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The effects of monensin on the energy metabolism of dairy cows in early lactation were investigated in a large clinical trial that was randomized and double-blinded. A total of 1010 Holstein cows and first lactation heifers were allocated to receive a controlled-release capsule of monensin or a placebo at 3 wk prior to expected calving date. Treatments were randomized across 25 dairy farms located near Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Serum samples obtained at the time of treatment administration and at wk 1, 2, 3, 6, and 9 postcalving were analyzed for beta-hydroxybutyrate, glucose, aspartate aminotransferase, urea, total protein, calcium, and phosphorus. Cows were also assigned a body condition score at the time each sample was obtained. Monensin treatment significantly reduced serum beta-hydroxy-butyrate concentrations at wk 1, 2, and 3 postpartum and significantly raised serum glucose concentrations during wk 1 and 2 of lactation. In addition, monensin treatment significantly reduced the loss of body condition score and decreased serum activity of aspartate aminotransferase during the postpartum period. Concentrations of serum urea were significantly higher during wk 2 and 3 postpartum for the cows that were treated with monensin. Monensin treatment had no effect on the concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, or total protein.  相似文献   

Primiparous (n = 22) and multiparous (n = 41) cows were randomly assigned by calving date and parity to one of four dietary sequences of supplemental fat from 14 d prepartum to 151 d postpartum. Partially hydrogenated tallow was added to diets at 0% prepartum and postpartum (control); 1% prepartum and 2% postpartum; 0% prepartum and 2% postpartum; and 0% prepartum, 0% from 1 to 34 d postpartum, and 2% from 35 to 151 d postpartum. Inclusion of partially hydrogenated tallow did not influence yields of milk or 3.5% FCM, milk composition, or DMI during the first 151 d postpartum. During the first 35 d postpartum, cows receiving partially hydrogenated tallow starting at parturition yielded milk with a higher fat content than those receiving fat prepartum and postpartum. Addition of partially hydrogenated tallow to diets starting 35 d postpartum resulted in cows being more persistent in yields of milk and 3.5% FCM from 60 to 151 d postpartum. Reproduction parameters measured were unaffected by time of fat addition to diets. Our data suggest that delaying the addition of partially hydrogenated tallow to diets until 35 d postpartum may improve the persistency of lactation.  相似文献   

Seventy postpubertal Holstein replacement heifers were assigned to one of four treatments to assess effects of accelerated postpubertal growth on performance during first lactation. Heifers were fed control or accelerated diets from 10 mo of age until parturition, and breeding was initiated at 14 or 10 mo of age, respectively. Heifers were also subdivided into two breeding groups (target or delayed) based on normal AI breeding efficiencies. Heifers fed accelerated diets had a higher average daily gain (933 vs. 778 g/d) and calved earlier (21.7 vs. 24.6 mo) than did heifers fed control diets. Heifers fed accelerated diets had similar prepartum (10 d) BW, but lower wither height and postpartum BW, than heifers fed the control. For heifers fed accelerated diets, milk fat and milk protein yields were lower, and milk fat percentage was higher, at mo 1 and 2; milk fat percentage was lower at mo 3 to 7 of lactation. Delayed bred heifers calved later (approximately 2 mo), had higher prepartum and postpartum BW, and were taller at the withers than target bred heifers. Delayed breeding resulted in higher body condition scores at calving and a greater incidence of dystocia, but lactation performance was not affected. Accelerated postpubertal growth resulted in earlier calving at similar prepartum BW, but data for wither height, pelvic area, and postpartum BW suggested that heifers fed accelerated diets were smaller. Accelerated postpubertal growth and early calving reduced performance during first lactation, but the exact mechanisms could not be determined.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of various amounts of CP and RUP on AA flow to the small intestine and milk yield of lactating dairy cows. The first trial was a 5 x 5 Latin square design using five ruminally and duodenally cannulated multiparous cows. Diets contained chopped alfalfa hay, corn silage, high moisture corn, solvent-extracted soybean meal, and specially processed soybean meal (60.2% RUP). Soybean meal replaced high moisture corn to increase dietary CP from 14.5 to 16.5 or 18.5%, and specially processed soybean meal replaced solvent-extracted soybean meal in diets containing 16.5 or 18.5% CP to provide 6.2, 7.3, 6.7, and 8.3% RUP. Increasing dietary CP increased the flows of all AA to the duodenum. Increasing dietary RUP increased flows of Arg, His, Lys, Phe, Asp, and Glu to the duodenum. In a second trial, 36 cows were fed diets similar to those used in trial 1. Increased amounts of RUP in diets tended to increase milk yield because of improved protein status, improved intake of metabolizable energy, or both.  相似文献   

