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This paper deals with the numerical modeling of a catenary moored spar-type wind turbine in the integrated coupled analyses. The current spar-type wind turbine is inspired by the Hywind concept. In this paper, different hydrodynamic models based on the Morison formula, Pressure integration method and Panel method considering the mean drift, first and second order forces are studied. A floating wind turbine in deep water depth supporting a 5-MW turbine system is considered. Simo-Riflex (DeepC), HAWC2 and FAST codes are used to carry out the coupled wave–wind-induced analyses. The results show that the damping and inertia forces of the mooring lines are important for the tension responses; especially, the damping of the mooring lines can help to damp-out the high-frequency elastic-deformations of the mooring system. However, the motion responses are not significantly affected by the mooring line damping-effects. The drift and second order forces do not significantly affect the motion and tension responses. However, the heave motion is more affected by the drift and second order forces. The results indicate that either the Morison formula considering the instantaneous position of the structure or first order hydrodynamic forces based on the Panel method and considering the quadratic viscous forces can provide accurate results for the slender spar-type wind turbines. Considering the second order forces is found to be 10–15 times more time consuming while the responses are not significantly affected for the present floating wind turbine. The coupled aero-hydro-servo-elastic code-to-code comparison of HAWC2 and FAST codes shows that the dynamic motion responses, structural responses at the tower–spar interface and at the blade root as well as the power production are in good agreement.  相似文献   

MIRAS is a newly developed computational model that predicts the aerodynamic behavior of wind turbine blades and wakes subject to unsteady motions and viscous effects. The model is based on a three-dimensional panel method using a surface distribution of quadrilateral singularities with a Neumann no penetration condition. Viscous effects inside the boundary layer are taken into account through the coupling with the quasi-3D integral boundary layer solver Q3UIC. A free-wake model is employed to simulate the vorticity released by the blades in the wake. In this paper the new code is validated against measurements and/or CFD simulations for five wind turbine rotors, including three experimental model rotors [20–22], the 2.5 MW NM80 machine [23] and the NREL 5 MW virtual rotor [24]. Such a broad set of operational conditions and rotor sizes constitutes a very challenging validation matrix, with Reynolds numbers ranging from 5.0⋅104 to 1.2⋅107.  相似文献   

In this paper, a discrete-time piecewise affine (PWA) model has been proposed for a nonlinear model of boiler–turbine unit using plant operating points. PWA model is one of the main classes of hybrid systems being equivalent to some other hybrid modeling frameworks such as mixed logical dynamical (MLD) model. In order to control the system, a model predictive control (MPC) strategy in explicit form has been used which calculates the control law as an affine function of system states. In this method, the computation of MPC is moved off-line. The off-line control law is easier to implement reducing to a look-up table in comparison with the on-line approach. Finally, the explicit model predictive control performance has been compared with the linear controller obtained using H approach. The results are illustrated by simulations. They show that the explicit MPC method has suitably improved the system performance, especially the quantity of control efforts is smaller and without saturation compared with that of H control system.  相似文献   

This study presents the external wind conditions for the design and assessment of wind turbine loading in tropical cyclone regions, including physical constants, wind speed (cyclone classes), wind shear, turbulence intensity, turbulence length scale and turbulence spectral models. For the extreme condition, this study focuses on the wind characteristics of the cyclone eye-wall region that carries the strongest wind. For the dynamic response of wind turbine structures, it is worth the effort to characterize the size of eddies constituting turbulent wind. The turbulence integral length scale for cyclone wind is defined and validated with various measurements. Moreover, several turbulence spectral models are validated with field measurements and the ESDU von Karman model gives the best fit. Based on the external wind conditions, a new turbulent cyclone wind model is created with the associated load case(s). A state-of-the-art load analysis is performed using this new cyclone wind model and the results for the relevant turbine components are compared with the existing loads envelope.  相似文献   

This is a summary of the results from the “Blind test” Workshop on wind turbine wake modeling organized jointly by Nowitech and Norcowe in Bergen, October, 2011. A number of researchers were invited to predict the performance and the wake development for a model wind turbine that has been developed by and extensively tested at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering, NTNU. In the end, contributions were received from eight different groups using a wide range of methods, from standard Blade Element Momentum (BEM) methods to advanced fully resolved Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) models. The range of results submitted was large, but the overall trend is that the current methods predict the power generation as well as the thrust force reasonably well, at least near the design operating conditions. But there is considerable uncertainty in the prediction of the wake velocity defect and turbulent kinetic energy distribution in the wake.  相似文献   

