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Following the trend to combine techniques to cover several facets of the development of modern systems, an integration of Z and CSP, called Circus, has been proposed as a refinement language; its relational model, based on the unifying theories of programming (UTP), justifies refinement in the context of both Z and CSP. In this paper, we introduce Circus Time, a timed extension of Circus, and present a new UTP time theory, which we use to give semantics to Circus Time and to validate some of its laws. In addition, we provide a framework for validation of timed programs based on FDR, the CSP model-checker. In this technique, a syntactic transformation strategy is used to split a timed program into two parallel components: an untimed program that uses timer events, and a collection of timers. We show that, with the timer events, it is possible to reason about time properties in the untimed language, and so, using FDR. Soundness is established using a Galois connection between the untimed UTP theory of Circus (and CSP) and our time theory.  相似文献   

In this paper,a qualitative model checking algorithm for verification of distributed probabilistic real-time systems(DPRS)is presented.The model of DPRS,called real-time proba bilistic process model(RPPM),is over continuous time domain.The properties of DPRS are described by using deterministic timed automata(DTA).The key part in the algorithm is to map continuous time to finite time intervals with flag variables.Compared with the existing algorithms,this algorithm uses more general delay time equivalence classes instead of the unit delay time equivalence classes restricted by event sequence,and avoids generating the equivalence classes of states only due to the passage of time.The result shows that this algorithm is cheaper.  相似文献   

Wang  Meihua  Mai  Jiaming  Liang  Yun  Cai  Ruichu  Fu  Tom Zhengjia  Zhang  Zhenjie 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2018,77(9):11259-11276

Traditional dehazing techniques, as a well studied topic in image processing, are now widely used to eliminate the haze effects from individual images. However, the state-of-the-art dehazing algorithms may not provide sufficient support to video analytics, as a crucial pre-processing step for video-based decision making systems (e.g., robot navigation), due to poor coherence and low processing efficiency of the present algorithms. This paper presents a new framework, particularly designed for video dehazing, to output coherent results in real time, with two novel techniques. Firstly, we decompose the dehazing algorithms into three generic components, namely transmission map estimator, atmospheric light estimator and haze-free image generator. They can be simultaneously processed by multiple threads in the distributed system, such that the processing efficiency is optimized by automatic CPU resource allocation based on the workloads. Secondly, a cross-frame normalization scheme is proposed to enhance the coherence among consecutive frames, by sharing the parameters of atmospheric light from consecutive frames in the distributed computation platform. The combination of the above three components enables our framework to generate highly consistent and accurate dehazing results in real-time, by using only 5 PCs connected by Ethernet.


Complex real-time systems must integrate physical processes with digital control, human operation and organisational structures. New scientific foundations are required for specifying, designing and implementing these systems. One key challenge is to cope with the wide range of time scales and dynamics inherent in such systems. To exploit the unique properties of time, with the aim of producing more dependable computer-based systems, it is desirable to explicitly identify distinct time bands in which the system is situated. Such a framework enables the temporal properties and associated dynamic behaviour of existing systems to be described and the requirements for new or modified systems to be specified. A system model based on a finite set of distinct time bands is motivated and developed in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe an implementation of use in demonstrating the effectiveness of architectures for real-time multi-agent systems. The implementation provides a simulation of a simplified RoboCup Search and Rescue environment, with unexpected events, and includes a simulator for both a real-time operating system and a CPU. We present experimental evidence to demonstrate the benefit of the implementation in the context of a particular hybrid architecture for multi-agent systems that allows certain agents to remain fully autonomous, while others are fully controlled by a coordinating agent. In addition, we discuss the value of the implementation for testing any models for the construction of real-time multi-agent systems and include a comparison to related work.
Robin CohenEmail:

It is estimated that future satellite instruments such as the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) and the Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES) on the GOES-R series of satellites will provide raw data volume of about 1.5 Terabyte per day. Due to the high data rate, satellite ground data processing will require considerable computing power to process data in real-time. Cluster technologies employing a multi-processor system present the only current economically viable option. To sustain high levels of system reliability and operability in a cluster-oriented operational environment, a fault-tolerant data processing framework is proposed to provide a platform for encapsulating science algorithms for satellite data processing. The science algorithms together with the framework are hosted on a Linux cluster.In this paper we present an architectural model and a system prototype for providing performance, reliability, and scalability of candidate hardware and software for a satellite data processing system. Furthermore, benchmarking results are presented for a selected number of science algorithms for the Geosynchronous Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (GIFTS) instrument showing that considerable performance can be gained without sacrificing the reliability and high availability constraints imposed on the operational cluster system.  相似文献   

