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MHC class Ib molecule H2-M3 presents N-formylated peptides to CD8+ CTLs. Endogenous formylated peptides can come from the N-terminus of each of the 13 proteins encoded by the mitochondrial genome. In peptide competition assays, two of these peptides bind with high affinity, six bind with intermediate affinity, three bind with low affinity, and two do not bind measurably. Alloreactive CTLs from M3-specific, mixed lymphocyte cultures responded strongly against the two peptides with high affinity for M3, occasionally to peptides with intermediate affinity, and not at all to the rest. Long term lines and CTL clones reacted with only the high affinity peptides, demonstrating that alloreactive CTLs depend on specific peptides and that peptide affinity for class I correlates with alloantigenicity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the prognostic value of the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), leukocyte function antigen 3 (LFA-3), human leukocyte differentiation antigen (HLA)-ABC, HLA-DR, and 5T4 with regard to disease-free survival in Dukes' B and C colorectal carcinoma patients. Forty-one patients (28 Dukes' B and 13 Dukes' C) were entered into this study. Immunocytochemistry was performed on cytospin preparations of enzymatically digested colorectal carcinoma cell suspensions. The frequency of metastases and the duration of disease-free survival were compared between the 25% lowest expressers and the 75% remaining patients for ICAM-1, LFA-3, HLA-ABC, and HLA-DR, and between the 25% highest expressers and the 75% remaining patients for 5T4. Low numbers of ICAM-1-expressing tumor cells were associated with a shorter disease-free survival (P < 0. 001), independent of Dukes' stage. High numbers of 5T4-expressing tumor cells were associated with shorter disease-free survival in Dukes' B patients (P = 0.04). Cox proportional hazard analysis indicated that low numbers of ICAM-1(+) and high numbers of 5T4(+) cells were independent prognostic factors with relative risks of 13. 0 (P = 0.0002) and 4.7 (P = 0.02), respectively. The combination of 5T4 and ICAM-1 marker information identified subgroups of patients with a good (high ICAM-1) or poor (low ICAM-1/high 5T4) prognosis. Neither a lack of HLA-ABC and LFA-3 expression nor the presence of HLA-DR on the tumor cells gave additional prognostic information. These findings demonstrate that low ICAM-1 and high 5T4 expression on tumor cells are prognostic markers, additional to Dukes' stage, for reduced disease-free survival in Dukes' B and C colorectal carcinoma patients.  相似文献   

The beta2 family of integrins, CD11a, CD11b, CD11c, and alphad, are expressed on most leukocytes. We show that the newest member of this family, alphad, is expressed on human eosinophils in peripheral blood, and surface expression can be upregulated within minutes by phorbol ester or calcium ionophore A23187. Culture of eosinophils with interleukin 5 (IL-5) leads to a two- to fourfold increase in alphad levels by 3-7 d without a change in alpha4 integrin expression. Eosinophils isolated from late phase bronchoalveolar lavage fluids express alphad at levels similar to that seen after 3 d of IL-5 culture. Regarding alphadbeta2 ligands, in both freshly isolated and IL-5-cultured eosinophils, as well as alphadbeta2-transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells, alphadbeta2 can function as a ligand for vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1). This conclusion is based on the ability of monoclonal antibodies to alphad, beta2, or VCAM-1 to block cell attachment in static adhesion assays. In experiments with eosinophils, the relative contribution of alphadbeta2 integrin- mediated adhesion is enhanced after IL-5 culture. These experiments demonstrate that alphadbeta2 is an alternative ligand for VCAM-1, and this integrin may play a role in eosinophil adhesion to VCAM-1 in states of chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

The putative effects of interleukin (IL)-7, operating in the context of extracellular matrix (ECM), on the adhesion of human T cells were examined. Recombinant human, IL-7 was found to bind ECM or fibronectin (FN) with IC50 values of 10-100 nM. Nanogram amounts of both soluble and, especially, FN- or ECM-bound IL-7, which differentially affected the morphologies of FN-adherent T cells, induced the adhesion of resting CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in dose-dependent and beta 1 integrin-dependent manners. Under static and flow conditions, soluble IL-7 also induced the binding of unstimulated T cells to vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, suggesting that this cytokine can also modulate integrin binding to endothelial cell ligands. The effects of affinity modulation by IL-7 of FN-specific beta 1 integrins depend on the presence of soluble FN, which inhibited T cell adhesion to FN induced by FN-bound IL-7 or by an integrin-specific affinity-modulating monoclonal antibody, but not by soluble IL-7 or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. These findings provide an example of a major ECM integrin ligand, FN, which is capable of modulating its adhesive interactions with specific immune cells by associating with and presenting a cytokine in a bio-active state.  相似文献   