Twenty Holstein cows were fed diets that were formulated with 16 or 19% crude protein (CP) that contained, respectively, 6 and 9% ruminally undegradable protein (RUP) (dry matter basis) to study the effect of increased RUP on tissue mobilization and production parameters. Cows were enrolled in the study from -14 to 114 d postpartum. Body composition measurements using the D2O dilution technique were made at -2, 5, and 12 wk postpartum. Maximum loss of body tissue occurred between wk 2 prepartum and wk 5 postpartum during which time cows fed both treatments mobilized a mean of 54 kg of body fat and 21 kg of body protein. Cows continued to mobilize 18 kg of body fat through wk 12 postpartum, but the amount of body protein was unchanged. One unit of change in body condition score corresponded to about 40 kg of empty body fat. Partitioning of empty body energy between empty body fat and protein indicated that, for each unit of change in body energy, 93% was lost or gained as body fat, and body protein accounted for only 7%. Increasing RUP in the diet had no effect on the postpartum amounts of empty body protein, empty body fat, or empty body energy. Milk production was 39.8 kg for cows fed the 16% CP diet and 42.4 kg for cows fed the 19% CP diet. There was an interaction of treatment by week postpartum. Both dry matter intake and milk production were lower during the first 6 wk postpartum but were greater thereafter for cows fed the 19% CP diet than for cows fed the 16% CP diet. Milk CP percentage was higher (3.08% vs. 2.89%), and milk CP yield tended to be greater (1.29 vs. 1.15 kg/d), for cows fed the 19% CP diet.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, in primiparous cows, the effect of dietary biotin supplementation on severity of lesions of aseptic subclinical laminitis. ANIMALS: 100 primiparous cows in a 800-cow commercial dairy herd. PROCEDURE: Cows were assigned after calving to a biotin-supplemented (20 mg/head/d) or control group on an alternating basis. Digits 3 and 4 of the left forelimb and right hind limb were examined at a mean of 25, 108, and 293 days after parturition. Toe length, hoof angle, and heel depth were measured, and hooves were examined for solear hemorrhage, yellow solear discoloration, separation of the white line, and heel erosion. Serum and milk biotin concentrations were also measured. RESULTS: Serum biotin concentrations were significantly higher for supplemented than for control cows. During the second examination, prevalence of separation of the white line of digits 3 and 4 of the hind limb and digit 4 of the forelimb was lower for supplemented than for control cows. Mean decrease in heel depth between the first and third examinations was approximately twice as great for digit 4 of the forelimb and 4 times as great for digit 3 of the forelimb in supplemented, versus control, cows. Other differences were not found. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that supplemental dietary biotin may have a beneficial effect on hoof health in intensively managed primiparous dairy cows.  相似文献   

To investigate the energetic costs of lactation in a female mammal in relation to previous reproductive history, we compared the performance of adult female Long-Evans rats that had previously bred (multiparous) with young females that had not previously given birth (primiparous). All litters were standardized to 10 +/- 1 young. We compared maternal production (growth of pups), body mass, and energy intake (food consumption) of mothers, as well as their energy expenditure (resting oxygen consumption). The mass of litters at birth and the growth of pups during lactation did not differ according to reproductive history of the mothers. The body mass of primiparous mothers was less than that of multiparous mothers, and primiparous mothers showed an increase in mass during early lactation. To accomplish the essentially identical production of offspring under these circumstances, the primiparous mothers consumed and expended more energy than the multiparous mothers. This remarkable performance of first-time mothers results in an overall efficiency of energy allocation to reproduction amounting to only 25%, compared with 38% in multiparous mothers. The energetic inefficiency of primiparous female lactation results largely from the excessive expenditures associated with physiological and behavioral performances of first-time reproduction, together with a small component of additional expenditure due to further growth by the primiparous mothers. We suggest that this inefficiency probably contributes to the observed low reproductive success of novice breeders; furthermore, active restraint of fecundity may be an evolutionary response to the constraints of the energetic inefficiency of primiparous breeding by female mammals.  相似文献   

