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随着中国老龄化和家庭空巢化的加剧,患有慢性疾病的老人在医院外的健康监护问题变得日益突出。这就需要人们能够设计出有别于传统医疗仪器的新系统,这样的新系统称为体域网系统。论述了体域网无线心电监护系统的设计方案,重点介绍了患者系统以及预警系统的构成。患者系统采用便携式心电检测模块来采集患者的心电信号;蓝牙短距无线通信技术用于将实时心电信号传输到智能手机;预警系统能接收患者系统发送的心电信号。最后给出了在医院环境中对系统进行的三项测试结果。  相似文献   

To ensure the security and privacy of patients’ health data in wireless body area network (WBAN),communication parties must be mutual authenticated.Now some bilinear pairings led to a larger computation cost for users and tree structure revocation would lead to larger user storage cost.In order to achieve revocation and reduce the cost of the user side,a novel revocable certificate less remote anonymous authentication protocol for WBAN was proposed by using elliptic curve cryptography and revoke algorithm that could revoke users by updating their time-private-keys.Security requirements including anonymity,mutual authentication and session key establishment were satisfied in proposed scheme.Compared with the existing schemes,the experimental analysis shows that the computation cost and storage cost of the authentication protocol are greatly reduced,which is more suitable for resource-constrained WBAN.Security analysis also shows that the protocol is secure in the random oracle model.  相似文献   

A compact triple-band porous electromagnetic bandgap structure-loaded coplanar-waveguide-fed wearable antenna is introduced for applications of wireless body area networks. The porous structure is aimed to create a stopband or bandgap in the electromagnetic spectrum and increase breathability. The holes in the bottom electromagnetic bandgap surface increase the inductance, which in turn increases the bandwidth. The final design resonates at three bands with impedance bandwidths of 264 MHz, 100 MHz, and 153 MHz and maximum gains of 2.18 dBi, 6.75 dBi, and 9.50 dBi at 2.45 GHz, 3.5 GHz, and 5.5 GHz, respectively. In addition, measurements indicate that the proposed design can be deformed up to certain curvature and withstand human tissue loading. Moreover, the specific absorption rate remains within safe levels for humans. Therefore, the proposed antenna can suitably operate in the industrial, scientific, and medical, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and WiMAX bands for potential application to wireless body area networks.  相似文献   

针对无线芯片域网络(wireless chip area network,WCAN)中PCB上芯片内/间高速无线互连场景,提出了基于蜂窝Ad Hoc的组网策略,并对其网络模型、无线节点设计、多址接入、路由和流量控制策略展开研究,最后通过仿真实验与传统无线Mesh组网架构进行对比分析,得到比其更低的网络时延和抖动、更大的网络吞吐量,并在高速数据传输环境下也能保持较低的分组丢失率.验证了所提策略的优越性,对今后WCAN组网架构的研究及未来5G网络技术的发展提供了参考.  相似文献   

How to effectively protect the security of data sharing in WBAN was a key problem to be solved urgently.The traditional CP-ABE mechanism had a 〝one to many〝 data security communication function which was suitable for access control in WBAN,but it had high computational complexity and did not support attribute revocation.Fully considering of limitations on computation and storage of sensor nodes and dynamic user attribute in WBAN,a CP-ABE scheme was proposed which was provably secure against CPA under the standard model and supported attributes revocation,outsourced encryption and decryption.Compared with the proposed schemes,the computation burden on senor nodes is greatly reduced and the user's attribution can be revoked immediately and fine grained while meeting the demand of its security in the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