The Scottish Executive has set ambitious targets of achieving 100% of electricity from renewable sources by 2020. As Scotland has the best offshore wind resources in Europe, the development of this energy source is crucial for reaching these targets. However, the development of offshore wind raises a number of issues related to economic viability, grid connection and public acceptability. This paper investigates these areas in greater depth, using a case study of the Firth of Forth offshore wind farm, in order to determine if these barriers can be overcome in time to make a valuable contribution to 2020 targets. Through interviews with relevant stakeholders, it emerged that there are various obstacles which are impeding progress in offshore wind development in Scotland. It became evident that stakeholder opposition, an inadequate renewable energy support mechanism, and the insufficient grid infrastructure off the Scottish coast are posing barriers, and hindering development. It became apparent that in order to overcome these barriers, a number of changes need to take place. A more inclusive approach to stakeholder engagement is required, which facilitates the sharing of knowledge. In order to improve the economic viability of offshore wind in Scotland, adopting a new mechanism which reduces risk and provides developers and investors with more certainty, would be more effective in encouraging offshore wind development. Finally, in order to overcome the most significant barrier, the grid, a more integrated and collaborative approach is required, which will share the burden of responsibility between the developer, Ofgem, and the National Grid.  相似文献   

The onshore wind power is consolidated; the challenge is to reach the same level of maturity for offshore exploitation. Brazil has no offshore wind power plants and there are few studies in this direction. This paper aims to estimate the offshore wind resources in the State of Ceará, in Brazil. The investigation uses a mesoscale atmospheric computer model, the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), with horizontal resolution of 2 km, which estimates the offshore average wind speed, average wind direction, power density and turbulence taking into account the bathymetry data and navigation routes along the coast of Ceará. The wind potential was evaluated in three representative periods, La Niña, El Niño and Neutral year, analyzing the dry and rainy season for each period. The results indicate an average wind speed above 8 m/s and power density above 720 W/m2 no matter the period evaluated, in the dry season. The predominant wind direction in the observed dry periods was from East to West and the turbulence intensity is smaller during dry season of El Niño. Besides, the bathymetry of the State of Ceará is shallow and the large ships route is far beyond the coast, offering no danger to future endeavors.  相似文献   

Wind turbine design procedures usually involve the adoption of the blade element – momentum theory. Nevertheless, its use is limited by the lack of extended database regarding the aerodynamic coefficients for most used airfoils. In the present work, an extended database generation procedure for symmetric profiles is discussed and validated with the aim of adopting numerical optimization methods for vertical-axis wind turbine design.Evolutionary algorithms are thereby utilized to provide optimal configurations for different design objectives. The pure performance and the annual energy production are here considered in order to show the capabilities of the numerical code. A relevant increase in performance is achieved for all the obtained results, showing that the numerical optimization can be successfully adopted in vertical-axis wind turbine design procedures.  相似文献   

Wind power time series usually show complex dynamics mainly due to non-linearities related to the wind physics and the power transformation process in wind farms. This article provides an approach to the incorporation of observed local variables (wind speed and direction) to model some of these effects by means of statistical models. To this end, a benchmarking between two different families of varying-coefficient models (regime-switching and conditional parametric models) is carried out. The case of the offshore wind farm of Horns Rev in Denmark has been considered. The analysis is focused on one-step ahead forecasting and a time series resolution of 10 min. It has been found that the local wind direction contributes to model some features of the prevailing winds, such as the impact of the wind direction on the wind variability, whereas the non-linearities related to the power transformation process can be introduced by considering the local wind speed. In both cases, conditional parametric models showed a better performance than the one achieved by the regime-switching strategy. The results attained reinforce the idea that each explanatory variable allows the modelling of different underlying effects in the dynamics of wind power time series.  相似文献   

