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This study presents concurrently sampled ambient air data for a range of persistent organic pollutants at the continental scale. This was achieved using a passive air sampling system, deploying polyurethane foam disks, which was prepared in one laboratory, sealed to prevent contamination, sent out by courier to volunteers participating in different countries, exposed for 6 weeks, collected, resealed, and returned to the laboratory for analysis. Europe was the study area--a region with a history of extensive POPs usage and emission and with marked national differences in population density, the degree of urbanization and industrial/agricultural development. Samplers were deployed at remote/rural/urban locations in 22 countries and analyzed for PCBs, a range of organochlorine pesticides (HCB, alpha-HCH, gamma-HCH, ppDDT, ppDDE), and PBDEs. Calculated air concentrations were in line with those obtained by conventional active air sampling techniques. The geographical pattern of all compounds reflected suspected regional emission patterns and highlighted localized hotspots. PCB and PBDE levels varied by over 2 orders of magnitude; the highest values were detected in areas of high usage and were linked to urbanized areas. HCB was relatively uniformly distributed, reflecting its persistence and high degree of mixing in air. Higher gamma-HCH, ppDDT, and ppDDE levels generally occurred in South and East Europe.  相似文献   

An analytical method was developed for the trace analysis of 98 semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) in remote, high-elevation lake sediment. Sediment cores from Lone Pine Lake (west of the Continental Divide) and Mills Lake (east of the Continental Divide) in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, were dated using 210Pb and 137Cs and analyzed for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), organochlorine pesticides, phosphorothioate pesticides, thiocarbamate pesticides, amide herbicides, triazine herbicides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using this method. SOC deposition profiles were reconstructed, and deposition half-lives and doubling times were calculated, for U.S. historic-use pesticides (HUPs) and current-use pesticides (CUPs) as well as PBDEs, PCBs, and PAHs. Sediment records indicate that the deposition of CUPs has increased in recent years, while the deposition of HUPs has decreased since U.S. restriction, but has not been eliminated. This is likely due to the revolatilization of HUPs from regional soils, atmospheric transport, and deposition. Differences in the magnitude of SOC sediment fluxes, flux profiles, time trends within those profiles, and isomeric ratios suggest that SOC deposition in high-elevation ecosystems is dependent on regional upslope wind directions and site location with respect to regional sources and topographic barriers.  相似文献   

PBDEs and PCBs in computers, cars, and homes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were measured in 136 fish from 14 remote lakes in 8 western U.S. National Parks/Preserves between 2003 and 2005 and compared to human and wildlife contaminant health thresholds. A sensitive (median detection limit--18 pg/g wet weight), efficient (61% recovery at 8 ng/g), reproducible (4.1% relative standard deviation (RSD)), and accurate (7% deviation from standard reference material (SRM)) analytical method was developed and validated for these analyses. Concentrations of PCBs, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexanes, DDTs, and chlordanes in western U.S. fish were comparable to or lower than mountain fish recently collected from Europe, Canada, and Asia. Dieldrin and PBDE concentrations were higher than recent measurements in mountain fish and Pacific Ocean salmon. Concentrations of most contaminants in western U.S. fish were 1-6 orders of magnitude below calculated recreational fishing contaminant health thresholds. However, lake average contaminant concentrations in fish exceeded subsistence fishing cancer thresholds in 8 of 14 lakes and wildlife contaminant health thresholds for piscivorous birds in 1 of 14 lakes. These results indicate that atmospherically deposited organic contaminants can accumulate in high elevation fish, reaching concentrations relevant to human and wildlife health.  相似文献   

Surface seawater and marine boundary layer air samples were collected on the ice-breaker R/V Xuelong (Snow Dragon) from the East China Sea to the high Arctic (33.23-84.5° N) in July to September 2010 and have been analyzed for six current-use pesticides (CUPs): trifluralin, endosulfan, chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, dacthal, and dicofol. In all oceanic air samples, the six CUPs were detected, showing highest level (>100 pg/m(3)) in the Sea of Japan. Gaseous CUPs basically decreased from East Asia (between 36.6 and 45.1° N) toward Bering and Chukchi Seas. The dissolved CUPs in ocean water ranged widely from 相似文献   