Lactation has been negatively associated with fertility because pregnancy rates in maiden heifers exceed those obtained after first or subsequent calvings. The extent of this difference is less in pasture-fed dairy cows ( < 10%) than in American Holsteins ( > 20%) fed grain and conserved forages. The latter cows have pregnancy rates to first insemination and oestrus detection rates of only 40 to 45%. This suggests that the subsequent fertility of inherently fertile Holstein heifers may be severely compromised by high levels of milk production. International comparisons show that pasture-fed dairy cows may experience extended periods of anovulatory anoestrum but have normal fertility (60% pregnancy rate to first insemination) once cycling. The high-producing American Holstein may ovulate within 4 weeks postpartum but is more likely to continue ovulating without being detected in oestrus. Both situations are associated with negative energy balances (NEB) during early lactation. The severity and duration of this NEB may vary with body condition at calving, age or parity, ration formulation, production level and environmental factors. Relative daily milk yield is not an absolute indicator of NEB, because some lower producing cows within a herd have lower feed intakes and more severe energy deficits. NEB is not simple to measure; nonetheless, it is correlated with genetic improvement for milk yield. A positive energy balance, greater weight gain and higher body condition score have all been shown to be positively correlated with plasma progesterone concentrations in early lactation. No studies have investigated the possibility that the rapid increase in metabolic rate at this time may also alter steroid concentrations with consequent effects on oestrous behaviour and fertility. Studies to more precisely define the effects of increasing milk yields in early lactation, especially in Holsteins, may need to be completed in Australia and New Zealand. Oestrus detection rates and pregnancy rates for American Holsteins of less than 50% are accepted widely in the USA. Such low detection rates confound studies on fertility. The objective should be to increase these 2 rates to at least 80% and 60% respectively. This may involve the use of controlled breeding, especially if oestrous behaviour is less overt in high-producing Holstein cows.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted on postpartum suckled beef cows synchronized with Syncro-Mate B and artificially inseminated approximately 48 h after implant removal. In Exp. 1, cows (> or = 42 d postpartum at the timed AI) were randomly assigned to treated (n = 101) and control (n = 85) groups on d 12 after the timed AI. Treated cows received norgestomet/silicone implants that were left in situ for 9 d. Norgestomet treatment had no effect (P > .25) on the calving rates from the initial timed AI or from the return estrus. Nonpregnant norgestomet-treated cows returned to estrus in a more (P < .05) synchronized manner than the nonpregnant control cows. In Exp. 2, early postpartum cows (< 42 d postpartum at the first AI; n = 30) were included and all 118 cows (88 cows were > or = 42 d postpartum) received norgestomet/silicone implants as in Exp. 1. Of the 30 early postpartum cows, eight (19 to 41 d postpartum at the time of the first AI; mean = 29.3 d) calved to the first AI and nine calved to the second synchronized estrus. The calving dates at the next calving season for these 17 cows (57% of the cows in this group) was advanced an average of 46 d (319-d calving interval). The calving rates for the two timed insemination periods were similar (P > .25) for early and later (> or = 42 d postpartum) postpartum cows. Treatment with norgestomet implants on d 12 through 21 had no detrimental effects on established or subsequent pregnancy, synchronized the return estrus of nonpregnant cows, and was efficacious in establishing pregnancy early postpartum.  相似文献   

'Mott' dwarf elephantgrass, forage sorghum, 'Tifton 81' bermudagrass, and whole corn plant were stored as silage and fed as the only forage source in diets formulated to 31, 35, and 39% NDF. The 12 diets were fed for ad libitum intake as a TMR to midlactation Holstein cows, primarily to determine the effect of NDF concentration and forage source on DMI and milk production. Increased dietary NDF concentration linearly decreased DMI (3.69 to 3.35%) and OM intake (3.39 to 3.06%) as a percentage of BW and linearly increased NDF intake as a percentage of BW (1.15 to 1.32%). Production of milk (23.0 to 21.7 kg/d) and 4% FCM (20.7 to 19.6 kg/d) and percentage of milk protein (3.16 to 3.07%) decreased linearly as dietary NDF concentration increased. Cows fed dwarf elephantgrass silage or corn silage, which were higher quality forage sources based on greater rates and extents of fiber digestion, consumed more DM and produced more milk than cows fed sorghum silage or bermudagrass silage. Cows fed diets containing sorghum silage had the lowest DMI and milk production. Apparent digestibility of NDF and ADF from corn silage and dwarf elephantgrass silage was greater than that of sorghum silage and bermudagrass silage. In addition to dietary NDF concentration, digestibility of dietary fiber influences DMI and milk production.  相似文献   

