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Kumar YP  Chatterjee S 《Applied optics》2010,49(33):6552-6557
We present a measurement technique to determine the thickness of a transparent glass plate (GP) by using a lateral shearing cyclic path optical configuration (CPOC) setup and polarization phase shifting interferometry (PPSI). In the technique, the GP introduces a longitudinal shift in the focus of the beam and, as a result, a spherical wavefront emerges from the lens, which is otherwise set for producing a collimated beam. Using CPOC, two laterally sheared orthogonally polarized beams are generated from the incident spherical wavefront. By applying PPSI, the slope of the optical path difference variation between the laterally sheared interfering beams is evaluated, and the radius of the spherical wavefront and the longitudinal shift of the beam focus are calculated. The thickness of the GP is determined from the standard relation between the longitudinal shift of the focus introduced by the GP and the thickness of the GP. Results obtained for a GP of 9.810mm thickness are presented.  相似文献   

Kumar YP  Chatterjee S 《Applied optics》2011,50(10):1350-1355
We present a technique for the measurement of longitudinal displacement using a lateral shearing cyclic path optical configuration (CPOC) setup and phase shifting interferometry. In the technique, a plane mirror mounted on a linear translation stage, placed slightly away from the focal plane of a lens, introduces a longitudinal focal shift to the incident focusing beam. The resulting spherical wavefront emerging from the lens is sheared into two orthogonally polarized beams using the CPOC setup. By applying polarization phase shifting interferometry (PPSI), the longitudinal focal shift of the beam focus is calculated by determining the slope of the optical path difference variation between the sheared beams. Similarly, the additional focal shift introduced due to longitudinal translation of the mirror, by an unknown amount, is determined using PPSI. Half of the difference between the two longitudinal focal shifts measured gives the longitudinal displacement of the mirror. The technique can be used for an extended range of distance measurement. The novelty of the technique is the introduction of CPOC for the distance measurement. The advantages of the technique compared to other related methods are discussed.  相似文献   

A polarization phase shifting interferometer using a cyclic path configuration for measurement of phase nonuniformities in transparent samples is presented. A cube beam splitter masked by two linear polarizers is used to split the source wavefront into two counter propagating linearly polarized beams that pass through the sample. At the output of the interferometer, the two orthogonally polarized beams are rendered circularly polarized in the opposite sense through the use of a quarter wave plate. Finally, phase shifting is achieved by rotating a linear polarizer before the recording plane. In a rectangular path interferometer, although the two counter propagating wavefronts are laterally folded with respect to each other in the interferometer arms, the beams finally emerge mutually unfolded at the output of the interferometer. This phenomenon is utilized to create a reference if the sample is introduced in one lateral half of the beam in any one of the interferometer arms. The polarization phase shifting technique is used to generate four phase-shifted interferograms, which are utilized to evaluate the phase profile of the phase sample. Experimental results presented validate the proposed technique.  相似文献   

Kumar YP  Chatterjee S 《Applied optics》2012,51(16):3533-3537
We present a simple technique for simultaneous determination of refractive index and thickness of moderately thick plane-parallel transparent glass plates (GPs) using a cyclic path optical configuration (CPOC) setup and a wedge shear plate as lateral shearing interferometer. The CPOC setup is used to simultaneously focus the counterpropagating converging beams at a common point at its hypotenuse arm. The apparent thickness and real thickness of the test GP are determined by observing three retrocollimation positions of the GP surfaces with respect to the common focus point. The RI is obtained by dividing the real thickness with apparent thickness of the GP. Presented in this paper are the results obtained for a test GP with a thickness of 14.983 mm and a RI of 1.515.  相似文献   


A new technique for determining the stress of thin films is described. This technique combines digital phase shifting interferometry with image-processing software. A circular disc polished on one side is used as the coated substrate during film deposition. The average stress in thin films can be derived by comparing the deflection of the substrate before and after film deposition. The deflection of the substrate by the deposited film is obtained by the phase map. Using the Zernike polynomial fitting algorithm, a three-dimensional contour map is generated from the polynomial coefficients to visualize the deformation of the thin film and to examine the tensile or compressive stress after film deposition. Four oxide films prepared by ionbeam sputter deposition are investigated for their film stresses. The experimental results show that the stress values are concordant with measurements using other methods.  相似文献   

