文献   

Osmo-air dehydration treatments are widely applied to fruits in order to prolong shelf-life, reduce packaging and logistic costs, and improve both sensory and nutritional quality of the end products. In this work osmo-air dehydration was applied to blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum), a fruit that is gaining increasing attention due to its high content of dietary antioxidants. In particular, the aim of this study was to investigate the performance of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as a tool for monitoring blueberry osmo and air dehydration processes.Blanched blueberries were dipped in sucrose and fructose + glucose osmotic solutions for 24 h, and the osmotic exchanges were determined by mass balances (water loss, solid gain, sugar intake, changes in total phenolics and anthocyanins); NIR spectra were collected in order to study modifications due to the osmotic treatments. Untreated and infused berries were subsequently air-dried at 70 °C to final moisture content of 10-14%. During drying chemical, nutritional and structural changes were monitored and NIR spectra were acquired on whole berries, using an optic probe working in diffuse reflectance. Spectral data were standardized, transformed into first derivative and processed by Principal Component Analysis. Results show that NIR spectroscopy was able to follow the osmotic and the air-drying processes and to discriminate untreated and osmo-dehydrated berries. Spectral differences reflect the main molecular modifications associated with water absorption bands due to OH stretch + OH bending and sugar absorption bands due to CH stretch + CH bending and OH stretch + OH bending. In order to investigate the variation of main constituents (sugars and water) involved in the osmo-dehydration process, two-dimensional correlation analysis of spectral data was also carried out.  相似文献   

In recent years biochar has been demonstrated to be a useful amendment to sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emission from the soil to the atmosphere. Hence it can help to mitigate global environment change. Some studies have shown that biochar addition to agricultural soils increases crop production. The mechanisms involved are: increased soil aeration and water‐holding capacity, enhanced microbial activity and plant nutrient status in soil, and alteration of some important soil chemical properties. This review provides an in‐depth consideration of the production, characterization and agricultural use of different biochars. Biochar is a complex organic material and its characteristics vary with production conditions and the feedstock used. The agronomic benefits of biochar solely depend upon the use of particular types of biochar with proper field application rate under appropriate soil types and conditions. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

There has been a growing interest in the cause and impact of hypoxic regions known as "dead zones" that have increasingly appeared along the west coast of the United States and have caused widespread destruction to the crab and fishing industry in this upwelling region. Here, we present results that demonstrate that the hypoxic conditions in the water column over the continental shelf result in a marked increase in iron(II) concentrations, which contribute to elevated dissolved and labile particulate iron concentrations. These elevated dissolved iron(II) concentrations result from two factors: (1) the hypoxic water column allows extremely elevated iron(II) concentrations in reducing porewaters to exist close to the sediment water interface, leading to an increased flux of iron(II) from the sediments; (2) the low oxygen, low pH, and low temperatures within the bottom boundary layer act in concert to markedly slow down the oxidation rate of Fe(ll). During upwelling conditions, this process can result in a greatly enhanced source of Fe available to upwell to surface waters, potentially increasing phytoplankton productivity, which can, in turn, lead to enhanced export flux, driving the system further into hypoxic or suboxic conditions.  相似文献   

The transport diffusivity of the paramagnetic molecule 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) was measured by monitoring its influence on the NMR transverse relaxation time (T?) on surrounding water protons - also known as paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE). Due to the nature of the PRE effect, few paramagnetic molecules are able to simultaneously reduce the T? of many NMR active nuclei, which represents a significant gain in sensitivity. In an aqueous solution, the minimal detectable TEMPO concentration was around 70 ppm. The value of the diffusivity was estimated by fitting the relaxation data, collected as a function of time, with the appropriate solutions of the second Fick's law in respect to the corresponding sample geometry and dimensions. Considering the experimentally determined TEMPO relaxivity in water ("TEMPO-water relaxivity"; R(TEMPO) = (1.05 ± 0.12) × 10?3 ppm?1 s?1), the obtained diffusion coefficients (D) of TEMPO in homogeneous solution and in a water saturated sand column (D(bulk) = (6.7 ± 0.4) × 10?1? m2 s?1 and D(sand) = (1.4 ± 0.5) × 10?1? m2 s?1, respectively) are in good agreement with the expected values (literature values: D(bulk) = 6.6 × 10?1? m2 s?1, 1.3 × 10?1? m2 s?1 < D(sand) < 2.3 × 10?1? m2 s?1). This new approach enables one to determine the diffusivity of paramagnetic molecules in homogeneous (aqueous solution) and porous media with basic NMR equipment, at low concentrations and in a noninvasive manner.  相似文献   