Thirty-six multiparous Holstein cows were fed a mixture of corn silage and concentrate [1:1; dry matter (DM) basis] and long hay (0.9 kg/d) through wk 18 of lactation. Beginning at 30 d prepartum through wk 4 of lactation, the total mixed rations of 18 of these cows were top-dressed daily with 10 g of Biomate Yeast Plus (Chr. Hansen's, Inc., Milwaukee, WI). The other 18 cows served as controls. At wk 5, both control and treated cows were divided into three groups and fed 0, 10, or 20 g/d of yeast. Yeast supplementation during early lactation significantly improved DM intake, milk yield, and the digestibility of crude protein and acid detergent fiber. Least squares means for DM intake, fat-corrected milk yield, crude protein digestibility, and acid detergent fiber digestibility for cows fed 0, 10, 20 g/d of yeast during wk 5 to 18 of lactation were 23.8, 24.7, and 25.0 kg/d; 37.7, 40.7, and 41.4 kg/d; 78.5, 80.8, and 79.5%; and 54.4, 60.2, and 56.8%, respectively. Although numerical responses in DM intake and milk yield were greater for cows fed 20 g/d of yeast than for cows fed 10 g/d of yeast, the response was not significant.  相似文献   

Self-selected food intake of 15 reduced-obese women living in a metabolic ward was studied for 14 consecutive days to determine the effect of exercise and other metabolic and behavioral variables on energy intake. A choice of prepared food items were offered at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and a variety of additional food items were available continuously 24 h/day. Subjects performed either moderate intensity aerobic exercise (A-EX) (n = 8) expending 354 +/- 76 kcal/session or low intensity resistance weight training (R-EX)(n =7) expending 96 +/- kcal/session, 5 days/week. Mean energy intakes (kcal/day, +/- SEM) of the exercise groups were similar: 1867 +/- 275 for A-EX, 1889 +/- 294 for R-EX. Mean energy intakes of individuals ranged from 49 to 157% of the predetermined level required for weight maintenance. Resting metabolic rate per kg 0.75 and the Eating Inventory hunger score contributed significantly to the between subject variance in energy intake, whereas exercise energy expenditure did not. Regardless of exercise, eight women consistently restricted their energy intake (undereaters), and seven other consumed excess energy (overeaters). Overeaters were distinguished by higher Eating Inventory disinhibition (P = 0.023) and hunger (p = 0.004) scores. The overeaters' diet had a higher fat content 34 +/- 1% (p = 0.007). Also, overeaters took a larger percentage of their daily energy, than that of undereaters, 27 +/- 1 energy intake in the evening, 13 +/- 2%, compared to undereaters, 7 +/- 1% (p = 0.005). We conclude that the Eating Inventory is useful for identifying reduced-obese women at risk of overeating, and these individuals may benefit from dietary counseling aimed at reducing fat intake and evening snacking.  相似文献   

We studied the extent of kidney calcification by varying dietary levels of Mg, based on pathological examinations and calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) balance tests. AIN-76 diets containing varying levels of Mg--0.3 (-M), 1.3 (1/20M), 2.4 (1/10M), 9.2 (1/5M), 19 (control), 38 (2M), 102 (5M), and 187 (10M) mmol/kg diet--were fed to 3-week-old male Fischer-344 rats for 14d. Although the magnitude of abnormality was highest in kidney of rats fed the -M diet, the damage was normalized as the dietary level of Mg increased, with increasing serum Mg concentration and urinary excretion of Mg. We found almost no deposition of Ca in rats fed the 10M diet. The mechanism by which the high dietary Mg induces these effects most likely involves a competition between Mg and Ca for reabsorption in proximal and/or distal tubules, since these diets increased the urinary excretion of Ca. However, these high Mg diets decreased food intake and body weight gain compared with the control diet, although these indices were not decreased in rats fed the 2M diet. The results suggest that a dietary magnesium level approximately twice the normal level effectively reduces kidney calcification while maintaining normal growth in rats.  相似文献   

