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小米淀粉与玉米淀粉糊性质比较研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对小米淀粉和玉米淀粉糊性质进行较详细比较研究,包括透明度、冻融稳定性、凝沉性、膨胀力、酸解、酶解,和介质对糊粘度性质影响。结果表明,小米淀粉与玉米淀粉相比,糊的凝胶稳定性好、持水力强、膨胀力高、糊化温度高、热焓变值大、但透明度较差、冻融稳定性不佳、热稳定性差;且氯化钠及糖溶液对小米淀粉糊粘度性质影响较大。  相似文献   

蛋白质和淀粉对面团流变学特性和淀粉糊化特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以3个筋力不同的小麦粉为材料,利用分离重组方法,在保持小麦粉其他成分不变的情况下,组成不同面筋蛋白和淀粉含量的配粉,研究面筋蛋白和淀粉添加量对面团流变学特性和面粉糊化特性的影响。结果表明:随着面筋蛋白添加量的增加,3种筋力小麦粉配粉的面团稳定时间和粉质质量指数均呈升高趋势,峰值黏度、低谷黏度、最终黏度、稀懈值、回生值等总体呈下降趋势。小麦粉添加淀粉后,面团稳定时间和粉质质量指数均呈下降趋势,峰值黏度、低谷黏度、最终黏度、稀懈值、回生值等总体呈升高趋势。面筋蛋白和淀粉对小麦面团吸水率和面粉糊化温度的影响均较小。不同筋力小麦粉配粉各品质指标总体变化趋势一致,但变化幅度有一定差异。  相似文献   

蕨根淀粉颗粒形貌与糊化黏度特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以马铃薯淀粉和红薯淀粉为对照,研究了蕨根淀粉的颗粒形貌及糊化黏度特性。蕨根淀粉颗粒多为圆形或椭圆形,少数呈棒状,颗粒表面光滑。颗粒大小差异较大,粒径为5~31μm。蕨根淀粉颗粒具有可见偏光十字,偏光十字位于颗粒一端,呈"Ⅹ"。蕨根淀粉的起糊温度明显低于红薯淀粉,与马铃薯淀粉相当。蕨根淀粉糊具有较好的热稳定性,较高的回生值,适宜加工粉丝类产品。蔗糖、NaCl、碱面和明矾的添加及pH值对蕨根淀粉糊化特性有影响。蔗糖使蕨根淀粉糊黏度增大;NaCl可提高蕨根淀粉糊的热稳定性,延缓体系老化;碱面、明矾的添加使蕨根淀粉糊的热稳定性下降;蕨根淀粉糊耐酸性差,在酸性条件下,蕨根淀粉发生明显水解作用,体系黏度降低。  相似文献   

为探讨蕨根淀粉的糊化性能,以蕨根为原料,采用湿法提取淀粉,并进行提纯,对蕨根淀粉的颗粒形态、糊黏度曲线、糊冷热黏度、糊透明度、抗剪切性、冻融稳定性、凝沉性及抗老化性等特性进行了研究,并与玉米淀粉进行了比较。结果表明:扫描电镜观察蕨根淀粉颗粒表面光滑,大小均匀,呈椭圆或鹅卵石形,粒径范围10.23~26.14μm,长轴平均粒径19.09μm,稍大于玉米淀粉;布拉班德糊黏度曲线表明蕨根淀粉糊化温度为68.9~89.4℃,低于玉米淀粉糊,而峰值黏度为611 mPa·s,高于玉米淀粉;与玉米淀粉相比,蕨根淀粉稳定性好、透光性好、冻融稳定性好、抗老化性强,而凝沉性较弱、抗剪切性较差。蕨根淀粉较适于速溶、快餐、冷冻食品加工。  相似文献   

以 5个小麦品种为材料 ,利用快速粘度分析仪 (RVA)研究了不同筋力品种间搅拌值的差异及搅拌值与其它淀粉糊化特性指标的关系。结果表明 ,不同品种间搅拌值有一定差异 ,酶浓度对搅拌值有显著影响。搅拌值与面团筋力无一致性 ,与糊化温度、糊化时间相关不显著 ,但是与高峰粘度、低谷粘度、粘度破损值、最终粘度以及回冷值等 5项淀粉糊化指标显著正相关。同时求出了这 5项淀粉糊化指标依搅拌值变化的回归方程。  相似文献   

