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BGP Marine China, a subsidiary of China National Petroleum Company (CNPC), has recently ordered a seismic streamer vessel from Rolls-Royce Plc, a world- leading provider of power systems and services for use on land, at sea and in the air. The vessel, which is designed and equipped by Rolls-Royce as one of the world's most advanced seismic research vessels, is scheduled to be delivered by late 2009 or early 2010. It will operate worldwide in support of oil and gas exploration and production.  相似文献   

CNPC has made remarkable achievements in its effort to implement the international operational strategy in recent years with the overseas project under progressive development. Currently, CNPC has been executing 44 oil investment projects scattering in 44 countries worldwide. The overseas annual production capacity is 27 million tons for crude oil, and 2 billion cubic meters for natural gas while the annual oil processing capacity is 2.5 million tons and the annual productivity is 15,000 tons for polypropylene.  相似文献   

“以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走新型工业化道路”。这是党和国家明确提出的经济发展战略。2006年9月27日至28日召开的中国石油集团公司信息化工作会议,以科学发展观为指导,进一步落实国家信息化发展战略,围绕集团公司“资源、市场、国际化”的战略部署和“十一五”发展规划,总结“十五”以来集团公司信息化建设的成绩,分析存在的问题,提出“十一五”信息化建设的目标、任务及工作重点,组织动员广大干部职工,统一思想,开拓进取,扎实工作,全面提升信息化建设水平,为增强集团公司国际竞争力发挥重要支撑。中油集团公司党组成员、…  相似文献   

With practice for several decades,CNPC has developed a complete set of continental petroleum theories in line with China‘s geological characteristics as well as global marine hydrocarbon generation theoretical system.Those theories include classification of oil areas and basins, compound oil and gas accumulation theory, low mature oil theory and hydrocarbon generation of coal and coal stratum series, leading to recent discoveries of Kala-2 and Sulige giant gas fields in addition to large oil fields such as Daqing, Liaohe, Xinjiang and Huabei. In the field petrochemical industry, CNPC has catalytic hydrogeneration technique,ethylene cracking technique,propylene technique and some high value-added refining products.More than 100 items of technology from CNPC are patented each year.……  相似文献   

<正>依据中国石油天然气集团公司(人事[2008]500号)文件,中国石油远程培训学院(下称学院)于2008年7月11日在北京石油管理干部学院揭牌成立。集团公司总经理助理李万余、人事部副主任金华和北京石油管理干部学院院长李玉平等有关人员参加了揭牌仪式。  相似文献   

对我国石油安全形势的五个基本判断以科学发展观指导企业发展树立机遇意识、风险意识、创新意识履行经济责任,政治责任、社会责任任何时候都要保持清醒的头脑  相似文献   

为什么,荣誉跟着她走?为什么,销量随着她升?为什么,客户把她当朋友?为什么,员工拿她作亲人?因为,她忠诚!她忠诚岗位,数年如一日辛勤工作;她忠诚客户,默默付出超值服务;  相似文献   

独山子是我国陆上石油工业的发祥地,西部重要的石油化工基地。1909年独山子第一口机钻井出油,1936年独山子炼油厂成立,迄今已有近百年石油开采史和70年的石油加工史。  相似文献   

CNPC President Ma Fucai met the delegation of China Petroleum Company (CPC) from Taiwan headed by Pan Wenyan in Beijing on October 9, 2001.Ma briefed the guests about the great changes taking place in Yumen Oil Field in the past decades. President Pan also met with Sinopec President Li Yizhong and CNOOC President Wei Liucheng during his stay in Beijing. Later, the CPC delegation visited Daqing Oil Field and Dalian Petrochemical Company as well as Dalian Sales Company on a tour of Northeast China.……  相似文献   

中国石油作为国有重要骨干企业,坚持把履行社会责任作为基本的经营准则。2007年,中国石油坚持“奉献能源、创造和谐”的企业宗旨,紧紧抓住和用好发展机遇,积极应对和化解各种挑战,认真发行经济、环境和社会责任,在科学发展,和谐发展的道路上又迈出了新的步伐。  相似文献   