CD28 and CTLA-4 are related receptors that differentially regulate T cell activation. Despite the fact that they bind the same ligands, CD28 is a classical costimulator enhancing proliferation whereas CTLA-4 appears to perform negative regulatory functions. In this study, we have utilized the natural ligand for CD28 and CTLA-4 (CD80) to determine under what circumstances positive and negative effects are operative. We show here that the stimulation of purified human T cells with phorbol ester and ionomycin is inhibited in the presence of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing CD80. This inhibition is reversed by blocking with both anti-CD80 or Fab fragments of anti-CTLA-4 but also requires CD28 engagement. Furthermore, we show that the inhibitory function of CD80 requires elevated intracellular calcium since inhibition was observed only in the presence of ionomycin. In the absence of intracellular calcium elevation, CTLA-4 was not expressed at the cell surface, and CD80 acted positively as a costimulator of T cells, via CD28. These results demonstrate that the natural ligand CD80 can either costimulate or inhibit T cell responses depending on the conditions of T cell stimulation.  相似文献   

The biliary glycoproteins (BGP or CD66a), a group of different splice variants of a single gene, are members of the carcinoembryonic antigen family and the immunoglobulin superfamily. Recently, we detected CD66a on IL-2 activated lymphocytes. In this study we characterized the structure and the expression pattern of BGP on human lymphocytes and investigated its role in T cell activation. Lymphocytes express 2 of the 13 known splice variants, i.e. BGPa and BGPb, which are glycosylated in a lymphocyte-specific manner. Both BGPa and BGPb have the long cytoplasmic tail, which contains two immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM)-like motifs, but differ in their extracellular region containing 4 and 3 immunoglobulin-like domains, respectively. On PBL BGP is expressed in small amounts only on B cells and Th cells. Stimulation with IL-2 leads to a strong up-regulation of BGP by these cells, and induces de novo BGP expression on gammabeta T cells, CD8+ and CD56+ cells, but not on CD16+ lymphocytes. This up-regulation of BGP seems to be part of the physiological process of T cell activation, since stimulation with anti-CD3 mAb is sufficient to induce BGP up-regulation. Based on the presence of the two ITIM-like motifs, one may expect that BGP inhibits T cell activation, but surprisingly, engagement of BGP enhances the proliferation of anti-CD3-stimulated T cells.  相似文献   

T cell recognition typically involves both the engagement of a specific T cell receptor with a peptide/major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and a number of accessory interactions. One of the most important interactions is between the integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) on the T cell and intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) on an antigen-presenting cell. By using fluorescence video microscopy and an ICAM-1 fused to a green fluorescent protein, we find that the elevation of intracellular calcium in the T cell that is characteristic of activation is followed almost immediately by the rapid accumulation of ICAM-1 on a B cell at a tight interface between the two cells. This increased density of ICAM-1 correlates with the sustained elevation of intracellular calcium in the T cell, known to be critical for activation. The use of peptide/MHC complexes and ICAM-1 on a supported lipid bilayer to stimulate T cells also indicates a major role for ICAM-1/LFA-1 in T cell activation but, surprisingly, not for adhesion, as even in the absence of ICAM-1 the morphological changes and adhesive characteristics of an activated T cell are seen in this system. We suggest that T cell antigen receptor-mediated recognition of a very small number of MHC/peptide complexes could trigger LFA-1/ICAM-1 clustering and avidity regulation, thus amplifying and stabilizing the production of second messengers.  相似文献   