氨基酸对大米淀粉糊化和流变性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以赖氨酸(lysine,Lys)、天冬氨酸(aspartic acid,Asp)和丙氨酸(alanine,Ala)分别代表带正电、负电、不带电3类氨基酸,采用快速黏度分析仪和流变仪研究氨基酸对大米淀粉糊化和流变性质的影响。结果表明,Lys和Asp均显著提高了大米淀粉的峰值黏度和崩解值(P0.05),但是降低了淀粉的最终黏度和回生值,而Ala对淀粉的糊化性质影响微小,在一定浓度范围内无显著差异(P0.05)。因此,带电的2种氨基酸(Lys和Asp)比不带电氨基酸(Ala)对淀粉糊化性质影响更强。此外,3种氨基酸对大米淀粉糊流变性质影响不同:动态流变学实验中,添加Lys和Ala使淀粉凝胶更具弹性,而Asp使淀粉凝胶变弱;静态流变学实验中,运用幂定律τ=kγm,对剪切应力τ和剪切速率γ进行了拟合,结果表明,原淀粉与添加氨基酸的淀粉的m值均小于1,表明淀粉及其氨基酸混合物都属于假塑性流体,并且Lys使淀粉假塑性增强,而Asp则相反。  相似文献   

小麦淀粉凝胶质构特性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了掌握不同小麦品种淀粉凝胶质构特性;陕西关中小麦品种和西澳面条用小麦品种的淀粉凝胶质构的异同;淀粉的直链淀粉含量、色度及粘度特性与淀粉凝胶质构特性的关系。以参加陕西省关中小麦品种区域试验的15个小麦品种(品系)、西澳8个面条用小麦品种(品系)为材料,研究了小麦品种淀粉凝胶质构特性及淀粉特性与凝胶质构特性的关系。结果表明:不同小麦品种淀粉凝胶质构特性不同,陕西关中小麦品种之间淀粉凝胶质构特性比西澳面条小麦品种之间差异大。直链淀粉含量与凝胶特性无明显关系;色度中L值与凝胶硬度呈显著正相关;粘度特性与淀粉凝胶质构特性显著相关。关中小麦品种小偃6号、小偃128、秦农068和西澳面条小麦品种具有相似的凝胶质构特性。  相似文献   

The pasting viscosity, morphological properties, and swelling properties of potato starch and waxy maize starch mixtures at different ratios were investigated. Pasting analysis of the starch mixtures (7% solids in water, w/w) using a Rapid Visco Analyser showed linear changes in peak viscosity and pasting temperature according to the mixing ratios of both starches, but not in breakdown and setback. The pasting profile revealed that the starches rendered mutual effects during pasting, more significantly when the amounts of potato and waxy maize starches were similar. The volume fraction of swollen granules and the presence of amylose appeared to be important parameters in the mutual effects of both starched during pasting. Under a light microscope, the swelling of potato starch granules was delayed by the presence of waxy maize starch. Overall results indicate that new pasting properties can be generated by mixing starches of different botanical sources.  相似文献   

用RVA仪分析玉米淀粉的糊化特性   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
以玉米淀粉为原料,利用RVA(快速黏度分析仪),研究了不同浓度玉米淀粉以及在同一浓度下氯化钠、蔗糖以及转速对淀粉糊化特性的影响,并且在此基础上将RVA糊化程序改为多重RVA程序,然后观察对淀粉的特性的影响。结果表明:随着玉米淀粉溶液浓度的增加,起始成糊温度降低,淀粉糊的热稳定性降低,凝胶性增强。随氯化钠浓度增大,起始成糊温度逐渐升高,到达峰值时间有所延长,热稳定性明显提高,但凝胶性降低。当蔗糖浓度增加时,淀粉成糊温度、峰值黏度、最低黏度和最终黏度都随之增加,热稳定性增强,冷却过程中淀粉糊形成凝胶的能力减弱。玉米淀粉在多重RVA程序中,淀粉胶体反复形成并且溶解。添加油脂后的玉米淀粉的黏度曲线的变化是复杂的,由淀粉和油脂之间的相互作用引起,油脂的水溶性以及淀粉颗粒与蛋白质的关系影响着它们的相互反应。  相似文献   

The effects of sugars, emulsifiers, and their interactions on starch pasting properties were determined by the Rapid Visco-Analyser (RVA). Solutions of 50% sugars in water were used. The disaccharides, sucrose and lactose, delayed pasting more than did the monosaccharide, dextrose. Sugars’effects on starch pasting delay and on starch paste consistency varied with the starch. Addition of the same emulsifier (1%) to different starches did not result in the same change in paste consistency in the presence of high amounts of sugar. Both sucrose ester F-160 (SE) and polysorbate 60 (PS) reduced the hot paste consistency of starch-sugar mixtures, with SE having a greater effect than PS.  相似文献   