BCND催化剂生产BOPP专用料JLT36F   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱长城 《石化技术》2007,14(3):15-17
介绍了国产新型BCND催化剂在中同石油化工股份有限公司济南分公司聚丙烯装置首次试用的情况.以及利用该催化剂生产JLT36F的过程和产品质量分析。证明该催化剂能够生产双向拉伸聚丙烯专用料JLT36F.产品各项指标均比较理想,拉膜速率可达380m/min。  相似文献   

CNPC International Research Center (CNPCIRC), jointly managed by CNODC and RIPED of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), was established in 1999 for providing technical research support to all the overseas oil and gas projects of CNPC. In the past seven years, CNPCIRC has been engaged in petroleum exploration and development research on CNPC's overseas oil and gas projects. With its fruitful research achievements, CNPCIRC has made great contributions to the developmental and technological progress of CNODC. It is oriented to be the CNPC's international upstream research center for consulting, technical support and services, hi-tech research & development and technical training.  相似文献   

WangKeyu 《中国油气》2002,9(1):14-16
CNPC rapidly expanded its overseas oil and gas operation in 2001. The annual crude and natural gas outputs from the overseas projects were 16.23 million tons and 926 million cubic meters respectively while the crude processing volume was 2.3 million tons. Based on those oil and gas output, CNPC shared 8.31 million tons of equity crude and 577 million cubic meters of equity natural gas last year, up 20.96 percent and 29.66 percent respectively from the previous year, with an annual oil and ga…  相似文献   

<正>中国石油集团钻井工程技术研究院(简称"中石油钻井院",英文缩写DR)是中国石油天然气集团公司直属科研机构,主要从事钻井共性、特色、关键、储备技术和钻井新装备、新工具、新仪器和软件的研发,是中石油集团公司总部的钻井技术参谋部,钻井高新技术的研发中心,国内和海外钻井生产的技术支持与服务中心,钻井高新技术产业化基地。  相似文献   

<正>中国石油集团钻井工程技术研究院(简称"中石油钻井院",英文缩写DR)是中国石油天然气集团公司直属科研机构,主要从事钻井共性、特色、关键、储备技术和钻井新装备、新工具、新仪器和软件的研发,是中石油集团公司总部的钻井技术参谋部,钻井高新技术的研发中心,国内和海外钻井生产的技术支持与服务中心,钻井高新技术产业化基地。  相似文献   

进军深水——中国石油可持续发展的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前中国石油勘探开发重点正逐步由常规向非常规、由陆上向海上、由滩浅海向深水海域转移。目前中国石油在资源、服务能力、技术能力等方面具备了走向深水的现实基础,但因自身深水工程技术能力不足,与国际先进水平比差距大,需要走有别于传统陆上的发展之路。围绕中国石油天然气集团公司深水探区勘探开发的迫切需求,提出了中国石油走向深水的目标,并绘制了发展路线图,对经营方式、装置配备、关键技术、人才培养和HSE管理等重点工作进行了论证。在此基础上,提出了制定深水工程技术能力发展规划及实施方案并推进实施、尽快开展推进核心装备与设施项目前期工作、积极争取政策支持等建议。  相似文献   

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is taking on the world with great success. The nation's top oil producer began energy-exploration projects for the first time in a number of countries last year, such as Equatorial Guinea, Uzbekistan and Argentina. This brings the total number of overseas countries where CNPC has a total of 66 projects in operation to 26, forming five major operational regions including Africa, Central Asia, South America, the Middle East and Asia Pacific. With the overseas oil and gas business brought under rapid development, the newly additional recoverable reserves of the company worldwide reached 65.40 million tons.  相似文献   

As Chinese companies expand globally, they are not merely buying up raw materials and tapping new markets. They are also adding local jobs,  相似文献   

2004年4月14日,国务院总理温家宝主持召开国务院常务会议,严肃处理三起特大安全事故.中国石油天然气集团公司总经理马富才在川东钻探公司井喷特大事故发生后,多次表示对事故发生负有领导责任,并提出引咎辞职.这次会议同意接受马富才辞去中国石油天然气集团公司总经理职务的请求.  相似文献   

当前中国油气消费进入快速增长时期,油气资源短缺已成为经济和社会发展的重要制约因素,必须抓紧制定和实施油气资源可持续发展战略,搞好石油天然气资源的勘探、开发、生产和节约使用,保障国民经济长期稳定发展。  相似文献   

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