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Component adaptation is widely recognised to be one of the crucial problems in Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE). We present here a formal methodology for the soft adaptation of components presenting mismatching interaction behaviours. The notions of access rights (associating components with the services they are allowed to use) and subservicing (providing alternative services in place of those requested by components lacking the required access rights) are exploited to feature a secure and flexible adaptation of third-party components.  相似文献   

Component adaptation is widely recognised to be one of the crucial problems in Component-Based Software Engineering. We present a formal methodology for adapting components with mismatching interaction behaviour. The four main ingredients of the methodology are: (1) The inclusion of behaviour specifications in component interfaces, (2) a simple, high-level notation for expressing adaptor specifications, (3) a fully automated procedure to derive concrete adaptors from given high-level specifications, and (4) an effective technique for verifying properties of adaptors.  相似文献   

A continuing challenge for software designers is to develop efficient and cost-effective software implementations. Many see software reuse as a potential solution; however, the cost of reuse tends to outweigh the potential benefits. The costs of software reuse include establishing and maintaining a library of reusable components, searching for applicable components to be reused in a design, as well as adapting components toward a proper implementation. We introduce SPARTACAS, a framework for automating specification-based component retrieval and adaptation that has been successfully applied to synthesis of software for embedded and digital signal processing systems. Using specifications to abstractly represent implementations allows automated theorem-provers to formally verify logical reusability relationships between specifications. These logical relationships are used to evaluate the feasibility of reusing the implementations of components to implement a problem. Retrieving a component that is a complete match to a problem is rare. It is more common to retrieve a component that partially satisfies the requirements of a problem. Such components have to be adapted. Rather than adapting components at the code level, SPARTACAS adapts the behavior of partial matches by imposing interactions with other components at the architecture level. A subproblem is synthesized that specifies the missing functionality required to complete the problem; the subproblem is used to query the library for components to adapt the partial match. The framework was implemented and evaluated empirically, the results suggest that automated adaptation using architectures successfully promotes software reuse, and hierarchically organizes a solution to a design problem.  相似文献   

软件构件化是提高软件开发效率和降低重复性劳动的重要途径之一,但一直面临着构件实体之间的行为交互失配问题。对此,构造了一个构件行为本体,其中包括构件体、构件行为及构件行为性质,并根据构件行为本体提出了构件交互适配模型。在该模型中,依据构件行为性质将构件集合划分成不同的构件组,利用构件组内复合行为的完整性探测构件交互死锁,并通过自定义行为规则适配构件交互死锁。最后,对构件组与适配器之间的一一对应关系进行证明。  相似文献   

构件适应技术是基于构件的软件工程中一个很难解决的问题,分析了三种构件适应结构的应用条件,采用了形式化语义的方法描述和推导了与构件以及构件适应相关的问题,根据构件描述与应用需求描述动态地选择不同的适应层次来适应构件,从被适应的构件描述中推导出复合构件的描述,为构件适应的形式化分析、组装正确性检验提供了保证,并列出了一些值得进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

The personal lift-assist device (PLAD) is a non-motorised, on-body device that acts as an external force generator using the concept of stored elastic energy. In this study, the effect of the PLAD on the lifting kinematics of male and female lifters was investigated using principal component analysis. Joint kinematic data of 15 males and 15 females were collected using an opto-electronic system during a freestyle, symmetrical-lifting protocol with and without wearing the PLAD. Of the 31 Principal Components (PCs) retained in the models, eight scores were significantly different between the PLAD and no-PLAD conditions. There were no main effects for gender and no significant interactions. Results indicated that the PLAD similarly affected the lifting kinematics of males and females; demonstrating significantly less lumbar and thoracic flexion and significantly greater hip and ankle flexion when wearing the PLAD. These findings add to the body of work that suggest the PLAD may be a safe and effective ergonomic aid.