雷倩  庞宇 《数字通信》2014,(1):36-38,45
体域网(BAN)的研究在远程医疗及远程医疗服务方面起着重要的作用,由于无线传感器节点附着在人体表面,人体不可避免地会吸收可能有害的电磁波,因此,对人体处于BAN网络下的SAR值的研究变得格外重要.而由于BAN中通信距离很短,电磁波沿身体表面传播的通道与普通的无线信道不同,需要建立适用于BAN网络环境的计算模型.以FDTD有限时域差分法为依托,建立三维矩形人体组织网格模型以及三维站立式人体网格模型,采用半波偶极子天线在贴近人体皮肤表面处对矩形人体组织模型与站立式人体模型在不同频率下的SAR值进行仿真,得到了在0.9 GHz,2.4 GHz,5 GHz 3种频率下人体SAR值.  相似文献   

This article investigates the mutual coupling reduction of a compact two elements wearable ultra-wideband (UWB) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna. The ground plane of the proposed wearable MIMO antenna structure consists of three connected square ring-shaped stubs and two rectangular slots of narrow height. These ground stubs and slots minimize the mutual coupling effect between antennas and provide high isolation. The suggested MIMO antenna functions from the 1.87 to 13.82 GHz frequency spectrum covering WLAN (2.4–2.484 GHz), UWB (3.1–10.6 GHz), and X band (8–12 GHz) with 152.32% fractional bandwidth. It sustains port isolation above 27 dB throughout the 2 to 13.82 GHz frequency band. Inside the whole working frequency band, the suggested antenna offers a tiny envelope correlation coefficient (ECC < 0.098), greater diversity gain (DG > 9.93 dB), minimum channel capacity loss (CCL < 0.32 bits/s/Hz), and slight magnitude variation in mean effective gain of antenna ports (< 0.1 dB). The recommended antenna yields a SAR level below the designated threshold (<1.6 W/kg), affirming its suitability for body-worn applications. The designed MIMO antenna structure has an overall volume of 32 × 48 × 1.5 mm3.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络冗余节点休眠调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种冗余节点休眠调度算法来延长网络生命周期。调度过程中重点考虑两方面问题:一是采取策略防止大量节点同时从工作状态转入休眠状态以防止大量盲区同时产生;二是根据邻居表中节点的工作邻居数量,判定节点是否处于网络边界,对边界节点和内部节点采用不同的调度策略,防止边界收缩。仿真结果表明,算法能有效延长无线传感器网络的生命周期。  相似文献   

针对现代农业的发展,温室群智能监控成为当前现代农业建设的重点。毒刺本文设计一种基于 ZigBee 和Internet温室群环境远程监控,通过由若干个基于 ZigBee的独立温室网络,将不同温室的相关数据通过 Internet网络的方式接入到最终的管理服务平台,从而使得现代农业企业通过无线网络和因特尔网络实现对企业农业数据的智能监控。  相似文献   

WIFI技术是无线领域新兴的技术.它以其传输速度高、覆盖范围广的特点而日益受到人们关注。针对WIFI网络存在的诸多安全因素的困扰。文中在简要介绍了WIFI的概念、特点的基础上,较详细地分析了WIFI网络的安全机制.重点论述了WPA的核心技术、存在的安全问题。最后提出了使用WIFI网络应采取的安全防范措施。  相似文献   

With the boom of wireless devices, the number of wireless users under wireless local area networks (WLANs) has increased dramatically. However, the standard backoff mechanism in IEEE 802.11 adopts fixed initial contention window (CW) size without considering changes of network load, which leads to a high collision probability and low channel utilization in bursty arrivals. In this paper, a novel CW dynamic adjustment scheme is proposed to achieve high throughput performance in dense user environment. In the proposed scheme, the initial CW size is dynamically adjusted to optimum according to the measured packet collision probability. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can significantly improve the throughput performance.  相似文献   

针对无线体域网这种新型的应用场景,设计了一种新型的能量受限无线体域网路由协议EE-DSR。该协议在DSR路由基础上,综合考虑了无线体域网中信道变化、节点业务类型和节点服务时间等特殊应用,有效地节省了网络传输的能量消耗,从而较好地延长了网络生存期。  相似文献   

