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正日前,伊顿电气在上海举办了"创新之举无伊不能"——伊顿电气Power Xpert低压开关柜新品发布会及技术日卡车秀巡展活动,向逾百位行业客户、合作伙伴及业内专家展示了伊顿在电气等领域的技术创新和解决方案。会上,本刊专访了伊顿电气集团配电业务亚太区高级副总裁兼总经理刘金利(Kim Lee Law),他表示在整个经济环境依旧复杂严峻的情况下,伊顿要在寒冬中练内功,伊顿始终看好亚太市场,也看好中国未来的发展。  相似文献   

近日, 施耐德电气发布了Power LogicEquipment 电能质量一体化解决方案,通过为客户提供集监测、分析和治理于一体的整柜方案,全方位掌控电能质量治理设备的运营状态、治理效果、实时且全面地监测潜在问题,保障各类设施安全可靠、高效连续供电. Power Logic Equipment 电能质量一体化解决方案基...  相似文献   

针对电厂状态检修的实际需求,采用国产的三维力控软件平台与PI数据库和Oracle数据库相结合,完成了石嘴山电厂状态检修系统计算机检修管理系统(CMMS)的详细设计。其中,状态检修系统需要的绝大部分实时数据都取自厂级监控信息系统(SIS)的PI实时数据库,因此,PI数据库和力控实时数据库之间的接口Gateway的性能将直接决定整个状态检修系统的性能。采用VC/C 、PI数据库的API和力控平台的ActiveX控件,开发了PI和力控系统间的Gateway,并对Gateway的结构进行了优化。通过对软件平台中Gateway的极限测试表明,该软件平台能满足状态检修系统性能指标的要求。  相似文献   

<正>意大利电网运营商允许储能互连到网络的计划日前使得该国首个并网太阳能结合储能设施得以揭幕。电网运营商Terna日前落实互连规则,使得许多储能行业观察家密切关注该欧洲南部国家的电力行业的发展。可再生能源开发商Enel Green Power昨天揭幕该位于西西里岛卡塔尼亚的1MW/2MWh储能系统。其连接到一座Enel Green Power 10MWp光伏电站,Enel将该储能元件描述为Catania 1太阳能项目的一个"组成部分"。  相似文献   

熟悉IT产业的读者想必对Gateway这个来自美国的品牌不会感到陌生,其PC整机和笔记本等产品一直以超强的性价比著称,因而有着良好的市场表现。当然,作为综合性1T厂商,Gateway的产品线并不仅仅只局  相似文献   

Acer已经最终确定以7.1亿美元的价格收购Gateway。并购最终确定的时间是8月27日早上。总部位于中国台湾的Acer以每股1.9美元的价格收购Gateway。两家公司的董事会均同  相似文献   

Gateway ZX4951打造主流一体机 Gateway ZX4951-000C一体机搭配无线键鼠套件,加上内置正版Windows 7家庭高级版,在外观设计上,时尚的元素融合到整体风格当中,超薄外形,所有功能于一身的设计,相比普通电脑占更少空间。  相似文献   

液晶显示器Gateway FHD2303L近日夺得2011年F产品设计奖的FH D 2303L高清液晶显示器,延续了Gateway品牌一贯的时尚风格,采用23英寸LED背光设计,整体流线型外观,以黑色和银灰色搭配,并配以水晶边框,呈现出一种晶莹剔透的玲珑质感,彰显简约的  相似文献   

杨晓花 《电气应用》2011,(19):12-14
拥有创新磁悬浮飞轮(flywheel)及压缩空气(compressed air)绿色储能专利技术的美国Active Power公司成立于1992年,是全球领先的新一代关键设施电源解决方案提供商和市场领导者,总部位于美国德克萨斯州,在奥斯汀拥有世界一流的、符合IS0900l:2000标准的研发和制造中心。18年的专业发展...  相似文献   

Power World功能在电力系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为帮助用户更好地了解美国大型电力系统可视化仿真软件Power World,介绍了Power World的基本功能及特点,结合国内外的具体应用实例,系统阐述了该软件当前在电力系统中应用情况。Power World在电力系统分析、规划、调度方面的成功应用表明,结合了强大计算功能的软件包和可视化技术的Power World在电力系统中具有应用和推广价值。  相似文献   