A probabilistic model called the potential source contribution function (PSCF) has been used to estimate atmospheric source regions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorinated pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to the Great Lakes. This model allows us to map each compound's source region on a 0.5 degrees x 0.5 degrees latitude/longitude grid centered over the Great Lakes basin. PCBs primarily have urban sources, the strengths of which vary. Like PCBs, PAHs show a strong urban signature, but these compounds also seem to come from rural sites. The source regions of PAH become less distinct as the molecular weight of the compound increases. Since reactivity increases with PAH size, this diminishing trend may be an indication that atmospheric degradation plays a large role in PAH transport. The pesticides have the strongest source regions and are typically transported the farthest, often from areas distant from the Great Lakes basin.  相似文献   

This is the first account of PCDDs, PCDFs, and non-ortho PCBs in Canadian Arctic seabirds. Livers and eggs of thick-billed murres, northern fulmars, and black-legged kittiwakes were collected in 1975 and 1993 from Prince Leopold Island in Lancaster Sound, Canada. Detectable concentrations of PCDDs, PCDFs, and non-ortho PCBs were found in all the Arctic seabird samples analyzed. Of the PCDD congeners assayed, only 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs were detected in the samples, whereas non-2,3,7,8-substituted PCDFs were found in addition to 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDFs in some of the samples. The predominant PCDD/F congener found in the livers of all three species was 2,3,4,7,8-PnCDF, both in 1975 and 1993. Concentrations of most dioxins and furans decreased in the fulmars and kittiwakes between 1975 and 1993 but increased in the murres. Of the non-ortho PCBs measured, PCB-126 occurred in the highest concentrations and contributed the majority of the non-ortho PCB-TEQ in all three species in both years. The highest concentrations of dioxins and furans as well as the highest TEQ values were found in the northern fulmar livers in both 1975 and 1993. Concentrations of some of the PCDDs and PCDFs are among the highest reported for Canadian Arctic biota.  相似文献   

北冰洋汽水又回来了!这个消息对于许多老北京人来说,是那份已经远去的童年和少年甜蜜的记忆又可以重新回味了,对于我这种专门从事营销顾问工作的人来说,又多了一个研究标本,在热切的期盼中更多的是冷静。当年,悄悄的你走了,正如你现在悄悄地来,轻轻地招手,不知消费者还在不在。我想问,北冰洋的经营者唤醒这个已经冬眠15年之久的老品牌到底为了什么?北冰洋真能重振雄风吗?  相似文献   

The Arctic sea-ice environment has been undergoing dramatic changes in the past decades; to which extent this will affect the deposition, fate, and effects of chemical contaminants remains virtually unknown. Here, we report the first study on the distribution and transport of mercury (Hg) across the ocean-sea-ice-atmosphere interface in the Southern Beaufort Sea of the Arctic Ocean. Despite being sampled at different sites under various atmospheric and snow cover conditions, Hg concentrations in first-year ice cores were generally low and varied within a remarkably narrow range (0.5-4 ng L(-1)), with the highest concentration always in the surface granular ice layer which is characterized by enriched particle and brine pocket concentration. Atmospheric Hg depletion events appeared not to be an important factor in determining Hg concentrations in sea ice except for frost flowers and in the melt season when snowpack Hg leaches into the sea ice. The multiyear ice core showed a unique cyclic feature in the Hg profile with multiple peaks potentially corresponding to each ice growing/melting season. The highest Hg concentrations (up to 70 ng L(-1)) were found in sea-ice brine and decrease as the melt season progresses. As brine is the primary habitat for microbial communities responsible for sustaining the food web in the Arctic Ocean, the high and seasonally changing Hg concentrations in brine and its potential transformation may have a major impact on Hg uptake in Arctic marine ecosystems under a changing climate.  相似文献   

Pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are found in various parts of the environment in quite small concentrations, but they accumulate and thus become a threat to human health and life. A review is focused on the application of some popular techniques for sample preparation in analysis of these compounds in food. Even with the emergence of advanced techniques of final analysis, complex matrices, such as food, require extensive sample extraction and purification. Traditional sample preparation techniques are time consuming and require large amount of solvents, which are expensive, generate considerable waste, contaminate the sample and can enrich it for analytes. There have been many sample preparation techniques proposed to meet the requirements connected with the multiplicity of food. Optimal sample preparation can reduce analysis time, sources of error, enhance sensitivity and enable unequivocal identification and quantification. Sample extraction and purification techniques are discussed and their most recent applications in food analysis are provided. This review pointed out that sample preparation is the critical step.  相似文献   

Coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were sampled using polyurethane foam (PUF) disk passive air samplers (PAS) at 19 sites in a heavily industrialized region of South Korea for 6 months (January-July 2006). The levels and spatial distribution of these three chemical groups were investigated to identify potential sources and transport in the study area, which can be divided into five regions: a steel-manufacturing complex, a residential area near the steel complex, a rural area, a semi-industrial area, and a petrochemical-manufacturing complex. Air concentrations (pg x m(-3)) were estimated using an average sampling rate of 3.0 m3 x day(-1) and ranged as follows: coplanar PCBs (0.8-16), PCNs (1.7-35), and PBDEs (3.8-24). The levels of coplanar PCBs and PBDEs were found to be the highest in the steel complex, followed by the petrochemical complex and the semi-industrial area. In addition, a high level of PCNs was measured near a petrochemical-processing plant. However, the residential area near the steel complex and the rural area showed relatively low concentrations of these chemicals, suggesting that the steel and petrochemical industries are probably important sources in the study area, but these potential sources do not strongly influence the surrounding areas.  相似文献   

Perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) were determined in 22 surface water samples (39-76°N) and three sea ice core and snow samples (77-87°N) collected from North Pacific to the Arctic Ocean during the fourth Chinese Arctic Expedition in 2010. Geographically, the average concentration of ∑PFC in surface water samples were 560 ± 170 pg L(-1) for the Northwest Pacific Ocean, 500 ± 170 pg L(-1) for the Arctic Ocean, and 340 ± 130 pg L(-1) for the Bering Sea, respectively. The perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (PFCAs) were the dominant PFC class in the water samples, however, the spatial pattern of PFCs varied. The C(5), C(7) and C(8) PFCAs (i.e., perfluoropentanoate (PFPA), perfluoroheptanoate (PFHpA), and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA)) were the dominant PFCs in the Northwest Pacific Ocean while in the Bering Sea the PFPA dominated. The changing in the pattern and concentrations in Pacific Ocean indicate that the PFCs in surface water were influenced by sources from the East-Asian (such as Japan and China) and North American coast, and dilution effect during their transport to the Arctic. The presence of PFCs in the snow and ice core samples indicates an atmospheric deposition of PFCs in the Arctic. The elevated PFC concentration in the Arctic Ocean shows that the ice melting had an impact on the PFC levels and distribution. In addition, the C(4) and C(5) PFCAs (i.e., perfluorobutanoate (PFBA), PFPA) became the dominant PFCs in the Arctic Ocean indicating that PFBA is a marker for sea ice melting as the source of exposure.  相似文献   