The methodology of hardware/software co-design of embedded control systems with Specification PEARL is presented. Hardware and software are modeled with the language Specification~PEARL, which has its origins in standard Multiprocessor~PEARL. Its usefulness is enhanced for modeling hierarchical and asymmetrical multiprocessor systems, and by additional parameters for schedulability analysis. Graphical symbols are introduced for its constructs to enable graphical modeling while maintaining the semantical background. It is meant to be a superlayer for programs, based on the PEARL programming model. To model program tasks, Timed State Transition Diagrams have been defined. The model of a co-designed system is verified for feasibility with co-simulation. The resulting information should be used when considering changes in a current design with the goal of producing a temporally feasible model. To support dynamic re-configurations, configuration management is introduced into the models. Since UML is becoming a de facto standard also for designing embedded control systems, and since Timed State Transition Diagrams and State Chart Diagrams share great similarity, an interface of the methodology to UML 2 is defined, using UML's extension mechanisms.  相似文献   

Lee  I. King  R.B. Paul  R.P. 《Computer》1989,22(6):78-83
The authors present a real-time kernel developed to support a distributed multisensor system encountered in robotics applications. To ensure predictability, the kernel provides services with bounded worst-case execution times. In addition, the kernel allows the programmer to specify timing constraints for process execution and interprocess communication. The kernel uses these timing constraints both for scheduling processes and for scheduling communications. To illustrate the kernel, the authors describe a multisensor system being developed on their distributed real-time system. They present the measured performance of kernel primitives along with conclusions and remarks regarding distributed real-time systems  相似文献   

This paper presents a quantitative framework for early prediction of resource usage and load in distributed real-time systems (DRTS). The prediction is based on an analysis of UML 2.0 sequence diagrams, augmented with timing information, to extract timed-control flow information. It is aimed at improving the early predictability of a DRTS by offering a systematic approach to predict, at the design phase, system behavior in each time instant during its execution. Since behavioral models such as sequence diagrams are available in early design phases of the software life cycle, the framework enables resource analysis at a stage when design decisions are still easy to change. Though we provide a general framework, we use network traffic as an example resource type to illustrate how the approach is applied. We also indicate how usage and load analysis of other types of resources (e.g., CPU and memory) can be performed in a similar fashion. A case study illustrates the feasibility of the approach.
Yvan LabicheEmail:

Complex real-time systems usually consist of heterogeneous components. These components interact with different semantics. Modeling these systems normally need integrating several domain-specific tools such as UML, Simulink. But interchanging data between these tools is very difficult. UML is a standard modeling language for object-oriented software development, used more and more in real-time domain. It provides several extensibility mechanisms to allow modeling special domains. This paper presents a generic framework, which is based on UML notations and metamodels, for heterogeneous modeling real-time systems. So engineers from different domains can work together on a unified platform.  相似文献   

Simulation studies often fail to provide any useful result due to its success being highly dependent on the skills of the analyst to understand a system and then correctly identify all the required data parameters and dependent variables. This paper describes a template-based framework to help identify and specify the components and data parameters for developing models of physical security systems. The layered framework consists of 15 templates built on top of 14 data primitives representing 119 data parameters. The modeling framework has been programmed as an internet-based web application and is simulation language-independent. The usefulness of the framework was tested and shown to have a significant impact on improving the identification of system components and their associated data parameters.  相似文献   

The paper observes syntactic and semantic requirements for a language for programming real-time distributed systems. A proposal for language features that meet these requirements is offered, and the features are applied to an example.  相似文献   

We present a novel technique for establishing a highly accurate global time in fault-tolerant, large-scale distributed real-time systems. Unlike the usual clock synchronization approaches, our clock validation technique provides a precise system time that also relates to an external time standard like UTC with high accuracy. The underlying idea is to validate time information of external time sources like GPS-receivers against a global time maintained by the local clocks in the system. As an example, a promising interval-based clock validation algorithm ICV that exhibits excellent fault-tolerance properties is outlined and analyzed. It requires only a few high-accurate external time sources and provides each node with the actual accuracy of its clock.  相似文献   