Effects of body condition score (BCS) at parturition and postpartum weight gain on luteal activity and concentrations of glucose, insulin, and NEFA in plasma were evaluated during the breeding season in 242 primiparous beef cows over 3 yr (Y) at three locations (L). At approximately 90 d prepartum, cows were blocked by breed, expected calving date, and BCS and randomly assigned to diets so that cows would calve in BCS of 4, 5, or 6. At calving, cows were blocked by breed, calving date, and BCS and randomly allotted to gain .45 (M) or .90 (H) kg/d, from parturition to the start of breeding (postpartum nutrition; PPN). During the 60-d breeding season, weekly blood samples were obtained from cows, and progesterone, insulin, glucose, and NEFA were quantified. Progesterone concentrations greater than 1 ng/mL for more than 1 wk indicated luteal activity. To determine the possible value of blood constituents as predictors of luteal activity, categorical data analyses were performed. Cows with greater BCS at parturition had greater concentrations of glucose during breeding (P < .07). Similarly, PPN influenced glucose at the beginning of breeding, but the differences were minimal after d 28 (PPN x day; P <.001). Cows with greater BCS at parturition and M-PPN had greater concentrations of insulin during the breeding season (BCS x PPN; P < .02). Cows with a BCS of 6 at parturition had the lowest concentrations of NEFA; however, cows on H-PPN had greater concentrations of NEFA (BCS x PPN; P < .03). Location, BCS, PPN, and day affected luteal activity (P < .002). Location differences in luteal activity were associated with the interval from calving to the start of breeding. In general, a greater percentage of cows with BCS of 5 or 6 at calving had luteal activity by the end of the breeding season. Concentrations of metabolites in blood during breeding were not predictive of luteal activity. We conclude that BCS at parturition and postpartum nutrition influence concentrations of glucose, insulin, and NEFA in blood and the onset of luteal activity in primiparous beef cows.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine lactating Holstein cows were fed high-energy complete rations ad libitum with crude protein: 1) 11.7% (negative control); 2) 13.9% (1% urea); 3) 16.6% (1% urea); or 4) 16.6% (positive control) in a continuous 12-wk study beginning at wk 5 postpartum. Milk production of 27.7, 31.8, 34.0, and 30.4 kg/day showed the use of urea nitrogen by groups 2 and probably 3. Two digestion-nitrogen balance trials with each cow also provided evidence that urea nitrogen was used for milk secretion. Energy digestibility averaged 59.4, 64.2, 65.4, and 65.8; and lower for the negative control diet. Nitrogen solubility in the diets was 28, 36, 32, and 21%, which reflects the objective of selecting ingredients with low nitrogen solubility for use in urea diets. Concentrations of ammonia nitrogen before and after feeding were 1.1, 3.3, 3.5, 4.2, and 2.2, 11.2, 11.9, and 9.3 mg/100 ml of rumen fluid. The prefeeding amounts were probably too low for maximum microbial growth. Urea-nitrogen concentrations in plasma were 8.65, 10.32, 18.00, and 17.03 mg/100 ml. These results lend support to the postulate that lactating cows in early lactation can use urea nitrogen when high-energy complete rations with ingredients of low nitrogen solubility are fed ad libitum.  相似文献   

This study compared prepartum diets based on grass, alfalfa, or alfalfa and anionic salts to investigate their effect on Ca metabolism, acid-base status, endocrine response, disease incidence, and lactational performance of periparturient dairy cows. Forty-five nonlactating Holstein cows in their last 3 wk of gestation were fed a control diet based on grass hay with a dietary cation-anion difference [expressed as milli-equivalents of ((Na + K) - (Cl + S))/100 g of dietary dry matter] of +30 or diets based on alfalfa with a dietary cation-anion difference of either +35 or -7. Cows fed the diet with the dietary cation-anion difference of -7 had the lowest urine pH prepartum and had the highest concentrations of ionized Ca in blood and total Ca in serum at parturition. Increases in 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D per unit decrease in total Ca in serum were greatest for cows fed the diet with a dietary cation-anion difference of -7. Also, cows fed this same diet consumed the most dry matter postpartum. Incidences of health disorders were 13% (10 of 75), 12% (9 of 75), and 5% (4 of 75) for cows fed the diets with dietary cation-anion differences of +30, +35, and -7, respectively. Results indicate that alfalfa, when supplemented with anionic salts, is a viable forage for prepartum dairy cows.  相似文献   

