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Describes a hidden Markov model-based approach designed to recognize off-line unconstrained handwritten words for large vocabularies. After preprocessing, a word image is segmented into letters or pseudoletters and represented by two feature sequences of equal length, each consisting of an alternating sequence of shape-symbols and segmentation-symbols, which are both explicitly modeled. The word model is made up of the concatenation of appropriate letter models consisting of elementary HMMs and an HMM-based interpolation technique is used to optimally combine the two feature sets. Two rejection mechanisms are considered depending on whether or not the word image is guaranteed to belong to the lexicon. Experiments carried out on real-life data show that the proposed approach can be successfully used for handwritten word recognition  相似文献   

Searching and indexing historical handwritten collections are a very challenging problem. We describe an approach called word spotting which involves grouping word images into clusters of similar words by using image matching to find similarity. By annotating “interesting” clusters, an index that links words to the locations where they occur can be built automatically. Image similarities computed using a number of different techniques including dynamic time warping are compared. The word similarities are then used for clustering using both K-means and agglomerative clustering techniques. It is shown in a subset of the George Washington collection that such a word spotting technique can outperform a Hidden Markov Model word-based recognition technique in terms of word error rates. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

This paper develops word recognition methods for historical handwritten cursive and printed documents. It employs a powerful segmentation-free letter detection method based upon joint boosting with histograms of gradients as features. Efficient inference on an ensemble of hidden Markov models can select the most probable sequence of candidate character detections to recognize complete words in ambiguous handwritten text, drawing on character n-gram and physical separation models. Experiments with two corpora of handwritten historic documents show that this approach recognizes known words more accurately than previous efforts, and can also recognize out-of-vocabulary words.  相似文献   

In this paper a method for analytic handwritten word recognition based on causal Markov random fields is described. The word models are hmms where each state corresponds to a letter modeled by a nshp-hmm (Markov field). The word models are built dynamically. Training is operated using Baum-Welch algorithm where the parameters are reestimated on the generated word models. The segmentation is unnecessary: the system determines itself during training the best repartition of the information within the letter models. First experiments on two real databases of French check amount words give very encouraging results up to 86% for recognition without rejection. Received: March 31, 2000 / Accepted: January 9, 2002  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated approach to spot the spoken keywords in digitized Tamil documents by combining word image matching and spoken word recognition techniques. The work involves the segmentation of document images into words, creation of an index of keywords, and construction of word image hidden Markov model (HMM) and speech HMM for each keyword. The word image HMMs are constructed using seven dimensional profile and statistical moment features and used to recognize a segmented word image for possible inclusion of the keyword in the index. The spoken query word is recognized using the most likelihood of the speech HMMs using the 39 dimensional mel frequency cepstral coefficients derived from the speech samples of the keywords. The positional details of the search keyword obtained from the automatically updated index retrieve the relevant portion of text from the document during word spotting. The performance measures such as recall, precision, and F-measure are calculated for 40 test words from the four groups of literary documents to illustrate the ability of the proposed scheme and highlight its worthiness in the emerging multilingual information retrieval scenario.  相似文献   

We present a wearable input system which enables interaction through 3D handwriting recognition. Users can write text in the air as if they were using an imaginary blackboard. The handwriting gestures are captured wirelessly by motion sensors applying accelerometers and gyroscopes which are attached to the back of the hand. We propose a two-stage approach for spotting and recognition of handwriting gestures. The spotting stage uses a support vector machine to identify those data segments which contain handwriting. The recognition stage uses hidden Markov models (HMMs) to generate a text representation from the motion sensor data. Individual characters are modeled by HMMs and concatenated to word models. Our system can continuously recognize arbitrary sentences, based on a freely definable vocabulary. A statistical language model is used to enhance recognition performance and to restrict the search space. We show that continuous gesture recognition with inertial sensors is feasible for gesture vocabularies that are several orders of magnitude larger than traditional vocabularies for known systems. In a first experiment, we evaluate the spotting algorithm on a realistic data set including everyday activities. In a second experiment, we report the results from a nine-user experiment on handwritten sentence recognition. Finally, we evaluate the end-to-end system on a small but realistic data set.  相似文献   