不同品种板栗贮藏前后淀粉糊化特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以9个板栗产区的12个主栽品种为试材,测定贮藏前后不同品种板栗淀粉的糊化特性及直链淀粉含量,比较不同品种板栗贮藏前后淀粉糊化特性的差异,探讨板栗淀粉糊化特性与直链淀粉含量的关系.结果表明:贮藏前后,各品种糊化特性存在显著差异(p<0.05).其中,峰值黏度、谷值黏度、稀懈值和峰值时间在贮藏后降低;回冷值显著上升58.5~861 cp;最终粘度和糊化温度变化趋势与品种有关:小紫油栗、叶里藏、粘底板Q022、青扎的最终黏度,大板红、泰栗一号、小紫油栗、SQ022、六合中熟的糊化温度升高,而其他品种的最终黏度和糊化温度呈下降趋势.贮藏后,不同品种各RVA谱特征值的各变异系数(除糊化温度)均降低,各品种间差异程度缩小.贮藏前,各品种直链淀粉含量在17.21%~32.78%之间;贮藏后,直链淀粉含量增加0.18%~10.41%.相关分析表明,贮藏前后,直链淀粉含量与峰值黏度、谷值黏度、最终黏度、稀懈值呈负相关,而与回冷值、糊化温度和峰值时间呈正相关.板栗淀粉的糊化特性与直链淀粉含量密切相关,不同品种间的差异主要由品种自身的遗传特性决定.  相似文献   

Pasting and textural properties of wheat starch were systematically investigated in the presence of 25 phytochemicals including phenolic acids, flavonoids, coumarins, stillbenes and tannins with a wide structural diversity. Overall, most of these phenolic compounds significantly changed functional properties of starch. Trans‐cinnamic acid increased the peak viscosity most by 37 RVU whereas catechin decreased it most by 14 RVU. All the phenolic compounds considerably increased the breakdown with the greatest effect by chlorogenic acid (135 RVU) and the least by chrysin (6 RVU). Esculetin caused the maximum increase in setback (38 RVU), and 3‐hydroxybenzoic acid caused the maximum decrease (103 RVU). All the phenolic compounds significantly reduced the peak time with the greatest effect by trans‐cinnamic acid. Chrysin and 3‐hydroxybenzoic acid most increased and decreased the hardness of starch gels stored at 23°C for 48 h by 3.9 and 24.2 g. Most of the phenolic compounds increased the adhesiveness with the greatest effect by 3‐hydroxybenzoic acid (72 g·s). pH changes of the starch suspension caused by the addition of phenolic compounds and their structural diversity affected these functional properties of wheat starch to different extents. This study may provide a basis for the use of phytochemicals in functional and starch‐based staple foods.  相似文献   

大米淀粉物化特性与糊化曲线的相关性研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
以不同品种的大米淀粉为原料,采用快速黏度分析仪(RVA)研究不同品种大米淀粉的糊化曲线的差异,碘兰值和酶解力等物化特性对糊化特性的影响。结果表明,不同品种大米淀粉的碘兰值、酶解力存在差异,以籼米淀粉的碘兰值最大,其次是粳米淀粉和糯米淀粉。粳米淀粉和糯米淀粉酶解力相对较大。糊化温度、最终黏度、最低黏度、回升值与碘兰值均呈不同程度的正相关。峰值黏度、最低黏度、最终黏度、回升值、糊化温度与酶解力呈不同程度的负相关。采用碘兰值、酶解力的指数模型描述大米淀粉的糊化特性可达到很高的拟合精度。  相似文献   

以苦荞淀粉和小麦淀粉为原料,研究低添加量(1%~4%)苦荞多酚与两种淀粉共糊化后的相互作用以及对其透明度、凝沉性、糊化特性、质构特性、抗性淀粉含量和微观结构的影响。结果表明:苦荞多酚与两种淀粉的共糊化显著降低了淀粉糊的透明度和沉降体积比,淀粉糊的凝沉加快;两种淀粉的糊化温度和糊化焓值一定程度上有所下降,淀粉更易糊化;同时两种淀粉胶质构参数显著降低,苦荞多酚添加量为4%时苦荞淀粉和小麦淀粉硬度分别下降了19.74%和54.18%;苦荞多酚的存在显著提高了淀粉中抗性淀粉含量(15%~30%)。电子显微镜结果显示,共糊化后苦荞多酚促进了淀粉颗粒的交联和聚合。苦荞多酚对淀粉理化性质的改变可视为一种提高抗性淀粉含量的物理改性方式,苦荞粉可作为高抗性淀粉食品的优质原料。  相似文献   