Statement of Relevance: The PLAD is an ergonomic aid that has been shown to be effective at reducing low back demands during manual materials handling tasks. This body of work establishes that the PLAD encourages safe lifting practices without adversely affecting lifting technique.  相似文献   

The personal lift-assist device (PLAD) is a non-motorised, on-body device that acts as an external force generator using the concept of stored elastic energy. In this study, the effect of the PLAD on the lifting kinematics of male and female lifters was investigated using principal component analysis. Joint kinematic data of 15 males and 15 females were collected using an opto-electronic system during a freestyle, symmetrical-lifting protocol with and without wearing the PLAD. Of the 31 Principal Components (PCs) retained in the models, eight scores were significantly different between the PLAD and no-PLAD conditions. There were no main effects for gender and no significant interactions. Results indicated that the PLAD similarly affected the lifting kinematics of males and females; demonstrating significantly less lumbar and thoracic flexion and significantly greater hip and ankle flexion when wearing the PLAD. These findings add to the body of work that suggest the PLAD may be a safe and effective ergonomic aid. STATEMENT OF RELEVANCE: The PLAD is an ergonomic aid that has been shown to be effective at reducing low back demands during manual materials handling tasks. This body of work establishes that the PLAD encourages safe lifting practices without adversely affecting lifting technique.  相似文献   

Currently, Web-based applications are no longer monolithic and isolated systems but, rather, distributed applications that need to interoperate with third-party systems, such as external Web services, LDAP repositories or legacy applications. When one component provides a service that the Web application requires, it is often not possible to bind the two systems together if they were not programmed to have compatible collaboration specifications. Modeling the adaptation between a Web application and external assets becomes therefore an essential issue in any realistic model-driven development scenario. However, most of the existing Web Engineering proposals do not take this issue into account, or they simply address it at the implementation level (in a platform-specific way). In this work, we discuss the problems involved in dealing with component adaptation within the context of Model-Driven Web Engineering and show how design patterns can help addressing it. We first identify the major interoperability problems that can happen when integrating third-party application or legacy systems into our Web systems, and then propose the mechanisms that need to be put in place at the design level to generate the appropriate specification of adapters that compensate for the possible mismatches and differences. We base our proposal on well-known design patterns as they are established solutions to recurring problems, and the generation of code from them is normally straightforward.  相似文献   

本文探讨了组件式GIS(COMGIS)的矢量图形系统的架构,介绍了一种基于COM技术的GIS矢量图形编辑组件的实现方法,并时系统中类的设计和实现的关键技术进行了论述.  相似文献   

基于构件技术的嵌入式GUI系统   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
随着嵌入式设备硬件条件的提高,嵌入式系统对GUI的需求越来越高,嵌入式GUI的地位至关重要。CAR构件技术是具有中国自主知识产权的“和欣”操作系统的关键技术。基于CAR(CarefreeApplicationRun-Time)构件技术的嵌入式GUI系统具有灵活性和高效性特点。该系统采用了模块化CAR构件技术,和用来处理输入输出事件的独特的回调事件机制,能够很好地实现人机交互界面。  相似文献   

构件媒体播放器研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了使用构件技术实现媒体播放器的优势:可自动替换解码器、可动态升级等。并以DirectShow为例,说明构件媒体播放器的实现方法。通过对DirectShow的深入分析(同步问题和控制问题),简化改进DirectShow,提出一套新的基于构件的媒体播放器的接口定义和实现方案。该方案可以支持硬件解码器,而且可以扩展到媒体捕捉方面。  相似文献   

该文将图像配准技术应用于颅像重合,从而实现颅骨与照片的配准。首先简要介绍了常用的几种图像配准算法,然后根据颅像配准的特点选择基于特征点映射的配准算法,并结合加权值的思想使颅像配准效果更加理想,最后对颅像配准的误差来源进行了分析。试验证明,采用基于加权值的特征点映射配准算法获得了较好的配准效果。  相似文献   

Lab-on-a-chip: a component view   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Miniaturization is being increasingly applied to biological and chemical analysis processes. Lab-on-a-chip systems are direct creation of the advancement in the miniaturization of these processes. They offer a host of exciting applications in several areas including clinical diagnostics, food and environmental analysis, and drug discovery and delivery studies. This paper reviews lab-on-a-chip systems from their components perspective. It provides a categorization of the standard functional components found in lab-on-a-chip devices together with an overview of the latest trends and developments related to lab-on-a-chip technologies and their application in nanobiotechnology. The functional components include: injector, transporter, preparator, mixer, reactor, separator, detector, controller, and power supply. The components are represented by appropriate symbols allowing designers to present their lab-on-a-chip products in a standard manner. Definition and role of each functional component are included and complemented with examples of existing work. Through the approach presented in this paper, it is hoped that modularity and technology transfer in lab-on-a-chip systems can be further facilitated and their application in nanobiotechnology be expanded  相似文献   