This paper proposes noisy speech recognition using hierarchical singleton-type recurrent neural fuzzy networks (HSRNFNs). The proposed HSRNFN is a hierarchical connection of two singleton-type recurrent neural fuzzy networks (SRNFNs), where one is used for noise filtering and the other for recognition. The SRNFN is constructed by recurrent fuzzy if-then rules with fuzzy singletons in the consequences, and their recurrent properties make them suitable for processing speech patterns with temporal characteristics. In n words recognition, n SRNFNs are created for modeling n words, where each SRNFN receives the current frame feature and predicts the next one of its modeling word. The prediction error of each SRNFN is used as recognition criterion. In filtering, one SRNFN is created, and each SRNFN recognizer is connected to the same SRNFN filter, which filters noisy speech patterns in the feature domain before feeding them to the SRNFN recognizer. Experiments with Mandarin word recognition under different types of noise are performed. Other recognizers, including multilayer perceptron (MLP), time-delay neural networks (TDNNs), and hidden Markov models (HMMs), are also tested and compared. These experiments and comparisons demonstrate good results with HSRNFN for noisy speech recognition tasks  相似文献   

基于混合语言模型的语音识别系统虽然具有可以识别集外词的优点,但是集外词识别准确率远低于集内词。为了进一步提升混合语音识别系统的识别性能,本文提出了一种基于互补声学模型的多系统融合方法。首先,通过采用不同的声学建模单元,构建了两套基于隐马尔科夫模型和深层神经网络(Hidden Markov model and deep neural network, HMM-DNN)的混合语音识别系统;然后,针对这两种识别任务之间的关联性,采用多任务学习(Multi-task learning DNN, MTL-DNN)思想,实现DNN网络输入层和隐含层的共享,并通过联合训练提高建模精度。最后,采用ROVER(Recognizer output voting error reduction)方法对两套系统的输出结果进行融合。实验结果表明,相比于单任务学DNN(Single-task learning DNN, STL-DNN)建模方式,MTL-DNN可以获得更好的识别性能;将两个系统的输出进行融合,能够进一步降低词错误率。  相似文献   

For part I see ibid. vol.8, no. 1 (2000). This paper presents an application of the generalized hidden Markov models to handwritten word recognition. The system represents a word image as an ordered list of observation vectors by encoding features computed from each column in the given word image. Word models are formed by concatenating the state chains of the constituent character hidden Markov models. The novel work presented includes the preprocessing, feature extraction, and the application of the generalized hidden Markov models to handwritten word recognition. Methods for training the classical and generalized (fuzzy) models are described. Experiments were performed on a standard data set of handwritten word images obtained from the US Post Office mail stream, which contains real-word samples of different styles and qualities  相似文献   

联机手写体汉字识别后处理技术的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文中提出了一种规则和统计相结合的计算语言模型应用于联机手写体汉字识别后处理的技术,把基于统计的大词表Markov语言模型与语言规则量化模型,通过词网格技术集成在一个语言解码器,这种后处理方法由3个阶段组成,词网格生成,语言解码,基于Cache的自学习机制,语言解码器采用Viterbi搜索算法求解最优语句候选,该项技术已应用于HPC(手持机)手写电脑的联机汉字手写体识别系统中,汉字识别率为91.3%  相似文献   

脱机自由手写英文单词的识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一个基于隐马尔科夫模型的、采用模糊分割方式的脱机手写英文单词识别系统。该系统由图像预处理、特征提取、基于HMM的训练和识别四个模块组成。图像预处理中包括二值化、平滑去噪、倾斜校正和参考线提取。然后通过宽度不固定的滑动窗提取特征,前两组特征是整体形状和象素分布特征,另外又引入了Sobel梯度特征。HMM模型采用嵌入式的Baum-Welch算法训练,这种训练方式无需分割单词。最后用Viterbi算法识别。对字典中的每个单词,采用字母模型线性连接成单词模型。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a hybrid online handwriting recognition system based on hidden Markov models (HMMs). It is devoted to word recognition using large vocabularies. An adaptive segmentation of words into letters is integrated with recognition, and is at the heart of the training phase. A word-model is a left-right HMM in which each state is a predictive multilayer perceptron that performs local regression on the drawing (i.e., the written word) relying on a context of observations. A discriminative training paradigm related to maximum mutual information is used, and its potential is shown on a database of 9,781 words. Received June 19, 2000 / Revised October 16, 2000  相似文献   