The formulation and quality of a computationally efficient model of offshore wind turbine surface foundations are examined. The aim is to establish a model, workable in the frequency and time domain, that can be applied in aeroelastic codes for fast and reliable evaluation of the dynamic structural response of wind turbines, in which the geometrical dissipation related to wave propagation into the subsoil is included. Based on the optimal order of a consistent lumped-parameter model obtained by the domain-transformation method and a weighted least-squares technique, the dynamic vibration response of a 5.0 MW offshore wind turbine is evaluated for different stratifications, environmental conditions and foundation geometries by the aeroelastic nonlinear multi-body code HAWC2. Analyses show that a consistent lumped-parameter model with three to five internal degrees of freedom per displacement or rotation of the foundation is necessary in order to obtain an accurate prediction of the foundation response in the frequency and time domain. In addition, the required static bearing capacity of surface foundations leads to fore–aft vibrations during normal operation of a wind turbine that are insensitive to wave propagating in the subsoil—even for soil stratifications with low cut-in frequencies. In this regard, utilising discrete second-order models for the physical interpretation of a rational filter puts special demands on the Newmark β-scheme, where the time integration in most cases only provides a causal response for constant acceleration within each time step.  相似文献   

Coal-fired generation units in China often operate under off-design loads. The off-design performance has important influence on operation energy consumption of generation units. An all-condition model is of critical importance for studying the off-design performance. In this paper, an all-condition simulation model of the steam turbine system for a 600 MW generation unit is built. Based on the actual system composition, the steam turbine system is divided into several sub equipment. A sub model is established for each device. In the turbine model, a parameter M is defined as the intermediate variable to calculate the extraction pressure of turbine. The operating data from a 600 MW generation unit are used to verify the all-condition model. The heater fouling conditions are also calculated. The result shows that the model successfully predicts the operation parameters under different loads and forecasts the thermal performance of typical equipment failure.  相似文献   

The effect of ocean downwind swells on the harvesting of offshore wind energy is studied using large-eddy simulation of fully developed wind turbine array boundary layers, which is dynamically coupled with high-order spectral simulation of sea-surface wave field with and without the presence of a downwind swell. For the two moderate wind speeds of 7 m/s and 10 m/s considered in this study, the swell is found to induce a temporal oscillation in the extracted wind power at the swell frequency, with a magnitude of 6.7% and 4.0% of the mean wind power output, respectively. Furthermore, the averaged wind power extraction is found to be increased by as much as 18.8% and 13.6%, respectively. Statistical analysis of the wind field indicates that the wind speed in the lower portion of the boundary layer oscillates periodically with fast wind above the swell trough and slow wind above the swell crest, resulting in the observed wind power oscillation. The wind above the swell accelerates due to the strong wave forcing, causes a net upward flux of kinetic energy into the wind turbine layer, and thus acts to increase the extracted wind power of the turbines. For a high wind speed of 17 m/s, the wave-induced motion becomes relatively weak and the swell effect on the wind turbine performance diminishes.  相似文献   

The aeroelastic response and the airloads of horizontal-axis wind turbine rotor blades were numerically investigated using a coupled CFD–CSD method. The blade aerodynamic loads were obtained from a Navier–Stokes CFD flow solver based on unstructured meshes. The blade elastic deformation was calculated using a FEM-based CSD solver which employs a nonlinear coupled flap-lag-torsion beam theory. The coupling of the CFD and CSD solvers was accomplished in a loosely coupled manner by exchanging the information between the two solvers at infrequent intervals. At first, the present coupled CFD–CSD method was applied to the NREL 5MW reference wind turbine rotor under steady axial flow conditions, and the mean rotor loads and the static blade deformation were compared with other predicted results. Then, the unsteady blade aerodynamic loads and the dynamic blade response due to rotor shaft tilt and tower interference were investigated, along with the influence of the gravitational force. It was found that due to the aeroelastic blade deformation, the blade aerodynamic loads are significantly reduced, and the unsteady dynamic load behaviors are also changed, particularly by the torsional deformation. From the observation of the tower interference, it was also found that the aerodynamic loads are abruptly reduced as the blades pass by the tower, resulting in oscillatory blade deformation and vibratory loads, particularly in the flapwise direction.  相似文献   