Changes in the metabolism of zinc were investigated in mature nonlactating Holstein cows and 4-mo old calves fed high but nontoxic amounts of dietary zinc. Increasing dietary zinc of calves from 42 to 642 ppm elevated the zinc content of liver and pancreas 600% and 1400%, respectively. The elevated zinc in liver and pancreas involved a substantial increase in all intracellular fractions, with by far the largest amount associated with a 10,000 molecular-weight protein in the soluble cell fraction. This zinc-binding protein may protect the cell against damage from increased zinc. A comparable increase in dietary zinc of mature cows did not affect zinc content of liver or kidney nor alter the intracellular distribution of zinc in the liver. In mature cows, homeostatic control mechanisms which regulate the zinc content of tissue are much more effective than in calves. Accordingly, mature cows probably are able to tolerate higher concentrations of dietary zinc.  相似文献   

A Bayesian procedure is presented to analyze test day performances in the scope of Wood's lactation function: atb (exp (-ct)), where a, b, and c = parameters, and t = time-dependent variable. The procedure has been applied to 148,557 test day controls corresponding to records for 15,349 first lactations of Spanish dairy cows. The procedure uses all available information and reduces the presence of atypical lactations. Moreover, the posterior marginal distribution of (co)variance components, breeding values, and systematic effects for the underlying variables of Wood's function are provided. The posterior means of the heritabilities were 0.43, 0.17, 0.40, and 0.29 for the parameters a (initial milk yield), b (ascent to peak), c (descent from peak), and total milk yield, respectively. Selection for total milk yield implies a great effect on the initial milk yield (a) but only minor effects on ascent to peak (b) and descent from peak (c).  相似文献   

In the common goby, Pomatoschistus microps (Pisces, Gobiidae), males build nests under mussel shells where they care for the eggs until hatching. To investigate why male common gobies cannibalize their own eggs (filial cannibalism), we conducted a feeding experiment. Males given little food ate from their eggs more often than males given food in excess. However, males given mussel meat in excess did not eat more of their eggs than males fed with both mussel meat in excess and goby eggs. This may suggest that male common gobies cannibalize their eggs to obtain energy rather than essential nutrients lacking in other diets. Moreover, males ate their whole clutch if it was exceptionally small regardless of food treatment, suggesting that males stop investing in their clutch if its reproductive value is less than the cost of guarding it. Thus, whole clutch cannibalism and partial clutch cannibalism seem to be governed by different factors. Furthermore, poorly built nests were associated with starved males, suggesting that nest concealing is costly. There was an association between how well the nest was built and partial clutch filial cannibalism, suggesting that the appearance of the nest may indicate the condition of the male, and thus the risk of filial cannibalism. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Effects of supplemental Jet-Sploded canola seed in the diets of dairy cows on milk yield and composition and blood metabolite concentrations were investigated. Twenty multiparous and 5 primiparous midlactation Holstein cows were assigned to treatments following a 3-wk covariate period; cows were then on the treatments for 70 d. Ten of the cows had previously been fitted with rumen cannulas. Five concentrate mixtures containing 0, 7.5, 15, 22, or 29% Jet-Sploded canola seed (Simons Feed Co., Quimby, IA) (equivalent to 0, 2.66, 5.33, 7.81, and 10.30% added fat, respectively) were formulated by substituting Jet-Sploded canola seed for barley and canola meal. Diets consisted of 25% alfalfa silage, 25% whole-crop oat silage, and 50% of one of the concentrate mixtures (dry matter basis). An increase in the amount of dietary fat from Jet-Sploded canola seed did not influence feed intake, milk yield or composition, or milk component yields. The inclusion of Jet-Sploded canola seed in the diet increased long-chain fatty acids and inhibited de novo synthesis of medium-chain fatty acids in milk. Mean total volatile fatty acids in the rumen and propionate concentration were reduced in a linear fashion by treatment. The inclusion of Jet-Sploded canola seed in the diets of mid-lactation cows altered rumen and blood metabolite concentrations; however, these changes had minimal effects on yield responses with the exception of milk fatty acid composition and milk protein content.  相似文献   

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