The steady increase in raw computing power of the processors commonly adopted for distributed real-time systems leads to the opportunity of hosting diverse classes of tasks on the same hardware, for example process control tasks, network protocol stacks and man–machine interfaces.This paper describes how virtualization techniques can be used to concurrently run multiple operating systems on the same physical machine, although they are kept fully separated from the security and execution timing points of view, and still have them exhibit acceptable real-time execution characteristics.With respect to competing approaches, the main advantages of this method are that it requires little or no modifications to the operating systems it hosts, along with a better modularity and clarity of design.  相似文献   

We have developed a problem-solving framework, called ConClass, that is capable of classifying continuous real-time problems dynamically and concurrently on a distributed system. ConClass provides an efficient development environment for describing and decomposing a classification problem and synthesizing solutions. In ConClass, decomposed concurrent subproblems specified by the application developer effectively correspond to the actual distributed hardware elements. This scheme is useful for designing and implementing efficient distributed processing, making it easier to anticipate and evaluate system behavior. The ConClass system provides an object replication feature that prevents any particular object from being overloaded. In order to deal with an indeterminate amount of problem data, ConClass dynamically creates object networks that justify hypothesized solutions, and thus achieves a dynamic load distribution. A number of efficient execution mechanisms that manage a variety of asynchronous aspects of distributed processing have been implemented without using schedulers or synchronization schemes that are liable to develop bottlenecks. We have confirmed the efficiency of parallel distributed processing and load balancing of ConClass with an experimental application  相似文献   

The most important goal in hard real-time systems is to guarantee that all timing constraints are satisfied. Even though object-based techniques (which contain reusable software components) are used to manage the complexity in the software development process of such systems, execution efficiency may have to be sacrificed, due to the large number of procedure calls and contention for accessing software components. These issues are addressed by the following parallelizing techniques: (a) converting potentially inefficient procedure calls to a source of concurrency via asynchronous remote procedure calls (ARPC) (b) replicating (or cloning) software components to reduce the contention. The existing object-based scheduling algorithms construct an initial schedule and apply incremental parallelization techniques to modify the initial schedule till a feasible schedule is generated. But these algorithms are applicable for scheduling only multiple independent tasks. This paper describes a pre-run-time scheduling algorithm for a set of periodic object-based tasks having precedence constraints among them. The algorithm allocates the components of object-based periodic real-time tasks to the sites of a distributed system based on a clustering heuristic which takes into account the ARPC parallelism and load balancing, and schedules them on respective sites. The algorithm also finds a schedule for communication channel(s). Further, it clones the components of object-based periodic tasks, if contention occurs in accessing them. In addition to the above (periodicity and precedence) constraints, the tasks handled by our algorithm can have resource constraints among them. The experimental evaluation of the algorithm shows that the combination of the proposed clustering heuristic and cloning enhances schedulability.  相似文献   

This paper describes a real-world case study in the specification and analysis of dependable distributed systems. The case study is an automated transport system with safety requirements. In order to manage the complexity of the problem of specifying the dynamic behavior of the whole system, a compositional approach is used, based on the integration of the trace logic of the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) theory, and stochastic Petri nets (SPNs). It is argued that the integration of different formal methods is a useful approach in the definition of practical engineering methodologies for the specification, design and analysis of complex dependable distributed systems.  相似文献   

A static scheduling algorithm is presented for off-line scheduling of tasks in distributed hard real-time systems. The tasks considered are instances of periodic jobs and have deadlines, resource requirements and precedence constraints. Tasks are divided into nonpreemptable blocks and all task characteristics are known a priori. The algorithm orders the tasks and iteratively schedules the tasks according to the order. Each task is scheduled globally by selecting a node to which it is assigned. Then, the task is scheduled locally by adding the task to the schedule of the selected node. Heuristics are used for both task ordering and node selection in order to guide the algorithm to a feasible schedule. Whenever local scheduling leads to an infeasible schedule, backtracking is used.Results of simulation studies of randomly generated task sets are presented. Although the scheduling problem is NP-hard, the results show that time performance is acceptable for off-line scheduling, except for extremely difficult task sets which make extensive use of the available resources.  相似文献   

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