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Lithium ion battery was applied to the running of variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF) inverter-type railcar. A 15 kWh of Mn-type lithium ion battery was used. The relation between running time and voltage, current and integrating watt was investigated. The running test was also carried out using VVVF inverter-type railcar to investigate charge performance due to regenerative energy. Lithium ion battery module was quickly charged for three times at rate of 4.68 C by regenerative braking system. It was estimated that the effect of energy saving was about 22% by the charge of lithium ion battery from regenerative energy. Copyright © 2009 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

锂离子电池因为其自身性能的优越性而被广泛应用在电动道路车辆中。本文采用动态循环测试方法,模拟电动汽车在实际使用过程中功率的消耗,在此基础上评价锂离子电池模块的循环寿命,并且研究了不同放电深度下电池模块的峰值功率特性。本文旨在提供一种评价锂离子动力电池模块循环寿命的动态测试方法,以供国内相关企业参考使用。  相似文献   

Wireless tramcars (battery‐driven tramcars) are developing to the actual application stage. The most important information to be considered while operating a wireless tramcar is the state of charge (SOC) of the battery. The purpose of this study is to develop an online method for SOC estimation. This method employs a new equivalent circuit of a lithium‐ion battery. SOC estimation using a conventional equivalent circuit results in a large error during fast current transients. In order to improve the accuracy of the estimation, we propose a new equivalent circuit of a lithium‐ion battery. Because the parameters of the proposed equivalent circuit depend on temperature, we propose a new method for SOC estimation in which the temperature estimation is taken into account. This method requires only instantaneous values of the voltage and current, and therefore no temperature measurement is required. Experimental results show that the accuracy of the proposed method is significantly improved when the temperature is taken into account. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 186(2): 83–89, 2014; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.21174  相似文献   

全球锂电池行业发展报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了全球和中国锂电池的产业概况,新能源汽车行业发展对动力锂电池市场需求的影响,并对锂电池行业的前景做了阐述。  相似文献   

Diesel engine lithium‐ion battery hybrid vehicles are attracting attention because the energy consumption during their operation and exhaust emissions can be reduced considerably. However, a reasonably accurate method of designing the engine power and battery energy has not yet been proposed, although the above‐mentioned type of traction system can help in realizing an environment‐friendly railway vehicle. In this paper, a design method for the battery energy capacity and engine output power is proposed in the case of a control strategy in which the sum of the kinetic energy of the vehicle and the battery energy is maintained constant. The proposed method is verified by the velocity/state of charge of the battery charts obtained in experimental tests. The proposed design method can be used to develop environment‐friendly railway traction systems for nonelectrified sections.  相似文献   

A novel method was proposed to judge degradation/health of lithium‐ion batteries (LIBs) using the capacitance that was estimated from the real‐time voltage and current characteristics of the batteries. It is thought that the capacitance of LIBs decreases with degradation because of undesirable components formed on the electrodes that are the main cause of the degradation. As the LIBs are active, the capacitance was evaluated from the differential equation, ?Q /?v = I /(?v /?t ) = i /(dv /dt ), using the voltage and current characteristics during the charging or discharging. The capacitances of the commercial LIBs with different SOHs; 100%, 92%, and 88% were estimated during the charging and discharging using the equation. The average capacitance in the specific voltage region of the batteries was directly proportional to the state of health. Therefore, the proposed measurement is thought to be a useful method for judging degradation of LIBs.  相似文献   

针对目前锂动力电池化成过程中存在大量的能源浪费问题,提出了一种采用反馈+前馈双闭环单周控制算法的全数字大容量锂动力电池化成能量回馈控制系统.该系统采用一种新型专用数字信号控制器TMS320F28035作为整个系统的控制单元,实现锂动力电池化成能量的高效回馈,回馈效率达到89.4%.且对电网的谐波污染小.  相似文献   

传统的锂电池充电设备工作效率较低,主要使用电解电容作为直流母线电容,可靠性较差。针对这些问题,提出一种两级式的锂电池充电机拓扑,前级采用无桥功率因数校正(BPFC),后级采用LLC直流变压器(LLCDCT)。该拓扑具有工作效率高、输出电压变化范围宽、可双向运行等特点。采用基于正弦波充电的功率解耦控制策略,能显著减小直流母线上的电压脉动。使用薄膜电容替代电解电容,提升了变换器可靠性。搭建了一台1 kW的原理样机,实验结果证明了所提拓扑和控制策略的可行性。效率最高达95.94%,直流母线电容容值由470μF下降至22μF,体积减小了约20%。  相似文献   

Detailed information on degradation process of lithium‐ion batteries is essential to manage the batteries throughout their lifetime because degradation of the batteries associated with long‐term usage is inevitable. To evaluate degradation degree of the batteries in detail, it is necessary to separately make clear the decrease in output power due to the increase in AC impedance and the decrease in battery capacity caused by the decrease in electromotive force. In this study, therefore, the authors at first propose a new evaluation method of detailed degradation process of lithium‐ion batteries through measurements of AC impedance and electromotive force of degraded batteries. It is made clear that this proposed evaluation method can provide simple but detailed diagnosis of battery degradation degree, indicating usefulness of the proposed method. Next, as a first step for performance simulation of degraded lithium‐ion batteries, the authors make clear that the already developed simulation method of battery transient voltage response, validity of which has been confirmed only for new batteries, is also applicable to degraded batteries.  相似文献   