焦宇浩 《电子测试》2021,(4):15-16,8
文章主要分析了热释电红外传感器搭建无线传感的网络,同时讲解了热释电红外传感器的主要特征、原理以及实现到人体目标识别功能的可行性,望能为有关人员提供到一定的参考和帮助.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络是由大量微型传感器节点组成的一个自组织的网络系统,路由协议是其关键技术之一.现有的路由协议分为:能量感知路由协议、以数据为中心的路由协议、基于地理位置的路由协议、可靠的路由协议和层次路由协议五类,对每类协议的特点和比较典型的协议进行了介绍.  相似文献   

谭劲  张玉娟 《电信科学》2016,32(8):69-76
在动态网络拓扑中,AODV协议通过数据源节点S泛洪广播RREQ消息请求到任意目标节点D的路由,而在无线体域网络中,只有一个sink目标节点,除最短跳数路由上的节点外,其他参与RREQ接收和转发的节点浪费了能量。提出了一种能量平衡的无线体域网络AODV多播路由发现协议,通过在节点广播的hello消息中增加到sink的最小跳数hops、到sink的下一跳节点next和节点本身是否具备转发能力isforward 3 个参数,只选择能到达sink节点的邻居节点参与转发RREQ消息,变广播为多播,有效地降低了路由发现的能量开销,并通过能量平衡延长了WBAN的使用寿命。性能分析与模拟实验表明,该协议在RREQ数量、数据传输率和能量消耗等方面优于相似协议EAAODV。  相似文献   

黄晓  程宏兵  杨庚 《通信学报》2010,31(3):115-122
在介绍了无线传感器网络定位系统并剖析其各组成部分所面临的安全威胁的基础上,提出了一种基于身份的安全定位认证方案.该认证方案能够有效运用在定位系统的各个部分.安全性分析验证了方案能够有效阻止针对定位系统各种形式的网络攻击.对相关方案的性能分析和比较表明,所提出的方案在网络资源消耗、有效性和可实现方面都比较适合无线传感器网络.  相似文献   

在WiMAX技术和IEEE 802.16标准的基础上,研究了WiMAX无线城域网的应用;给出WiMAX无线城域网的应用领域以及具体应用设想.研究结果表明,WiMAX无线城域网的应用前景广阔.  相似文献   

基于ZigBee网络与GPRS的数据采集传输系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决工业生产现场信号采集具有布线复杂,信号多样,环境恶劣等问题,笔者提出基于ZigBee无线传感器网络和GPRS网络的集数据采集与传输于一体的系统设计方案与实现。系统给出了节点硬件设计方案以及软件的实现方案。该系统采用CC2430型号的SOC,完成数据采集与无线网络组建,再通过GPRS模块将数据发送至远程监控中心。该系统具有结构简单,功耗低,节点灵活等优点,实现了无线条件下的数据采集与远程传输。  相似文献   

针对认知无线电网络、频谱监测等领域对宽频段频谱感知的需求,基于无线传感器网络的特点。提出了一种面向频谱感知的传感器网络设计方案,包括分簇的网络结构、分频段的协作感知机制以及感知结果的协作处理机制.分析了实现这种方案的关键技术,为利用传感器网络进行宽频带协作频谱感知提供了一种可选的方案。  相似文献   

刘江涛 《光电子.激光》2010,(11):1653-1656
分析了基于低功耗自适应分簇(LEACH)路由协议的无线传感网络(WSN)在不同拓扑形状下的生命周期,并改进了长方形拓扑形状的路由协议。进而针对WSN在某些场合能量有限、易受干扰和安全性差等缺点,在长方形区域中引入分布式光纤传感结构。将传感光纤铺设在环境复杂和外界电磁波干扰大的监测区域,从而提高整个传感网络的生命周期和可靠性。理论分析和仿真结果表明,改进的拓扑和协议在提高可靠性的同时,有效地延长了光WSN的生存时间,性能优于传统LEACH协议。  相似文献   

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