DG Abdelsalam  B Yao  P Gao  J Min  R Guo 《Applied optics》2012,51(20):4891-4895
The purposes of the paper are threefold: (1) to show the possibility to perform parallel phase-shifting Fizeau interferometry by using a quarter waveplate with high flatness as a reference, (2) to present a comparative study between the phase-shifting algorithm and the off-axis geometry in surface microtopography measurement, and (3) to show the advantages of using the proposed common path Fizeau interferometry over the quasi-common path Michelson interferometry in terms of accuracy in measurement. The compelling advantage of the proposed parallel phase-shifting Fizeau interferometric technique is the long-term stability that leads to measuring objects with a high degree of accuracy.  相似文献   

Tumbar R  Marks DL  Brady DJ 《Applied optics》2008,47(10):B32-B43
We describe an improved implementation of our previously reported common-path, phase shifting, and shearing interferometer. Using a time-multiplexed phase shifting scheme, we demonstrate higher sampling resolution, better light sensitivity, and use of arbitrary phase shifting algorithms. We describe microscopic imaging of the surface profile of a copper-plated silicon wafer and demonstrate that the system is vibration insensitive with approximately lambda/100 repeatability. In a more general discussion of our method, we describe the different functional elements and suggest alternative designs and improvements. Possible uses include full-field coherent imaging and high dynamic range wavefront sensing, which we briefly discuss.  相似文献   

Spatial phase shifting technique in digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) and digital shearography (DS) provides the phase information due to the object displacement from two images, one stored before and other after loading. The technique needs a carrier fringe system. The double aperture mask in front of the imaging system is one of the methods for introducing the spatial carrier frequency for phase evaluation. The size of the apertures and their separation are important criteria to obtain appropriate phase shift/column within the desired size of the speckle for phase retrieval. The assumptions of constant intensity and phase on adjacent pixels of the camera while calculating phase in spatial phase shifting (SPS) are not met as the speckled object wave contains intensity and phase gradients, resulting in distortions in the calculated phase profiles. In this paper we discuss a strategy to overcome these problems. The contrast of the correlation fringe obtained using this approach is much improved. It also eliminates the distortion in the unwrapped phase map like wave ripples. The experimental results on an edge clamped circular plate loaded at the center are presented.  相似文献   

Li B  Chen L  Zhao B  Yang M  Li J 《Applied optics》2012,51(8):1037-1044
In most simultaneous phase shifting interferometry (SPSI) systems, a group of phase shifting interferograms are captured simultaneously at the different physical locations to retrieve the phase. The data of different interferograms should be spatially matched correctly, which is hard to realize by existing methods or this spatial mismatch will lead to phase retrieving error. In this paper, a spatial mismatch calibration method is proposed, where the circular carrier is introduced in the interferograms of the SPSI system, and the modulating phases of any two interferograms can be retrieved by the demodulation technique of circular carrier interferogram. The slope of the difference between these two phases is proportional to the mismatch value, so this error can be extracted and the experiment setup calibrated. The main error sources of the proposed method are analyzed with the conclusion that its match precision can be achieved up to 0.5 pixel. In addition, the simulated interferograms and actual interferograms captured in a SPSI system are processed to validate our proposed method.  相似文献   

Chatterjee S  Kumar YP 《Applied optics》2011,50(18):2823-2830
We present a new (to our knowledge) technique for introducing phase shifts between the laterally sheared emergent beam components of a cyclic path optical configuration (CPOC). The phase shifts are introduced by applying a small change in the angle of incidence of the incident beam due to the small angular rotation of the CPOC setup. Phase-shifting interferometry has been applied along with this phase-shifting technique for a CPOC with lateral shear to find the surface slope/profile of curved optical surfaces. Results for a spherical optical surface have been discussed. An optical setup for measurement of the surface profile of toroidal beam line mirrors of synchrotron radiation sources is proposed.  相似文献   