利用均质机在20~100 MPa压力下处理大米淀粉(RS),在添加或不添加大米蛋白(RP)情况下,考查大米淀粉理化性质、糊化和质构特性的变化。研究结果表明:随着处理压力的增加,RS的溶解度、膨胀率和透光率分别从1.90%、3.37%、6.27%上升至2.88%、5.38%、14.17%,凝沉性则下降;添加大米蛋白后,同一处理压力下,淀粉的溶解度、膨胀率下降,凝沉性上升。糊化特性分析发现,均质处理后,RS的最终黏度、崩解值和回生值分别下降了17.75%、24.47%和16.45%,说明其热稳定性提升,抗老化能力增强;原淀粉和60 MPa压力处理后的淀粉在添加氯化钠后糊化温度上升,黏度、降落值、回生值均有所下降,添加大米蛋白后淀粉黏度下降,回生值上升。质构特性分析发现,随处理压力的增加,淀粉凝胶的硬度从1 743 g下降到1 398 g,弹性则变化不大,大米蛋白使淀粉的硬度下降而弹性升高。  相似文献   

H. J.  An J. M.  King 《Journal of food science》2006,71(7):C437-C441
ABSTRACT:  Pasting characteristics were examined for conventionally or ohmically heated rice starch and rice flours. Brown rice flour showed the greatest cooking stability and least retrogradation potential. Brown rice flour also showed the greatest pasting temperature and lowest peak viscosity, whereas commercial starch had the lowest pasting temperature. Nonstarch components of the brown rice flour, such as fat and protein, may have acted as stabilizers delaying water access into the granules and reducing swelling of the starch. Ohmic heating reduced pasting temperature for commercial rice starch, resulting in a starch that swelled faster. Furthermore, ohmic heating produced better cooking stability in white rice flour 1 and 2 than in the native sample, and caused white rice flour 2 to have less potential for retrogradation than the conventionally heated sample. At lower electric field strength (20 V/cm), ohmic heating resulted in the greatest cooking stable starches compared to higher voltages (40 and 70 V/cm) because more starch granules were disrupted from a longer cooking time, so there were fewer intact granules for pasting. Ohmic heating has been shown to alter rice starch and flour pasting characteristics with an added influence of lipids, proteins, and amylose contents.  相似文献   

为了更好地开发利用荸荠淀粉,以荸荠淀粉为原料,采用快速黏度分析仪(RVA)分析淀粉糊化特性,研究不同淀粉质量分数和同一淀粉质量分数下pH、蔗糖、食盐、黄原胶以及明胶对荸荠淀粉糊化性质的影响。结果表明,随着淀粉质量分数的增大,荸荠淀粉的糊化温度降低,凝胶性及凝沉性增强;pH值对荸荠淀粉的热稳定性、凝胶性和抗老化能力没有明显的影响,而在酸性条件下荸荠淀粉糊的凝沉性比在碱性条件下的稍好;加入蔗糖后淀粉的峰值黏度、谷值黏度、最终黏度均显著提高,糊化时间增长;食盐对荸荠淀粉的影响不大;加入黄原胶会影响荸荠淀粉的糊化;加入明胶后淀粉的峰值黏度、谷值黏度、最终黏度均显著降低。  相似文献   

H.J. An    J.M. King 《Journal of food science》2009,74(3):C278-C283
ABSTRACT:  In this study, the effects of ozonation and the addition of amino acids on rice starches were determined in terms of pasting properties using a rapid visco-analyzer. Results from viscosity analysis showed that 30-min ozone treatment on commercial rice starch exhibited the greatest swelling extent among the treatments and least retrogradation tendency. The control pure oxygen treated sample had the best cooking stability. The addition of lysine (6%) to 30-min ozonated commercial rice starch significantly reduced peak viscosity (PV), minimum viscosity (MV), and final viscosity (FV) by 918, 1024, and 1023 cP, respectively. Moreover, it decreased Ptime, resulting in the faster swelling upon heating and less rigid gel formation upon cooling. Furthermore, the presence of lysine in 30-min ozonated starch isolate (WSI) also significantly reduced PV, MV, FV, pasting time, and total setback (TSB) and produced starch gel with the best cooking stability and the least retrogradation tendency. Ozonated starch exhibited similar pasting properties to those from oxidized starches treated with low concentrations of chemical oxidizing agents. The combination of lysine with ozonation resulted in pasting properties similar to starches treated with high levels of chemical oxidizing agents. The ozonated starch could be used as a thickening agent, whereas ozonated starch with lysine might be an alternative for a highly chemically oxidized starch. Therefore, ozonation alone or the combination of ozonation and addition of lysine might be used to develop new starch ingredients with various functionalities without using typical chemical modifications.  相似文献   

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