In 219 HIV-1-infected men of the Amsterdam cohort we measured CD4+ T cell numbers and in vitro T cell responses to CD3 MoAbs with or without CD28 costimulation and phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). The value of these markers was estimated for disease progression within 4 years. CD28 expression on T cells has been related to T cell responses. CD28 costimulation considerably enhanced T cell reactivity (approximately 8-10-fold) with lower coefficients of variation compared with reactivity to CD3 MoAb alone (median 5 versus 20). T cell reactivity to CD3 plus CD28 MoAb was decreased during HIV-1 infection and was besides CD4+ T cell numbers the only independent predictor for progression to AIDS. Compared with the group with high CD4+ T cell numbers the relative risk (RR) for the group with intermediate levels was 2.28, with low levels 5.20. In the groups with intermediate and low CD3 plus CD28 responses the RR was 2.04 and 4.16, respectively. The combined RR for both was 4.65 and 21.63. The independence of this marker was confirmed when the group with low CD4+ T cell numbers was subdivided into groups with high, intermediate and low T cell responses. The expansion of CD8+CD28- T cells was already apparent in HIV- homosexual men, but CD8+CD28+ T cells specifically decreased in patients with AIDS. CD28 expression on T cells correlated moderately with T cell responses to CD3 plus CD28 MoAb. T cell reactivity to CD3 MoAb in the presence of CD28 MoAb is a stronger prognostic marker than T cell reactivity to CD3 MoAb alone.  相似文献   

The expression of the intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), and the integrins CD49, CD11b/c, and CD11a (LFA-1 alpha chain) was analyzed in an experimental model of pulmonary fibrosis. Adult rats were exposed to 75% oxygen during 10 weeks, and to 2.0 mg/kg of paraquat twice weekly. Rats were sacrificed at 2 days, and at 2 and 10 weeks after the first injection of paraquat. Lungs were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and used for histology and immunohistochemistry. At 2 days the lungs showed a diffuse inflammation composed of a mixed polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cell infiltrate. Afterwards, the inflammatory process was predominantly mononuclear, and an increasing fibroblast proliferation was observed. Early inflammatory events (48 h) correlated with a moderate increased expression of ICAM-1, LFA, and CD11b/c in epithelial cells as well as a pronounced expression of ICAM-1 and CD11b/c in macrophages. At 2 and 10 weeks, there was a progressive increased expression of CD11b/c and ICAM-1 by macrophages, as well as of LFA in epithelial cells, and of ICAM-1 and CD49 by epithelial and interstitial cells. Lymphocytes showed a slight increased expression of LFA at 2 weeks, and of CD49 at 2 and 10 weeks. These results suggest that macrophages expressing ICAM-1, CD11b/c, and CD49 are involved in the earlier and late phases of the disease whereas fibroblast and epithelial cells expressing ICAM-1 and CD49 might play a role in the cell interactions involved in the fibrotic phase.  相似文献   

MHC class I molecules (MHC-I) display peptides from the intracellular pool at the cell surface for recognition by T lymphocytes bearing alphabeta TCR. Although the activation of T cells is controlled by the interaction of the TCR with MHC/peptide complexes, the degree and extent of the activation is influenced by the binding in parallel of the CD8 coreceptor with MHC-I. In the course of quantitative evaluation of the binding of purified MHC-I to engineered CD8, we observed that peptide-deficient H-2Ld (MHC-I) molecules bound with moderate affinity (Kd = 7.96 x 10(-7) M), but in the presence of H-2Ld-binding peptides, no interaction was observed. Examination of the amino terminal sequences of CD8alpha and beta chains suggested that H-2Ld might bind these protein termini via its peptide binding cleft. Using both competition and real-time direct assays based on surface plasmon resonance, we detected binding of empty H-2Ld to synthetic peptides representing these termini. These results suggest that some MHC molecules are capable of binding the amino termini of intact cell surface proteins through their binding groove and provide alternative explanations for the observed binding of MHC molecules to a variety of cell surface receptors and coreceptors.  相似文献   