High penetration (HP) Wind Diesel Hybrid Systems (WDHS) have three modes of operation: Diesel Only (DO), Wind Diesel (WD) and Wind Only (WO). The HP-WDHS presented in this article consists of a Wind Turbine Generator (WTG), a Diesel Generator (DG), the consumer Load, a Ni–Cd Battery based Energy Storage System (BESS), a discrete Dump Load (DL) and a Distributed Control System (DCS). The DG includes a friction clutch which allows the Diesel Engine (DE) to be engaged (DO and WD modes)/disengaged (WO mode) to the Synchronous Machine (SM). The DCS consists of a sensor node which measures the SM speed and active power, calculates the reference active power PREF necessary to balance the active power in the WDHS and communicates this PREF value through a message to the BESS and DL actuator nodes. In the WD mode both the DG and WTG supply active power to the system and the DE speed governor regulates the system frequency. However in an HP-WDHS the power produced by the WTG (PT) can be greater than the one consumed by the load (PL). This situation means a negative power in the DG (power inversion) with its speed governor unable to regulate frequency. To avoid this situation, the DCS must order coordinated power consumption to the BESS and DL in order to keep the DG produced power positive. In this article it is shown by simulation how the DCS manages both a temporary power inversion and a permanent one with the mandatory transition from WD to WO mode. The presented graphs for frequency, voltage, active powers of the system elements and battery voltage/current show the effectiveness of the designed control.  相似文献   

Wind turbines are favoured in the switch-over to renewable energy. Suitable sites for further developments could be difficult to find as the sound emitted from the rotor blades calls for a sufficient distance to residents to avoid negative effects. The aim of this study was to explore if road traffic sound could mask wind turbine sound or, in contrast, increases annoyance due to wind turbine noise. Annoyance of road traffic and wind turbine noise was measured in the WINDFARMperception survey in the Netherlands in 2007 (n=725) and related to calculated levels of sound. The presence of road traffic sound did not in general decrease annoyance with wind turbine noise, except when levels of wind turbine sound were moderate (35–40 dB(A) Lden) and road traffic sound level exceeded that level with at least 20 dB(A). Annoyance with both noises was intercorrelated but this correlation was probably due to the influence of individual factors. Furthermore, visibility and attitude towards wind turbines were significantly related to noise annoyance of modern wind turbines. The results can be used for the selection of suitable sites, possibly favouring already noise exposed areas if wind turbine sound levels are sufficiently low.  相似文献   

So far, the biggest photovoltaic park in Belgium has been injecting all its energy into the electric distribution grid through a power purchase agreement with an electricity supplier. Due to decreasing and volatile wholesale electricity prices, the industrial partners/owners of the photovoltaic park are considering hydrogen storage in an attempt to increase the value proposition of their renewable energy installation. A major objective of the present work is to show how the utilization factor of the electrolyzer is affected by the design of the power supply system when the latter consists only of renewable energy sources instead of using the electric grid. Different hybrid designs were developed, by combining the existing photovoltaic source with wind power and state-of-the-art energy storage technologies (Vanadium Redox Flow or Lithium NMC). Finally, four scenarios were investigated, all considering a 1 MW PEM electrolyzer: A) 15 MW PV, B) 15 MW PV, 2MW Wind, C) 15 MW PV, 2 MW Wind, Battery, D) 15 MW PV, 15 MW Wind. The utilization factor was found as follows, for each scenario respectively: A) 41,5%, B) 65,5%, C) 66,0–86,0%, D) 82,0%. Furthermore, the analysis was extended to include economic evaluations (i.e. payback period, accumulated profit), specifically concerning scenario B and C. The results of this study lead to a number of conclusions such as: i) The utilization of the electrolyzer is limited when its power supply is intermittent. ii) Compared to PV, wind power makes larger contribution to the increase of the utilization factor, iii) 100% utilization can be achieved only if an energy storage system co-exists. iv) With a utilization factor at 65,5% scenario B can deliver a payback period in less than 8 years, if hydrogen is sold above 5€/kg. An analytic overview of all conclusions is presented in the last section of the paper.  相似文献   