Speciation and quantitative mapping of elements, organic and inorganic compounds, and mineral phases in environmental samples at high spatial resolution is needed in many areas of geobiochemistry and environmental science. Scanning transmission X-ray microscopes (STXMs) provide a focused beam which can interrogate samples at a fine spatial scale. Quantitative chemical information can be extracted using the transmitted and energy-resolved X-ray fluorescence channels simultaneously. Here we compare the relative merits of transmission and low-energy X-ray fluorescence detection of X-ray absorption for speciation and quantitative analysis of the spatial distribution of arsenic(V) within cell-mineral aggregates formed by Acidovorax sp. strain BoFeN1, an anaerobic nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizing β-proteobacteria isolated from the sediments of Lake Constance. This species is noted to be highly tolerant to high levels of As(V). Related, As-tolerant Acidovorax-strains have been found in As-contaminated groundwater wells in Bangladesh and Cambodia wherein they might influence the mobility of As by providing sorption sites which might have different properties as compared to chemically formed Fe-minerals. In addition to demonstrating the lower detection limits that are achieved with X-ray fluorescence relative to transmission detection in STXM, this study helps to gain insights into the mechanisms of As immobilization by biogenic Fe-mineral formation and to further the understanding of As-resistance of anaerobic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》2003,80(1):85-89
(E)-10-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid (10-HDA) is the main fatty acid present in royal jelly (RJ). Among the criteria for royal jelly quality analysis, 10-HDA content has been proposed as a freshness parameter. In this study, 10-HDA content variations under controlled temperature storage, were evaluated as an aging indicator of RJ samples from two origins (France and Thailand). For a 12 month period, the 10-HDA content loss rates were 0.1 and 0.2% at −18 °C and 4 °C, respectively, whatever the sample origin. At room temperature storage, losses were 0.4 and 0.6% for the French sample and the Thaı̈ sample, respectively. No correlation was found between 10-HDA content and storage duration whatever the storage temperature. Even if 10-HDA is specific to RJ, new criteria should be found to estimate the condition and duration of storage for royal jelly samples.  相似文献   

Quercetin was oxidized with CuSO4 in aqueous acetonitrile, a reaction that has been previously shown to generate products that were detected in polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase-catalysed oxidation of quercetin. The major oxidation product was isolated and characterized by means of 1H-NMR and LC-MS, as 2-(3,4-dihydroxybenzoyl)-2,4,6-trihydroxybenzofuran-3(2H)-one. This compound is a natural polyphenol reported to occur in the outer dry layers of onion bulbs. Its in vitro antioxidant properties were evaluated in comparison with the parent molecule and other natural polyphenols, employing three representative tests and the alterations in the activity observed were discussed on the basis of structure–activity relationships.  相似文献   

Numerous studies suggested carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as a type of promising sorbent for heavy metals from water and explained the sorption mechanism mainly by oxygen-containing functional groups on CNT surfaces but neglected the potential role of metal catalyst residues in CNTs. This is a first study showing that metal impurities could dominate the sorption of one type of commercially available CNTs (P-CNTs) for Pb(II) from water, which will help to understand and guide environmental applications of CNTs as a sorbent. Sorption capacity of P-CNTs (27.3 mg g(-1)) for Pb(II) was much higher than that of the water-washed P-CNTs (W-CNTs, 4.7 mg g(-1)). SEM-EDS and ICP-MS analyses showed that both P-CNTs and W-CNTs contained metal impurities (mainly Co and Mo) which released into the solutions during the sorption, especially P-CNTs. XAFS examination and precipitation experiments demonstrated that PbMoO(4) formation between Pb(II) and CNT-released MoO(4)(2-) and subsequent precipitation in the sorptive solutions was the dominant mechanism for the apparent sorption of Pb(II) by P-CNTs.  相似文献   

Using TiO(2) photocatalyst, arsenite, As(III), can be rapidly oxidized to arsenate, As(V), which is less toxic and less mobile in the aquatic environment. Therefore, the TiO(2)/UV process can be employed as an efficient pretreatment method for arsenic contaminated water. Since we first reported in 2002 that the superoxide (or hydroperoxyl radical) plays the role of main oxidant of As(III) in the TiO(2)/UV process, there has been much debate over the true identity of the major photooxidant among superoxides, holes, and OH radicals. The key issue is centered on why the much stronger OH radicals cannot oxidize As(III), and it has been proposed that the unique role of As(III) as an external charge recombination center on the UV-excited TiO(2) particle is responsible for this eccentric mechanism. Although the proposed mechanism has been supported by many experimental evidences, doubts on it were not clearly removed. In this study, we provided direct and undisputed evidence to support the role of As(III) in the charge recombination dynamics using time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy. The presence of As(III) indeed mediated the charge recombination in TiO(2). Under this condition, the role of the OH radical is suppressed because of the null cycle, and the weaker oxidant, superoxide, should prevail. The role of the superoxide has been previously doubted on the basis of the observation that the addition of excess formic acid (hole scavenger that should enhance the production of superoxides) inhibited the photocatalytic oxidation of As(III). However, this study proved that this was due to the photogeneration of reducing radicals (HCO(2)·) that recycle As(V)/As(IV) back to As(III). It was also demonstrated that the 4-chlorophenol/TiO(2) system under visible light that cannot generate neither OH radicals nor valence band holes converted As(III) to As(V) through the superoxide pathway.  相似文献   

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