为克服锂动力电池放电过程中存在的大量能源浪费问题,设计了一种全数字化的电池并网放电装置.该装置以TMS320F28035为核心控制单元,运用反馈+前馈的双闭环单周控制算法,实现了单位功率因数的正弦波逆变,同时它充分利用了DSP控制器的CLA、高精度PWM和A/D等模块,使其硬件电路大大简化,系统操作简单、控制灵活、功能...  相似文献   

通过对各种正负极材料进行对比试验,采用其中容量高的电极材料组装成电池进行电容量测试,从而选出较优的正负极材料。  相似文献   

为了探索磷酸铁锂电池取代铅酸蓄电池作为变电站用直流电源的工作特性,通过浮充电测试,对铅酸电池和磷酸铁锂电池在不同浮充电压下的浮充电流特性、搁置特性、模拟工况放电特性等方面进行比对分析,发现磷酸铁锂电池具有远远超过铅酸蓄电池的大电流放电能力;磷酸铁锂电池具有不同于铅酸蓄电池的浮充特性,建议其浮充电压应选择在3.50 V左右。对磷酸铁锂电池组进行长时间浮充试验发现,在室温下3.6 V电压浮充运行一年后,其容量保持率高达96.06%。  相似文献   

电池管理系统BMS(battery management system)是蓄电池储能技术中不可或缺的环节,而电池健康状态SOH(state of health)估算是BMS的重要功能之一。SOH可以为操作员提供电池实际可用容量及老化状态相关信息,进而为电池控制决策提供参考。介绍了锂电池的SOH的含义,阐述了导致锂电池老化和可用容量下降的原因,并着重对当前常见的蓄电池SOH估算方法进行了概括和分析,同时对各种SOH估算方法中存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

并网变换器为锂电池储能系统实现并网的核心部件,为实现锂电池储能系统与电网的双向功率交换,提出了锂电池储能并网变换器设计方案。该系统以赛米控智能集成功率模块作为主要功率器件,通过电感–电容–电感(LCL)滤波器接入电网,控制系统采用开放的分层控制架构。利用该设计方案研制了样机,样机试验结果验证了该设计方案的可行性,样机能够完成锂电池储能系统的不同充电模式,相关参数可以满足并网要求。  相似文献   

越来越多的纳米结构材料(包括纳米颗粒、纳米线、纳米管和核壳结构、介孔纳米材料)已经应用于锂离子电池。不同的合成方法制备出的材料性能有所不同。本文介绍了锰酸锂(LiMn2O4)纳米正极材料的合成方法及性能,指出了纳米正极材料应用中存在的问题。  相似文献   

陈豪  王海滨  李娜  白恺  刘汉民  李智 《中国电力》2014,47(11):89-94
储能锂电池组串由大量锂电池串并联组成,由于其电压高、电流大、容量大,无法使用电动汽车锂电池模组容量试验方法。描述了储能锂电池组串容量的定义,分析了充放电倍率、温度、充放电截止电压对锂电池容量试验的影响,比较了锂电池容量试验标准,并根据不同厂家电池组串容量试验方法,提出了一种具有通用性的储能锂电池组串现场容量试验方法,该试验方法对储能电池维护工作具有指导作用。  相似文献   

通信用磷酸铁锂电池(本文简称"铁电池")目前已在多个通信运营商进行试点,同时也是目前通信电源领域的一个热点技术。本文通过介绍铁电池在基站节能减排应用中体现的技术优势,并结合铁电池在多个移动省市分公司的实际应用情况,借助具体的数据分析,指出了铁电池,尤其是大容量铁电池在通信运营商基站节能减排中大规模应用的发展前景。  相似文献   

文章分析了现有变电站直流电源系统电池性能的不足,从性能、成本和技术难点方面探讨用磷酸铁锂电池替代阀控密封铅酸电池的可行性,并基于马圩变电站的应用实例,提出磷酸铁锂电池应用于变电站直流电源系统的安装及运行维护要点。  相似文献   

杨向辉 《低压电器》2014,(14):52-56
采用直接电流控制策略和空间矢量调制策略设计了三相电流型PWM整流器为主电路的动力电池充电.为了减少空间矢量调制算法的计算量,采用了无坐标变换计算相应矢量作用时间的算法,并将该算法与规则正弦脉宽调制算法进行比较,从理论上验证了该算.设计了基于TMS320F2812 DSP的1 kVA动力电池充电机,并进行了动力电池组充电试验,试验结果验证了所设计系统的正确.  相似文献   

为了分析软碳负极材料锂电池用作储能电池的优势,首先利用电化学工作站对单体电池基本动态性能进行实验测试,然后利用集装箱储能系统对储能电站工作特性进行实验测试。实验结果表明,单体电池在3C放电时,放电电压可以保持2.5 V以上,3C放电容量为37 611 mA·h,放电比率可以达到77.17%。电池充放电内阻相对较小,电池具有较高的充放电效率。储能电站电池模组在充放电过程中簇电压曲面平滑升降,电池的充入容量均值为50.45 A·h,标准差为0.75,放出的容量均值为49.60 A·h,标准差为0.82,各单体间温差较小,充放电温度变化一致性良好。因此,软碳负极材料锂电池单体具有优异的充放电性能,同时该电池串并联使用时一致性良好,满足作为储能电池的设计要求。  相似文献   

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