The offshore wind power generation market is currently experiencing large growth rates on a global scale and investments exceeding several billion euro are being made. From a welfare economic point of view there is a non-trivial economic trade-off between offshore wind generation costs and the visual impacts from offshore wind farms. Offshore wind farms close to the shore generate cheaper electricity, but also cause higher levels of visual impacts compared to locations at larger distances. In the present paper we carry out a review of the stated preference studies that have elicited the demand for visual disamenity reduction from offshore wind farms. The review has three objectives: (a) to present the results of the different surveys; (b) to explore the more technical parts of the different surveys; and (c) to present the frontiers in the assessment of the demand for visual disamenity reductions associated with offshore wind farm locations. The paper is based on the results from five different studies. The review indicates that locations of offshore wind farms which are close to the shore generate significant welfare losses and that these can be reduced by locating the wind farms at more distant locations. The results also show that the welfare economic costs vary in terms of a range of socio demographic characteristics, experience with wind turbines and recreational activities. Finally, the review suggests that the welfare impacts related to the spatial distribution of the wind farms, intergenerational effects and experience with wind turbines are potential areas that would be beneficial to explore in future studies.  相似文献   

The stability conditions in the atmospheric boundary layer, the intensity of the wind speeds and consequently the energy potential available in offshore conditions are highly influenced by the distance from the coastline and the differences between the air and sea temperatures. This paper presents a preliminary research undertook to study the offshore wind and temperature vertical profiles at the North-West of the Yucatán Peninsula coast. Ten minute averages were recorded over approximately 2 years from sensors installed at two different heights on a communication tower located at 6.65 km from the coastline. The results have shown that the offshore wind is thermally driven by differential heating of land and sea producing breeze patterns which veer to blow parallel to the coast under the action of the Coriolis force. To investigate further, a dataset of hourly sea surface temperatures derived from GEOS Satellite thermal maps was combined with the onsite measured data to study its effect on the vertical temperature profile. The results suggested largely unstable conditions and the potentially development of a shallow Stable Internal Boundary Layer which occurs when warm air from the land advects over the cold sea.  相似文献   

As the integration of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind power generation into power systems tends to increase significantly, the contribution of DFIG wind turbine is highly expected. Since the active and reactive power outputs of DFIG can be independently modulated, the stabilizing effect of DFIG on the inter-area power system oscillation is a challenging issue. This paper proposes a new robust control design of power oscillation damper (POD) for a DFIG-based wind turbine using a specified structure mixed H2/H control. The POD structure is a practical 2nd-order lead–lag compensator with single input. Normally, H control mainly enforces the closed-loop stability while noise attenuation or regulation against random disturbances is expressed in H2 control. As a result, the mixed H2/H control gives a powerful multi-objective control design so that both closed-loop stability and performance of designed controller can be guaranteed. Here, the linear matrix inequality is applied to formulate the optimization problem of POD based on a mixed H2/H control. The POD parameters are optimized so that the performance and robustness of the POD against system disturbances and uncertainties are maximal. The firefly algorithm is automatically applied to solve the optimization problem. Simulation study in a two-area four-machine interconnected power system shows that the DFIG with robust POD is superior to conventional POD in terms of stabilizing effect as well as robustness against various power generating and loading conditions, unpredictable network structure, and random wind patterns.  相似文献   

Horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) blades are a critical component of wind turbines. Full-scale blade fatigue testing is required to verify that the blades possess the strength and service life specified in the design. Unfortunately, fatigue tests must be run for a long time period, which has led blade testing laboratories to seek ways of accelerating fatigue testing time and reducing the costs of tests. The objective of this article is to propose a concept of applying accumulative power spectral density (AccPSD) to identify fatigue damage events contained in the stress–time history of HAWT blades. Based on short-time Fourier transform (STFT), a novel method called STFT-based fatigue damage part extracting method has been developed to extract fatigue damage parts from the stress–time history and to generate the edited stress–time history. It has been found that a STFT window size of 256 and an AccPSD level of 9800 Energy/Hz (cutoff level) provides the edited stress–time history having reduction of 15.38% in length with respect to the original length, whilst fatigue damage per repetition can be retained almost the same level as the original fatigue damage. In addition, an existing method, time correlated fatigue damage (TCFD), is used to validate the effectiveness of STFT-based fatigue damage part extracting method. The results suggest that not only does the STFT improve the accuracy of fatigue damage retained, but also it provides a shorter length of the edited stress–time history. To conclude, STFT is suggested as an alternative technique in fatigue durability study, especially for the field of wind turbine engineering.  相似文献   

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