Measurement of in-plane displacements of a diffuse object by observing the temporal fluctuation of the speckle pattern in a dual-beam illumination speckle interferometer is illustrated. To conceive the temporal changes the object is displaced in its plane continuously. A high-speed camera is used to acquire a number of frames of the image of the object motion sequentially. Through Fourier transformation and inverse Fourier transformation of the frames stacked together, the total phase is determined. Finally, the magnitude of the in-plane displacement of the object motion is extracted. The range of displacement that can be measured using this novel method lies between few microns and over 100 μm on the upper end. Theory together with experimental results are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Hua Dai  Hong Zhou 《Thin solid films》2008,516(8):1796-1802
Optical interferometry is a simple, quick and cheap method to measure the thickness of opaque thin films. The film edge, being formed as a step on the sample surface, is lighted with monochromatic light in an interference microscope, producing the interferogram that is recorded with a CCD camera. The film thickness (step height) is calculated by measuring offsets of the fringes across the step. However, the morphology of the film edge (step) significantly affects the thickness measurement, in some cases even yields false results. In this work, three kinds of methods were adopted to mask a part of the substrate surface during the deposition for fabrication of the step. The mask used was a thin silicon slice, a straight line of ink imprinted by a pen, or an Aluminum film. The step morphology recorded by a profilometer revealed large variation from one method to another. Accordingly, the accuracy of film thickness (step height) measurement by interferometry varies significantly. Results showed that large error occurs when the slope of the step is small and the step out spans the view field of the microscope. Therefore, the step should be fully visible in the view field of the microscope for reasonable measurement of thickness. A simple equation, in terms of geometrical configuration, is developed for this requirement.  相似文献   

Kimbrough BT 《Applied optics》2006,45(19):4554-4562
In both temporal and spatial carrier phase shifting interferometry, the primary source of phase calculation error results from an error in the relative phase shift between sample points. In spatial carrier phase shifting interferometry, this phase shifting error is caused directly by the wavefront under test and is unavoidable. In order to minimize the phase shifting error, a pixelated spatial carrier phase shifting technique has been developed by 4D technologies. This new technique allows for the grouping of phase shifted pixels together around a single point in two dimensions, minimizing the phase shift change due to the spatial variation in the test wavefront. A formula for the phase calculation error in spatial carrier phase shifting interferometry is derived. The error associated with the use of linear N-point averaging algorithms is presented and compared with those of the pixelated spatial carrier technique.  相似文献   

基于对结构动力学、地球物理和地震物探等研究领域中超低频振动计量器具量值溯源迫切需求的分析,对超低频(低至0.002Hz)、大振幅(1m(p-p))激光绝对法振动幅值和相位测量技术进行了研究。针对激光干涉仪在动态超低频、大振幅情况下,跟踪测量性能变差的问题,研制了具有直流输出特性的大光程零差正交激光干涉仪;采用自主提出的自适应动态分解算法,解决了超低频数据量庞大、数据采集处理困难的技术难题.。给出了在超低频振动台上对石英挠性加速度计进行校准的实验数据。结果表明,该系统可实现动态光程大于1m、频率范围0.002Hz~2kHz的加速度幅值和相位的激光绝对法精确测量。  相似文献   

Heil J  Bauer T  Schmax S  Sure T  Wesner J 《Applied optics》2007,46(22):5282-5292
The interpretation of Fizeau interferograms of optical flats is not straightforward because they are composed of more than two reflections. This results in a confusing fringe pattern. There are three main contributions to the interferogram given by the reflections from the reference surface, the front and the rear surface of the sample. We present a new to the best of our knowledge solution to the problem. We use phase shifting measurements of the wave fields, which are reflected by and transmitted through the sample. This eliminates the need for the suppression of reflections by immersion or other methods. As an illustration of this method, several examples will also be presented.  相似文献   

Debnath SK  Kothiyal MP 《Applied optics》2006,45(27):6965-6972
In spectrally resolved white-light interferometry (SRWLI), the white-light interferogram is decomposed into its monochromatic constituent. The phase of the monochromatic constituents can be determined using a phase-shifting technique over a range of wavelengths. These phase values have fringe order ambiguity. However, the variation of the phase with respect to the wavenumber is linear and its slope gives the absolute value of the optical-path difference. Since the path difference is related to the height of the test object at a point, a line profile can be determined without ambiguity. The slope value, though less precise helps us determine the fringe order. The fringe order combined with the monochromatic phase value gives the absolute profile, which has the precision of phase-shifting interferometry. The presence of noise in the phase may lead to the misidentification of fringe order, which in turn gives unnecessary jumps in the precise profile. The experimental details of measurement on standard samples with SRWLI are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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