详细论述构件设计的思想,探讨一种基于构件技术的分布式信息系统开发方法,给出开发模型和具体的开发步骤.设计实现消防文书管理子系统,表明利用构件技术开发分布式信息系统是高质、高效的.  相似文献   

Pattern Analysis and Applications - Pain management is gaining the attention of clinical practitioners to relieve patients from pain in an effective manner. Pain management is primarily dependent...  相似文献   

Software component licensing: a primer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For developers to feel it worthwhile to invest in software components, both licensors and licensees must be fairly compensated for the time and resources invested in making and using such components. The authors suggest that properly framed software licensing agreements provide the vehicle for ensuring such compensation  相似文献   

Abstract: A genetic algorithm-based (GA-based) system (GAPOLE) is used to evolve a self-learning, self-optimising control strategy for a typical inherently unstable, dynamic system—a simulated pole-cart system. The dynamics of the system are unknown to GAPOLE. The only information for evaluating performance is a signal indicating that the pole-cart system is out of control. This presents a genuinely difficult credit assignment problem. We present some evidence which shows that GAPOLE compares well with the best alternative methods, but it is noteworthy that it is most robust. It is argued that maintaining a population of partial solutions offers some advantages: GA-based algorithms can deliver more than one good solution at a time; they are able to adapt better in complex changing conditions. Results characterising the performance of the method as population size is varied are also presented. The results show that GAPOLE performed best with a population size of 300. Therefore it is suggested that this parameter, like other GA parameters, may have to be tailored to a particular application. This appears to contradict an earlier claim that a population size in the range of 60–110 is optimal for genetic algorithm-based applications (Grefenstette 1986) across domains.  相似文献   

赵明华  陈榕  王小鸽 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(10):1731-1733,1736
针对构件技术的特点,提出并采用新的测试模式实现构件的自动测试.首先分析了基于源代码的自动测试工具的局限性,并根据构件的自动测试的特点,提出了基于元数据的构件自动测试方法.接下来介绍了采用该方法设计的构件自动测试工具的原理、部件和功能,通过测试结果的比较并结合工程实践的应用说明了此种自动测试方法的可行性.  相似文献   

Multisite testing improves manufacturing throughput and reduces costs by applying simultaneous testing to products with multiple measurement instruments in parallel. It is important to perform measurement system analysis (MSA) on a multisite testing system to assess its testing capability. Traditional MSA methods are designed to be either univariate or multivariate in a single-site system. They are not capable of analyzing a complex multisite testing system where there are multivariate measurements and multiple instruments in parallel. We propose an online multivariate MSA approach to detecting faulty test instruments in a multisite testing system. In order to pinpoint a faulty test instrument in a multisite testing system we compare the performance of each test instrument to the overall performance of all the parallel instruments in the system. A modified principal component analysis (PCA) method is proposed to transform multivariate measurement data with dependent variables into those with independent principal components. Assuming that all the instruments have the same measurement accuracy and precision we consider a faulty instrument as one whose principal component values are beyond the three sigma control limits of the principal component values of all instruments. We conduct an experiment to provide empirical evidence that the proposed approach is capable of identifying the faulty instruments in a multisite testing system. This approach can be implemented as an online monitoring technique so that production is not interrupted until a faulty instrument is identified.  相似文献   

Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of the powerful dimension reduction techniques widely used in data mining field. PCA tries to project the data into lower dimensional space while preserving the intrinsic information hidden in the data as much as possible. Disadvantage of PCA is that, extracted principal components (PCs) are linear combination of all features, hence PCs are may still contaminated with noise in the data. To address this problem we propose a modified version of PCA called noise free PCA (NFPCA), in which regularization is introduced during the PCs extraction step to mitigate the effect of noise. Potentials of the proposed method is assessed in two important application of high-dimensional molecular data: classification and survival prediction. Multiple publicly available real-world data sets are used for this illustration. Experimental results show that, the NFPCA produce highly informative than the ordinary PCA method. This is largely due to the fact that the NFPCA suppress the effect of noise in the PCs more efficiently with minimum information lost. The NFPCA is a promising alternative to existing PCA approaches not only in terms of highly informative PCs, but also its relatively cheap computational cost.  相似文献   

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