EPS(Emergency Power Supply应急电源系统)主要为广大工厂、企业、市政设施和建筑电气领域提供可靠的电力,在电网电力事故发生时,可提供应急的电力,为重要的设备和场合提供安全的电力保证。特别是机场、车站等人员流动量大的公共建筑,都将EPS作为必备的关键设备。目前EPS主要分  相似文献   

China Power EngineeringConsulting Group Corporationestablished on the foundationof China Power Engineering(Group)Company Ltd.affiliates eightsolely-owned emterprises and companiesand an institution,they are:Northeast,East China,Central-South.Northwestand Southwest power design institutes,Engineering Company Ltd.underGuohua North China Power Design In-stitute,China Power ConstructionConsultation Corporation,China PowerEngineering Consultation(Group)Company Ltd,and the Power Planningand Design General Institute.  相似文献   

On January 6, 2001, Hubei Ezhou Power GenerationCorporation Ltd. was officially established. It symbolized thatHubei Ezhou Power Plant had been restructured to anindependent power generation corporation according to theCorporation Law.This corporation was initiated jointly to organize by HubeiProvincial Power Development Corporation and HubeiProvisional Power Corporation with 60% and 40% proportionof investment respectively.The planned construction capacity of Hubei Ezhou Power Plant…  相似文献   

Acer已经最终确定以7.1亿美元的价格收购Gateway. 并购最终确定的时间是8月27日早上.总部位于中国台湾的Acer以每股1.9美元的价格收购Gateway.两家公司的董事会均同意这次的并购事宜,但它还需通过联邦政府反托拉斯法案的相关程序.收购预计在12月前完成.  相似文献   

On October 8 this year, the State Power Corporation of China(SP) dispatched a notice to name the Power System SimulationResearch Center, the Mechanics Laboratory of BundleConductors on Transmission Lines, the Laboratory ofElectromagnetic Compatibility of Power System and theLaboratory of Power Cable as the first batch of key laboratories.Provided by the "Administrative Procedure for Key Laboratoryof the State Power Corporation", an opened-up managementand a standardized operation s…  相似文献   

EPS(Emergency Power Supply应急电源系统)主要为广大工厂、企业、市政设施和建筑电气领域提供可靠的电力,在电网电力事故发生时,可提供应急的电力,为重要的设备和场合提供安全的电力保证。特别是机场、车站等人员流动量大的公共建筑,都将EPS作为必备的关键设备。目前EPS主要分为照明型、动力型以及照明动力混合型,  相似文献   

Power generating equipment supply contract for Huaneng Nantong Power Plant Phase Ⅱ project affiliated to Huaneng International Electric Power Stock Company Ltd. was signed at the People's Great Hall on June 28, 1996, Shi Dazhen, Minister of Electric Power, Ye Qing, Vice-chairman of the State Planning Commission, Zhang Youcai, Vice Minister of Finance and Ji  相似文献   

The contracts worth $ 720 million for importing 1st phase project equipment of Yangcheng Coal-fired Power Plant were signed on August 22, 1996 in Beijing between the China Electric Power Technology Import & Export Corp., Shanxi's Yangcheng International Power Generating Co. Ltd, Shanxi Provincial Power Corp., Germany's Siemens and the US firm Foster Wheeler Energy Corp.  相似文献   

China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, China Power Investment Group and Guangxi Investment Group reached a frame agreement to jointly build the phase I project of Guangxi Bailong Nuclear Power Plant in July. According to the plan, Guangxi Bailong Nuclear Power Plant will have a total installed capacity of 6000 MW. The scale of its phase I project is planned to reach  相似文献   

To extensively finance power construction fund, the Shaanxi Provincial Government has sold part of its Weihe Power Plant time limited operation right to Hong Kong China Travel Service (Group) Company Ltd. The contract for jointly running the newly built Weihe Power Plant was signed by representatives from Hong Kong China Travel Service (Group) Co., Northwest Electric Power Group Company and Shaanxi Provincial Electric Power Investment Corp. on May 24, 1996. The construction of Weihe New Power Plant was commenced in 1988 with a total  相似文献   

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