Because of large variations involved in handwritten words, the recognition problem is very difficult. Hidden Markov models (HMM) have been widely and successfully used in speech processing and recognition. Recently HMM has also been used with some success in recognizing handwritten words with presegmented letters. In this paper, a complete scheme for totally unconstrained handwritten word recognition based on a single contextual hidden Markov model type stochastic network is presented. Our scheme includes a morphology and heuristics based segmentation algorithm, a training algorithm that can adapt itself with the changing dictionary, and a modified Viterbi algorithm which searches for the (l+1)th globally best path based on the previous l best paths. Detailed experiments are carried out and successful recognition results are reported  相似文献   

This paper describes a set of modeling techniques for detecting a small vocabulary of keywords in running conversational speech. The techniques are applied in the context of a hidden Markov model (HMM) based continuous speech recognition (CSR) approach to keyword spotting. The word spotting task is derived from the Switchboard conversational speech corpus, and involves unconstrained conversational speech utterances spoken over the public switched telephone network. The utterances in this task contain many of the artifacts that are characteristic of unconstrained speech as it appears in many telecommunications based automatic speech recognition (ASR) applications. Results are presented for an experimental study that was performed on this task. Performance was measured by computing the percentage correct keyword detection over a range of false alarm rates evaluated over 2·2 h of speech for a 20 keyword vocabulary. The results of the study demonstrate the importance of several techniques. These techniques include the use of decision tree based allophone clustering for defining acoustic subword units, different representations for non-vocabulary words appearing in the input utterance, and the definition of simple language models for keyword detection. Decision tree based allophone clustering resulted in a significant increase in keyword detection performance over that obtained using tri-phone based subword units while at the same time reducing the size of the inventory of subword acoustic models by 40%. More complex representations of non-vocabulary speech were also found to significantly improve keyword detection performance; however, these representations also resulted in a significant increase in computational complexity.  相似文献   

Wongyu  Seong-Whan  Jin H. 《Pattern recognition》1995,28(12):1941-1953
In this paper, a new method for modeling and recognizing cursive words with hidden Markov models (HMM) is presented. In the proposed method, a sequence of thin fixed-width vertical frames are extracted from the image, capturing the local features of the handwriting. By quantizing the feature vectors of each frame, the input word image is represented as a Markov chain of discrete symbols. A handwritten word is regarded as a sequence of characters and optional ligatures. Hence, the ligatures are also explicitly modeled. With this view, an interconnection network of character and ligature HMMs is constructed to model words of indefinite length. This model can ideally describe any form of handwritten words, including discretely spaced words, pure cursive words and unconstrained words of mixed styles. Experiments have been conducted with a standard database to evaluate the performance of the overall scheme. The performance of various search strategies based on the forward and backward score has been compared. Experiments on the use of a preclassifier based on global features show that this approach may be useful for even large-vocabulary recognition tasks.  相似文献   

Unconstrained off-line continuous handwritten text recognition is a very challenging task which has been recently addressed by different promising techniques. This work presents our latest contribution to this task, integrating neural network language models in the decoding process of three state-of-the-art systems: one based on bidirectional recurrent neural networks, another based on hybrid hidden Markov models and, finally, a combination of both. Experimental results obtained on the IAM off-line database demonstrate that consistent word error rate reductions can be achieved with neural network language models when compared with statistical N-gram language models on the three tested systems. The best word error rate, 16.1%, reported with ROVER combination of systems using neural network language models significantly outperforms current benchmark results for the IAM database.  相似文献   

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