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本文介绍了影响矢量网络分析仪动态范围的几个因素,分析了扩展矢量网络分析仪动态范围的几种简单易行的方法,能够对大动态范围器件的测试提供帮助。 相似文献
矢量网络分析仪是无线通信领域常用的一种设备,现对该仪器的校准方法进行了归纳总结,提出了能对该仪器进行自动校准的系统的设计方案并加以实现,简述了系统的主要组成、自动校准软件的架构、软件流程图及各模块的功能,为矢量网络分析仪的自动校准提供了一个可行的参考方案。 相似文献
非线性矢量网络分析仪(NVNA)是一种针对射频微波器件非线性行为表征的测量装置,通过引入一个相位参考信号实现复杂被测对象的相位谱测量,目前主要用于功率放大器(PA)的表征和建模研究。提出了一种基于双相位参考结构的NVNA改进方案,并尝试用于混频器的非线性行为表征研究。该方案采用一个"步进式"的多频正弦信号作为"主"相位参考,以实现高频谱分辨率的多频段测量,同时引入第2个低频谱分辨率的"辅助"相位参考提供各测量频段的相位同步。该方案能够显著提高测量装置的信噪比,具备对多频段、"调制+谐波"复杂被测对象的测量表征能力。实验表明,该方案可以提供小于±0.2°相位谱测量稳定度,能够进行混频器在复杂调制状态下的相位和谐波失真特性分析。 相似文献
针对大带外抑制滤波器传输和反射特性的测试需求,提出了一种矢量网络分析仪动态范围的原位拓展方法。该方法在不改变仪器硬件架构的前提下,在测试链路中增加低噪声放大器,通过把微小信号放大来拓展动态范围,并采用互相关的信号处理算法,通过对两路测试数据进行多次运算进一步降低了仪器的噪声基底。为提升测试精度,解决因低噪声放大器的引入导致无法直接获取接收端口误差项的问题,设计了基于12项误差模型的两步校准方法,并完成了连接适配器参数的提取和去嵌入。最后,对两个不同频段的大带外抑制滤波器进行特性测量。试验结果表明,200 Hz中频带宽下动态范围可以达到130 dB,相对于常规仪器的动态范围可以提升20 dB以上,验证了方法的有效性。 相似文献
基于混频器的非线性矢量网络分析仪双端口校准方法 总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1
基于混频器的非线性网络分析仪(NVNA)是一种新型的非线性网络测量平台。介绍了该平台的结构、原理、误差模型和经典校准流程。结合NVNA的时不变测量特性,提出了2种新的双端口校准方案——Absent Thru和Blind Thru,并给出了具体的校准流程。在新研制的NVNA原型样机上的实验表明,新方案与经典Unknown Thru方法的校准结果相一致。新方案丰富了双端口NVNA校准手段,为NVNA的误差模型合理性以及校准结果准确性提供了有效的检验手段。 相似文献
通过移动设备进行信息交互是一个提高工作流管理系统效率的好办法。该文针对手机短信息在工作流管理系统中的应用进行探讨,分析了移动设备的优点及在工作流管理系统中的位置,介绍了系统采用的建模方法、短信功能模块的结构安全策略,最后通过一个例子说明了移动设备在工作流管理系统中应用的优点。 相似文献
简要说明了现代成组技术(GT)与CIMS的关系,详细阐述了现代GT在CAD/CAM中的应用及其实施方法,是后指出了实施现代GT的两个重要方法─基于特征的柔性编码与零件谱数据库。 相似文献
Though many studies are focused on the stabilization of nonlinear systems with time-varying delay, they fail to involve the dynamic regulation without on-line optimization commonly. For this sake, feedback linearization, Lyapunov-Razumikhin theorem and polynomial approximation theorem are employed here to verify that the multi-dimensional Taylor network (MTN) controller can stabilize the single input single output (SISO) nonlinear time-varying delay systems through dynamic regulation of the system output with no need for on-line optimization. Here, the design of the controller is transformed into a convex optimization problem, which is tackled by means of the appropriate optimization method. Like its PD-like controller peers, the MTN controller functions well in eliminating the dependence on the system model. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated and confirmed via two examples. 相似文献
In this paper, a class of neutral high-order stochastic Hopfield neural networks with Markovian jump parameters and mixed time delays is investigated. The jumping parameters are modeled as a continuous-time finite-state Markov chain. At first, the existence of equilibrium point for the addressed neural networks is studied. By utilizing the Lyapunov stability theory, stochastic analysis theory and linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique, new delay-dependent stability criteria are presented in terms of linear matrix inequalities to guarantee the neural networks to be globally exponentially stable in the mean square. Numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the main results. 相似文献
For an object with large vertical size that exceeds the certain depth of a stereo light microscope (SLM), its image will be blurred. To obtain clear images, we proposed an image fusion method based on the convolutional neural network (CNN) for the microscopic image sequence. The CNN was designed to discriminate clear and blurred pixels in the source images according to the neighborhood information. To train the CNN, a training set that contained correctly labeled clear and blurred images was created from an open‐access database. The image sequence to be fused was aligned at first. The trained CNN was then used to measure the activity level of each pixel in the aligned source images. The fused image was obtained by taking the pixels with the highest activity levels in the source image sequence. The performance was evaluated using five microscopic image sequences. Compared with other two fusion methods, the proposed method obtained better performance in terms of both visual quality and objective assessment. It is suitable for fusion of the SLM image sequence. 相似文献