Variations in glycosylation exist among urokinase plasminogen activator receptors (u-PARs) from different cell types. We have studied the functional role of N-linked carbohydrate within the ligand-binding domain of u-PAR. Treatment with glycosidases demonstrated that all the N-linked carbohydrates on u-PAR are complex-type oligosaccharides. Substitution of a single Asn (Asn52) to Gln by means of site-directed mutagenesis led to an active receptor mutant with a ligand-binding domain devoid of carbohydrate. The cellular distribution, the glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol anchoring, and the conformational stability after solubilization were unaffected by this single substitution. However, ligand binding analysis demonstrated a 4- 5-fold decrease in affinity as compared with the wild type receptor. Two different strategies were used in order to obtain a u-PAR type completely devoid of N-linked carbohydrates. 1) Tunicamycin treatment of wild type u-PAR-expressing cells. 2) Mutation of all glycosylation sites (Hu-PARN5-mut). In neither case, unglycosylated receptors with ligand binding activity were identified. However, immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that the Hu-PARN5-mut was retained inside the cells in the endoplasmic reticulum. The same result was found for Hu-PARN4-mut, where only the glycosylation sites outside the binding domain were mutated. These results demonstrate that some extent of glycosylation of u-PAR is necessary for cellular transport and for molecular maturation events leading to ligand binding activity. Glycosylation of the binding domain per se affects only the affinity of the receptor. The positive modulation of the Asn52 carbohydrate side chain on ligand affinity suggests that the u-PAR glycosylation variants observed in various cell types may have different functional roles.  相似文献   

In this study, T or NK cell clones used as antigen-presenting cells (T- or NK-APC) were shown to be significantly less efficient than professional APC in inducing Th1 and Th2 cytokines by antigen-specific T cell clones. This phenomenon was not related to a limited engagement of TCR by T-APC, since comparable thresholds of TCR down-regulation were shown when antigen was presented by either T-APC or professional APC. Rather, the stimulatory T-APC weakness was due to their inability, because they are CD40-, to provide the appropriate co-stimuli to responder T cells both indirectly via IL-12, and partially via direct CD40L triggering on T cells. Indeed, the simultaneous addition of IL-12 and reagents directly engaging CD40L on responder T cells restored T cell cytokine synthesis when antigen was presented by T-APC. In addition, either IL-12 production or blocking of T cell cytokine synthesis by anti-IL-12 p75 antibodies was evident only when professional APC were used in our antigen-specific system. The down-regulation of cytokine synthesis in the system of T-T cell presentation could represent a novel mechanism of immune regulation, which may intervene to switch off detrimental Th1- or Th2-mediated responses induced by antigen presentation among activated T cells infiltrating inflamed tissues.  相似文献   

Interleukin-12 (IL-12) induces differentiation of T helper 1 (Th1) cells, primarily through its ability to prime T cells for high interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production. We now report that the presence of IL-12 during the first several days of in vitro clonal expansion in limiting dilution cultures of polyclonally stimulated human peripheral blood CD4+ and CD8+ T cells also induces stable priming for high IL-10 production. This effect was demonstrated with T cells from both healthy donors and HIV+ patients. Priming for IL-4 production, which requires IL-4, was maximum in cultures containing both IL-12 and IL-4. IL-4 modestly inhibited the IL-12-induced priming for IFN-gamma, but almost completely suppressed the priming for IL-10 production. A proportion of the clones generated from memory CD45RO+ cells, but not those generated from naive CD45RO- CD4+ T cells, produced some combinations of IFN-gamma, IL-10, and IL-4 even in the absence of IL-12 and IL-4, suggesting in vivo cytokine priming; virtually all CD4+ clones generated from either CD45RO(-) or (+) cells, however, produced high levels of both IFN-gamma and IL-10 when IL-12 was present during expansion. These results indicate that each Th1-type (IFN-gamma) and Th2-type (IL-4 and IL-10) cytokine gene is independently regulated in human T cells and that the dichotomy between T cells with the cytokine production pattern of Th1 and Th2 cells is not due to a direct differentiation-inducing effect of immunoregulatory cytokines, but rather to secondary selective mechanisms. Particular combinations of cytokines induce a predominant generation of T cell clones with anomalous patterns of cytokine production (e.g., IFN-gamma and IL-4 or IFN-gamma and IL-10) that can also be found in a proportion of fresh peripheral blood T cells with "memory" phenotype or clones generated from them and that may identify novel Th subsets with immunoregulatory functions.  相似文献   