Ash-laden runoff samples collected near Ground Zero soon after the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) and subsequent fire demonstrate the release of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated dipheyl ethers (PBDEs), polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polybrominated dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), and tetra- and pentachlorinated biphenylenes (PCBPs) from the incident. Relative abundances of PCDD/F congeners in the runoff water and post-disaster lower Manhattan dust samples were different from those seen in pre-disaster NYC combined sewer outfall (CSO) samples. The WTC-related samples showed a greater relative abundance of 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF than usually seen in CSOs, sludges, and treated wastewaters. This congener may be associated with certain types of incineration. Comparison of sediment and water samples collected in the lower Hudson River before and shortly after September 11, 2001 (9/11) showed no changes in PCB or PCDD/F concentrations or homologue profiles determined down to the parts per quadrillion range. Comparisons of ambient water samples collected post-9/11 with archived samples suggest that the WTC disaster did not significantly impact ambient concentrations of the target chemicals. Ambient concentrations of PBDD/Fs in New York Harbor are similar to those of PCDD/Fs, suggesting that these contaminants deserve increased scrutiny with respect to toxicity, sources, and fate in the environment.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) were quantified in blubber biopsy samples collected from free-ranging male and female killer whales (Orcinus orca) belonging to three distinct communities (southern residents, northern residents, and transients) from the northeastern Pacific Ocean. High concentrations of sigmaPBDE were observed in male southern residents (942+/-582 ng/g Iw), male and female transients (1015+/-605 and 885+/-706 ng/g Iw, respectively), and male and female northern residents (203+/-116 and 415+/-676 ng/g Iw, respectively). Because of large variation within sample groups, sigmaPBDE levels generally did not differ statistically with the exception of male northern residents, which had lower sigmaPBDE concentrations than male southern residents, male transients, and female transients, perhaps reflecting the consumption of less contaminated prey items. Male transient killer whales, which consume high trophic level prey including other cetaceans and occasionally spend time near populated areas, had sigmaPBDE concentrations approximately equal to southern residents. No significant age-related relationships were observed for sigmaPBDE concentrations. sigmaPBDE concentrations were approximately 1-3 orders of magnitude greater than those of sigmaPBB (3.0-31 ng/g Iw) and sigmaPCN (20-167 ng/g Iw) measured in a subset of samples, suggesting that PBDEs may represent a contaminant class of concern in these marine mammals.  相似文献   

Air-water exchange gradients of selected polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners across a large section of the tropical Atlantic suggested net volatilization of PCBs to the atmosphere. Only for the higher chlorinated PCB 153 and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were gradients near equilibrium detected. The use of passive samplers also enabled the detection of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its transformation products across the tropical Atlantic, indicating net deposition. There were clear differences between the southern and northern hemisphere apparent in terms of atmospheric concentrations: Once the ship moved from the southern into the northern hemisphere air, concentrations of HCB and other organochlorine pesticides increased several-fold. For large swaths of the tropical Atlantic Ocean, neither PCB nor organochlorine pesticide dissolved concentrations varied much longitudinally, probably due to efficient mixing by ocean currents. In selected samples, dissolved concentrations reflected the influence of river plumes and major ocean currents far away from the continents. Dissolved concentrations of PCBs 28, 52, 101, 118, and HCB increased in the Amazon plume and the Gulf Stream. While the Amazon plume flushed only a few kg of PCBs and HCB, the Gulf Stream is potentially delivering tons of PCBs into the North Atlantic annually.  相似文献   


Chemicals in food are monitored to check for compliance with regulatory limits and to evaluate trends in dietary exposures, among other reasons. This study compared two different methods for estimating human dietary exposure to lipophilic persistent organic pollutants (POPs) during 2011/12: (1) the 2012 Total Diet Study (TDS) conducted by the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) and (2) a 24-h duplicate diet (DD) study of 20 adults from the North East of England. The equivalence of the two approaches was assessed; anything less than an order of magnitude could be considered reasonable and within three-fold (equivalent to 0.5 log) as good. Adult dietary exposure estimates derived from the DD study for both average and high-level (97.5th percentile) consumers compared well with those from the TDS. Estimates from the DD study when compared with those from the TDS were within 10% for P97.5 for total PCDD/F/PCB with divergence increasing to a factor of 3.4 for average BDE-209. Most estimates derived from the TDS were slightly higher than those derived from the DD. Comparison with earlier UK TDS data over the last 30 years or so confirmed a gradual decline in levels of PCDD/F/PCBs in food. Such comparisons also indicated peaks in dietary exposure to ∑PBDE (excluding BDE-209) between 2000 and 2005. Exposure estimates for all measured compounds using both TDS and DD data were found to be within recommended tolerable daily intakes where available or within acceptable margins of exposure.  相似文献   