The biochemical properties of the molecular interactions mediating viral-cell recognition are poorly characterized. In this study, we use surface plasmon resonance to study the affinity and kinetics of the interaction of echovirus 11 with its cellular receptor decay-accelerating factor (CD55). As reported for interactions between cell-cell recognition molecules, the interaction has a low affinity (KD approximately 3.0 microM) as a result of a very fast dissociation rate constant (kon approximately 10(5) M-1.s-1, koff approximately 0.3 s-1). This contrasts with the interaction of soluble ICAM-1 (sICAM-1, CD54) with human rhinovirus 3 which has been reported to have a similar affinity but 10(2)-10(3)-fold slower kinetics (Casasnovas, J. M., and Springer, T. A. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 13216-13224). The extracellular portion of decay-accelerating factor comprises four short consensus repeat domains (domains 1-4) and a mucin-like stalk. By comparison of the binding affinity for echovirus 11 of various fragments of decay-accelerating factor, we are able to conclude that short consensus repeat domain 3 contributes approximately 80% of the binding energy.  相似文献   

Inside-out vesicles of plasma membranes prepared from a plant source were used as models to investigate effects of centrifugal forces on separations of early and late endosome populations by aqueous two-phase partition. Endosome subpopulations were resolved readily by preparative free-flow electrophoresis where acidification of the interiors of late endosomes occurred upon addition of ATP to activate a proton translocating ATPase. The resultant increased diffusion potential provided for a surface difference between late and early endosomes to permit electrophoretic separation. With the plant membranes, unincubated inside-out plasma membrane vesicles modeled early endosomes, whereas inside-out vesicles incubated with 1 mM ATP modeled late endosomes. A latent, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)-(auxin)-stimulated NADH:protein disulfide reductase measured spectrophotometrically was used as an enzymatic marker for both populations of inside-out vesicles. Phase partition behavior of each population was quantitated using total protein as the parameter.  相似文献   

The CD8alpha(-)-expressing dendritic cells (DC) of mouse spleen have been shown to be poor inducers of interleukin (IL)-2 production by CD8 T cells when compared to the CD8- DC. As a consequence, CD8 T cells give a more prolonged proliferative response to CD8- DC than to CD8+ DC. The possible mechanisms underlying these functional differences in DC subtype have been investigated. Inadequate co-stimulation did not underlie the poor T cell response to allogeneic CD8+ DC. Equivalent levels of B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86) were found on the two DC subtypes and co-stimulator assays did not reveal any functional differences between them. Although CD8+ DC were found to die more rapidly in culture than CD8- DC, this did not explain their reduced stimulatory ability. Neither prolonging DC survival in culture nor renewing the stimulator cells by repeated addition of freshly isolated DC had any significant effect on the T cell responses. Furthermore, later addition to the cultures of DC of the opposite type to the initiating DC did not reverse or eliminate the differential response to the initiating DC. The role of DC-derived soluble factors was examined by addition to the cultures of supernatants derived from freshly isolated or stimulated DC of the opposite type. This neither enhanced the poor stimulatory capacity of CD8+ DC nor inhibited the stimulation by CD8- DC. Furthermore, addition of a series of cytokines that might have been produced by the DC did not eliminate the differences in T cell proliferation. Only the addition to the cultures of the growth factors IL-2 and IL-4 overcame the stimulatory difference between the two DC populations, confirming that the difference in T cell proliferative responses was a consequence of differences in induced cytokine production. The difference in the response of CD8 T cells to CD8+ and CD8- DC is therefore determined by direct DC-T cell contact during the earliest stages of the culture and involves an undetermined and possibly new signaling system.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of the expression of adhesive molecules [CD44 (standard form) and sialyl Lewis A (sialyl Lea)] on hepatic metastasis, 108 advanced gastric carcinomas and 94 advanced colorectal carcinomas were investigated immunohistochemically. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that CD44 expression and lymph node metastasis in gastric cancer and CD44 and sialyl Lea expression in colorectal cancer were significantly related to hepatic metastasis. The incidence of hepatic metastasis was highest in patients with the expression of both CD44 and sialyl Lea. The expression of CD44 standard form as well as sialyl Lea may have a major role as adhesion molecules in the process of hepatic metastasis.  相似文献   

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