Air and seawater samples were collected on board the RV Polarstern during a cruise from Bremerhaven, Germany to Cape Town, South Africa from October-November 2005. Broad latitudinal trends were observed with the lowest sigma27PCB air concentration (approximately 10 pg m(-3)) in the South Atlantic and the highest (approximately 1000 pg m(-3)) off the west coast of Africa. Sigma(ICES)PCBs ranged from 3.7 to 220 pg m(-3) in air samples and from 0.071 to 1.7 pg L(-1) in the dissolved phase seawater samples. Comparison with other data from cruises in the Atlantic Ocean since 1990 indicate little change in air concentrations over the remote open ocean. The relationship of gas-phase partial pressure with temperature was examined using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation; significant temperature dependencies were found for all PCBs over the South Atlantic, indicative of close air-water coupling. There was no temperature dependence for atmospheric PCBs overthe North Atlantic, where concentrations were controlled by advection of contaminated air masses. Due to large uncertainties in the Henry's Law Constant (HLC), fugacity fractions and air-water exchange fluxes were estimated using different HLCs reported in the literature. These suggest that conditions are close to air-water equilibrium for most of the ocean, but net deposition is dominating over volatilization in parts of the transect. Generally, the tri- and tetrachlorinated homologues dominated the total flux (> 70%). Total PCB fluxes (28, 52, 118, 138, and 153) ranged from -7 to 0.02 ng m(-2) day(-1).  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury speciation measurements were performed during a 10 week Arctic summer expedition in the North Atlantic Ocean onboard the German research vessel RV Polarstern between June 15 and August 29, 2004. This expedition covered large areas of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans between latitudes 54 degrees N and 85 degrees N and longitudes 16 degrees W and 16 degrees E. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and mercury associated with particles (Hg-P) were measured during this study. In addition, total mercury in surface snow and meltwater ponds located on sea ice floes was measured. GEM showed a homogeneous distribution over the open North Atlantic Ocean (median 1.53 +/- 0.12 ng/m3), which is in contrast to the higher concentrations of GEM observed over sea ice (median 1.82 +/- 0.24 ng/m3). It is hypothesized that this results from either (re-) emission of mercury contained in snow and ice surfaces that was previously deposited during atmospheric mercury depletion events (AMDE) in the spring or evasion from the ocean due to increased reduction potential at high latitudes during Arctic summer. Measured concentrations of total mercury in surface snow and meltwater ponds were low (all samples <10 ng/L), indicating that marginal accumulation of mercury occurs in these environmental compartments. Results also reveal low concentrations of RGM and Hg-P without a significant diurnal variability. These results indicate that the production and deposition of these reactive mercury species do not significantly contribute to the atmospheric mercury cycle in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Arctic summer.  相似文献   

The treatment of water, soil and food samples was tested with a modified equipment of glass for simultaneous steam distillation/solvent extraction. Spiked samples with 22 pesticides (most of them contained halogen) and PCB yielded good or very good recoveries after 1.5 h for water samples and after 5 h for soil and plant food samples, respectively. This method is ecologically beneficial, and because it needs only a small amount of solvent (less than 10 ml) it is not expensive and may be used as a quick screening in several fields.  相似文献   

During the 2003 Chinese Arctic Research Expedition (CHINARE2003) from the Bohai Sea to the high Arctic (37 degrees N to 80 degrees N) aboard the icebreaker Xuelong (Snow Dragon), air samples were collected for the analysis of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) in the North Pacific Ocean and adjacent Arctic region. The sigma HCHs (alpha-HCH + gamma-HCH) ranged from 2.3 to 95.1 pg/m3 with the highest levels observed in Far East Asia (32.5 pg/m3), followed by the North Pacific Ocean (17.0 pg/m3) and the Arctic (7.3 pg/ m3). Compared to previous studies in the same areas in 1990s, our measurements were approximately 1 order of magnitude lower. Because of disproportionate chemical reduction and physical fractioning during long-range transport, the ratios of alpha-HCH to gamma-HCH (alpha/gamma-HCH) showed a significant increasing trend from low to high latitudes, suggesting thatthe alpha/gamma-HCH range of 4-7 could not be used to identify sources of technical HCHs especially in remote areas. The ratios of (+)-alpha-HCH to the sum of (+)-alpha-HCH and (-)-alpha-HCH were on average much more biased from 0.5 compared to previous observations in mid-1990s, indicating the exchange of atmospheric alpha-HCH with those in the oceans, where (+)-alpha-HCH was selectively depleted in biological degradation processes. Estimated fugacity ratios based on available data for both alpha-HCH and gamma-HCH further implied their net volatilization from seawater to air in the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

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